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3:00 PM
which line?
i tried debugging ..but it just executed .it is not going to the post method
That one line.
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObjectAsync<StaffLocation>(response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result).Result;
} this line executed.
i am expecting it to go PostStaffLocation() methos
@jubi how have you marked your actions as HttpPost?
3:01 PM
turns out your action name is PostStaffLocation
and in your url you calling StaffLocation
@jubi it doesnt skip
the debugger cant track async methods
tweray spotted it
since they are async...
in webapi i ddnt mark it explicitly.
ther route is defined this way
@misha130 sure it can
3:02 PM
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
in that case, your action name should be Post
I hate convention-based routing :( much nicer to have explicit [HttpPost] attributes etc.
im writing up an award for an engineer. Trying to think of verbiage... "rock star ninja-esque skills"?
3:04 PM
i wonder it worked in some other case
@CharlieBrown where's the love for pirates and zombies?
 // POST api/Application
        public HttpResponseMessage PostApplication(Application application)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, application);
                response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { id = application.ApplicationID }));
                return response;
public Application ApplicationCreate(Application application)
            string uri = baseUri + "Application";
            using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
                Task<HttpResponseMessage> response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync<Application>(uri, application);
                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObjectAsync<Application>(response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result).Result;
this worked fine
@CharlieBrown Translation: "You must have incredible talent, or masses of hysterical screeching school girls cheering you on, but never show it"
@CharlieBrown Do "ninja puppy" skills count? ;p
OMG fuck my life. For those of you just joining us the story so far: I needed to add global logging to (what I assumed to be) an asp.net web API project. The normal method of Application_Error wasn't working. Spent two days beating my head against that problem before being informed that the project didn't start off as web API but just a blank project that was manually forced into an API shape. (cont...)
Next step: create a new web API project and try to figure out WTF the magic is that causes Application_Error to be called. Spend a day trying and failing to understand magic. Today's new assignment: start with blank API project, manually rebase our project on to blank API, remove what we don't need and replace current project with new API.
3:07 PM
@mikeTheLiar Did I not suggest doing that yesterday? :P
@mikeTheLiar ...at least you're making progress, right? :-/
i will try [httppost attributr
@TomW I had to waste a day trying to figure it out first
Before lead might consider that this was an ill-advised route to take in the first place
think about the bright part, at least those days are paid
@tweray keepin' it all in perspective
3:08 PM
what kind of an assigment is start a blank API project and rebase
something is fundmanetally wrong
if you are doing this
@mikeTheLiar FWIW, I spent the past month creating something that was superseded by new requirements we should have received in December. At least you were only unproductive for 3 days.
"4 point story: undo the stupid shit I did two months ago"
@Squiggle lol that was last year.
@misha130 @mikeTheLiar explained why. Lead tried to hack a non-API project into an API shape not understanding that there are project settings etc that need to be set up right for it to work
3:10 PM
I see
Cleverness hubris for the sake of cleverness ego
Although it would be nice to know what those settings are
@TomW I would really like to know but I'm not willing to spend more time dissecting it than I already have. It really does seem to just be magic
well godspeed mike, go and write good code that will serve as a project for years to come
How to format code in here?
3:23 PM
Hi all. First, let me say that I am a complete noob when it comes to SQL (I'm using SQL Server). I am writing a wpf app, and I need to connect to the database. It's going to be distributed eventually, and it's going to have to be able to be connected locally (w/o going online). So I need to have the database files with the project, and be able to grab the info without connecting to the internet.
@C4ud3x ctrl+K
@Michael not familiar, I've only been to Dayton a few times to fly out of the airport.
I managed to get it set up on the machine I'm working on, but since none of the files are sent over version control, I can't use it on my home laptop
How do I set this up properly?
@mikeTheLiar Thank you very much.
@mmf1102 is this program going to be running on the user's machine?
3:25 PM
@mmf1102 wouldn't you use localdb or sqlite instead of sql server if it is an offline app?
Are those both offline?
@mmf1102 yes
is there a general solution for that message?
3:26 PM
@mmf1102 I've also used SQL CE/Compact but I'm not sure if it is supported anymore
Alright I'll figure out SQLite then. I tried (after I already integrated the SQL Server stuff), and I got really confused with people's tutorials. I guess, since it's a better option, I should figure it out.
anyone here know a good resource for asp.net identity. seems that i don't quite understand how it works. especially the authorization part (for example why doesn't it check the roles allowed for a controller every time a page is loaded etc). any recommendations would be totally appreciated
@mmf1102 yeah, it is much better. You can use SQL server but no user is going to appreciate you installing it on their PC just for your app.
Maybe it's a lack of fundamental understanding of databases, but where are SQLite databases stored? Because SQL Server has those annoying mdf files that seem to give me weird restriction problems
@JakobMillah are you asking how to debug a service without installing & attaching to it?
3:28 PM
Eh I'll figure it out
@JakobMillah I write my services so that they start as a service if triggered as a service, otherwise they run normally
@mmf1102 sqlite databases are just local files, they're stored wherever the program wants to look for thme.
    if (args.Length > 0)
        if (args[0] == "debugmode")
            ServiceInstance service = new ServiceInstance();
        ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;
        ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[] { new ServiceInstance() };
@mmf1102 .mdf should be localdb, so that is okay. sqlite will also be local files.
@JakobMillah something like ---^
3:29 PM
I have no idea what I want. I just downloaded a project from our TFS and wanted to start the exe, which gives me that error
somehow I've managed to use a slightly different technique every time
well, install it then
and run it as a service
@JakobMillah that's because it's a windows service, not an interactive program. it needs to be installed like the message says :)
installutil will do it.
Is the entry point of a 'service exe' different to a 'normal exe' or something?
\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe program.exe
3:31 PM
@TomW No
Modified the post method with httppost attribut
That's what makes it tricky
// POST api/StaffLocation
public HttpResponseMessage Post(StaffLocation stafflocation)
@KendallFrey I think at a low level it is, but ServiceBase kinda papers over it?
am afraid it ddnt work
3:31 PM
@MikeEdenfield Well, they both call Main
once they are started, though, it's very different.
services get sent start/stop messages by SCM
@jubi stackoverflow.com/a/11767955/1034004 you're almost there - just make sure you really understand how your routing works.
it might be that the SCM loads your assembly and calls its Main()
I'm not sure
I think services have to be out-of-process
IIRC, SCM launches your exe and waits for it to call an SCM dispatcher function?
all the gory details are hidden in ServiceBase.Run, though.
yeah you're probably right because the service still runs in its own process (owned by services.exe)
3:37 PM
@sqiggle : it work s fine for other modules
the same default routing
so figure out why it's different here
*Service processes are created in a suspended state via the CreateProcessAsUser() API. Before the service process' execution is resumed, a named pipe \Pipe\Net\NtControlPipeX (where X is a number incremented for each service iteration) is created which serves as a communication channel between the SCM and the service process. Service process connects to the pipe by calling the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() function, after which the SCM sends the service a "start" command.[7]*
where do I file my complaints regarding text formatting in SO chat?
windows services are a lot easier if you use the TopShelf library. topshelf-project.com
multi-line messages don't get formatted.
3:44 PM
@Amy how do you deploy your services?
			case COALESCE(uba.[current], ut.userID,0) when 0 then 0 else 1 end as hasTitle,
			dbo.tbl_titles t WITH (NOLOCK)
			LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tbl_user_titles ut WITH (NOLOCK) ON t.titleID=ut.titleID AND ut.deleted=0
			left outer join dbo.View_UnitBasedAllocation uba on t.titleID = uba.titleID and ut.userID = uba.userID
		order by t.titleName
@squiggle.same as the other one#
I wanna do WHERE hasTitle=1 but I can't get at it
the fuck am I doing wrong
3:46 PM
I mean do you deploy manually?
i send services to the infrastructure team to install.
@Sippy the whole thing
you accidentally the whole thing
good job
@Failsafe (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
aka throwing it over the wall of confusion
3:48 PM
Also who the hell is Sam and why do we care about their identifier?
@mikeTheLiar woo!
@Sippy ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
@Sippy Jesus you can't just go throwing tables everywhere
You can drop them, however.
3:50 PM
he should sit in the corner
fu all
do what I want
falls off chair
3:52 PM
Ponder on this I shall.
Play nice.
You shall?
Verily, it is true?
3:52 PM
Update on yesterday's story about unexpectedly starved threads: apparently this one dll we're using is doing a lot of Parallel.ForEach shit under the covers
So the actual count of contending threads was higher than assumed
whats the right way to test if an entity with a given ID exists in a table, without actually loading that entity? dbContext.Entities.Find(id) loads the entity. should i use Any()?
@Sippy They don't let ponies in zero-g
@KendallFrey Only you would think of that.
@Amy yes
3:56 PM
@Amy yes.
@Amy yes.
@Sippy no.
@Amy Database.GetStoredProcCommand("Entity_ExistsById")
@Squiggle why
that mouse looks way to genitaliay
3:57 PM
Good grief. lean forward with arms out in front to stretch my back
@Amy You have a second.
That feels....different. Better, I think. But definitely different.
thank you to everyone who said yes.
@TomW MY GOD you're a robot
we need more robots
4:00 PM
"Hey Roel, we have an interesting PHP/Frontend job for you!"
Really. PHP. Really.
But why
> interesting
so quick question, totally off topic
4:09 PM
The answer is 10
Divided by 9
the Oculus Rift SDK is free and usable by anyone, so that means any game implementing it can run on the rift without some sort of facebook-y paywall
Not bad @R593B
none of this first party bullshit
4:10 PM
@Failsafe Indeed. Facebook isn't quite as evil as non-devs make them out to be.
They put great open source stuff out there. I imagine Oculus will be the same.
Doesn't facebook own Whatsapp now?
They want it to succeed. Once everyone has VR, FB:VR could be an interesting thought for them.
Sure, they do.
@R593B yeah. And to their credit, they've barely touched it.
Because if they do then yes their evil they blocked my number for using a .net api >.>
i wonder if the vive will also be an open sdk
4:11 PM
Yes, because Valve wants people to hook stuff up too.
they must be competing solely on hardware specs
I'm really interested to see what comes from the HoloLens.
o/ good morning!
@Squiggle I would buy one if the field of view was greater
i cant see anything out of it really
@Failsafe you've used one?
4:12 PM
was it a smooth experience?
aside from the FOV issue
its literally as advertised
@RoelvanUden I was using this Whatsapp.Net api (Which is apparently against their terms of service) got my number blocked and now they ignore my emails lol
4:13 PM
all that shit was real
the minecraft thing
the huge video wall
the problem with the video wall is you cant see the whole thing
because you know, poor FOV
@Failsafe truly we are living in the future
@R593B You violated the terms of service. You can't hook up anything to WhatsApp without going through their paid service to actually ingrate stuff. This was already this was pre-FB. It's not FB's fault at all. ;-)
@Squiggle A very expensive future
if it was tethered it would be cheaper
4:14 PM
better start earnin' moneys then! I want to play with augmented reality!
@RoelvanUden I still blame facebook because they own it now :p
just imagine yourself like playing battlefield or COD, you find the FOV is actually fine
Bafflefield, lol
@R593B Ahwell.
That's certainly how I found it
4:15 PM
@tweray Except I turn the FOV to like 115 in those games
peripherals fam
@RoelvanUden but paid service ? There is an actual working and legit api ?
@R593B Yes, hence violation of ToS is that harshly.
I think it was called WhatsApp premium services?
wtf is whatsapp
inb4 "are you serious"
4:16 PM
@RoelvanUden Ahhh that explains a lot. Going to try to find that.
Some messaging app
ive been hearing about it for years
Kinda like i guess KIK but less "sexual" lmao
never bothered to actually look it up
Hello again.
whatsapp is just a result of stupid pricing on txt msg fee in US mobile carriers
4:17 PM
@Failsafe The worlds most popular IM service. It hooks up an account with your phone number (requires a phone to work, of course) and can automatically add people by number you already have in your phone data (optional). Hence you can very quickly start using it with your friends. Smart little system. Also end-to-end encrypted, which is nice.
@RoelvanUden Btw your name seems very dutch, are you dutch?
Is the ENBF notation of ClassList ok :
<ClassList> ::= <CSharplass> ("," <CSharplass> )*
if CSharpClass is
<CSharpClass> ::= <AccessModifier>? <PropertyModifier>? "class" ":"? <ClassList> "," <InterfaceList> <Block>*
what if ClassList contains zero classes?
@R593B I am dutch
@RoelvanUden I only know Skype For Business. I only know pain. I only know suffering.....
@RoelvanUden Ah nice, same here :)
4:19 PM
In all seriousness i use signal
sha 512 end to end
the guys at open whisper dont even know what you send
snowden approved :)
i couldnt make post event to call in web api
@Failsafe problem: getting other people you want to talk to to use it
@TomW this is true
i already convinced my friends to use it
@R593B I think you're from Goes from the sound of it
problem solved
4:21 PM
somebody knows EBNF?
the shit we talk about would get us on a list
@RoelvanUden Either you scrolled up a lot. Or you are tracking my IP right now XD
good thing it takes years to break sha512
somebody plz see my code
@TomW If you have the desktop client it's even better
4:24 PM
this is better
<CSharpClass> ::= <AccessModifier>? <PropertyModifier>? "class" (":" <ClassList> "," <InterfaceList>)? <Block>*
im amazed by people who can make a simple question into 3 paragraphs of text
@CharlieBrown Thank you
@RoelvanUden Did some googling apparently Whatsapp doesn't have any API that's allowed not even a paid one.
That's not what I heard. We're actually using it here.
Could you link me to the right direction? :o
4:25 PM
the question was "Should we allow spaces in the first name field"... the SA turned it into a 2 page email
Ok what if:
<PropertyModifier> ::= ("abstract" | "virtual" | "sealed" | "override" | "static")
@R593B Well, not my department, but our helpdesk uses a software suite that uses the premium API or whatever. You may need to contact WhatsApp sales for it.
class cannot have override property modifier, so what should I do? create two lists of property modifiers or there is some trick in EBNF?
@mikeTheLiar yeah, if only the backend systems(dbs) followed such things
some of our dbs dont support spaces or field length > 17chars
4:27 PM
@RoelvanUden Ahh that seems something I wouldn't be able to get as a one man "team" anyway =\
@CharlieBrown they don't support spaces? How do you even enforce that at the db level?
its an old banking system from the early 90s
That explains a lot.
wow... we're nearly up to 1000 tests
@CharlieBrown I wonder if anyone's ever brought a discrimination case regarding name handling
The notion of race and the practice of assigning personal names tend to overlap so, refusing to acknowledge a certain group's naming practices as legitimate could be construed as racist
4:34 PM
we only allow alpha chars from utf8, so we exclude tons of valid names
Even for the notion of familial name - what do you define as 'family'?
@KendallFrey 1704 tests here.
2 testes here
I wonder when/if they'll buckle and move to CI
probably never
it's the least Agile "Agile" team ever
We had to categorize them so that the continuous build only runs a quick subset, then we have a nightly build that takes about 3 hours to run 'em all.
4:38 PM
we have zero unit tests here
Also we have yet another build that just runs one test on the weekend. Takes about 4 hours.
our tests run instantly.
at a speed approaching infinity
test: 1. Look at location where we store automated DB backups. 2. Ensure recent backup exists. 3. Download backup. 4. Restore locally. 5. Run sql migration based on latest trunk code. 6. Ensure we didn't shit anything with migration. 7. Look at database for file references. 8. Confirm recent file backups also exist.
Any guesses as to what a "Chicken Caesar Meatball Sandwich" is?
4:44 PM
@mikeTheLiar probably exactly what it sounds like
It sounds fucking bizarre
it sounds like chicken and meatballs with ceaser dressing and lettuce and cheese
lettuce cheese
Let us cheese
havent you ever had a Caesar wrap before?
4:47 PM
I could live for 1000 years and never feel the need to put meatballs on a Caesar salad
@Failsafe not with meatballs
might be turkey meatballs
not beef
dude who cares just shove it in your face hole
Words of wisdom.
Chicken Caesar Meatball Sandwich goes in face hole. panini goes in ass hole
4:57 PM
Where does Chicken Caesar Meatball panini go?
Can you not set a value to a model, by simply doing:

                        typeof(TEntity).GetProperty(matchColumnToAttribute).SetValue(model, reader.GetOrdinal(matchColumnToAttribute), null);
@Amy By this point, head should be up ass, so it goes in both holes at the same time
@greg what is the property type?

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