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@R593B I have tried all of that
I've been using my googlefu
@eripey Judging by your story, you'll probably want to make the textboxes server-side <asp:TextBox...
Hello guys
I have a job interview tomorrow i sent in a spontaneous application too
What kind of questions should i expect?
@MikeAsdf THe link button looks good, now on the codebehind. Looks like I do a respsonse.redirect.
@Froxer what kind of job is it?
@eripey how will the target page get the username+password?
I would recall the username and password cookies and put in the URL string? @MikeAsdf
@R593B I'm installing the usb drivers from samsung now though
What version of android does your app support?
@eripey that would be better than querystring
Apparently, Xamarin Android Player doesn't have latest OS and phones
Im not sure except that i was looking for a .net job and that i am just coming out of university
But they only said that they want to meet and we can hang out for a bit
password as plaintext in a cookie feels like poor practice, but as long as it's not a bank site or something valuable
the response.redirect is a querystring.
@MikeAsdf I am just doing testing for now, I feel the same with plaintext in a querystring, it is poor practice.
@mikeTheLiar any clue ?
@MikeAsdf looks like the dotnetfiddle.net might work for testing.
@R593B, I got it to detect my phone
I just keep getting java out of memory exception
I'm trying to increase the heap size
What do you guys think of the Kik vs NPM vs Azer Koçulu debacle?
I'd renamed it to Kik_1
devs cant be expected to trademark search for a package name
on the other hand, kik has the right....and its stated in the npm policy
but, kik could decide not to be a d*
Their email says they are from : kik Interactive
So why not name it KikInteractive
Kik is an instant messenger program for children and prostitutes
oh its actually about that kik?
@Amy IMO, as soon as Azer got notified of the trademark, his options were 1) agree and change the name, or 2) dispute it and fight. He chose option 3) be wrong.
thing about copyrights is that they're useless if you don't defend them
i think it was a trademark in this case.
its a trademark dispute, and those are even worse.
they actually go away if you allow people to use them willy nilly... hence why you see lawyers being a dick to tiny companies
sorry, trademark
that's my point. I don't think he did anything wrong right up until the point where he was notified that he was using a trademarked name.
I'd have renamed it "fikyoo"
Thing is, I think if they didn't talk about lawyers at the start and offered him a compromise before mentioning them.
He might just have changed that name
@Froxer no idea. There's no where near enough information to make an educated guess.
I'd imagine the lawyers were the ones to notice and send the notice
it'd be silly to get a notice from a lawyer not mentioning legal action
Kik released this statement just 2 hours ago: medium.com/@mproberts/…
@Codeman Note: Bob is our patent agent, not a lawyer.)
Says in the text ;p
I worked through all my small feature requests and fixes. Now I am back on the massive feature request again. Does that happen to you guys/gals too?
Well what are normal .net questions ? for juniors
Do you know how to make a Stored Procedure ? Explain how - Go to Database, Programmability - in there right click Stored proc create new
@Amy seems like Azer is kind of a douche :)
@Froxer What is a ___________
@Codeman that's the impression i got from that article
@Froxer that's not a .NET question. .NET doesn't have anything to do with databases
@Amy ______ is a slippery slope that leads to _______.
How come ? Isnt SQL a important part of it?
Almost all apps have a DB
SQL is not part of .NET, no. .NET can use SQL, but it's not technically .NET
SQL isn't part of .Net. It's separate conceptually and logically.
jinx you owe me a soda
SQL isn't a part of .NET.
got some balls to publish that
.Net uses DBs, but I would not expect sql questions for a .Net interview (unless the job description says sql knowledge is desired)
Well what should i expect?
tacos are also not a part of .net
tacos are a part of everything
you lie, @CharlieBrown
Taco is love. Taco is life.
bulgogi taco
Live the Taco.
!!youtube shrek is love shrek is life
bulgogi taco, spicy coleslaw
bulgogi bulgogi bulgogi
Thanks @Amy
What is your go to data structure to use when implementing a recursive solution? :D
If I interviewed you for a junior-level .Net position, I'd ask you to write a function, a for loop, tells me some definitions, and I'd want you to have an understanding of how to brew the perfect cup of coffee.
@Amy - With or without poaching the best part?
Q: Which part of the coffee brew is best?

Travis JAt work we have a coffee machine that makes 10 cups of coffee in about 3 minutes. Sometimes, 3 minutes is too long to wait for coffee :P So I will poach it as it comes out of the dispenser and then quickly replace the coffee pot so the rest is caught. However, I am not sure if I am getting the sh...

dammit, firewall blocks cooking.stackexchange? dammit
there is so much useful information there lol
I have no idea how long to bake my templates!
I found a property that sets another property if that other property is not null... and always returns null? like wtf?
!!define definition
@Amy definition (semantics) A statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol (dictionary definitions).
always love it when I am debugging code and I find this... !!!DO NOT USE!!!
String banana = "It is green, because it is not ripe yet";
that kind of definitions?
I cant help but feel this is about to hurt a lot
I'm installing the DX12 SDK stuff
@Froxer tell me what a delegate is.
gonna see if I can get my engine code working in IT
a delegate lets some other method do the job... a guess, i havent actually used it, just overheard friends talk about it.
are your friends going to be at work with you?
no they are not
lol j/k
squirts @Froxer with a squirt bottle
now im wet!
Welcome to development.
delegates are basically method handles
With a bunch of other related stuff that gets done using them. For example, underneath lambda expressions, is a history of delegates.
So glad I never had to do any of that. Or the original setup for using async stuff.
@TravisJ the literal definition ofa delegate is "a smart pointer to a method" (assuming you are familiar with the C++ definition of a pointer
they're like function pointers
watch as all of us senior programmers offer a multitude of definitions for "delegate"
java is just...so...ugh
@Wardy except that all delegates in C# are pointers to a list of methods
i used to do java in pre vocational university.
@KendallFrey not all, but sure ... acounts for the "smart" bit
but it all usually ended up with my doing a bunch of pseudo code of what i wanted to do
and the teacher and me extreme programming it
@Wardy Yes, all
I am screwed. #confirmed.
ok function... hmm
imo the best piece of advice given to me for interviewing was "be confident"
AsyncMethodCaller ... nevar in mah lifes
What is even the difference between a method and a function ?
I always confuse it
They're the same thing in .Net.
@Froxer none, really
It is just jargon.
I dont think they're synonyms. Doesn't VB have "procedures" and "functions"?
.NET just uses the term method
in VB, a function is a method that returns a value
in JS, all methods are called functions
Another good example of VB "getting it right"
sometimes function properties are called methods in JS
in most FP languages functions are called functions
and nothing else
In math, functions mean the same things as in FP
Definitely not "right" but I usually call executable blocks of code that stand alone either functions or helpers and those that belong to a class or something methods.
That's a valid system
the VB way makes much more sense, I like that
@KendallFrey that's how I think of the two terms ... oddly enough, OData defines a Function like that too
I tend to think of functions as the mathematical and functional function
same, @KendallFrey
i.e. a pure function of one argument and one return value
@Froxer what's the difference between a field and a property?
this just in, I am leaving for a late lunch :P
@TravisJ ACK
there is also the .Net object Func<T> notice how unlike Action you can't have a Func that doesn't return anything
Wouldn't want to send it twice
a property can (get; set;) usually and a field is readonly? (Im gonna be wrong again fml since im actually not sure except when u make a prop+tab+tab - u get prop with get+set
it seems to me that its commonly accepted that a Function is a block of code that when executed returns something
@Froxer fields aren't readonly by default
Okay, so this just doesn't make any sense to me:
private void methodBeingCalledThousandsOfTimesInParallel()
    IFrobbable thing = null;

        thing = new FooFrobber();
    else if(bar)
        thing = new BarFrobber();


        if(thing.Collection.Property) // thing is null
@Wardy - Are you sure you can have a Func with no return?
@Wardy In imperative/procedural programming, yes
Does anybody have anything even resembling an explanation for this?
i mean... if the func is void - what is it going to return?
@TravisJ No I said you CAN'T define a Func that returns nothing
thing.Frob(); is not throwing an exception
in other words you can't have a Func<void> as far as i'm aware
I usually have mine return a bool if they are not directly computing
@mikeTheLiar compiler error
@mikeTheLiar extension method?
Func<arg1,arg2,bool> and then when the func executes it just returns true
@Wardy That's literally just an Action
@KendallFrey yes ... that's my point
Actions don't return anything, Functions do
both are technically methods (of sorts)
I want to evangelize so hard right now
for f#?
if you define a method as "A block of code"
@TravisJ ew, never :P
@TravisJ any functional language it seems would not work without Functions ... if you think about it, you can't write a program in a functional language with only actions (unless i missed something)
sort of reinforces the point lol
Fun fact: If you translated C# to Haskell, Action and Task would translate to the same code
An Action cannot be self defined though. It doesn't have its own code body.
@TravisJ Neither does a Task, if I understand what you mean
Yes I think so
But a Func<> can, which I suppose is where the requirement for a return type comes in
Don't you pass either an Action or Func to a task when creating / executing it?
in C#, yes
Yes I believe so
You can create an inline func with () => { } also which is fairly common
When you think about it, Action and Task are synonyms, just in C# they're treated differently
What do you guys mean by "An Action cannot be self defined ?"
can i not do var foo = () => { ... }; <--- is that not an action if it returns nothing
You can't have a function that returns nothing (including the empty value) in Haskell, so you have to use a monadic API, a la Task
hooray for IO
@Wardy you can't var delegates
k replace with Action then
then yes
F00F bug
ive gotten lazy ... use var everywhere lately
I dislike var
a lazy programmer? well i never
i deny it
wasn't me
I wonder if that NTP guy from this morning figured things out
my scrum master always like to ask everyone "how can I help"
My response is usually, "are you a developer?"
he doesnt take it well
i once said "my coffee cup is empty"
she wasn't amused either.
project managers have terrible senses of humor it seems.
or, like @Wardy, they're lazy.
no doubt
var is the only thing to use ever ever evr
@Amy why write more code than you need to
My lazyness is about ensuring I have less code to debug :)
with modern ide's, its rarely useful to use a type
if your PM has to ask "how can I help" without you asking for help they're probably not a good PM :P
how do you even answer that?
"how can I help?"

"make sure people don't bother me while I work by answering all the business questions that I don't even know the answer to. you know... your job?"
dev: "I have a blocker, we cant understand the code in this api we purchased"
pm: "How can I help?"
dev: "uhhhhh"
brb machine reboot
"How can I help?"
"Shoulder rub."
that whole article makes me giggle
who the hell looks for a package on NPM to pad a string
/ tosses keys to car
"Don't use too much wax on the hood"
i dont know, it seems to be the norm when it comes to Node
the string-pad package was wrong anyway. it ignored zero-width and wide characters, or so i've read.
@Amy yup that or the coffee cup ... lol
my boss has taken to telling me i'm wrong quite a lot lately ... i've taken to saying stuff like "here's a seat and arunning copy of VS, feel free to prove me wrong ..."
when I say this isn't trivial i mean it !!!
and yes the solution may have been only 10 lines of code ... but it still required a ton of research and a nuget package!
damn im scared
what if they ask the name of my SO acc
Fear leads to the dark side, which has cookies.
Some of my Questions / Answers are not very... thought through.
im gonna get owned so hard. wow
its gonna be fun
I've never been asked for my SO account.
I will be.
I've heard stories of people being asked for their FB account passwords.
its gonna be a funny moment.
Any place that asks you for a password should be resolutely told "no".
@Amy lots of places do that for low-level employees, lol
wow now I see why c++ guys moan about the compiler performance, that's really slow compared to the c# one
yeah C++ compilers are very slow.
if I was that desperate for a job, I'd give them a fake one, change it to that to let them see that it works, then change it back :P
years of development way ahead of c# and yet this is what they have ... gah!
I think it has something to do with how templates work.
the place i am at right now and doing my final work for school its like a course Learning by working
I heard the department boss or person that makes sure shit sells
@Froxer ahh, good ole unpaid internships
so the department in the company runs
He was moaning about something
@Amy maybe its a test of how security aware you are
And i know hes doing c++
so thanks for clearifying what was ACTUALLY most likely going on @Wardy
He was moaning? giggity
Naaa likee
he was like men vafaaaaan
kompilera rå
Something like that
translates into comeooon compile then
Kik Responded btw medium.com/@mproberts/…
the comments are..well, priceless
if those emails are genuine, Azer looks like a real douche.
I agree. Most people are saying Kik is teh a-hole, but azur was way worse
npm has in there terms of usage the way to handle this, and kik followed it
I wonder if those emails tell the whole story. maybe they elided over some emails to make Azer look bad
npm also states you can use a package name that is trademarked or copyrighted
@Froxer uh ... sure
time to go home! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
See you soon friend!
bye bye
I think both sides were shitty
@CharlieBrown I can't tell if the name is above the corresponding message or below it
@Codeman right, but shit, i would have taken a payout to change a package name
the problem with having a public API is people throw ALL KINDS OF SHIT at it... lol
i should take all the trademarked names as package names on npm and see how much $ i can sucker out of businesses
companies have been doing this sort of thing for years
it's basically private eminent domain
im not a fan of big business to begin with :/
for a company with "270 million users", $30k shouldn't be a big deal
Do any of you people by any chance know how to chain together commands in powershell? The semicolon doesn't check whether the first commands succeeds AFAIK
anyone use NPM http-server?
by any chance?
Hi, I have foreach(DataRow item in new Table.Rows) {} loop and I need to add item["cell_name"].ToString() to string[] array
Im not so good with linq but I know it would be good way to solve it, can someone help me with it ?
all i heard was cut cut cut cut so that top #% can get more money
then i was like yep
and closed it
@user5671675 var stringArray = Table.Rows.Select(r => r.ToString()).ToArray();
oh wait i didn't read your previous proprely
@PeeHaa just write them in a script and call it from a bat file ?
yea i need data from specific column but
var stringArray = Table.Rows.Select(r => r["cell name"].ToString()).ToArray();
maybe that?
@CharlieBrown - Yeah, that article. I guess it is unfortunate. How many users did Azer have for their kik project? It is hard to imagine that having a different or similar name would have been so negative, but then again you know the old adage "money talks, and bullshit walks".
looking for some life/career advice from you more seasoned folk ;)
Although he did say $30k. You would think with 270 million users they could have maybe shelled out some discrete amount ($5k?) and then everyone would have been happy.
ty, I will try this code
@CharlieBrown - Remember when google.com's domain was unregistered for a split second and that one guy bought it... google paid him they didn't sue him. He got paid handily too if I remember correctly.
@Wardy is there way to start linq select from DataRow or is it allways be from DataTable ?
@user5671675 Select works for anything that implements IEnumerable... if you have a DataRow that implements IEnumerable, sure. But I'm pretty sure the original one doesn't
@user5671675 Select is used to create a result from each item in a collection
if you have the rows like this ...
ok so there was my problem :)
ty for help
var rows = someTable.Rows;
var col5Values = rows.Select(r => r[4].ToString()).ToArray();
if you know sql ... it basically "queries a collection"
@BrianJ - Can't get advice if we don't know what is up
well should use linq more often, i have resharper and it change my foreach loops into linq by itself
linq shouldn't be used to cause side effects
@BrianJ we are waiting for you to post your actual question lol
I got told today that there will be a 50% redundancy of employees in our company due to a sale, after a month of "evaluation" period first. At the exact same time got offered a contract with a better company starting one month from now that I had seeked out on hearing of the potential sale.

Would you:

A. Hand in your notice and stay at the company while the take over company evaluate you only for you to leave at the end of the evaluation anyways.
B.Seek a voluntary redundancy and not tell the company you have received another contract? (although I'm there only half a year)
@Wardy The commands are actually php executions so although I can write the call in a script I doubt that's going to work
@TravisJ you saying don't replaceforeach loops with linq foreach?
@Wardy - Hm. That is an edge case I suppose. More like don't use .Select() or .Where() etc. to cause side effects.
@BrianJ See if you can get money out of leaving on your own to "cut costs" for the company :-)
I do not replace foreach loops with linq foreach though, personally.
Then take the job :D
@BrianJ stay put / or hand in your notice to fall in line with the new contract start
@RoelvanUden I like it ;) so give them a cheaper option than keeping me for another month
@TravisJ ah yeh that makes sense
@BrianJ - I would investigate the type of company that just bought my employer first and then either leave after a month or not. If you decide to leave, you should actively job seek multiple options.
@TravisJ I literally got a job offer prior to the announcement with a company I prefer
I'm not interested in the company that took over
@BrianJ - Okay, so definitely leaving then
seems like a waste waiting there for another month
but another months wages would be nice
Good night friends!
Are you financially stable enough to take a month off? I mean that is the real issue
Thanks for good mentorship today :)!
Aside from that, moving to a different job could be a good opportunity for you.
@Froxer o/
@TravisJ yeah it is a good opportunity and I'm really lucky with the timing
@BrianJ Pretty much. There are pretty hefty fees tied to cutting employees in most countries, and if the employee leaves on "their own" those fees do not apply. So, paying off your employees can be a win/win for both sides. We'd call this "Oprot premie" here (or a piss off bonus) :-P It might be worth considering, but I don't know how it works there... wherever you are.
@BrianJ - You may want to see if you can apply at other higher paying positions as well to see if that pans out also.
@RoelvanUden - Oh that is a good point!
In the US it is called "severance pay"
Often it is for half of your wage per month for 6 months
I'm thinking I could give a proposition of getting a small payment and finishing next week.. in favor of waiting an extra month which would cost the company more
Aye, you might get a total win out of that. Get money, relax AND get that new job.
forgot to mention I've been at the company less than 5 months so don't think I've any redunadancy built up
What kind of contract?
1 year?
Those are a major PITA to get rid of, essentially making it really hard to get rid of you earlier
So if they'd just pay you 2 months they'd probably be cheaper of :P
while you chill the fuck out
@RoelvanUden not sure here but a piss off bonus would be nice, than lurking around and going straight into another job
Not sure how I would put it to them though
well there is a probation period in the contract of 6 months. which basically means they have to give me 4 weeks notice min
@RoelvanUden I don't think they would pay me for two months? If they can get rid of me in 4 weeks if I or they give notice
@BrianJ - If you are on their payroll, it is still hard to get rid of you without a reason - otherwise they are liable for wrongful termination. So in order to get rid of you they would need to write you up several times. Have you had writeups?
@Wardy code is not working for my but I fixed it by adding .Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Select
@BrianJ Maybe! Here it's much easier to get rid of someone with a contract without ending than it is to get rid of someone with a year contract. Not sure if it's the same there.
what I'm wondering is should i tell them I've secured a new position at all? Or just propose a voluntary redundancy?

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