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var userCount = GetAllUsersInSystem().count;
@RyanTernier no, i mean, what reporting tool? crystal? devx? activereports? SSRS? custom?
eww black rainbows
Nothing like that, just need the best way to query the DB for data, and put the results out. NOthing fancy like that is needed yet.
personally, for reports I almost always go for stored procs.
because reports often have bizarre and atypical data requirements.
same, if the data is "big" or "complicated" enough
the kind of thing code logic is not built for.
lots of summaries and pivoting and aggregates and such.
we have one system where the reports are generated using EF queries. and every single one of those queries causes problems.
we've had to rewrite them 4-5 times each to avoid deadlocks, timeouts, etc. 100000000% not worth it.
Visual Studio 2015 doesn't really support git submodules, does it?
like, when you need to switch branch on a submodule
plus, report requirements often change on a different schedule than business requirements; stored procs are easier to "hot fix"
@Squiggle I don't think so, at least not natively in the UI.
yeah. Thought as much :(
it doesn't... not many tools do
only tortoise, as far as I know
I hate git submodules in general... but I do use VS2015 to work with my SE-Chatbot, which uses submorules.
and it's always a mess.
indeed - but they're the right solution in quite a few cases!
sure. in some cases.
largely cases where you never need to modify the code in them :)
We've got an Angular UI that we include inside aspnet and Cordova apps
my problem was trying to branch a repo that uses submodules, then branch the submodule rope, then get my branched parent to use my branch submodule
is there any cleaner way to achieve this?
submodules probably works well for you there.
as long as the submodule is "read-only"
but if you find yourself wanting to work on the submodule within the parent repo and push changes back up, at least in my experience, that's where my git-fu fell apart
I have a weir/silly question. Is editing the .cs file using like notepad ++ is exactly the same as opening with vs and so on correct? for simple things there's not the need in opening the project, or do we always need to open it to build/rebuild after the changes?
@Mr.Toxy If you're not using TFS, it should work the same.
@Mr.Toxy assuming you build the changes somewhere, sure.
@VeronicaDeane but taking the DLL example, once we change something in the code we need to rebuild it again, if I just edit the .cs that will still work correctly even tho I didn't rebuild the class?
changing the source won't change the behavior unless you build a new binary.
You have to rebuild regardless of what editor you're using, including VS
of course not. you execute the binary, not the code.
hmmm I see
you can do that without visual studio.
but you need to do it somewhere.
If you don't build via VS, your next best option is probably the commandline
you can code C# using notepad if you wanted.
you'd be crazy to want to.
you can build via visual stuidio, or via msbuild, or via csc.exe directly if you're really mental.
well notepad ++ is a fancy version of notepad :p
or via nant, or tfsbuild
Visual Studio is a fancy version of notepad + windbg
way fancier
IntelliSense is a fancy version of what?
That's like saying a house is a fancy version of an umbrella
hahah xD
@Mr.Toxy autocomplete
it is. umbrella -> lean-to -> tent -> hut -> house
and umbrella is a fancier version of a cart box
where do thatched-roof cottages fit?
I will Learn Cow programming language
MOO Moo MoO moo
Good idea. Growth industry.
I'll create a cow caller app
Genius. You should focus all of your efforts on that.
for shepherds
Now that's insane.
Shepherds don't even have cows
yes they do
They have sheep
in africa and so on, India
it's still called shepherd right?
not enough cowbell
they also have goats
my hair stylist is a goat farmer.
goats are awesome
!!define shepherd
@mikeTheLiar shepherd A person who tends sheep, especially a grazing flock.
@Amy goats are a handful
My dad used to have goats
shepherd is only for sheep? so how do you call a person that doe the same but with goats?
a goat herder
that sound's weird
"shep" is a shortening of "sheep"
!!define goatherd
ok I'll call them Goherders
@mikeTheLiar goatherd A person who tends goats.
Han Solo was a nerfherder
I've always been curious about that line
wow didn't even knew that word existed hahaha thought that shepherd worked for everything
Because it almost sounds like she says "nerve hurter"
Which makes sense in context
Nothing in Star Wars movies or EU explains what a nerf is.
I'm wondering if that's a retcon though
Like she actually said "nerve hurter" but nerfherder was funny
hey, no using facts to prove me wrong.
no, I'm pretty sure the script says Nerf Herder
yeah, it was never "nerve"
I asked over in Mos Eisley but they're busy talking about Trump apparently
there lies the answer
I thought that existed a stack exchange for star wars
yeah that's a better one
lol the people in the movies chat room are the same people in the sci fi chat room
Plus @MichaelEdenfield
the movies chat room is pretty empty, usually.
mos eisley is a horrible place to be lately
I was in there 24/7 for pretty much all of 2015. Now I stay out on purpose.
Wretched hive of scum and villainy
was 1/2 expecting it to implode after the last election shenanigans, but they've kept things in check pretty well.
Was that the one with the DVK drama?
yes, among others.
including the drama that basically prompted a network-wide rule change
Elaborate pls
Or just point me to a meta post
please re-enact it theatrically
using hand puppets
Ooh ooh ooh or interpretive dance!
Q: 2016 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonScience Fiction & Fantasy's fourth moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 2 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! Ple...

compare and contrast
Yeah I noticed that on puzzling as well.
well c ya tomorrow
have a rest of a good day
you are no longer allowed to stand for election if you're suspended somewhere within the past year.
because our election discussion basically devolved into a bunch of puizzling regulars, who had 0 interest in a SF/F election, coming over to bitch.
and the fallout when he got elected was not pretty.
What did he do on puzzling anyway? I thought it was something to do with promoting his own site
totally distracted from what should have been a focus on new moderators
in 2016 Science Fiction & Fantasy Moderator Election on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Jan 31 at 19:59, by Gilles

There is a realistic chance that rand al'thor will be elected moderator of Science Fiction & Fantasy, a position of responsibility for which he is clearly not fit.

On Puzzling, I had the misfortune of witnessing rand al'thor's behavior. Not only was he part of a clique who bullied the people who disagreed with them off the site, but he was a specialist of using underhanded tactics and being two-faced — looking good in one venue while pouring out hate in another. That second aspect is what concerns me.
something like that. he runs (ran?) his own site that posts original puzzles. and he would repost them on puzzling.se and attribute the source, as one should.
A: 2016 Community Moderator Election Results

user56Congratulations to Null. Since I do not trust rand al'thor as a moderator, I have requested the deletion of my account. To the Science Fiction & Fantasy community: so long, and thanks for all the fish. — Gilles a.k.a. user56

Keen also resigned as a moderator and quit.
it was ugly.
I left the chat room to avoid the drama. looks like it died down fast and people are mostly back to normal, though.
perhaps the drama uses a fuel that disappeared when you left. are you a fuel source?
the dvk thing was all my fault.
hmmm when performing an update to a table in SQL if I don't commit in the end is there the chance that the field wont be updated?
@Mr.Toxy did you begin a transaction?
if you begin a transaction and don't commit, there's a 100% chance the field won't be updated.
@MichaelEdenfield nope I was told no to use transactions for this part
if you don't use a transaction, sql does one implicitly, but also commits it implicitly, so unless you get an error you should be good
the thing is that when I do the select to the DB to see the changes in the end, all the 3 fields have the same version, but when I do the lookup for the version in the program, some of them appear with a different version
@Amy I left there and came here and so far no one's quit or been suspended or shut the chatroom down for 3 days, so I don't think its me.
i propose we clone @MichaelEdenfield and place him in random chatrooms, and observe the results.
works for me.
how are the elections made in SO?
people self-nominate.
if there's more than 10, you have a primary to narrow it down
then everyone votes for their 1st/2nd/3rd choice
and the results are run through MeekSTV
when was the last SO moderator election?
I don't know how anyone can reasonably vote for SO mods, there's so many people.
probably they end up being the same over and over again
people are mods for life.
since people will vote on who they know and trust
they only have elections when they need more, or someone steps down
on the current list of SO mods I only recognize one name
mods for a life?
how does one make a living out of moderating a stack exchange site?
!!google how does one make a living out of moderating a stack exchange site?
what? no one said they're paid
(they aren't paid)
oh he ment they are mods forever?
so TFS is DBZ now?
@MichaelEdenfield November - with the runners up being called up in March...
i'm so glad DBZ isn't real. one guy, able to blow up a planet by looking at it funny.
Gurren Lagann is the same, with robots throwing galaxies at each other.
though...for all the times they try to blow up the world, they never manage it
so...guys that can blow up the world, but are so incompetent they can't actually do it.
that's the best Trump commercial i've ever seen.
@ginkner they manage to blow up a couple of planets (Namek, Earth twice, and IIRC the Kai's world), but it's always undone by magic
magic without friendship, how scandalous.
I know right?
no, earth once. misremembered Cell's arc.
A bit off topic... In Transact SQL, is there a way when performing a union between two SELECTs to determine if an ID is on both and set a flag?
So let's say you have this union:
select * from
(select e.employeeId, d.reasonId, 'D' as Type from Employee e
	join  TableD d on e.employeeID = d.employeeID
	where (d.reasonId = 7 and d.isComplete = 0)
select e.employeeId, a.reasonId, 'A' as Type from Employee e
	join TableA at on e.employeeID = a.employeeId
	where (a.reasonId = 7 and a.isComplete = 0)) t
Produces this data:
| employeeID | Type |
|     101    |    D |
|     101    |    A |
|     103    |    D |
|     104    |    D |
|     104    |    A |
|     108    |    A |
|     119    |    D |
But need this instead:
| employeeID | Type  |
|     101    |   D/A |
|     103    |    D  |
|     104    |   D/A |
|     108    |    A  |
|     119    |    D  |
do a full outer join instead of a union.
or, you can wrap your existing query inside another query, where you do a groupby
but the full outer join would be shorter.
Prefer shorter code :)
How would it check on both tables to ensure the ID is there?
join on the ID.
the full outer join will mean if its missing from either table, it will still show up in the result set.
Hmm, will have to experiment some to figure it out. Never used full outer join
first get the join working with each Type showing up in separate columns (so you have a result set with 3 columns). then refactor it so you combine the two columns into one using CONCAT
C#seems to take more from C++ than it does from C
Thanks, Amy :)
Off to do some SQL...
select e.employeeId, d.reasonId, d.Type, e.Type
from Employee e
full outer join TableD d on e.employeeID = d.employeeID
where d.reasonId = 7 and d.isComplete = 0 and e.reasonId = 7 and e.isComplete = 0
or something like that, anyway
I'm sorry guys
sorry for?
Now sober for the past 7 days
Eww, .SequenceEqual takes an IEqualityComparer and not a function?
hm, dunno why
i assume there's a good reason.
I wonder if it needs to GetHashCode for some reason.
lol love that answer
> I am tempted to say "because".
I may know this
At least there's a delegate equality comparer class
or method
I don't remember
@GrantHill - It always needs to GetHashCode.
@TravisJ Sure. Sometimes I get to work and get a few hash codes myself to warm up.
SequenceEqual seems wasteful, though. Kids these days.
@GrantHill - If you don't use a custom GetHashCode then it just returns a pointer basically.
Sure, but why does it need to use GetHashCode? Shouldn't it be using the .Equals method I give it?
So the comparisons will be done based on if the objects were created with the same variable reference than if the objects are actually the same.
@TravisJ I was wondering about that the other day. Does it cache that pointer value?
Because the GC can move stuff around.
@VeronicaDeane - Erm. hmm. You got me.
I don't know :(
How could I have forgotten about pointerpointer?
@mikeTheLiar - lol that is a cool site
The GetHashCode seems unnecessary. I could see SequenceEqual wanting a GetHashCode if there wasn't a .Equals function to call, but there it is, on the same interface.
@GrantHill - Usually when you override Equal you override GetHashCode
I can't imagine how GHC would be helpful for SequenceEqual
@VeronicaDeane That's what I'm saying, but that's what it wants.
I woulda been happy if it took a function, but some people just want to watch the world define new classes.
I almost smiled when I read that (haven't finished coffee yet)
Bonus for the clever AsEnumerable implementation.
msft loves enumeration
Have you seen their OS naming convention?
XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10?
you forgot 95,98,2000
Aside from counting in what is clearly a one off error, they seem to prefer numbers.
Well, numbers are pretty good for counting.
I think it is funny that so much legacy code used .IndexOf("Windows 9") to check for Win95 or Win98 that they had to use Windows 10.
@GrantHill I only count in wingding
Fixing it all would have cost them an arm and a legacy.
a ha!
@TravisJ Is that actually a fact, or an urban legend?
@VeronicaDeane - It's fact. I has seen it in teh source
the source is dark and full of errors
the sauce is dank and full of memes
Well written
i just remembered why I turned Code Analysis off 3 years ago
help my code is throwing an error i need a fix pls hlp
Have you tried more semicolons?
Or fewer
Try LINQ to Semicolons.
Maybe try upgrading to full colons
Or sanitizing them?
@mikeTheLiar Good thinking. Can't hurt.
i sanitized my semicolons with a wet-wipe
but still get error
Is that a plugin?
This is what's known as a "clean" of your solution
Try rebuilding from the ground up
Yeah, and then run
@Amy that's your problem. it makes the code wet, which fries the CPU when it goes into it.
Try turning it off
Is there a way to get the name of a method like:
string methodName = Method;

Insult it's shoe
@Nathvi nameof
Tell your code that design pattern makes it look fat
@Nathvi typeof(owningtype).GetMethod(methodname).Name
@Amy, @VeronicaDeane, thanks!
Once it's fully turned off try turning it back on again
Some flowers, a nice dinner and a back rub. Maybe some mood music. See where you're at then.
the error i'm getting is "not dank enough"
@Amy you're going to need to acquire some rare pepes.
Have you tried believing in yourself?
Contact the hacker 4chan
I'm going to regret clicking this aren't I
its safe
Only that you didn't click it sooner.
I don't want to have to know the name of the method ahead of time to get it... :o
Only if you regret making good decisions.

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