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but I know what I want to do
@RoelvanUden you love yourself too much so that doesn't count ;)
OK, summarise the semantics of the rest API you imagine building
What are the resources called?
I did some great stuff in my last job with codedom ... i was writing the code for a WSDL client from the WSDL description i just got from the service, then compiling and executing that ... it was part of a custom task scheduler ... web api would have solved that since the service side was completely known and not dynamic, in your case its the other way round ... you need something that can execute an IWhatever method and then respond
okay there will be call for GetWork which will return a INeuralNetworkSpec
@tweray Hey, being positive about yourself is a good thing. Apparently!
You can make webAPI do this ... but it'll be a bitch
there will be a call to PostResult(INeuralNetworkSpec, float result)
those are the two calls I need
the server will take the result and put it into the population if it's good enough
so your thing that divvy's up the work should be a socket server IMO, clients can "connect" and register their interest in taking on work
that server can then hand over chunks of stuff to do
Ok, so do the clients just wait until they expect the server has some more work and then poll GetWork?
using p2p / the udp approach will make this work much like the folding@home / SETI projects work
not chunks
just a network specification
How do the clients get created?
What controls that?
the client will take that... build train evaluate
a client application
that calls the service and references the neural network library
you would then stream an object that implements ISomething form the server to the various clients which would process knowing only that what they got implemented that interface
so the server just becomes something that holds the population and genetic algorithm
then respond with whatever back to the server on the same open socket
doesn't have to stay open
they can just call PostResult(...)
@PrimeByDesign sounds reasonable ... the client could reconnect to check in work
with their INeuralNetwork and float error
no open connections
As I see this its pretty much no different to a tpyical game server
I mea
I mean we don't keep the connection open
we send the spec, it closes the client does the work
@PrimeByDesign doable
yea WebAPI
lol ok
but the problem is I am crap at WebApi
but it seems like the right way to do this
webAPI means that all your clients are servers
that it's architecturally wrong I believe
w8... wat?
the clients are clients
they connect to 1 server
so clients make calls to get work and to check it in ?
so server never sends work
ok that fits
let me specify the server's responsibilities
webAPI works for that
OData would be even better if you were able to define what a job / chunk of work looked like
Rank the INeuralNetworks based on their fitness (error) supply specifications to workers
allow workers to check in INeuralNetworks and their results
and the server will then rank those
you could basically have your client code "benchmark the machine" and request n number of jobs in 1 hit depending on performance / job size or something
and the server will decide whether or not to... mutate, cross-over etc.. the client doesn't care... it just gets an INeuralNetwork specification
If the client crashes, what happens?
the result is not returned
Is that bad?
and the server will ask another polling client to do it
@TomW the chunk of work is lost presumably ... i'm guessing some expiry on the job would be expected too
@RoelvanUden I figured it out
if the server does not get the result back after a timeout
@PrimeByDesign how does it know for sure that result is lost?
it will queue the work
@TomW timeout
that is a good question
i had to use commonjs instead of system because for some reason module: "system" wasnt working
works now
I would also have a heartbeat() call
pretty mad
What happens if the client is just slow and two results come back for the same spec?
clients can call this like a ping
and tell the server what they're working on
@PrimeByDesign now i'm thinking sockets are better
webAPI is not built for that
@Failsafe (clap) (clap)
@Wardy... but... webApi would be so much easier to work with mobile etc..
@RoelvanUden Apparently TS and ng2 is touchy with ASP5 solutions atm
it should just work like token auth does ... here's your chunk of work, you have x to respond with completion or it will be handed over to someone else
every excuse on github is just "is in beta chillax"
sod polling the server
@Failsafe I honestly wouldn't work on a TS project in VS. VS is a nagging little bitch.
no... the clients will call
that's just a waste of server processing time
@RoelvanUden just wanted to see if it would work
TS project -> Atom/VSC/whatever. ASP.NET -> VS
probably gonna use webstorm or vscode
a periodic methos
method to ensure that the server knows they're working on it
and will give them more time to complete
@PrimeByDesign it shouldn't care
gotta set up some webapi backend and host in localhost real quick like
all it should care about is what was issued and when
Wardy it has to care incase the clients go offline or something happens
@PrimeByDesign that's why the work has an expiry time like i said
but what if the work takes longer than expected
what if it's a particularly big piece of work?
make the expiry time a long period of time ... if you expect the work in question to take 1 hour issue a 1 day expiry time
if the client doesn't have an answer in 1 day give the work to someone else
but I don't want to wait 1 day
@PrimeByDesign you won't ... that's just a worst case
if you want realtime to know if a client is working or not you should use sockets
if I know the client has gone offline or not pinged back after a shorter interval I can resolve the matter sooner with a ping
else you will flood your server with pointless polling calls
they don't have to be... every second
they could be one per minute
@PrimeByDesign this is prime socket server territory
exactly how sockets work
but WebApi would enable me to hit more platforms easily
the tcp layer will ensure the socket remains open as long as the client and the server are both working
@PrimeByDesign WebAPI is a framework that sits on top of HTTP that sits on top of TCP which is what a socket is
WebApi would also serialize my specifications for me etc...
sockets therefore can be used in more places than webapi
by definition
@PrimeByDesign That's one line of code.
lol to save writing 1 line of code you want to write about 100
Oh I know, use WebSocket's. Then let every computer in your University/workplace have a widget embedded on some intranet page that lets you abuse every computer to do work! That'd be nice!
avoid socket-level programming if you can when a higher-level alternative exists.
Only if it makes sense Amy.
That does raise the point that depending on where you run your socket client your chosen port might be firewalled
Whereas a rest api should be over port 80
@RoelvanUden eh, just use Web Workers, and modify the university's proxy to insert a script into every HTML page that turns each browser session into a processing node.
sounds perfect
I want to handle sockets as IObservable, and be able to .Retry(3).
Have You done something like that before?
@TomW over port 80? What, like, port 81?
My colleague wrote a load testing framework that was self updating. It would serialize a new version of itself between nodes
So you update one node by copying a new dll and it will send that dll to each node and tell it to restart
nice virus
@Squiggle Great!
"So you installed a botnet, then left. GG."
1 sec
@Squiggle But you still need to accept work from somewhere, so WebSockets :D
use websockets to talk to a backend, which uses com, to talk to another service using raw sockets, then use that other thingy hit a web api, and then back down the chain, with soap messages with json rest embedded in them
I delegate all work tasks to my indian and chinese subcontractors.
do i sound smart yet or, should i keep trying
use protocol buffers with WCF
@RoelvanUden exactly.
be sure to ROT13 everything for security on the wire.
no one will think you used ROT13. "no one would be that stupid." its foolproof.
integrate it with Amazon mechanical turk, delegating to codepen.io if tasks remain incomplete after 2 hours.
i like the codepen delegation idea.
wait not codepen
that other one
I've got pen/mill dyslexia.
You've got something alright.
I tried to see a doctor about it but I couldn't omill the door.
ttfn. pub.
What could I use (in C#, VS2015) to send key strokes to a specific window/program? I setup an auto-clicker, but I don't know of a class or maybe Nuget Package I could use to bind it to a program (so it doesn't send key strokes outside of the window). Anyone have any suggestions?
hooking in to a process
and sending it some keystrokes
look it up for C++
then use the libs of it on C#
@PrimeByDesign what have we started!
Ah, good to know. I forgot it's called Hooking, but I haven't worked with the program much yet.
WebSockets though ... awesome idea ... assuming the client code is simplified enough that it could be defined as JS that would mean anything pretty much that's on the net these days could do the work
what did you people start exactly?
the world wide bot farming debate (again)
@Amy I have seen a protobuf formatter for WCF...
@TomW WOW!
@Wardy well, it's extensible...
@TomW last time I was talking with someone about protobuf they were trying to seriously bitpack some game code from their game server to instruct their clients to do stuff ... I was like ... WTF! evil code please never release this!
from what I hear though it's a pretty impressive framework
I wrote basically something the same as that in my MMO server framework when I was witing the socket comms stuff ... dam hard to get right that stuff
in the end I wrote an extension method for objects in unity so I could do something like ... foo.SendToServer();
that was some epic code :0
@RoelvanUden I just read that ... where did that come from ?
surely 0 and 1 are valid integers

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