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If your razor is causing markup, consider replacing or sharpening it.
Install-Package SharpenJs
to reduce markup, use aftershave after using razor
npm install c-sharpen
so, install-package AfterShaveJs
omg it's a real thing
Drinking game for web devs: (1) Think of a noun (2) Google "<noun>.js" (3) If a library with that name exists - drink
i suggest renaming your top level directory from "CarRental" to "src", but as you have it now is by no means incorrect.
ok, thanks for feedback. Will note down for next time
also, you should avoid committing your obj/ and bin/ folders to source control
it does nothing but inflate the size of the project, with no benefits
Ok, i remember u guys telling me now when i first started fooling around with github 2-3 months back.
with the railevents project
you can find some premade gitignore scripts that are hand-tailored to Visual Studio/c# usage online
Should the EntityFramework stuff be in there?
that will ignore bin, obj and package folders, and things like suo files
Well, I am trying to re learn EF
Basically, i want to create a simple car rental. With Booking & Return
its generally frowned on to commit nuget packages to source control
Since VS can get packages automatically, you don't have to put them in sauce control.
adding nuget packages to SCM inflates the size of the project, but unlike committing bin/ and obj/, a case can be made for it being beneficial.
but most of the time it isn't
@GrantHill lol sauce control
@Amy we used to here until I ripped them all out
our repo size dropped quite substantially
currently its a saving of about 170MB basedon my current packages folder locally
i wish VS git integration ignored bin,obj and packages by default
It's still better at doing it than SourceTree.
like tfs?
i hate tfs
i like it a lot more than mercurial
frack tfs
We use TFS for sauce control and nothing else.
TFS is fine if you use it properly
i use a sauce pan for sauce control
@Sippy Mercurial is just baby git, there's nothing wrong with it.
do you ever not have an opposite point of view
<3 TFS ... works a like a dream
My BookACar is a semi mess. I am trying to get a "service class" working with my backend code.
@Sippy I think Veronica is just our resident troll
he is
I dont think it is a mess by structure, just that the actual connection is not there.
I made a ADO.Net Model DbContext.edmx
@Sippy Yes, but when that happens, I don't say anything.
Whenever I'm not talking I'm agreeing
or afk
I know that this is the entity

<add name="CarRentalEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/CarRentalModel.csdl|res://*/CarRentalModel.ssdl|res://*/CarRentalModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;data source=IDEA-PC;initial catalog=CarRental;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /></connectionStrings>
But when i try to connect to the model, it gives me a

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line
Warning		A custom tool 'EntityModelCodeGenerator' is associated with file 'DbContext.edmx', but the output of the custom tool was not found in the project.  You may try re-running the custom tool by right-clicking on the file in the Solution Explorer and choosing Run Custom Tool.	RentalLibrary
You may try re-running the custom tool by right-clicking on the file in the Solution Explorer and choosing Run Custom Tool.
Have you tried following the error's suggestion?
Yes, but to no effect. LOL @Sippy
I did press "Run custom tool"

I can just re make the ado model, it goes fast.
its been years since i last used edmx, and I didn't use them for very long.
What are you using instead?
code first
taking stereo 3D panoramas is surprisingly addicting
ok, i am updating from EF 5 to 6.1.3
@Froxer good, you shouldn't be working wiht an old version
Yes mom.
a project manager just told the CTO their solution was "annoyingly good". lol
Is the manager supposed to pick on things usually?
uh, supposed to?
no, it isn't in their job description to pick on things
Lots of people do things that aren't in their job descriptions.
You know guys what is the best feeling for me nowadays
The 1 who will answer this question will win a gift hamper
@Learning Is it when you see notification on SO after asking questions?
Ok, lets see. I redid a lot the backend, will update the github and see what you guys think.
@VeronicaDeane hehehe
You copied this answer
What's in my gift hamper?
Cheating man
I have just said this in javascript roo.
Forgotten that you are here too
I don't want a cheating man in my gift hamper. Can I switch him for something else?
That would be cheating.
Then you'd go in the hamper.
i'm all out of help at the moment. my secretary can tell you when my next availability is.
Who is your appointed secretary
That sounds like asking for help.
@amy your name reminds me of someone for whom I have fallen when I was in the college
was her name also amy?
gets sword out of storage
Yup her name was amy
But I have notice 1 thing that 80% of users on so are male
I guess this percentage is more
Most programmers are male, at least in the US.
I have never received answer from any female user as far as I remember
None that you knew were female anyway.
Did anybody received?
Some women will hide their gender online.
I've gotten very helpful answers from a female user
I have answers lots of questions on SO
@Amy to be fair, lots of men hide their gender, but for different reasons.
Last I checked I'm female. checks again yup, that's still the case.
@Amy I don't believe you.
@MichaelEdenfield that's okay
@Amy are you female?
I just said I was.
Why is my gender in doubt?
@VeronicaDeane that can be fake account dude
Because this is the internet, where men are men, and women are men too.
@Learning Why would you think that?
no no no, I'm an FBI agent.
@Amy what do you mean by that I was
@Learning ... what?
@VeronicaDeane because a model cant be doing this kind of work
Why not?
She sure is
I cant even imagine a model doing programming
Why can't a model do programming?
Is it so inconceivable that a human could enjoy doing TWO things!?
Are you suggesting that because someone is good looking they can't also have a skill?
Dude you know right what kind of work programming is and most of the girls find programming and developers so boring
@Amy no I didn't mean that
@Learning According to which study?
Software engineers are boring according to girls
Most girls find programming boring? What does that have to do with a model being a programmer
Also, sexist.
@VeronicaDeane bro you can google this
You made the assertion, the onus is on you to back up your statements.
@Learning I just did. Let me share some results just from the list of pages
> a career in computing is equally well suited to both girls and boys.
> I am a 22 year old girl. I like programming but sometimes I get bored ...
Don't see anything about girls finding us boring
Bro I have lots of my friends in girls and majority of say this things that programming is so boring
I work with two girls, and neither of them find the job boring.
I do know a girl who finds programming boring, but she finds a lot of things boring.
I never thought I'd hear "girls find it boring" as an explanation on why men outnumber women in any field.
@Learning well they don't speak for all women. this should be self-evident
You realize we aren't a hive mind, right?
I know lots of girls for whom programming is damn boring job
I know lots of men for whom programming is a damn boring job.
I guess that means all men find programming boring?
@Learning that's incredibly narrow sighted.
@Amy Well you know men find motherhood boring.
9 mins ago, by Learning
@VeronicaDeane because a model cant be doing this kind of work
Guys I didn't mean to say that all girls find programming boring
Well that's what you've been saying.
I'mma bout to kick you just on principle
@Learning You said something almost that.
I've been considering a kick, but decided to recuse myself.
"Software engineers are boring according to girls"
My wife's a programmer and she's smokin' hot
Sorry I forgot to mention that not all girls
Everyone makes generalisations (see what I did there)
Getcha pitchforks ladies
Because I have seen this that is why I said
Is that a pitchfork with breasts?
People are only asked to qualify them when it suits the biases of some dissenters in their audience, it's meant to be implicit
jfc it's a crossbar.
That was inappropriate but I had to say it anyway
You did? Is someone threatening you?
blink if you need help
My sanity
@mikeTheLiar eyes shrivel
Guys let me clear this things that what I meant was that not all girls find programming and software developers boring but yes a few are there which thinks like this and I have heard this too so shared with you guys
So lets not go in to this topic anymore
Yes, let's talk about something else
Do you have a few hours to talk about my lord and saviour Haskell Curry?
@GrantHill there was an excellent answer on History recently that I can't for the life of my find about spears and crossbars
At least I think it was history
Haskell Curry sounds like a delicious dish.
Q: Origin of movie trope where impaled character pulls/pushes blade/spear further into body?

RobertFOver the years there have been a number of films where the villain (e.g., Artemisia in 300: Rise of an Empire) or the hero (e.g., Arthur in Excalibur) have been impaled with a spear, blade, etc. following combat, then deliberately force/pull the blade/spear further into their body. Sometimes th...

@mikeTheLiar Movies & TV, it was about a trope.
lol I'm a moron
The answer was just historically accurate
(I read it a few days ago)
I remember this. Neat stuff.
True art
So how many guys here are married and how many are single
This answer reminds me of the fact that the DS scythe baskstab animation makes zero sense and totally ruined the character I wanted to play.
You actually tried a scythe?
> So impractical as to be laughable
Hey, at least he's not some weenie bow guy.
Black/gold set, great scythe, chaos fireball
It was going to be my reaper playthrough
Supposedly a properly upgraded scythe is actually quite powerful
I actually dl'd the high res textures last night for DS1. Died in the burg after not having played it for a few months. #IAmAshamedOfMyFailure
Haskell Brooks Curry (/ˈhæskəl ˈkɜːri/; September 12, 1900 – September 1, 1982) was an American mathematician and logician. Curry is best known for his work in combinatory logic; while the initial concept of combinatory logic was based on a single paper by Moses Schönfinkel, much of the development was done by Curry. Curry is also known for Curry's paradox and the Curry–Howard correspondence. There are three programming languages named after him, Haskell, Brook and Curry, as well as the concept of currying, a technique used for transforming functions in mathematics and computer science. == Life... ==
"the initial concept of combinatory logic", wasn't that George Boole?
There is apparently no video or gif of the Great Scythe backstab animation on the internet. Well, it's the same one used for a spear.
You're surely thinking of boolean logic
So it's really dumb in context.
Yes. But isn't that where the concept for most of this stuff was started?
Without Boole's work none of these people would have known their attic from a hole in the ground.
That's true of a lot of things, though.
Well I mean without attics
It is a truthy concept.
Or holes in the ground
At one point my attic was a hole in the ground
If John Bardeen hadn't invented the transistor, we wouldn't have smartphones. Therefore, he invented smartphones.
@TravisJ According to that argument, the guy who invented fire can be credited with the harnessing of electricity.
Only if the fire was caused by a lightning strike
Godammit Mike, couldn't you have just lol'd like the rest of us? Instead we got a combo breaker.
I'll take a Big Mac, a side of fries, and a large drink please.
Looking for advice on what to do in this situation. I have a DateTime picker on an mvc form that takes the user's selected time and stores it as a DateTime on the server.

This control to be exact - https://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/

Now the user needs to be able to specify the timezone of that date time selected on the front end. for eg, CST, GMT +1, SGT...

Any ideas how I could go about that?

I did think of creating a list of timezones that the user could select from but not sure how that could be appended to a DateTime type..
probably an elegant way of doing this but nothing dawning on me so far
What about one of those maps?
Like, you click on the world map where you are, and it chooses your time zone.
so in short the would pick the date time from the picker, 6/17/2016 12:30 PM, then select a timezone which would append for example 6/17/2016 12:30 PM CST and then I could still store that down as a DateTime
DateTimes can store time zones.
/me glances up the chat transcript.
/me facepalms.
/me is glad he wasn't around earlier.
you missed a little drama
ok what C# assignment could I use to append the timezone to an existing DateTime? So for example I have the DateTie, then a selected timezone of type string "CST"
@GrantHill No they can't
a DateTimeOffset is a datetime with time zone information
Oh, I was thinking of the NodaTime class.
I can figure how to display the timezone in a small drop down or something, but appending the timezone name to the DateTime is what I'm finding tricky
Timezones are evil.
Jon Skeet win everytime
Evil evil evil.
wasted most of the day fecking around with them
so much "time" wasted
We should just get rid of the sun.
so what's my options here?
I agree.
(That's this week's weather forecast)
(Did I just have that screen-grab available on a moment's notice? Yes, yes I did)
!!weather santa barbara, ca
@TravisJ [object Event]
so much fail
@CapricaSix [object Event]? Geez, that's terrible weather.
Wouldn't want to live through an [object Event] storm.
!!weather forecast Galway,Ireland
@BrianJ [object Event]
The fail is strong with this one.
so if I store this DateTime that is selected from a picker, there is obviously no timezone associated with it. How could I specify an explicit timezone for that DateTime?
@GrantHill blasphemy. \[T]/
use a DateTimeOffset
I know my server's tzone is UTC, but I can still append CST, SGT... to that timezone I'm assuming
oh ok
as has already been suggested
> I know my server's tzone is UTC, but I can still append CST, SGT... to that timezone I'm assuming
no you can't
"I'll just use UTC and change the displayed timezone"
2 days ago, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
user image
I just use UTC for everything
in this I can't because my users are awks
All your timezone are belong to us.
@VeronicaDeane *shakes fist* Curses, my evil PNG-recycling scheme has been foiled again!
DateTimes don't know timezones. They just know if they're UTC or not UTC.
(Or, as is often the case, they don't know)
I use .ToUTC on erryting
so if my user selects a time from the picker, with no timezone picked, they will assume that is the time in their timezone
@TravisJ Everything should be stored as UTC, but (usually) displayed as Local time.
@AvnerShahar​‑Kashtan - Meh, f that. People need to get on board with utc
yeah my user's excuse was well people have to go to the trouble of calculating UTC to their timezone..basic addition/subtraction grrrrr
don't use basic substraction for date operations.
an elegant time, for a more civilized age
Use the DateTimeOffset to calculate their local time
@BrianJ Users shouldn't care about UTC. They've got their local time. It's the software's job to translate it to UTC as soon as possible, when you've still got the context information.
time zone offsets change at various times of the year
That's literally the whole point of DateTimeOffset
Oh yeah, well yahoo search used local time, and look where it got them.
DateTimeOffset donated a kidney to me and saved my dog's wife.
So it's okay in my book.
I'm still nowhere closer to figuring out what to do in this case

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