Why is there a send button if enter auto-sends things? Any way to turn that chat feature off so I have to press the send button?
Pseudocode of my issue where the exception isn't bubbling up, basically: try { DoStuff() } //DoStuff also calls other methods and other methods. No async. catch (Exception ex) {/*prints errors to screen if debug is enabled*/}
So an exception deep inside DoStuff() is created when the user clicks something (event-driven) after the interpreter decides it doesn't like the syntax format. Then the exception should bubble up to the big giant catch block, but it doesn't and the program prematurely terminates rather than printing the error and continuing.
So the StringFormat affects only display, not input, you say.
So you type in 10.11.2010 and it immediately flips it to 11.10.2010, because it's interpreted at read as October, sent to the VM, then updated again based on the October date with the explicit StringFormat.
It's possible you would need to have your app's culture set to dd/MM/yyyy for it to work.
Not just the specific binding behavior, which is very specific, and used for display only purposes.
@Siddharth Which is probably the current machine's time zone. It's not magic. If you don't know the logic by which date_default_timezone_get returns a value, how can you hope to replicate it in C#?
The tz database, also called tzdata, the zoneinfo database or IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database, is a collaborative compilation of information about the world's time zones, primarily intended for use with computer programs and operating systems. It is sometimes called the Olson database, referring to the founding contributor, Arthur David Olson. Paul Eggert is currently its editor and maintainer.
Its uniform naming convention for time zones, such as America/New_York and Europe/Paris, was designed by Paul Eggert. The database attempts to record historical time zones and...
As described in the timezone tag wiki, there are two different styles of time zones.
Those provided by Microsoft for use with Windows and the .Net TimeZoneInfo class are identified by a value such as Eastern Standard Time.
Those provided by IANA in the TZDB are identified by a value such as Ame...
Is there a program or a table that provides the default timezone for every country?
Yes, the US, Canada, & Russia have multiple timezones. (I think every other country has just one.) But it's better to start on the most likely if a country is known rather than just provide a list starting at GMT...
stackoverflow.com/a/17348822/701054 shows a method called "WindowsToIana" which accepts a Windows-style TZID (TimeZoneInfo.CurrentTimeZone.Id) and converts it to a IANA TZ.
You'll need to add a reference to NodaTime, preferably as a Nuget package.
You'll either have to install an add-in to MonoDevelop to support Nuget package management, or simply download the nuget binaries, though I don't know if those will work out of the box on Mono on Mac.
Another option, more work upfront but less reliance on 3rd party plugins that weren't designed with Mono/Unity in mind, is to take the TzDb code from the NodaTime codebase and write a simple mapping dictionary yourself.
Basically I can able to detect list of system time zones using following code:
foreach(TimeZoneInfo info in tz)
Debug.Log("time zone id : " + info.Id + " display name : " + info.DisplayName);
Running this code, I have following output in console.
In this list, I want to know, which one ...
@Siddharth You're going to get people telling you to use NodaTime, because that's the simplest solution. You should edit your question, saying explicitly that you're developing for iPhone on a Mac using MonoDevelop and thus you can't just reference NodaTime.
@StevenLiekens Timezones are more than just offsets. There's a reason there's more than one time for the same offset. Timezone contain information like daylight savings start/end, too.
It's a wonder anyone got anything done in the hot parts of the world, really. Who's got time to ponder the mysteries of the natural world when you're sitting there struggling to breathe
I daresay Indians invented negative numbers when pondering how much cooler they'd like it to be than it actually was
TensorFlow is a machine learning library from Google. There are no Windows builds but I wanted to run it on Windows. There are some other blog posts that show people trying to get TensorFlow running on Windows with VMs or Docker (using a VM) but they are a little complex. This seems like a great chance to see of I can just run Bash on Windows 10, build TensorFlow and run it. I'm running Wi…
`// Gets first IP address associated with a localhost IPAddress ipAddr = ipHost.AddressList[0];` << I think this is picking it up from the machine
you then pass ipAddr.AddressFamily to the socket constructor, AddressFamily has members InterNetwork and InterNetworkV6 so I guess that's how you choose
@barlop how many entries are there in ipHost.AddressList?
If there isn't one with ipv4 then I'd guess it won't work because the machine isn't configured for it
I don't know Tom. I've never done a survey. I think something like virtualbox might make more adaptors. And having IPv6 and IPv4 support is fairly typical and that makes for more IP addresses.
i read professional asp.net mvc 5 by Jon galloway, brad wilson, K. scott allen, david matson but i still dont get it... im having trouble sending form data to my controller, then launching a view