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@BrianJ Strings are the least sortable way to store a datetime.
Wait what
Why are DateTimes not sortable?
They're IComparable so I don't know what the problem is
How are you filling your DataTables? Are you using DataSets to pull the data from the DB?
it seems they aren't or else it's stemming from something else, I'll post a screengrab of that collum
DataTable is used t fill the table
Brian J when you say DataTable, do you mean .NET datatable or jQuery Datatable
jquery DataTable
that is an important detail
Lol Grady Booch and Jeff Atwood are bickering on twitter
This is the issue I'm getting at, notice the sorting of UpdatedTime
are you using server side or client side processing
Jeff made some comment along the lines of "what do IBM actually do?"
Grady: "loads of stuff"
dd/mm/yyyy = ewwww
@TomW jeopardy robots, mainly
I'm feeding in the data from my controller ad sorting in the jquery on the view
For the designer of the world's premier tool for enabling architects to do no actual work at all, I am not the slightest bit surprised
Basically this is the sort code, I could have sworn it worked perfect earlier today
var historyTable = $('#escalation').DataTable({
"order": [[6, "desc"]],
buttons: [
'copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'
"sSwfPath": "../Content/dataTables/swf/copy_csv_xls.swf"
@BrianJ if you use server side processing, you could handle your sorting in C# which would be way easier.
ok that is an option
now that I know it's not a formatting thing, gonna pass it this instead of parsing
            escalation.UpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
other than that I think the hangup is that datatables doesn't understand your crazy dd/mm/yyyy format
any suggestions on how I could sort on the server side?
at least that is my guess
you could just use linq
.OrderBy(x => x.Timestamp) or whatever your date property/field is called
process server side, display as Dumb as can be UI side
Dunno, a dumb client-side datatable should be sortable without having to hit the server for every operation.
Assuming paging and such aren't an issue.
@BrianJ another option is to use data attributes
Good point - you always want it one way server side, let the client side update that sort
In my MVC view I have a foreach loop that will create multiple checkBoxFor Ajax.ActionLink()s

I'll need to handle the Ajax.ActionLinks()s "checked" event within a script. but I wont be able to reference the Ids on which checkbox was checked, since these are being produced by the foreach loop.

what do I need to do, since I cant use IDs? would a class work? or will i cause problems if I call $('.mycheckbox').change(function()) where multiple elements have the same class?

if you could add data-order attributes to your datetime <td> elements, and use the seconds from epoch as the data-order attribute value
@foreach(var foo in Model)
<td data-order="@foo.Time.ToUnixTimeSeconds()">@foo.MyWeirdAssDateField</td>
Happy pi o'clock!
I forget how to make that pretty
I thought the reason my date wasn't sorting is because of the month/day order
Is that not it?
I'll try your suggestion @Jakotheshadows
@BrianJ did you find evidence to the contrary? I've certainly said nothing to indicate that it is no longer the case
nope I think that is the reason
it was expecting en.us format
@BrianJ let me know how that works for you
not gonna lie, jquery datatables is pretty freakin' glorious
what's a jquery and why is it ruining my life
yep I thought the sorting was working until the date changed from May to June
codeman, I have no idea why jquery is ruining your life. Perhaps you'd like to elaborate on that yourself
@BrianJ you tried my suggestion and it didn't work?
show your view model / table razor if it isn't working
@Codeman cuz you need moar jquery
@Jakotheshadows gonna take a quick sower and come back
if jQuery is getting you down, you need to apply more jQuery.
apply directly to forehead
jQueryOn. Apply directly to the forehead.
@Amy what happens if you have elements with the same ID or class. and 1 Javascript OnClick / "Checked" function that is tied to that ID/class?

will the function only run for the element that was actually clicked?
apply jquery to Panini for easy delivery
@Michael you shouldn't have multiple elements with the same ID. try to fix that
it will attach your onclicked handler to each element that matches your CSS selector
@Amy Well the problem is that I am producing an arbitrary amount of elements in a foreach loop with razor.

So Idk how to make the script able to unqiuely identity the element, since they are produced at runtime?
switch to a for loop and append the index to the end of each ID
do you need to know the item for a mapping? or just for the click handler?
But then my script.. how do I specify which element in the selector?
why do you need to track the item past putting it in the dom?
consider $(selector).on('change', handler); this code.. it is really doing this:
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).forEach( element => {
element.addEventListener('change', handler);
@Michael use a CSS class to find them instead of using ID
just make up a reasonable sounding CSS class.
it doesn't have to actually exist in the CSS stylesheets anywhere
:P it's a fun name
Okay, but then how do you know which one the checked event came from?
the element that emitted the event is passed into the handler.
@Michael inside of the handler (in jQuery) the element is passed, and this will always refer to the calling scope
IIRC its the first parameter to the handler. but double check that
okay will give that a try
that way you can attach the same handler to hundreds of elements, yet the handler can tell exactly what element emitted the event.
hayfever and jQuery is getting me down @Amy :(
@Jakotheshadows is there a way I could change the DateTime.UtcNow to be in format month/day/year hr/min/sec?
That might fix the sorting
and that was what I was trying earlier
All the data is test at the moment so I could start with a fresh data set using the correct format
You're asking me if you can change the .NET implementation of a built-in struct method?
don't use a plugin
so the reason I'm getting that date format now is my culture, en-UK
@BrianJ UtcNow doesn't have a format... it's just two numbers. You choose what format you want when you convert it to a string
no, you can't change the format of UtcDate. you can change the format it gets formatted into
show me what you tried with the data-order attribute
@MichaelEdenfield IIRC, it's actually one number ;)
so what's a good resolution in this case?
yeah, ticks since the epoch
@BrianJ data-order attribute. What did you try. Show code.
I thought datetime was a double that was days and seconds as whole/decimal part?
It needs to be in UTC that's a must, but it seems my sorting doesn't work because of the date format
ok I'll try your above code
you didn't even try it yet?!?!
might be easier
Why are you trying to sort dates as strings?
just sort them as dates
nope I had to have a shower, my hayfever is killing me slowly
sort dates as strings? hmm
@BrianJ they don't know what you're trying to do
stored as a 62 bit integer and 2 bit flag packed into a 64bit int
ok I'm getting side tracked trying it
I might be thinking of SQL DATETIME
Guys, he's trying to sort these dates on the client side in jQuery Datatables, not in C#
He could sort them in C#, but he must have reason not to if he's avoiding it
@KendallFrey because javascript? I dunno
ok @Jakotheshadows my table is generated differently than your code as it creates all the collumns not one by one
@BrianJ that is why I said show me your razor markup and your view model
pasted in link above, getting vm now
oh god
you're using the System.Data.Datatable AND jQuery datatables
why not use a proper view model and a generic collection type?
stop using System.Data.DataTable at once!
@Jakotheshadows I get what he's doing. But somewhere along the line he's converting the DateTime values into a string, and he's specifying a format (or allowing it to use the default format) when he does so.
that's where he needs to make his fix.
ok as I said open to better suggestions
@BrianJ do you know which cells have dates in them when you build your view?
ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") instead of ToString()
nope not sure there
I'll post a better gist
@BrianJ I strongly suggest you use a better type than System.Data.Datatable, like List<ViewModelType>
ok could that potentially be causing the sorting issue then?
well it would prevent you from having to make casts in your view because your model type could theoretically be anything, and would allow you to catch more errors at compile time
it could potentially be causing an infinite number of issues
then your ViewModelType would have the correct field/property types and you could invoke methods on those types in your view without having to cast first
Docs for jquery datatables indicate that dates are a bit of a shit to deal with
ok yeah I figured that now
working on a gist
They suggest a hidden column formatted as ticks
ok that could work
any link?

Use that to get number of seconds since the epoch and use it as your data-order attribute. First, however, do like I said and ditch the System.Data.Datatable in favor of a List<ViewModel> with a proper datetime field. Then you can use a string property which gets the seconds from epoch in your data-order attribute and display using the DateTime.ToString()
you're really gimping yourself with that System.Data.Datatable
ok I'm up for that change, delaying the inevitable otherwise
so..where do I start here
This also paves the way for server-side processing linq-pwnage, should you choose to pursue that path
change the return to List<Escalation>
and bind to that?
Show your controller code?
what is a common variable name for storing $(this)?
ok I was thinking, gonna need to change read back of data too
var element = $(this)?
var $this = $(this)?
posting in a sec
var vm = $this;
@juanvan vm?
using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand))
Change where it says dt.Load(dataReader) to loop on while(dataReader.Read())
Is there a way to see the commands that a VS publish operation is going to execute or just the state of the file system?
and read the values into your view model
var myViewCollection = new List<Escalation>();
ok here is the controller for reference
making that change now
myViewCollection.Add(new Escalation
//read in the properties here
I forget how to format code in chat -.-
ok going good so far
@Jakotheshadows Ctrl+K
@mikeTheLiar thx
T_T can't edit it anymore
yep, edits timeout after 2 minutes or so
bit unsure of how I should be reading back the datetime
shouldn't need to convert it as it's a date time already on the db?
maybe this
yours is better actually..no cast
GetDateTime is a function, not an array indexer
@Amy yeah, god that would be nice though
why's that
to be able to just dataReader.GetDateTime["ColumnName"]
some invalid args
expecting int
@BrianJ I told you how to do it
                            UpdatedTime = dataReader.GetDateTime(dataReader.GetOrdinal["UpdatedTime"]),
I told you wrong
My bad bro
GetOrdinal is also a function, not an indexer xD
ok makes sense
escHistory.Add(new Escalation
Application = dataReader["Application"].ToString(),
EM = dataReader["EM"].ToString(),
status = dataReader["status"].ToString(),
ProblemStatement = dataReader["ProblemStatement"].ToString(),
Impact = dataReader["Impact"].ToString(),
UpdatedTime = dataReader.GetDateTime(dataReader.GetOrdinal("UpdatedTime")),
UpdatedBy = dataReader["UpdatedBy"].ToString(),

now onto the controller :)
is it possible for any of those columns to be null? if so, every line can throw a NullReferenceException
our battle is just beginning...
thats true
it's in a try..catch and none allow nulls
in the db
can come back to that later
okay if none allow nulls you should be good
on second thought EM can be null
dataReader["EM"] != null ? dataReader["EM"].ToString() : ""
Ok so that should be good, onto the controller
so that's edited now in the controller..returning the List<Escalation> instead of the DataTable
and there was much rejoicing
@Jakotheshadows can you advise on binding the list in this case?
assuming it's not much different
The list gods will be appeased
binding the list? are you posting to it?
what do you mean by binding
oh I mean creating the table from this list
oh yeah
@foreach(namespace.Escalation item in Model)
     @*and so on...*@
I need to point the view to @Model List<Escalation> too right?
Yes, you will need to change the type for the view.
it will most likely look more like @Model List<namespace.Escalation>
that's that
isn't that so much nicer than dicking around with a System.Data.Datatable?
datatables suck
yep I'm pretty new to mvc
they suck panini, they suck at life
learning as I go, didn't get given much time to watch any tuts on it
fair enough. I recommend Adam Freeman's books on it
so the above will create the header of the table?
he taught me
no, the above was for the data
the <tr><td>asdlajl;aj;j</td></tr>
thats the <tbody>
yep I'm planning to, going to own the application soon so wan't to engineer it nice like
your <thead> can most likely stay exactly the same
unless you were using column names from the Datatable
@foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in Model.Columns)
<th style="font-size: 12px; border-right: 1px solid #7591ac; ">@col.Caption</th>
<th style="font-size: 12px; border-right: 1px solid #7591ac; ">Details</th>
<th style="font-size: 12px; border-right: 1px solid #7591ac; ">Delete</th>
but instead it will be
@foreach(namespace.Escalation item in Model)
ok let me set the table up, and go onto the date sorting
will need help with that
one step at a time
for that you can do
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.First().PropertyName)
just model.PropertyName
and then decorate the property in your view model (Escalation iirc) with [DisplayName("This looks more presentable than a legal property name most of the time")]
the model (lower-cased 'm') is one Escalation from the collection, so no First() needed
maybe you meant capital M?
@Amy maybe, you're probably right
I'll edit it
the M/m thing is confusing.
woops, too late
so to summarize, use
<th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.PropertyName</th>
then, decorate the property in your model with
[DisplayName("Friendly Display Name Here")]
nearly there with table definition
[DisplayName("Friendly Display Name Here")]
public DateTime PropertyName { get; set; }
think my loop is wrong here
@foreach (ESCALATION.Web.Models.Escalation item in Model)

<td style="font-size:11px">@item.EM</td>
<td style="font-size:11px">@item.Application</td>
<td style="font-size:11px">@item.status</td>
<td style="font-size:11px">@item.ProblemStatement</td>
<td style="font-size:11px">@item.UpdatedTime</td>
<td style="font-size:11px">@item.UpdatedBy</td>
@* Add CRUD buttons to each table row --> *@
<td><button type="submit" style="background-color: #0CA281;" class="btn btn-success details">Details</button></td>
tells me item doesn't exist
where are your brackets
you can't just @foreach and throw a bunch of markup underneath it
you have to tell the view engine where the loop begins and ends lol
it needs to follow the format
   @*markup goes here*@
oh yeah
@foreach (...)
... markup here

you beat me to it by |__| that much
missed that
ok my table just rendered all kinds of messed up, thinks it's the way I created the table
brb bio / smoke
any ideas where I went wrong with creation of the table here?
There are no headers and rows appear to be joined together
@BrianJ - You, uh, placed all yo rows in the header
the loop in the header doesn't belong
ok, I guess I'll repeat myself
[DisplayName("Friendly Display Name Here")]
public DateTime PropertyName { get; set; }
@BrianJ - Also... for shame! What is all this table nonsense. Can't you make it into more of a display that explains the escalation instead of just showing the set of fields. Users are not developers, they want something purdy to look at.
then <th>@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.PropertyName)</th> ... in your header
just let him make his table. he's learning and its useful to know
or you could just do <th>Friendly Display Name</th> if you're lazy
like me...
mumble... excel spreadsheets... rich applications... separations 'n such
shush you
excel leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate is the path to the dark side

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