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no one
Any one knows here why tests in TFS server fires multiple times?
there is 60+ projects
only 1 project's each tests are running 4 times
2 hours later…
@Squiggle,@TomW Hi, any idea?
how are you running the test? Are you referencing the test project in other projects?
The logs aren't giving you any clues?
I also thought that way, there is no reference to test project
which logs you mean?
Hmm. How many physical copies of the test project dll are there in your filesystem?
In a switch case statement, can we write a case that reads like or...? E.g.
switch(optString) {
case "option1" || "option2":
Hi guys
is anybody here who have worked with windows service?
win service...yep...shoot
@deostroll: you can let them fall through, like
case "option1":
case "option2":   // etc
eyyyy my man
i have 1 requirement like i want to continuosuly watch my serial port
what's up guys
and when any data comes on that serial port then read it and push it in to database
Not much. Making a boring report.
Morning all btw
any suggestion guys
@Learning nope, atleast for me
hey scheien
would you use linq to solve this problem?: .sum() some parts in a list, then subtract the sum of the new list by random numbers
oh man forget it, too complex to explain, carry on
@Learning: Have you looked into the System.IO.Ports.SerialPort namespace?
i have already done with reading data from serial port
but i want to have something which runs in background and continuosly watch my port
You've attached an eventhandler to the DataReceived event?
@Learning i think i know what you want, implement a port listener
if string matches 'x' --> //do code
yup already done that
but in the serial console
but there is no User interface for that
what went wrong?
use the serial console
What does not work?
oh ok, if the easy way wont work for you, look into building one by scratch
and gl with that, 1% of people do that stuff
orrrr! pay to get consulting
if you can find a serial port programmer get 1 on 1 with him on skype or something, pay him tips
@TomW There is no reference to test projects, but when I search for Test.dll it finds in 4 places in output folder
some how it is being copied,
i am here for the viewbag of sweets!
@Jamaxack does that happen every time? If you delete those copies are they recreated?
@Learning ok, well you've already mentioned windows services so...just do that?
Woah wtf. Just seen someone offering £70k + bens for a tester
good morning.
@TomW Probably realized that they had to pay that much to get someone to want to work with/as a QA.
Well ok it's phrased as Software Developer in Test
And insurance, ugh
@scheien I must admit I have not generally been impressed with the quality of testers
Me neither
Though a guy I know has really good experience with testers. Manual testing.
@TomW Yes, I'm removing the output and rebuilding again
it is copying every time
They hire people with autism, and they're doing an awesome job according to him.
If the test spec is flawed, they'll know. :)
@scheien that's a job I don't want
That's true.
I've worked with a lot of testers. Most of them weren't very good. This is because most places view testing as a second-rate position and look for second-rate people.
but they really enjoy they repetive tasks
All human readable specs need interpretation. I'd rather more than less, so I don't have to keep correcting my language
Good testers make a world of difference, but these are few and far between because of how testing is usually seen in the industry. Lots of people say "QA is for people who couldn't make it as developers", which is exactly the wrong mindset to have.
Good testers actually try to break your code, no matter what.
@TomW The spec they write have to be accurate for the manual testers to be able to complete them. Mostly because their condition. They can't choose.
Wow, you make autism sound like a horrible choice-restricting affliction.
no no
That was not the intention
I'm sorry if it came out like that
how do you linq so that you subtract the sum of some items in a list?
new list contains 4 objects: 1, 2, 3, 4, linq: sum index 0-2 and subtract by x
list.Take(3).Sum() - x
@RoelvanUden that's my genius
@RoelvanUden: It was related to the people they've hired, but yeah, I guess it can be misinterpreted. :(
Now I feel bad.
@RoelvanUden is take(3) the specific value in the list? or is it an index?
@scheien Haha don't feel bad. I was nitpicking.
@AdanRamirez It's the count. Take the first <3> elements.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan hey man, like this var getStuff = newList.Select(x => x.Item2).Take(2).Sum();
@AdanRamirez I would call Take(2) first, since there's no point executing the Select transformation for items you're going to ignore anyway.
newList.Take(2), gives me error, and i cant .sum();
ah, beautiful
Also, you really should stop working with Tuples. They seem like a good idea until you start seeing Item1 and Item2 everywhere and have no idea what they mean.
Or Sum(x => x.Item2) would work too.
And that, tuples are just.. meh.
C# 7.0's automatic tuple decomposition might help.
thanks, will look into it
@RoelvanUden ah thanks
Played with C# 7 for the first time last night in VS 15
Can't wait for its release :) Looking good
here's a twist, take('2' is the index of 'b' (item1)), how do i say instead of '2', something like .where x=> x.item1 == 'b'?
@async what exactly is c# 7?
The next version of C#
@AdanRamirez Version 7 of the C# language.
It doesn't have non-nullables so I still don't care for C#7.
how do i replace value '2' in take(2) with '.where(x => x.item1 == 'b')?
take(new {})?
@AdanRamirez You don't use Take in that case, you just use .Where
@AdanRamirez Are you sure that's what you mean to do?
Dunno what you're trying to do though
What exactly do you want to do @AdanRamirez?
var newList = new List<Tuple<char, decimal>>();
            newList.Add(new Tuple<char, decimal>('q', .3M));
            newList.Add(new Tuple<char, decimal>('w', .4M));
            newList.Add(new Tuple<char, decimal>('b', 1.2M));
            newList.Add(new Tuple<char, decimal>('r', .3M));
            newList.Add(new Tuple<char, decimal>('e', .8M));
            newList.Add(new Tuple<char, decimal>('b', 1.2M));
            newList.Add(new Tuple<char, decimal>('b', 1.2M));
            newList.Add(new Tuple<char, decimal>('b', 1.2M));
find 'b' and sum previous values
Then it's just .Where and .Sum, without Take.
so 'q', and 'w' are sum()
Oh, TakeWhile
Wait, so you want the sum of all values in the list before the first 'b'?
newList.TakeWhile(x => x.Item1 != 'b').Sum(x=>x.Item2);
I think you want .TakeWhile
first time using takewhile, thanks
It's a pretty niche operation, TakeWhile. Not nearly as universally used as Where or Select or even Take/Skip.
Where and Select and FirstOrDefault is mostly all I need.
i love where
With Take and Skip for paging.
<3 linq
i used to do stupid loops when i could have just used linq
What does our lord and savior, @Jezus have to do with that?
I found myself using .Single() fairly frequently
Also .Any(), .All()
isnt .any scary to use?
Ah, yeah, and OrderBy ThenBy etc :D
No, why would it be?
well, 'any' can be anything! haha
depends on how u use it
Any(x => x.IsAdmin)
Well you need to give it a predicate :P
OrderBy ThenBy saves so much code :)
There is no need for a predicate, for example if you just want to know if there is something matching your request, e.g. Context.Users.Where(x => x.Username == "Roel").Any()
I think you can go .Any(x => x.Username ... too.
Yeah that's correct :P I mostly used it with predicates recently so I had that in mind
Imaging a scenario where you compose the query then :P
My team loves #regions to the point it has become a dogma
Makes me sad
Plenty of single-method or single-constructor #regions around the codebase. Even single-line #regions
#regions sometimes can be a bit of a codesmell of a god class, i know, because i do it :O
In-method #regions
We've got them all
I use regions to split up members from interfaces and such
@async what is #regionS? example?
@RoelvanUden SingleOrDefault is quite handy too, or just Single is you don't want nulls, and want to handle an exception instead.
Depends on the data though
@AdanRamirez Well look it up online, plenty of examples out there :P
@scheien I'm not convinced of their usefulness. They make sense for generated code or for stuff you'd want to hide, but otherwise I personally stay away from them
That's how we ended up with methods and classes with thousands of lines. Nobody sees how big they are
And if you set them to expand by default, they become pretty much useless
I have a developer here that likes in-method regions, even to group 3-4 lines in each.
Of course, he's also a fan of declaring all his variables at the top of the method.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yeah, they can lead to other weird or bad practices
@async Are you talking about regions now?
Why my project's dll is being copied if I dont have reference to that?
@scheien Yeah
Then yes, they should be used with care.
@Jamaxack Post-build event?
@async You can reply to specific messages using the arrow on the right of the message. :)
@scheien Ta :D
I thought you were talking about the linq methods.
They are useful for big, clunky classes. Just because big, clunky classes are bad doesn't mean you're not stuck with them, and if you are, grouping them into regions can help them be more manageable at a much faster rate than refactoring.
@scheien No way. Linq is the jewel of C# for me :P
do other languages have linq?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan let me check
@async Yeah. I had to write some Java 7 about a year ago, and that's what I missed most.
@AdanRamirez Yes.
@AdanRamirez Sure, there are similar libraries for many other languages. Functional languages are based around these concepts (which C# borrowed for LINQ). Java has several similar libraries, like Google Guava, and Java 8 has built-in support as well.
Of course, they suck in comparison.
I think a lot of people using other popular langauges are unaware of what C# can actually do.
@RyanAllen explain?
@RyanAllen I've had some conversations with python devs who ranted against C# and "M$" while raving about python features. Like generators. Or async/await.
They are. Nobody gets composing expressions that translate to insert database provider here without experiencing it first-hand.
@AdanRamirez like, people writing functional JS or Ruby generally are unaware of LINQ for example.
Then again, F# goes one step further with type providers.
That is some wicked shit right there.
I've got nothing against python. I've got a lot against dogmatic developers who speak in recycled catch-phrases reheated from pre-2005 anti-C# rants.
yeah, and the async stuff, I previously have written a lot of Ruby and I couldn't believe how good C# was for all the reasons I liked Ruby, except that C# was a) faster b) type safe
I've been writing C# for nearly a year now and I honestly don't have a single complaint, whereas I always had issues with Ruby and JS.
Then again, I have C# developers here who still believe that Dictionaries can't be serialized. So, you know.
JS has underscore.js, if you want LINQ-ish features. :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you are an boss?
I figure just keep quietly writing C# and let all the dynamic guys write endless unit tests that the complier could do for you :)
@AdanRamirez I'm a what now?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan do you have people that work for you? or you are a manager?
Nah. I'm a consultant and contractor, currently working as a lead developer in a small company.
what do you develop mainly? 3d graphics? network programming? desktop apps?
Desktop apps and corresponding application servers, usually.
Sometimes web apps.
It changes. Such is the life of the developer-errant, an itinerant keyboard for hire.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan @TravisJ wrote something like that too: github.com/travisjj/AsEnumerableJs
@RoelvanUden yeah man I got actual work to do! :P
@scheien Very nice. Though the Pascal-Cased C# syntax might class with otherwise JSish camelcasing.
yep, it's pretty slick.

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