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Yes, and only when the GC executes.
Which is whenever.
Can't you like... force the GC with SuppressFinalize() or sth like that?
Well, you can have references to the object. The critical factor is whether the object can be reached from the root object of the application. If it can't be reached, it's marked for collection.
(i.e. the object can reference itself)
Or an entire tree can be disconnected from root, but reference to each other.
Red borsh w/ pierogis time
@AdrianK. you can't force the GC. you can strongly hint you want it to run though.
This particular class logs each instanciation in a static list in the class itself. That list is private, though.
If it's static, it won't ever magically disappear.
Unless you use the wrong magic.
@Hypersapien wait, what? Why would you do that?
Like, sacrificing a goat to the wrong god.
That is black magic.
@Hypersapien Is this static list defined as private static List<MyObject> MyMemoryLeak = new List<MyObject>();?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan lmao
It's a set of timers, and only one can ever be active at once.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan saved for later lol ... remember he did say 1 per class
@Amy I've been sacrificing gods to goats, is that bad?
guys, someone posted an awesome open source Git GUI in here a few weeks ago
Anyone remember what it was called
And they will be divided among possibly several forms, but even among all of the forms, activating one timer will deactivate any other, even on other forms
probably, I'm not an expert on sacrificial offerings.
@Sippy poshgit ... thats about as good as git gets
That's what a sacrificial expert would say >:(
@Sippy do you remember the OS?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan it has a destructor that removes itself from the static list
Kraken sounds familiar
@Hypersapien A proper destructor? ~MyTimer? It will never be called because it will never be GCed because it's held by the list.
^ +1
Had a super cheesy retro demo video?
@mikeTheLiar Thanks brah
you'd have to hold weak references in the list to avoid doing that
but that's weaksauce
@Amy weak reference bro
i'm not a bro, bro.
@Amy solved my problems passing ninject down my stack today
caused a few bits of fallout but it's nice and tidy now :)
@Amy bro is a state of mind, bro
@mikeTheLiar Oh my god.
Get out of my head, brah!
@Sippy inorite
Why does our work slack not onebox youtube videos
I thought that was a thing on slack
It should
why are you on slack when you have SO chat?
@sippy is cheating on SO chat
Is it a thing you can disable
jeez bloody slack again ... the app designed to solve the problem noone has!
sad but true
Yeah I don't really see the point of it
Ok, I have an actual function that gets called now that passes a [this] reference to a static function, removes it from the list, then sets it to null.
Jeez voting on this question is going crazy meta.stackexchange.com/questions/277369/…
@mikeTheLiar sounds good to me
Recruiters are parasites, starve them and burn the corpses.
Oh totally agreed. It's just when I first opened the question votes were jumping up and down like crazy (almost certainly related to the system message sent out)
Uh Oh!
MakeAppx : error : Manifest validation error: Line 24, Column 50, Reason: The f
ile name "www\index.html" declared for element "m:Applications/m:Application" d
oesn't exist in the package.
Does anything similar happened to anyone in cordova?
not here.
Visual Studio didn't save my Project RIOP
That seems exceedingly unlikely unless you were using VS2003 or something.
@RoelvanUden agreed
okay, so, this privacy policy change. good or bad
i don't want to spend the time reading it and forming my own opinion.
@Amy could you fill me in?
okay, i like this policy change.
puhh It is still there but visual Studio didn't Show it as one of the recent Projects, but it was the last one I have used
@Amy good as near as I can tell
What are the changes?
Q: A Terms of Service update restricting companies that scrape your profile information without your permission

Jaydles Update (April 19, 2016): This change is now live. You can read about it below. tl;dr: We’re planning to make some changes to our Terms of Service to stop companies from scraping profile information from multiple websites and spamming users. The changes only restrict a specific kind of com...

I like the change as well
> We’re planning to make some changes to our Terms of Service to stop companies from scraping profile information from multiple websites and spamming users. The changes only restrict a specific kind of commercial use of profile data that is scraped or copied from our site without the user’s permission. The changes don’t impact Q&A content (like posts or comments) in any way.
tl;dr ^
@AdrianK. i was never good at coloring between the lines
no problem
@Amy I'm amused that this question has gotten multiple hundreds of upvotes after it was announced as implemented :)
@KendallFrey lol
@MichaelEdenfield it's gone up by ~150 in the last 10 minutes or so
blasting everyone's inbox with a link to it will do that :)
Got the damn thing working
When I looked at that question it was on 150 lol
That was not long ago
@mikeTheLiar hit the repcap in 10 minutes.
With a question no less
@MichaelEdenfield thx from the community I guess :)
I miss Homestar Runner. He got me through my early college years relatively sane.
!!youtube strong bad the system is down
amen to that
I still occasionally Homsar. People look at me oddly.
"I'm sad that I'm flying."
I've got an interesting (for myself) question:
Is there a way to instantiate a class for a given type in string?
The scott's: we are planning to ship next version of vs by November
i don't understand the question
you have the name of the class in a string, and you want to instantiate that class?
yeah, Activator can do that.
@AdrianK. Activator.CreateInstance
Get a type using Type.GetType(string)
has been taken to an another level of coding.
you can also get a reference to the type, get its constructor, and call the constructor, all using reflection
The assembly the type resides in must be linked by the current assembly
A very important question to ask here, however, is why do you need to do that?
I'd like to avoid reflection actually
Activator uses reflection internally. it has to.
@mikeTheLiar some business rules
@Amy understand. But I've wanted not to use it directly
Yeah, this is reflection
@mikeTheLiar its a reasonable thing to do. my current project does this.
I highly doubt business rules require you to instantiate classes from a string.
@AdrianK. tough, for what you're asking, that's how you do it
@TomW @Amy thanks, I appreciate your help!
@Amy there are definitely valid use cases for reflection, however it frequently starts setting off alarm bells for me.
using VS Team Service gives me: Could not complete the request to remote agent URL. Web Deploy Agent Service is running on the server. what could i be missing or overlooking?
+ double check the ports
k friggin thing was working yesterday, then the company installed some vs related tools on it to make it build crap and now its borked...probably that required restart would fix it
permissions on the firewall and ports are correct
that might be
Hey Nick
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I'll use reflection". Now they have Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() problems
@Sippy what's happenin
nm man
Got given burger and chips and ice cream for lunch at work today
this job ain't so bad ...
next step, ask for beer
and strippers, and then you're living the dream}
@Sippy It's pronounced 'Freedom Fries'
chips != fries
hi all
Chips and fries are very different things.
Both also very different to crisps.
I was badly stuck in a error in my project
Chips are steak fries
don't try to be cool
with your cool kids club slang over there
In my asp.net project, one of the pages i have compare validator to check the date, it shows the error

The value '1/1/1900' of the ValueToCompare property of 'CompareValidator2' cannot be converted to type 'Date'.
someone tried to tell me that cockney rhyming slang shouldn't be a thing the other day lol
@SankarRaj Is ASP.NET throwing that error or is JS throwing that error
everytime someone says cockney i think of the movie 'Snatch'
I love that movie
That is a cockney movie.
very very
the first time i saw it i couldn't understand wtf they were saying
had to watch it a couple times to really get it
same tbh
ASP.NET. i don't have any JS codes in my page @Sippy
I guess the angular badge threw me off ...
 <asp:CompareValidator ID="CompareValidator19" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtDojE"
CssClass="valid" Display="None" EnableViewState="False" ErrorMessage="Date of Joining is Invalid !"
Operator="GreaterThan" SetFocusOnError="True" ToolTip="Date of Joining is Invalid !"
Type="Date" ValidationGroup="basicInfo" ValueToCompare="1/1/1900">Date of Joining is Invalid !</asp:CompareValidator>
My compareValidator aspx
Hah webforms gl bro
@Failsafe Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels is worse
I keep seeing that on netflix but I haven't watched it
It's basically Snatch with a different storyline
It's very good
@Sippy the movie is better but it's definitely harder to understand if you're American
Seriously, there's a scene where they had to add subtitles
Anyone know if Roslyn is part of the .NET redistributables?
As in, can I use it in a project, without the end-user having to install additional features?
@mikeTheLiar Lol
Yeah I can't argue with that
Americans found it hard enough to understand me
Well, people in backwater TN found it hard to understand me.
"backwater TN" that's redundant
@Amy are you gonna stand for that?
@mikeTheLiar In fairness, I can only infer what half of that means.
!!youtube spawtlight
In fairness Boston's pretty shitty, too.
Noo Yawk
I love both those accents
Posh Kentish friend mistaken for Australian in Boston couple weeks ago
Apparently that really does happen.
@Sippy do you have any idea about my issue?
@TomW yep
Their impressions of English people always end up australian as well it's weird
The inscription says "I swing, therefore I am"
@Sippy I've got a friend from NZ and if I ever want to give him a hard time I just imply that he's from Australia
@mikeTheLiar That'd do it
@TomW We're not that great at telling accents outside of our country in the states
@Jeremy no kidding
We have enough accents within the states
Like, people from Texas get real butthurt if you say that have a southern accent
I can't tell the difference but they feel very strongly about it
You lot all use the same-ish words at least
I mean, real rednecks barely speak English but that's different.
Whereas we use words like "same-ish"
In England you can go to a city with a regional accent and understand nothing because they repurpose words.
Nottingham for example
@Sippy ay by 'eck an' then sum ah tell thee lad
^ that is english
For those who cannot read it
When I was 12 or so I went to my mother's family reunion in Texas and I was definitely confused.
Kind of.
I had to ask my mom what "yonder" meant
I had to ask my mum what "mom" meant
FFS there's three dialects just in New England
And let's not get into the whole fanny issue
we have a lot of cool accents here
@mikeTheLiar "New England" ... ? bastards trying to steal our country
Fun story - we had clients visiting from Ireland and the client manager took them out for drinks and almost got into several fights because they wouldn't stop calling people cunts
@mikeTheLiar Roflmao
^ England, which is 70% the size of New England
OTOH I grew up in the Caribbean and got used to listening to West Indians speak "English"
I love me dem patois
Fyahburn dem rasclot muddaskunts
I have changes that are not committed on the master branch, I need to switch to another branch and commit the changes.
It won't let me switch branches
"I do not enjoy their company and wish they would depart"
@Sippy stash?
Is there some reason you can't stash your uncommited changes?
No idea.
Never stashed anything.
Are you using git?
Stash your changes (discards your uncomitted changed but saves a patch), switch branches, apply your patch. Are you using a GUI or just CLI?
Anyone here ever combined yield return with Parallel loops?
@C4ud3x yeh unity's retarded api requires this
with its coroutine balls
Is it efficient?
@wadry You're a ridiculous human being I love you
if you're using plinq like ... var result = collection.AsParalell().For( ... ) ... then you don't need yield returns
@Sippy oh cmon now ... unity is dumb in places ... I mean how can arguably one of the smartest engines on the planet also be one of the dumbest
Idiot savant
like noone ever in the history of gaming ever wanted to do more than 1 thing at a time right? so lets not support async / tasks
Main-thread => parallel.for() { gui.add(result) } OR
Main-thread => parallel.for() { yield return } => Main-Thread => gui.add(result)
the first one
monday, or tuesday
or whatever day it is
Its tuesday.
whew, one more day down than i thought
One more reason being happy hm?
Im happy with workdays. Weekends wont get me further on my way.
but we do see the need to do things over multiple frames "in the background" so lets invent something that's basically an async task and call it a coroutine then create a convoluted explanation as to why its not really a task
happy DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.DayOfWeek
Missed free drugs in here?
I have a pretty ugly method here. This is the first time Ive tried implementing Async.

Its mostly ugly, because of how I am using inline anon methods, but it does work, and it makes sense to me. Any advice on how to better clean this up?
LoadEmail() is a method that reeturns a boolean. It is named as if it should return a void.
Okay, I will change that
   catch (OperationCanceledException oce) { } ??
VSCode == Sublime by MSFT?
@Sippy pretty much. It's really good.
@Squiggle can't tell if sarcasm or emphasis
@RyanTernier I catch, if the user has clicked the cancel button. I later handle it outside of the async call with if (tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested){}
progForm.Shown += async (sx, ex) =>
that should be it's own method. Sure you can write it inline, but it's imposible to test like this. Extrapolate it into it's own method. It's a good practice to get into
Does this pause the UI Thread?
No it works fine, exactly how I want it. Its just pretty ugly
@Sippy Not sarcasm, for once. I really like it.
ooh. Germish. ttfn.
@Michael If you put a Thread.Sleep(10000000) in the middle of your method, would that pause the UI thread?
@RyanTernier by keeping progForm.Shown += async (sx, ex) => inline, I am able to use variables from within the current methods schop inside and outside of progForm.Shown()
@Michael I cant remember the last time I wrote method that was that long
@RyanTernier Yes, Probably
yeah, that's a really long method and a good candidate for refactoring
@Michael I understand you want to use variables from within the current method, but it does violate some principals of SOLID. That being said... 80% of the code out there violates something.
Couple things I would probably do ...
  1. wrap all the code in there with a Task.Run() => {  ...  });
  2. break it down in to a bunch of smaller methods that run in the task
3. Get ice cream
its a great day for ice cream.
You are probably somewhere else. Rainy day for me today.
!!weather columbus, ohio
I have had my ice cream today.
@Michael [object Event]
cap weather is still broken
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