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Yes I do. and problem is : LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean IsLeapYear(Int32)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
going to code a new site this weekend... err that is work too
@juanvan fun work != salary work
Positive energy.
@AhmerAliAhsan What does that mean to you?
@AhmerAliAhsan then that expression is still inside the query, and you have to move it outside the query
Do you understand why?
@AhmerAliAhsan if this cost you 7 hours... how about just do it in the stupidest way, you know the math function to determine what's a leap year right?
@Failsafe All the time - sometimes i like this desk more tho
@Jeremy Its mean that linq to entities does not know or recognize the boolean method like DateTime.IsLeapYear(today.Year) ? 1 : 0 and this expression is not translated... Try something else
no wife to give me side projects
@juanvan give yourself side projects
ya then never get any project done
@tweray math function.. I don't know
@AhmerAliAhsan So try something else. Why do you think it doesn't recognize it? What exactly do you think the problem is? Can you try something else and see if it works?
@AhmerAliAhsan show your EF linq code again please, i knew you pasted it once before, but can you paste in again?
Don't be afraid to be wrong
@AhmerAliAhsan as has already been said several times, calculating whether this year is a leap year doesn't depend on anything returned from the database, so calculate it in advance and pass a boolean into the LINQ query
(year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0) || (year % 400 == 0)
@Jeremy Yes I am not afraid. I do something
@AhmerAliAhsan srsly, if after 7 hours you still didn't google that out, it's not about experience or knowledge
i should go eat lunch
any of you struggle to get up and leave your desk to go eat?
    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
    DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
    return (from emp in db.Employees
            let leapyear =  DateTime.IsLeapYear(today.Year) ? 1 : 0
            let  BirthdayDiff = DbFunctions.DiffDays(DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(today.Year, emp.EMP_DOB.Value.Month, emp.EMP_DOB.Value.Day, null, null, null), today)
            let TrueBirthdayDiff = BirthdayDiff >= 0 ? BirthdayDiff : BirthdayDiff + 365 +  leapyear
            where TrueBirthdayDiff >= 0 && TrueBirthdayDiff <= 15
I'm guessing your just looking for bdays within 15days
@CharlieBrown yes
DateDiff on SQL handles leap year for you, so no need to do something odd in c#
@CharlieBrown so what is the right way to get bdays within 15 days using linq to sql query
@Michael - nope, I eat at my desk
@AhmerAliAhsan the way that charlie already written above
@tweray - Yes, but how would you do that?
from emp in db.Employees where DbFunctions.DiffDays(.....) <= 15
@CharlieBrown - Getting the boat ready soon? Or is it still too cold there?
Depends on your EF version, can be either SqlFunctions.DateDiff or SqlMethods.DateDiffDay (EF4+)
@TravisJ I wish. Still frozen solid, avg temp 28F
ah, hm
o/ @TravisJ
apparently I live in a desert now so it is hard for me to gauge other people's weather
@Amy heeyyyyyy
@TravisJ well, charlie already wrote exact code above, i consider any further "how" question as thoughtless help vampiring
We got almost no rain this winter in socal. Like none. 4 days total or something
me too, @tweray
@tweray - I was being facetious. I agree with your consideration.
Sorry, I have my friday face on
thank god its friday
camping tonight!
shit, i again missed a travis joke
how could you, @tweray?
Apparently it wasn't very funny. I should have used more italics
i will punish myself by eating an extra chunk of chocolate
That punishment is satisfactory.
So did you guys hear about the "tech bro" guy that wrote an open letter to the mayor of SF about homeless people?
but you know, chocolate contains caffeine, which i hate with passion
he doesn't want to see homeless people
they offend his delicate senses.
I like to believe that was actually satire
because the alternative would make me despair for the future of humanity
Poe's law
well, i believe that boy was initially just about to talk about drug problem, but apparently get into ranting and lost his point
@Amy Never see you kick someone.
and to be fair, some homeless are caused by high income high tech employees pouring into the SFO area and rocket high the housing cost
@tweray that is specifically 1 city
yes, i am talking about specific SFO here
the problem isnt the high tech employees
it's the way rental agreements are abused
well, that part you really cannot do too much, it is free market, unless there can be some regulation, which i don't see possible in US
@Tweray it's called rent control
Sorry, I was in a meeting
I'm sorry you were in a meeting, too. Nobody should suffer like that.
fact is, if there are ppl will to rent the apartment at $2000, then there's no point to rent it at $1500
Anyway, that guy is an idiot. I know, because my fiancee went to high school with him and I have been in the same room with him for many hours
did you get donuts?
So when I saw his name show up in the news, I facepalmed
@tweray well yes, there exactly IS a point to rent it cheaper. Works fine in Berlin :)
well, yes, but... you know... it's murica
in the UK rent is subsidised by the government if you don't earn enough to afford it, within reason.
It is unfortunate that the industry somehow how related to this person
@Squiggle - Thank you. I did suffer.
First off, he isn't rich. He owns a small startup that tries to host services from home. He has a day job somewhere. Guy is not some accomplished tech entrepreneur.
The letter is just gibberish from someone who is scared of their own shadow.
@Squiggle there are similar rules in NYC, but only for very limited number of families, and the real estate brokers lobbies the city counsel in weekly basis calling to revokie it
The main problem in San Francisco isn't homeless people. It is innovation. There is no manual labor job available in the city. There is only food service, and retail - if you have no technology background.
It is a problem that other cities will face as well. But those people need help, not removal.
i don't know the ratio there in sfo, but tbh, some homeless made it themselves, primarily caused by drugs
Yes, they definitely did it to themselves for the most part.
and yet others are homeless because they have mental disorders or are traumatized war veterans who can't hold down most jobs
I would wager the reason they did it to themselves though was out of despair or depression.
and still others are homeless because they have been kicked out at a young age for being gay or queer, and they are too young and undereducated to hold a stable job.
yes, the hard part is to tell which is which, i don't think there's a universal treatment, which make "help" complicated
i knew ppl in NYC will sell foodstamp they get and get money for drugs
ima stay out of this convo
me too, too complicated for a programmer to solve ;)
let's talk about something brighter? when are we planning to put jicamajs onto nuget and npm?
As soon as the unit tests pass, I think
but that's waiting on the JicamaTest engine
unit tests are for pussies!
why would you want to test things when your customer can test for you?
i filed a ticket with jicamajs for someone to write a unit test
no one minds if calif just gets cleaved off and slides into the pacific right?
have been waiting my whole life to see it
If we were to provide assistance earlier to people who show the behavior of becoming homeless then I believe it would help those people turn their lives around.
@CharlieBrown - I would rather live on an island myself :D
Basic income?
i almost became homeless.
depression is a bitch.
yeah, I had to scrape by on 4k a year in southern cali... D:
@CuddleBunny - dam
The real question is how we can keep people employable when innovation is happening so quickly that professionally trained skills are only applicable for 5 to 10 years.
If by some stroke of genius they made IBM's Watson able to program, we would all be in that same boat.
automation is going to slowly push more and more people out of work
skynet ftw!
Once auotmated cars become a thing, it will push taxi cab drivers, bus drivers, construction drivers, and semi drivers all out of work.
That is a lot of people to hit unemployment
i don't see how capitalism can operate in such an environment.
it makes me worried for the future.
in the past, advances in tech that pushed people out of work also created new jobs, and people could find new work. but tech is advancing too fast now, people can't adapt their skillsets fast enough and new jobs aren't created fast enough
I see us moving into more socialized systems as automation advances.
we're in for interesting times
If they move to india, we can hire them as programmers
ooh topical!
dude, stop speaking the truth, it hurts
so TS/JS projects
is there anything you can do about the insane number of files that need to sit in the root directory? (tsconfig, gulpfile, package, bower, etc)?
starting to feel cluttered
Grin and bear it.
@CuddleBunny welcome to JS development
you can bower your gulps and minify your express configs in npm
@CuddleBunny you could always just use JicamaJS
But you can't gulp your bower, can you?
@Squiggle we need a JicamaTS...
Unfortunately no
@CuddleBunny Implying JicamaJS needs any improvement
How do you improve perfection?
it's a static site project so no node.js
Hey, forking a framework to another language is like a right of passage
@Failsafe I could write a PR to rename jicama.js to jicama.ts.
it means you've made it
or fork it
@Squiggle You can always angularize your aurelias
I like my aurelias perfectly unangular'd, tyvm.
that would be my reaction too
brb. Gulping my ts package.
that sounds so wrong
Large package gets gulped by hot bootstrapped site xxx
oh myyyyyy
I never joke about my work, 007.
Angular models just waiting to be viewed
Watch our hot Angular models today!
send the first model in.
also, wtf, strong winds just took out the power to about half of the populated area of my state
the Last Airbender is attacking!
@ShotgunNinja your power grid is well shonky
thank goodness I work downtown in a high rise with backup power
@Squiggle I didn't say to everyone in that area... there's rolling blackouts across much of the east side of the state though.
sure, but your power grid is still well shonky
@Squiggle Are you from Wisconsin?
if so, I totally agree
"your" plural, not singular.
as in 'murica.
I read a book once about power grids. It was really interesting.
My GF is down in Kenosha for the weekend; We Energies is reporting over 3000 affected residents without power right now.
Up here in Milwaukee, it's worse; 8700 affected residents.
Ms. Pancakes: You don't know me!
Now I want pancakes
@ShotgunNinja it is crazy windy in Ohio too
Q: How to convince company to not "go overboard" with email signature?

KlaymenDKThe "signature culture" at my company is dangerously close to ridiculous, and this question made me ask about it here. We're an "MS Gold Ultra Colour Plus(tm)(c)(fm)(wtf) Partner" which is apparently an important marketing point, and a bunch of my colleagues have a wide array of certifications a...

and i thought our email signature was bad
A: Start sending them signatures with XSS
> This email sent from my Windows 10 non-mobile device
the Hot Network Questions sidebar frequently has interesting stuff :)
> This email sent from a PDA powered by a potato battery
> This email is delicious with gravy
> Help I'm trapped in an SMTP server
> If you are reading this, then you just sent me your password keychain.
I'm not sure if my company finally got us snacks in the break room or if I just became the office food thief.
lol =/ !!
Wasn't sure where to go there
We have someone at work who steals the silverware we provide. I would absolutely love to figure out how to stop it without invading everyone's breaktime privacy or comfort levels.
I would love to figure out how to find the path that this dllimport is looking for
public static extern method

anybody know the default location that DllImport looks for dllNameHere ?
So far as anyone knows that message never existed.
@mikeTheLiar - Yeah that is different though. We only provide like 10 of them.
@Nathvi it searches the PATH, doesn't it?
And so by taking them, that means other people don't get to use any :(
well, first the directory where the EXE is, then %PATH% ?
@MikeEdenfield, idk. I tried adding the dll to the debug and release, no luck
or you could just run procmon and watch.
how many of you use a trackball mouse
really for 2 monitors its the best thing imo
trackball = mouse for people who like things upside down
this thing master race
@MikeEdenfield, thx
Does anyone want to help me with ODataConventionModelBuilder?
It's picking up a reference to something I don't want it to.
@KendallFrey - I will try to help?
I don't know much about the problem
I ignored the only reference to a class that I know of
but it's picking it up as a complex type
and throwing an error because of the circular reference it has back to its parent object
Is this during serialization? Deserialization?
No, it happens during building the EDM model
do you want it to pick up the reference type as a structured type?
I want to ignore that type
I have no experience with building an EDM model from code. Is that what you are doing though? Still willing to help, just curious where I need to look
modelBuilder.Ignore<Type>() ?
didn't work?
@MikeEdenfield I didn't do that, I ignored the property containing the type
I think you can tell EF to just completely ignore a type everywhere in the heirarchy
This isn't specific to EF right?
We're using a different ORM
sorry, 1 sec.
I would expect that to also work but lemme look
Ignore is a valid method
@TravisJ Basically yes, I generate some configuration code to set up the EDM model along with all my other model-first generated stuff
that's a horrible URL
> Excludes a type from the model. This is used to remove types from the model that were added by convention during initial model discovery.
Well, it errors on a different type now
ignore everything until it compiles?
@KendallFrey - Can we see the error text?
What's a good way to enable MARS in a very specific instance assuming I'm getting the connection string from a config file? (i.e., I want to keep using the connection same connection string but add MultipleActiveResultSets=True before I open the connection)
it's later in the alphabet, so it might be closer
@TravisJ The complex type "blahdeblah" refers to the entity type "foodeblah" through the property "blah".
What is the exception name?
Does the order I do things matter?
Right now I do EntityType, then Ignore, then EntitySet, for each entity type
var builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
builder.ConnectionString = connstr;
builder.MultipleActiveRecordSets = true;
connstr = builder.ConnectionString;
I didn't think order mattered in the model building;
I suspect my latest error may be related to inheritance
my understanding was you did all of that up front before it started any real "building"
@MikeEdenfield cheers. Looks like I'm going to do some refactoring anyway
@KendallFrey - Are you using ODataModelBuilder? If so, are you using .ComplexType<Blah>?
it's a subtype, I think
and I'm currently doing Ignore<Blah>()
So you do builder.SubType<Foo>().Ignore(f => f.Blah);?
can I see that line of code?
I previously had builder.EntityType<Foo>().Ignore(e => e.Bar)
now I have builder.Ignore<Bar>()
both error with the same message but for different entities
(Foo.Bar is of type Bar)
You might have to do both.
one to tell it not to build the type and the other to tell it not to try and figure out what type the property is?
nvm (read it wrong)
@MikeEdenfield I'd expect it to not try to build the type in the first place if the property is ignored
Now, say I have entities A and B where B : A
I also have very limited experience with inheritance, so if that's involved in your problem it's beyond me :\
If I do EntityType<A>.Ignore(e => e.Foo), it should still ignore it for entities of type B, right?
I dunno.
@MikeEdenfield FYI, with both it gives the same error as just ignoring the property
I don't think so
I believe there are ways to set up the model to ignore parent entities but include child entities
though I think the intent is for e.g. abstract parents.
but your underlying data source may only have tables for the child entities
but I'm going from memory here so don't quote me.
@KendallFrey - Is Foo's Bar marked as virtual?
a virtual bar?
lol yes!
a virtual bar
With a public getter of course
Seeing as how Bar is a navigational property, it must be marked as virtual.
@TravisJ No
@KendallFrey - It has to be virtual.
explain this to me
That is how MSFT does nagivation properties
I don't know what that means
virtual means you can override it right
But that isn't why
that's such a dumb name, why not call it overridable or something like that
there was probably a better reason in the legacy days
does C# use a vtable for virtual methods like C++ does?
they just wanted to be cool and esoteric
they were originally implemented basically as a table of function pointers, which derived classes would edit
@Amy I imagine it probably does, under the covers
Morning all
Only Eric Lippert could say for sure
@Gabe ugh, don't talk to me about morning
So I don't have enough insight into this exact code base to tell you why. I believe it is using reflection though.
morning? its 4pm!
4pm? it's 5pm!
no, it's 4:10 pm
0809 :D
@TravisJ Weird.
Either way, if it is required, then it is not virtual. If it is not always required, then it is virtual (because it is what is called a "navigation property")
Well, that sounds like something to try on Monday
@Gabe did you finally get some sleep?
@KendallFrey - Also make sure it has a public getter and setter
Ya - slept all day yesterday, was up for a few hours, abused kendall in the nicest of ways then slept all night
lazy loading is only possible if you mark it virtual, so EF can proxy the class and implement its own getter/setter to lazy load the value
one little change to the code generator though...
@Amy this has nothing to do with lazy loading
oh ok
@KendallFrey - Also, I think you may want to look into using entitysets instead
I am using EntitySet
I only said that in response to your comment of using EntityType<T> earlier
but I'm using EntityType to actually configure the entity
Okay cool
I'm thinking about this correctly right?
So yeah, try the virtual use
Yes, I think so. The sets and types are the right approach for doing that from what I see on msdn
@Nathvi well there's virtual and abstract. Both overridable, both different. More like one's overridable by the child and one the implementation is required by the child
unrelated question: can anyone donate some sleep? I feel sooo lethargic
I would but I used all mine last night :(
@KendallFrey can you trade some inebriation?
@KendallFrey I've had about 18 hours over two days, I'll give you some of it
@mikeTheLiar, it doesn't really make sense to call it overrideing, if there isn't an implementation there in the first place... idk
thank you
my sleepcoin wallet is cnwiubf92w3b2uo3fbb9
@Nathvi fair enough. I think the real answer is "to be more like C"
Hey kids, is there a place I can post code for review/suggestions? I have an mvc controller that is working, but is super messy.
there is a whole codereview exchange
that said, you can always dump it into a pastebin and share the link here
Hello, i asking for a recomendation/advice. I doing an MVC5 appication, this is a basically an CRUD for a certain kind of business. After doing the web applicatin i'm also doing an Android app, which can retrive very basic information from the customer data. So my question is: What aproach should i get regarding the Services for the android app: Should i just do just webservices inside my MVC app? Should i do a WebAPI with MSSQL store procedures? This is going to be hosted in MS Azure
you can do web services in MVC or Web API
Web API gives you more control and is better suited for web services though.
i'm not sure if MVC has content negotiation for json/xml requests.
it doesn't.
thanks for the code review link!! I posted it in there, if you want to check it out, here you go: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/120569/…
is there a rule against idling or something? Says I was kicked
@amy Thanks. I never did a webAPI before, so:
can i add the WebAPI project to the same solution as my MVC project
and deploy that all togheter
or i need to create a new solution in order to deploy that to Azure?
@BattlFrog The first thing they're going to say is delete the commented out code
thanks Mike, I'll fix it now.
Just figured I'd save you the trouble :)
I appreciate it. and if you have any general comments on the code, I am pretty new to this and have never really had a mentor, so I am always open to pointers, etc.
Guess what
@mikeTheLiar, you mean, "to be more like lisp"
Possibly. I know almost nothing about Lisp other than "it exists"
from what little i know and have used, it is awesome
as clojure
@Amy - What do you mean by content negotiation?
does anybody know why the hell my files keep getting set to read only?
@Nathvi - Someone else has them open
I'm setting the whole folder to not be read only, and then by magic, everything gets reset
TFS marks files as readonly
@TravisJ, I just reset vs, and its working now, idk
Turning anything off makes it better. That is because once you turn it back on, it works.
@Amy - Oh wow. That is an awesome blog post.
did you turn it off an on again???
got free beer today at work,
and also
happy friday bitches and bastards
@MikeEdenfield even better when you have to use the same regex with client js and server c#.
Build from yesterday is fataling ...
To work i go
Hi anyone have any suggestions on where should I put the Web Api Calls (maybe create a class library for all the web api requests) in a solution ...

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