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my understanding of the answer is that I need to set the name of the input control to -

If someone can explain that to my drowsy self that would be great :)
(too drunk, didn't comprehend)
fair enough, I'll sleep on it
and see
I'm trying to install OxyPlot through NuGet package, but I get the error:
"Unable to resolve dependency"
" Install-Package <<<< OxyPlot.Wpf -Pre
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand"
what could be the reason?
Why is there a send button if enter auto-sends things? Any way to turn that chat feature off so I have to press the send button?
Pseudocode of my issue where the exception isn't bubbling up, basically:
try { DoStuff() } //DoStuff also calls other methods and other methods. No async.
catch (Exception ex) {/*prints errors to screen if debug is enabled*/}
So an exception deep inside DoStuff() is created when the user clicks something (event-driven) after the interpreter decides it doesn't like the syntax format. Then the exception should bubble up to the big giant catch block, but it doesn't and the program prematurely terminates rather than printing the error and continuing.
sorry, I don't know how to help you
6 hours later…
....and time to work!
and complain how ts isnt 100% compatible with vs but both are ms products :^)
Sunday. Weekend, no? :)
not for the jews
1 hour later…
Can someone help me with binding the TextBox.Text to DateTime?
I tried so:
public DateTime Start { get; set; }
<TextBox Text="{Binding Start, StringFormat='{}{0:dd.MM.yyyy}'}"></TextBox>
Good morning.
everything shows correctly, but when I enter the numbers, they "get off."
so...input - "10.11.2010", get - "11.10.2010"
@FoggyFinder Which date is it? November or October?
And if you input 20.11.2010, does it crash?
i.e. an invalid m/d/y date?
yes, it does not pass validation
The machine's regional settings is set to m/d/y?
yes, I think
So the StringFormat affects only display, not input, you say.
So you type in 10.11.2010 and it immediately flips it to 11.10.2010, because it's interpreted at read as October, sent to the VM, then updated again based on the October date with the explicit StringFormat.
It's possible you would need to have your app's culture set to dd/MM/yyyy for it to work.
Not just the specific binding behavior, which is very specific, and used for display only purposes.
great, thank you
this option seems to work:
Text="{Binding Start, StringFormat='{}{0:dd.MM.yyyy}', ConverterCulture=ru-RU}"
Oh, that should work per-control, yes.
Didn't know it worked for the base binding behavior in addition to being passed into a converter's Convert method.
I want output something like this php function giving
I want similar output in C#
@Siddharth You mean, finding out the current machine's time zone?
what do you expect the default to be?
seems like PHP's definition of "default" is "whatever value was last assigned to this variable"
by using date_default_timezone_get, I am getting Asia/Kolkata in output
does that have to do with your operating system settings?
@Siddharth Which is probably the current machine's time zone. It's not magic. If you don't know the logic by which date_default_timezone_get returns a value, how can you hope to replicate it in C#?
you can definitely do that in c#
but by using c#, I have IST in output
reference link
@Siddharth And are these two functions running on the same machine, the C# and the PHP?
I want time zone city and region name in output
you should look into RegionInfo in c#
no these two functions running in different system but in same city
oh weird
I thought RegionInfo had properties for timezoneinfo
maybe it's the other way around
I want time zone city and region name in output as like date_default_timezone_get giving in php
I google for this thing but found nothing similar
so that come here to discuss with you
you're not gonna be able to get the city name from the system settings
then why it is possible in php?
I want timezone details by country
@Siddharth who this is the programmer php? =)
sorry I misunderstood
I thought you meant the city name where the server is located x)
other developer, can we use any other settings here?
I have one app is running which communicate with server and at present it was dedicated to single timezone
we want to create it now dynamically
because it is giving details regarding particular day
@Siddharth I don't think Asia/Kolkata is a standard name, but just one which PHP uses.
TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("India Standard Time").DisplayName gives me this:
> (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
no it's a standard name
The tz database, also called tzdata, the zoneinfo database or IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database, is a collaborative compilation of information about the world's time zones, primarily intended for use with computer programs and operating systems. It is sometimes called the Olson database, referring to the founding contributor, Arthur David Olson. Paul Eggert is currently its editor and maintainer. Its uniform naming convention for time zones, such as America/New_York and Europe/Paris, was designed by Paul Eggert. The database attempts to record historical time zones and...
If I don't handle each time zone then other timezone people remain ahead or behind me in retrieving data :)
any way exist through which we can setup something reverse
@Siddharth that's why you should store dates as UTC
php guy can able to understand our time zone?
and only convert to local time when you want to display the dates
Ok, it seems they're known as IANA timezone codes.
Q: How to translate between Windows and IANA time zones?

Matt JohnsonAs described in the timezone tag wiki, there are two different styles of time zones. Those provided by Microsoft for use with Windows and the .Net TimeZoneInfo class are identified by a value such as Eastern Standard Time. Those provided by IANA in the TZDB are identified by a value such as Ame...

@AvnerShahar-Kashtan, something similar?
Q: Get the default timezone for a country (via CultureInfo)

David ThielenIs there a program or a table that provides the default timezone for every country? Yes, the US, Canada, & Russia have multiple timezones. (I think every other country has just one.) But it's better to start on the most likely if a country is known rather than just provide a list starting at GMT...

So I think the simplest way is to use NodaTime, a 3rd-party but well supported date/time handling library, and use it to get the IANA-style timezone.
@Siddharth This answer is by the same guy and also recommends using NodaTime. :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan, can you give me more details?
NodaTime is free?
NodaTime was created by Jon Skeet so it's a pretty safe bet
it's free and open source
@Siddharth Yes. There's a link to it from the top-voted answer both for my link and yours.
is that plugin can able to give same output as like date_default_timezone_get?
hey how come Jon never comes here?
too busy grabbing all that C# rep?
@Siddharth yes looks like it
@StevenLiekens Time spent in chat is time not rep-mining.
is NodaTime c# library?
basically I am in Unity game project
how to use this?
here's the API documentation nodatime.org/1.3.x/api
@Siddharth Dude. We found you a solution. Steven gave you a link. Just go, get the library, try using it, and ask for help after you've tried it.
what thing I need to extract from plugin and put into my unity project
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan, okay I understand what you are saying
there are lots of classes in library
which one I need to use
even in api there is no examples given
look at the stuff that starts with "Tzdb"
stackoverflow.com/a/17348822/701054 shows a method called "WindowsToIana" which accepts a Windows-style TZID (TimeZoneInfo.CurrentTimeZone.Id) and converts it to a IANA TZ.
You'll need to add a reference to NodaTime, preferably as a Nuget package.
I have downloaded this structure in mac
so which defines library?
1 sec
I'll show you a demo
so that I can paste that into actual project
You probably don't need to get the entire NodaTime source code. Which IDE are you developing the C# in?
MonoDeveloper which comes Unity
You'll either have to install an add-in to MonoDevelop to support Nuget package management, or simply download the nuget binaries, though I don't know if those will work out of the box on Mono on Mac.
but my app was run in iPhone devices :)
Another option, more work upfront but less reliance on 3rd party plugins that weren't designed with Mono/Unity in mind, is to take the TzDb code from the NodaTime codebase and write a simple mapping dictionary yourself.
so in that need to work all these
@StevenLiekens wow :)
but now how to include namespace NodaTime.TimeZones in my project?
you've never used NuGet?
basically I am game developer and by chance I need to implement this kind of things :)
as per game requirements
NodaTime plugin I have downloaded so which files I need to copy into actual project
so that I can able to run same example that you have given me
you need to download one of those
but I really recommend that you use NuGet for this
@StevenLiekens Running MonoDeveloper on a Mac, developing for iPhones. NuGet support is probably spotty at best.
mono nuget install NodaTime and done
in command line?
using Terminal
let me try :)
of course you need to have nuget first (does it come with mono/monodevelop?)
I am getting this in terminal
how to install nuget?
maybe it's better if you use the nuget addin for monodevelop
I think using NodaTime, I just need to copy 3 files only
do you have monodevelop 5.0?
let me check which version exist
yes 5.9.6
then you already have a nuget client built-in
then this code work for me?
find that window
and type nodatime in the search box
how to get this window?
there is nothing exist like Add Packages
I don't know
by default using NodaTime.TimeZones; statement not working in mono developer
In your project there should be a folder called References. Right click it and choose edit references.
project folder
in monodevelop
now I have copied plugin 3 files in unity project
but now i have following exception
you probably don't need NodaTime.Testing.dll
remove that
but nothing changed
I already done that
@Siddharth are those the .Net 2 versions?
anything compiled against .Net 4 wont work in unity
yes I know about this
same problem I am facing right now
by default nuget plugin is not available in 5.9.6 mono develop version
so I am trying to use manually
but there is nothing available that denote add package
right click the references folder
now I can able to use dll files
so now no bugs in this code
// Create a NodaTime DateTimeZoneSource object for IANA time zone names
var dateTimeZoneSource = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default;

// Get the Windows time zone by name (or use TimeZoneInfo.Local)
var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("India Standard Time");

// Convert between Windows and IANA time zone names
var tzdbTimeZoneInfo = dateTimeZoneSource.MapTimeZoneId(timeZoneInfo);

Debug.Log ("Time Zone : " + tzdbTimeZoneInfo);
one exception was coming
how to handle this?
I think after solving this error everything is clear
and I got desire output
I am running this code
and getting above exception
that's weird
now I have posted clear question in stackoverflow
Q: Access Current System Time Zone

SiddharthBasically I can able to detect list of system time zones using following code: foreach(TimeZoneInfo info in tz) Debug.Log("time zone id : " + info.Id + " display name : " + info.DisplayName); Running this code, I have following output in console. In this list, I want to know, which one ...

hope some one give me clear code
as well mention current progress in that
@Siddharth You're going to get people telling you to use NodaTime, because that's the simplest solution. You should edit your question, saying explicitly that you're developing for iPhone on a Mac using MonoDevelop and thus you can't just reference NodaTime.
okay, let me edit question
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan he can use nodatime
his problem right now is that mono doesn't support the same timezones
which makes sense, they are called Windows time zones for a reason
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan, now I have edited my question with full details
it probably doesn't help that there is more than one name for the same time zone
Asia/Kolkata vs. Asia/Calcutta
still, I get the feeling that you are tackling this from the wrong angle
if you are messing with time zone names to convert between timezones, you're probably doing something wrong
you should probably be using offsets
@StevenLiekens Timezones are more than just offsets. There's a reason there's more than one time for the same offset. Timezone contain information like daylight savings start/end, too.
yeah but why do you need to know that to pass a date around?
DateTime.Now might have a different offset to UTC depending on when you call it, but the offset will never change for a specific instant
in forum question, members are giving some silly suggestions :)
1 hour later…
You are quite right, they gave awful answers
like "here is a link check it out"
@misha130 And most are based on superficial reading of the question.
Wassup nerds
not much
It's too damn hot to work. Our A/C is struggling to cope.
38° outside.
awful :( it's hard to imagine then what will happen in the summer
It will be about the same. But even more humid.
Actually, 38 is a bit high even for the summer here. We usually get around 30-35.
the climate is changing. It's hard not to notice.
here it is around 45 degree :)
rajkot city of gujarat state
a matter of habit, right?
@FoggyFinder are you asking me?
then I am not getting you
matter of habit means?
if it is normal for your region of 45 degrees then it is normal. I do not know how to properly say. "It's a matter of habit =)"
stable expression is so difficult to translate
yes you are right but we have habituated with 35 to 40 degrees
@FoggyFinder, now can you able to give me some suggestion in this?
I can't able to paste link
use infos.DisplayName property to get the display name from TimeZoneInfo object. — Deepak Arora 2 hours ago
Sorry, I never used this package.
okay no problem
@FoggyFinder its the end of the world mate
hide your butts
than bad text messages ... - I cannot understand the tone.
A pleasant 14 here, sunny with a few clouds
@TomW 14... that's about half the degrees that we're expected to have, around midnight tonight.
It's a wonder anyone got anything done in the hot parts of the world, really. Who's got time to ponder the mysteries of the natural world when you're sitting there struggling to breathe
I daresay Indians invented negative numbers when pondering how much cooler they'd like it to be than it actually was
We got A/C in every room possible
Its not just the server room, its literally everything
Offices full of computers need AC everywhere, or they overheat really quickly
@Siddharth, what is the "tz" in your example?
400W ish of electricity × 100 computers, it all ends up as heat in the end
i lost all intellisense
Hi, I'm following along a tutorial and just can't get this working:
 protected void SetProperty<T>(ref T storage, T value, [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] String propertyName)
It says The CallerMemberNameAttribute may only be applied to Parameters with Default values, how can i fix this?
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "")
so, set default value :)
:) lol ty
System.WriteLine(@"Hello {"World"}");
text format expression, new feature in C# 7
C# 7? not C# 6?
maybe, that?
 System.WriteLine($"Hello {World}");
that's called string interpolation
thats C#6
What's your opinions about this program -> dev.hubot.pl/retire.jar?
looks like a virus
its a java
Steven: why?
Because Java?
because .pl followed by .jar
pl is normal Polish Domain
@hubot what is?
I'm from Poland
This is my personal website
Servers of hubot.pl are in Poland
maybe better screen?
I'm author of hubot.pl so I know what I give on this website
I don't want to download who knows what.
you didn't even tell us anything about your program
I can give source code on github. This is not virus!
that would be helpful
maybe yes, a maybe not
so it's a calculator
polski dość intuicyjny język :)
Foggy: can you speak Polish?
you had me fooled
@hubot I even do not speak English
1 hour later…
@LasseV.Karlsen I just realized you wrote ObjectDumper
> Package ObjectDumper is not compatible with netcoreapp1.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0). Package ObjectDumper supports: net35-client (.NETFramework,Version=v3.5,Profile=Client)
get on it ;)
I still need to learn more about .NETcore, seems like just another way of dealing with portable class libraries.
same here
they are not PCLs
a PCL declares which platforms it runs on
a .NETCore library declares which APIs the platform must implement
that's a very important distinction that allows there to be only 5 levels of API support to cover all platforms
posted on May 15, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

TensorFlow is a machine learning library from Google. There are no Windows builds but I wanted to run it on Windows. There are some other blog posts that show people trying to get TensorFlow running on Windows with VMs or Docker (using a VM) but they are a little complex. This seems like a great chance to see of I can just run Bash on Windows 10, build TensorFlow and run it. I'm running Wi

1 hour later…
How can I make this code start an IPv4 server and not an IPv6 server? pastebin.com/raw/tSJzeQM6
`// Gets first IP address associated with a localhost
IPAddress ipAddr = ipHost.AddressList[0];` << I think this is picking it up from the machine
you then pass ipAddr.AddressFamily to the socket constructor, AddressFamily has members InterNetwork and InterNetworkV6 so I guess that's how you choose
@barlop how many entries are there in ipHost.AddressList?
If there isn't one with ipv4 then I'd guess it won't work because the machine isn't configured for it
it has about 14 including an IPv4 address.. i.imgur.com/PIrshnA.png
Well I guess that's your answer then. Pass AddressFamily.InterNetwork to the socket constructor
I guess I have to change IPAddress ipAddr = ipHost.AddressList[0]; to another element like element 13, an IPv4 address.
Yeah I guess that would work
Is it usual to have that many dns entries?
Anybody aware of a good tutorial for JSON parse? I am trying to parse a Google Maps API and having issues
I don't know Tom. I've never done a survey. I think something like virtualbox might make more adaptors. And having IPv6 and IPv4 support is fairly typical and that makes for more IP addresses.
I guess 14 is uncommonly high.
OK if it's virtualbox that makes sense
Soo. Are "hidden" keywords finally out? It seems to me they are, __arglist doesn't compile for me in VS2013.5 (haven't tested C#6/VS2015).
Same for __makeref, __refvalue and __reftype. Doesn't work any longer.
However syntax highlighting is still there for them.
private static void Foo(__arglist)
But, that does compile. Weird.
It errors when attempt to call it, for example: Foo(__arglist(1, 3.14159F, "Hello World", 'C'));
"No overload for method 'Foo' takes 1 arguments"
__arglist is undocumented, it depends entirely upon the compiler implementation
well, i'm only running one VM now and its not got an IP .. but I think virtualbox might still add many interfaces
@Amy True. But that contradicts to C# idea, "backward compatibility", no?
@Amy never guess what the issue was? :P
my stored procedure never included the IsPDLChecked collum, which is why there was no value
it didn't query down the collumn value
1 hour later…
hello i need help...
i read professional asp.net mvc 5 by Jon galloway, brad wilson, K. scott allen, david matson but i still dont get it... im having trouble sending form data to my controller, then launching a view
heres what i have:
<form action="Home/Search" method="get">
    <input type="text" name="q" />
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />

i want to send 'Home/Search' 'q' data to
  public ActionResult Search(string q)

            return this.View();
but i dont know how to express it , it seems my view is empty
@AdanRamirez Does this help? forums.asp.net/t/…
i need a direct and simple example of this: view --> controller --> view
i submit 'worked' from view html5 --> c# controller process the data then --> output view <p> q </p>
this should be simple to do but i cant do it for the life of me :/
this is what i want to do:
in step 1: i input the string 'worked', step 2: submit, step 3: output is 'worked'
have you googled it?

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