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@MaartenWachters I love minesweeper
Good morning @Mr.Toxy
@MaartenWachters I hate to admit I've never won a game of minesweeper.
@Amy Good morning amy :D
@Failsafe Even the Europeans know the French suck.
hmmm now the big problem, can my r9 390 run minesweeper at 60 FPS? (wondering)
@RoelvanUden It's not like I had a choice
No offense to the rare English-speaking frenchmen.
Had to pass through france
I like France though
But Parisians are dicklets
@Failsafe next time pass by value so you don't have to deal with it
You know French perhaps, @MaartenWachters?
people with the worst english ever are brazillian folks, their english is just bad BAD B A D
@RoelvanUden I can manage
Anyone knows about OData here ?
@MaartenWachters Then I can imagine it's okay
summon the kraken!
@Mathematics Summoning @Darth_Wardy
@Mr.Toxy There are brazilian regulars in this chat
what is OData
@RoelvanUden If you ask for help and then ask if it's okay to speak english, they're fine with it. Just don't instantly speak english
is that that thing wadry likes
@Mathematics I used a bit OData
It's like 2 sentences tops you have to learn
I need all columns except one, what should I do ?
@Failsafe yeah some do speak good english but generally it's horrible
@MaartenWachters I still think they're dicks for that.
The dutch, and the belgium-dutch, just switch.
this will get me categories, I want all columns of categories except one
I don't want to write all columns name using $select
@Mathematics I only used it with c#, and it was to run statements
that won't going to help unfortunately
@RoelvanUden I don't know, I kinda get it. SO many obnoxious english men / americans in paris
thanks for reading though :)
@Mathematics np m8 :)
@Mr.Toxy Most of them probably are learning english, so if you corrected them, they would be pleased.
@RonaldoFelipe I make too many mistakes myself, I wont correct anybody, native speakers are the best to make those corrections. but just a question, do you guys in brazil have english at school as a mandatory discipline?
yea like "moovies"
or bare instead of bear
@Mr.Toxy also that should be "I make too many"
sometimes I forget the damn words
But that's a tough one
Native speakers can't even figure to/too out
everytime I used "too" people told me it was "to" so Im confused
I know where "too" is suposed to go, people just confused me. thx for the heads up
@Mr.Toxy when you think its "to", use "too", vice versa
!!define too
@mikeTheLiar too (focus) Likewise.
@mikeTheLiar no one in the world know's how to use an apostrophe
Ju'st stick them where'ever
@Mr.Toxy 'to' is mostly used near verbs, 'too' is used near adjectives.
Now that's just Klingon
stick em' whereever
(That's what she said)
@Mr.Toxy yes, but they teach grammar without speaking classes and showing some new vocabularies....
as in 'that's too (much) yellow paint' or 'I'm going to my house'.
@RonaldoFelipe hmmm thats bad :\ well english is harder to write than to speak
@SteffenWinkler thx ;) got it
oh jesus the then/than thing again
I too used too much yellow paint to color my two houses.
oh the only exception for 'too' is: "I C#, too" There 'too' is used as a replacement for 'as well'
"too" its like in addiction it means "more", something like that
@Mr.Toxy 'than' is only used when comparing.
@KendallFrey When I thought this room was nerdy enough you bring out the Klingon
@SteffenWinkler so in that sentence I used than correctly
I had a big kerfuffle with a native English speaker about past and passed
@Mr.Toxy yes
@KendallFrey oh I bet that was fun
then -> after, than -> comparison
@KendallFrey 'he passed away in the past'
got it
@Mr.Toxy I believe both are complicated if you don't know the meaning of the words.
He was trying to say that passed and past are the same word
@KendallFrey wat?
his evidence was that learned and learnt are the same word
shit, what i just see. we are providing english tutorial even @Squiggle is not here
@RonaldoFelipe hmmm talking in english is not hard at least for me, sometimes writing I make some grammar mistakes and sometimes I forget words hahahaha
@Mr.Toxy where are you from?
How to not suck: english tutorials by @SteffenWinkler join now for a free month subscription and enjoy the online leading language tutorial :P LMAO
@RonaldoFelipe Im from portugal ;)
@KendallFrey learnt isn't a word but a misspelling, I hope?
@Mr.Toxy not really.
@SteffenWinkler no, it's a different spelling
!!define learnt
@mikeTheLiar [learnt](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=7013) (Britain, New England, African American Vernacular, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, alternative in US, Canada) simple past tense of learn
I learnt so many things in this school.
@KendallFrey well then, I learnt something new
Also burned/burnt
people sometimes confuse (non native speakers) ate with hate. but thats something hard to confuse imo
> Learnt is a variant especially common outside North America.
@mikeTheLiar turned and turnt
well maybe not :D
i spell learnt for a long time, until some crazy WRT teacher tell me to stop because it's way too british to spell that way
what I found a lot of native speakers do is write 'should of' instead of 'should've'
Never found out why.
OH GOD I hate that
It's because of how it's said
@tweray but is it correct? or its just a british thing like colour instead of color?
ask the brits, i believe so
You say "shuduv"
@Mr.Toxy well, my experience at school was awful. I definitely learned english by watching series and movies.
@mikeTheLiar shouldv -> should of. Maybe it's my stupid german dialect but it doesn't sound the same to me.
@SteffenWinkler should've is a contraction of should and have, it's pretty easy to understand. like the confusion with their and they're -> contraction of they + are
> Don't spell it like the brits
^ this is the exact quote of that WRT instructor
@RonaldoFelipe oh yeah I see, here english in school is quite good actually, I've had english classes since 2nd grade or so
» All languages » English language » Shortenings » Contractions English shortened words or phrases....
i'm like, dude, you know where the word english came from do you
== English == === Etymology === From they + wouldn't (would + -n’t) + -'ve. === Pronunciation === IPA(key): /ðeɪd(É™)n(t)É™(v)/ === Contraction === they'dn't've (nonstandard or colloquial or dialectal) They would not have....
@mikeTheLiar this is so weird
> "Y'all'd'n't've"
that's awful
in about five minutes Imma get my ass suspended for "posting vulgar content on SO chat"
@Mr.Toxy I'm happy for you, here we all have to learn by ourselves if we want something better for our lives.
Fun fact: awful historically did not mean "bad". It meant "filling with awe"
@mikeTheLiar is awe something bad? lol
@RonaldoFelipe that's a shame, english is and it will always be the universal language and a very important one to learn.
@RonaldoFelipe no but these days awful is
@mikeTheLiar unless it's something awful nice
Good point
@Mr.Toxy for sure. I wouldn't complain, if it was all world mother language
@mikeTheLiar oh that reminded me of something thats the same here. "caralho" is that thing on ships were they went to try to see some land, but it turned into something far more worse. it means "cock" but in the worst way possible
@mikeTheLiar interesting... I always expeculated that.
Hi Guys.
Could you guys help me on this
@SteffenWinkler no. You are right. I would differentiate the pronunciation even in written hungarian: should of -> suld ov should've -> suld öv
!!define expeculate
@mikeTheLiar No definition found.
@RonaldoFelipe what is expeculating?
@Ruban.J and ftr I think ur getting downvoted bc your question is confusing and it's not well explained imo
@CapricaSix my bad
I am trying to turn customErrors on in WebConfig.. I did
But when I throw an exception I get an error that says:

Runtime Error

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on the local server machine, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "
Today's win: Migrating another project from svn to git.
@Michael ugh. This is always a pain. Try running it on the deployed server if you just want exception details
@doppelgreener Cool, all makes sense. I figured nothing was ever permanently gone. Deleting things doesn't seem like the SO way. Thanks.
@Mr.Toxy : Ok I will edit and update.
@mikeTheLiar expeculated is speculated misspelled
@mikeTheLiar well I wanted to test custom error views.
@RonaldoFelipe gotcha
@Ruban.J You want outer join?
@Michael gotcha.
@Ruban.J or complementer to an already existing SQL select?
@mikeTheLiar I was following a pluralsight. The guy literally just turns custom errors on and whenever he throws an exception It seems to pick up the Shared Error.cshtml file and display that
But it isnt working for me.
!!define flagged
@Ggalla1779 flagged simple past tense and past participle of flag
@Michael IME there definitely is some sort of magic there
@mikeTheLiar ;D
@Michael what type of project is this?
@mikeTheLiar MVC
@Michael did you try discussions...you will not be alone
on each pluralsight video there is a discussion tab
Oh I see
where the author may respond to your issue
and often does
Paul Sheriff posted his entire source code as he didnt show it all and I couldnt get anything to run
I have a coin thats worth 30€ wow cool
@mikeTheLiar so annoying, why can the pluralsight guy do it one way, but I have to do it another
well we do it all ways eh
because you're using different libraries than he is, or different versions
i dont believe there's a meme for that? :o
Okay, well do people typically have an ErrorController?
i had one at my last job
hmm okay
does it matter what people 'typically' have, though?
if you need it, you need it
Well there are so many ways to do things. Id like to try to follow the common practice
Updated the Question @ntohl .
If you're like this room you don't need a controller
!! c#
May 5 at 15:17, by BoltClock
cause no controller can controll this room ^
@ntohl Most Probably an antonym of the result
Thanks for the assist Toxy
they try but they all fail
why she keep saying that
@mikeTheLiar was that intended?
you don't need mvc, just write directly to the response stream
@Michael yeah it was just a joke
@Ggalla1779 lol she's a bot
I know...is that rooms title now
She's responding to the command
the room's title is "C#"
@Ruban.J not antonim, complementer. Check this: i.stack.imgur.com/8SlKj.jpg You want the bottom right. Right?
I should call a vote on what my day will be like: 4 votes favor I wont do shit the rest of the day since tomorrow its an holiday, 4 votes against I do something worth, but that's not a gr8 hassle
@ntohl :Exactly yes.
The user Mr.Toxy started a voting
I'm working in a WPF application.. I need to implement gps sky plot ..I'm not able to find any library for that ..
Help plz
Caprica says: please vote now and you're automatically able to win a free Goblin
Q: Determine the relative complement of two IEnumerable<T> sets in .NET

SFun28Is there an easy way to get the relative complement of two sets? Perhaps using LINQ? I have to find the relative compliment of a set A relative to B. Both A and B are of type HashSet<T> but I think the algorithm could be made more general (IEnumerable<T> or even ISet<T>)? I could use a soluti...

if anyone is interested in OData
Q: OData select all columns except few (OData V3)

MathematicsI want to select all columns of a table/entity using OData V3 except 1 or 2 or more... I know I can select columns like this, http://services.odata.org/V3/OData/OData.svc/Categories?$select=Name,Products/Description,Products/Name&$expand=Products But I want to show all columns except few, so i...

yep, You should use except, as the commenter said
voting is now closed. Voting results: 4 in favor. The user Mr.Toxy is now able not to do shit for the rest of the day
I've just checked, the company that I work have 5 points of 12 of the Joel test...
@ntohl hmmm I dunno what the average score is but, is that good or bad?
I don't know the avarage score either.
is that based on their own opinion or is it evaluated from someone on the outside?
others? How much You have?
I've never done the test hahahhaha
the points are based on simple questions, that should be answered easily
You don't do Joel test, You check the points of it
I get like 5 points
@mikeTheLiar this seems like a good article on errorhandling: dusted.codes/…
1,4,6,10,11 are true
for me its: 1, 3, 5,8,12 (but one just sometimes so I dont know it if qualifies)
6 is also true
Anyone familar with httpErrors in web.config ?
can you use .cshtml files with it?
or does it have to be plain .html or .aspx
he wants me to use panels instead of a new form, but its such a hassle to have to hide all controls and then have to make them visible again
new form is much faster
this.productivity ++ ;
@Mr.Toxy wpf?
@ntohl winForms
ohh. Wpf would be much easier.
but still. In theory You should only parentControl.Visible = false, and You are done
and change the parentControl to the second view
Re Joel test: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8ish, 10, 11
@ntohl thought parent control was only for something like MDI hahahahaha
@Mr.Toxy well... It's a kind of MDI
yea its like a sort of "improvised" MDI
@Mr.Toxy 5 is pretty good to have
@ntohl yeah I always do that. sometimes spend more time buggchecking than actually coding
I mean, is it true, that the whole company freezes development if there are support cases in the bag?
that would be great
that will only happen in dreams
@ntohl naaah that doesnt happen
"To correct the problem, Microsoft universally adopted something called a "zero defects methodology". Many of the programmers in the company giggled, since it sounded like management thought they could reduce the bug count by executive fiat. Actually, "zero defects" meant that at any given time, the highest priority is to eliminate bugs before writing any new code. Here's why. "
it's from the details section of 5
dreams may come true
ok, interview went good
you just can't put zero defects and microsoft in a single sentence
the defects get moved into the UI where they can't be tested
Microsoft products does not have zero defects ;)
they have extra features
Has anyone ever set a datepicker's from and to range from a query and viewmodel parameter?
new feature in onedrive: you have to have enough harddrive space to contain your whole onedrive files in order to use it on win10
srsly? that's like neglecting half of the meaning for cloud storage
I don't think that's how onedrive works
i don't think either
That one is my fav
@tweray yeah, I hate that. I can see how placeholders were confusing, but they were awesome. The new app is acceptable but not good enough.
i got like 1tb of crap on onedrive, my laptop ssd got like 60gb remaining space, which basically means... i'm screwed
My wife delayed upgrading because onedrive placeholders were the keystone to her whole setup, because her Surface only had 120GB disk space.
she just uses the onedrive website and office online now, not nearly as smooth
that's pretty common tbh. one of the reason we invest in cloud storage is just because our device don't get that much space to store every single dump we have
@CuddleBunny just plug a card into Surface
@Ggalla1779 first gen surface doesn't have a card slot, and she shouldn't have to carry a bunch of flash drives
she has a SP4 now, which does have a card slot and plenty of disk space but that isn't the point
aha thats a pity...buy her new surface!!!
and SP3
^ that isn't the point
now I use the SP1, and have the same problem :)
stop stating the fact, it's sad
well technology doesnt bend to our will we bend to it ...APPLE
the only thing I use onedrive for is music though, which is something they have down pretty solid
gf planning to give her iphone6 to me after new iphone come out
I won't invest a penny into Apple's ecosystem.
I have only ever bought 1 apple product for her
and shes not that keen on apple..now lol
Opened this article, saw itunes, closed it immediately. japanator.com/…
iTunes, fuck it
I want that OST though.
flag or star..... its a star
that game is AWESOME
even Windows Store handles buying music better than itunes... and that is sad.
I still love Winamp
@RoelvanUden already have it, just thought I'd throw a penny in the well
to support the fact it was made available
Yeah indeed, if it wasn't iTunes
w8, isn't the steam version comes with OST?
I bought all the Final Fantasy games on Windows Phone even though I won't play them.
Oh.. does it? Then I have it
nvm, the steam version doesn't have general formatted OST, you have to extract it yourself
this asp.net error handling is a bunch of bull shit
@tweray Already downloaded it. :P
@Michael aspnetcore has pretty slick error hunting tools
I hate it when the error happens in a REST request though and response is just html/inline css garble.
@CuddleBunny asp.net core is a whole different thing though right?
it is
hi guys
anyone familiar with bin packing problem?
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Greetings All :o)

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