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@user1892991 you could read the documentation
> Servicename
Specifies the name given to the service key in the registry. Note that this is different from the display name, which is what you see with net start and the Services tool in Control Panel. Sc.exe uses the service key name as the primary identifier for the service.
@Failsafe I understand why the thresholds exist but it's not very newbie friendly
@user1892991 It's to avoid people making fresh accounts and spamming chat rooms
like bots etc
and yea you're right
can anyone please help me with correcting a linq query?
legitimate accounts like a freshman in college who wants to seek help but cant post end up biting that bullet
@AdrianK. shoot
maybe, just ask the question
post it
I have existing procedure:
List<SkillCardViewModel> result = new List<SkillCardViewModel>();
        var employee = entities.tbl_Employee.Find(id);
        if (employee != null)
            result = entities.tbl_EmployeeSkillRating.Select(x => new SkillCardViewModel
                ID = x.id,
                LastModified = x.modified_on,
                RatingID = x.tblk_Rating.id,
                SkillCategoryID = x.tbl_EmployeeSkill.tbl_Skill.skillcategory_id,
                SkillID = x.tbl_EmployeeSkill.skill_id,
we do get people in here who don't put any effort into solving their problem, and seemingly are unable to ask a coherent question. but having low rep doesn't make someone one of those people
@Amy it's impossible to tell
it's a no win scenario
If I have multiple entries for employee skill with different rating_id's and lastmodified timestamps.
usually though you can just direct them to sources of information and it's fine
but then you get people like panini man
I want to grab only those records which lastmodified timestamp is latest (not the historic/previous ones)
GroupBy and First
@AdrianK. you said records. If you only want the latest, won't there be only one?
there can only be one
@TomW yup, but per SkillCategoryID + SkillID
Living example will be helpful, look:
1) lastmod = yesterday, skillcatid = 2, ratingid = 2
2) lastmod = two days ago, skillcatid = 2, ratingid = 3
I want to get the 1st one only since it's the latest entry per combination of skillid + categoryid
Yeah, I understand.
 public partial class tbl_EmployeeSkillRating
    public int id { get; set; }
    public int employee_skill_id { get; set; }
    public int rating_id { get; set; }
    public System.DateTime modified_on { get; set; }

    public virtual tbl_EmployeeSkill tbl_EmployeeSkill { get; set; }
    public virtual tblk_Rating tblk_Rating { get; set; }
employee_skill_id, I've meant
tbl.GroupBy(sc => sc.skillcatid)
.Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(sc => sc.lastmod).First())
public partial class tbl_EmployeeSkill
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")]
    public tbl_EmployeeSkill()
        this.tbl_EmployeeSkillRating = new HashSet<tbl_EmployeeSkillRating>();

    public int id { get; set; }
    public int employee_id { get; set; }
    public int skill_id { get; set; }

    public virtual tbl_Skill tbl_Skill { get; set; }
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2227:CollectionPropertiesShouldBeReadOnly")]
@AdrianK. if you're going to post so much code, do it in a gist :)
Oh, I didn't know about it. Sorry, will do it for sure next time :)
's cool. It's just less intrusive when there might be other threads of conversation going on.
sure, no problem
Shitting hell. This VC company wins my award for Name Most Likely To Make Me Kick Them In The Gob.
Ladies and gentlement: http://acceleprise.vc/
stab stab stab
Like a combination of Acceleration + Enterprise?
Just metaphorically walked out of work in frustration
I'm WFH, so all I did was log off
And probably due to turn in anyway, but it's a little early
Good afternoon
@Squiggle does this look good for you?
result = entities.tbl_EmployeeSkillRating.GroupBy(empskill => empskill.employee_skill_id).Select(e => e.OrderByDescending(lm => lm.modified_on).First()).Select(x => new SkillCardViewModel
                ID = x.id,
                LastModified = x.modified_on,
                RatingID = x.tblk_Rating.id,
                SkillCategoryID = x.tbl_EmployeeSkill.tbl_Skill.skillcategory_id,
                SkillID = x.tbl_EmployeeSkill.skill_id,
Any regex junkies around?
@Darek Siemanko ;)
Siemanko @AdrianK.
@AdrianK. Looks OK. I'd format it differently, but yeah - give it a go.
@TomW WFH?
Need help with this:

if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=1) then ('Jan') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=2) then ('Feb') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=3) then ('Mar') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=4) then ('Apr') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=5) then ('May') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=6) then ('Jun') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=7) then ('Jul') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Mon
@Failsafe working from home
Gotta mock up some records in the database to check if it's working fine, but thanks a bunch already @Squiggle
Got a grab all full sequnces [A].[B].[C]
Any clue what the regex shoudl look like?
@Darek How would regex help with that mess?
s/[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]/month/g
@Darek Smells like an enum
@Darek like gibberish, of course.
@Darek always three []?
Well, this is straight from a Cognos report specification
Is that pseudocode?
an XML document
How is that an XML document?
/me sicks a little bit
The columns actually refer to "database column"
I need to find all the unique columns for each report
will it always be gosales_goretailers? always be product forecasts?
        <dataItem name="Month1" aggregate="none">
          <expression>if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=1) then ('Jan') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=2) then ('Feb') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=3) then ('Mar') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=4) then ('Apr') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=5) then ('May') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=6) then ('Jun') else if ([gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]=7) then ('Jul') else 
There @TomW
A Wild Consumer Appeared
This is what it looks like
Yes! @Failsafe
I have this
-> Sell ->Run
->Item ->Sales Tactics
But it grabs me these

[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
[Product forecasts
@KendallFrey is good at regex
How would I specify "between two [ ] but only if ] is not followed by a ."
@KendallFrey is best at everything
(\[.*\]) seems to work OK for me
Expresso says "Not enough )'s" while parsing
i rarely use the lookahead stuff but you can probably also do:
(to match a single line)
(\[([^\]]+)])(?!\.) ?
a(?!\.) means "a as long as it's not followed by ."
Hmm, not returning anything @MikeEdenfield, BUt I see where you are going with this
well the escaping is a disaster here, I'm pretty sure I mis-escaped some stuff.
The first one worked @MikeEdenfield
as I said, gibberish.
Hmm, perhaps @KendallFrey is not best at everything
@MikeEdenfield is excellent at RegEx!
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]
Exactly what I needed
@MikeEdenfield is my new hero, with @KendallFrey a close second
regex is easy, you just have to think "what is the most absolutely idiotic syntax I could think of to match this pattern?" and then add square brackets.
@Squiggle works perfectly, I had to change First to FirstOrDefault() in order to work. I owe you one buddy!
@Darek no fair, I was having lunch
I'm sure @KendallFrey wouldn't have had to edit his regex 3 times to get it right.
twice, max
Can you parse regex with regex?
usually when I need a complex regex, I just throw my cat at my keyboard until it works but I can't bring him to the office, so I had to do it the hard way.
To, I dunno, list capturing groups or something
@AdrianK. \o/ FWIW I solved the exact same thing yesterday in my own code
any way to make this umm cleaner
  if (headerName.Contains('['))
                        editedHeader = headerName.Substring(0, headerName.IndexOf('[')).Trim();

                    else if (headerName.Contains('('))
                        editedHeader = headerName.Substring(0, headerName.IndexOf('(')).Trim();
ignore pattern whitespace allows for better formatting of regexes
@TomW This webpage does it
@Squiggle a man learns his entire life obama_notbad.gif
@JohanLarsson why would you want better formatting for a regex? that's like putting pinstripes and a spoiler on a backhoe.
@MikeEdenfield you are on a roll (rofl)
@juanvan "cleaner"?
ya just looks ugly
@juanvan looks clear and correct to me.
@Amy You kicked someone?
thanks makes me feel better :)
@Greg he downvoted a chap on 21 rep just to see if he'd get kicked from the room
@juanvan regex, of course
granted, "correct" is a bit of an assumption of my part
@Squiggle What was the result of this experiment
@Squiggle hey, if you never try, how do you know?
See, @Jeremy shares my thinking
of course - eh the other guy
I expect he stayed in the room but couldn't talk anymore?
anyone can see the room
only with the right rep you can talk
@MikeEdenfield correct
OK. It's 6:38pm on a Friday. I should probably leave work now
@Squiggle pub time
I wonder whether they introduced kick-mute because some enterprising souls realised they could use mass drive-by downvoting to 'mute' specific people
it would take a heck of a lot of downvoting to mute a high-rep user.
especially on the SE side.
specific people
Those warranting muting are usually noobs
Anyone around France/Germany/Switzerland who fancies a beer?
Oh cool ROs can't ban people
just kick mute
@Squiggle No we're all from the upper midwest remember
@juanvan non-readable: Regex.Match(headerName, "[[(]").Result("$&$'").Trim()
@Jeremy lame.
@Squiggle no, no one ever
I heard people in Germany don't drink beer
@Jeremy yeah
No you didn't. Nobody has ever said that.
cocking semantics
!!youtube das boot vat19
Hi to all developers.
we have a german pub around where you can get a 2L boot
Also a 1L boot, but I don't see how that's relevant
that sounds awful. Anything over 500ml would just get warm before you've finished drinking it.
@Squiggle challenge accepted
@Squiggle I can say from both observation and experience that this is rarely the case
`DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
            return (from emp in db.Employees
                    let BirthdayDiff = (new DateTime(today.Year, emp.EMP_DOB.Value.Month, emp.EMP_DOB.Value.Day) - today).TotalDays
                    let TrueBirthdayDiff = BirthdayDiff >= 0 ? BirthdayDiff : BirthdayDiff + 365 + Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.IsLeapYear(now.Year)) //1, 3 and leap year
                    where TrueBirthdayDiff >= 0 && TrueBirthdayDiff <= 15
                    select emp)
@TomW @Jeremy I hope to meet you both for beers at some point in the future.
want to format that ctrl+k
When I compile above code it shows me this error Additional information: Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities.
goto pub;
continue Drinking;
I formatted
pub means?
@Squiggle goto pub; pub: while (breathing) { Drink(); }
@Squiggle what is pub?
a Bar?
@AhmerAliAhsan baby don't hurt me
!!wiki public house
A pub /pÊŒb/, or public house is, despite its name, a private house, but is called a public house because it is licensed to sell alcohol to the general public. It is a drinking establishment in Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Denmark and New England. In many places, especially in villages, a pub can be the focal point of the community. The writings of Samuel Pepys describe the pub as the heart of England. The history of pubs can be traced back to Roman taverns, through the Anglo-Saxon alehouse to the development of the modern tied house system in the 19th century. Historically...
@AhmerAliAhsan it's just like the error says: you can't use a constructor that takes paramerters in an EF query. That includes new DateTime(...)
baby don't drug me
comes to a bar to consume a drug...
@AhmerAliAhsan use the DbFunctions methods instead.
e.g. let BirthdayDiff = DbFunctions.DiffDays(DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(today.Year, emp.EMP_DOB.Value.Month, emp.EMP_DOB.Value.Day, null, null, null), today)
@MikeEdenfield skip year?
@MikeEdenfield I owe you one

The method is complete:
    public void GetAllColumnsFromReport()
        var matcher = new Regex(@"\[[^\]]+]\.\[[^\]]+]\.\[([^\]]+)]");
        var doc = XDocument.Load("ReportSpec.xml");
        var ns = doc.Root.Name.Namespace;
        var expressions = doc.Descendants(ns + "querySet").Descendants(ns + "dataItem").Elements(ns + "expression").Select(s => s.Value).ToList();
        var columns = expressions.SelectMany(s => matcher.Matches(s).OfType<Match>().Select(m=>m.Value)).Distinct().ToList();
Ah, regex. The cause of, and solution to, all my problems.
@AhmerAliAhsan see updated code; you can use DbFunctions.CreateDateTime to replace new DateTime(...)
the regex giveth and taketh away
The RegEx here will keep on giving
@Darek That'll be fun to come back to when the XML schema changes
@juanvan blessed be the regex
in a comical turn of events, the "business" side of the company has decided IT is too slow and expensive, so they put out an RFP to replace all of IT
Luckily Cognos (IBM) has kept the schema mostly intct for the past decade
well designed from the start
@Darek Ah nice. In that case I probably would have done the same
@CharlieBrown It wasn't enough for it to just be slow and expensive. Now it has to be slow, expensive, frustrating, expensive, degrading, and expensive.
They think it will cost less to outsource the 30k tech jobs and 100's of financial apps to a vendor
@MikeEdenfield one more question, what if the number of parts was variable, from 2 to 5? i.e. it could be [A].[B] just as well it could be [A].[B].[C].[D].[E]. I hope @KendallFrey would like to take a shot at this too.
@CharlieBrown good grief
@CharlieBrown What... 30k tech jobs...
well, at least there's some good money to be made out of doing nothing
Ok this is now a googleable story
Oh, HP.
@Darek in that case, you could either 1. wrap the first 4 sets of [] in ()? to make them optional, or else fiddle with that negative lookahead thing to make it work.
I will try
yeah, i really did consider leaking the insider info to some tech news site
since we are traded and on the fortune 500
probs could get fired for that
@CharlieBrown Wait, so it's not HP?
Because HP is old news now I guess
(\[[^\]]+\]\.)+\[([^\]]+)\]) maybe?
@MikeEdenfield Now its shows me an error of LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 ToInt32(Boolean)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Announced publicly a while ago
@CharlieBrown that would probably be just as well
@Darek \[[^\]]\](?:\.\[[^\]]\])*
im on contract until year end, good rate, remote. hard to walk away
@KendallFrey empty result
guess i can enjoy the front row seat to the train wreck
@CharlieBrown Sounds like you have the best of all worlds here
@MikeEdenfield approach, ([([^]]+)])(?!\.)?, gives me all the parts as single items
@KendallFrey knows a shipload of stuff
I can't even read it intelligently, and he just writes this stuff
[0] "[gosales_goretailers].[Products].[Product line]" string
[1] "[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Month]" string
[2] "[gosales_goretailers].[Product forecasts].[Expected volume]" string
do you need the entire expression [a].[b].[c]?
Worked like a charm
Yes @MikeEdenfield
I've been just giving you the field name :)
or trying, anyway
I owe @KendallFrey and @MikeEdenfield one. There, I said it.
In that case I think it's way simpler than I made it.
I just thought of a personal project. Parse questions posted to SO with tag regex, parse accepted answer, and train some ML algo on it. Then create some dummy SO user and have it monitor for new regex questions and answer with just the regex.
@MikeEdenfield Dear mike I send you an error which I was facing
Curious how much rep that user would have after a day
@AhmerAliAhsan again, it means exactly what it says. You can't use Convert.ToInt32 in an EF LINQ query. You'll need to rewrite that bit somehow.
LINQ queries cannot always run arbitrary C# code; it depends on what provider is doing the work.
the EF LINQ provider can only execute code it knows how to translate to SQL
@Greg yes
@AhmerAliAhsan I would recommend you do something like:
@MikeEdenfield Like what?
well, you could swap in (DateTime.IsLeapYear(now.Year) ? 1 : 0)
even better, since now doesn't depend on the results of the query you could compute that up front.
why do people feel like they have to make a Personal folder, in a production folder
var isLeapYear = DateTime.IsLeapYear(now.Year) ? 1 : 0;
then later on,
BirthDayDiff + 365 + isLeapYear
great in a folder of 100 of folders used in production, all nicely named in order and Poof some screwed up folder b.c its a Landing area
@AhmerAliAhsan that actually means you don't need now at all.
but mom i don't wanna go to the meeting
don't go, say you had work to do
var isLeapYear = DateTime.IsLeapYear(today.Year) ? 1 : 0;
@JohanLarsson How often can I use this excuse
every time
"Couldn't go, was drunk"
never works
can't walk should not leave the house
"unable to attend meeting; couldn't muster enough interest to stand up."
@JohanLarsson Sure it does. Never have to go to a meeting at that work place ever again!
@JohanLarsson if having work to do was a valid excuse not to attend a meeting...
@KendallFrey I have used it countless times
years ago I called my boss early in the morning. i said i couldn't go to work. she asked why. i said "i'm naked". we had a good laugh. i still had to go in tho
@Amy Oh good trick
what? you can have donuts in meeting?
we never had that!
The make-boss-picture-you-naked-so-you-get-promotions trick
Classic, works for me every time
every meeting has that guy who brings the donuts. if you don't know who that is, better grab some donuts.
@MikeEdenfield HIMYM?
@MikeEdenfield you means this:
:28858995 DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
            return (from emp in db.Employees
                    let leapyear =  DateTime.IsLeapYear(today.Year) ? 1 : 0
                    let  BirthdayDiff = DbFunctions.DiffDays(DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(today.Year, emp.EMP_DOB.Value.Month, emp.EMP_DOB.Value.Day, null, null, null), today)
                    let TrueBirthdayDiff = BirthdayDiff >= 0 ? BirthdayDiff : BirthdayDiff + 365 +  leapyear
                    where TrueBirthdayDiff >= 0 && TrueBirthdayDiff <= 15
@Jeremy not that I know of, I just made it up. but it's a pretty standard joke template
i want 2 meetings everyday if there's donuts
@AhmerAliAhsan that looks like it will work though you could probably clean it up a bit. (you don't need to calculate leapyearinside the query because it never changes, and you don't need the now variable at all.)
you can grab a donut and leave, say you have work to do
@MikeEdenfield Ah. Barney makes a similar remark about his workplace to Marshall when he works there.
"Sorry, can't come to the meeting, I have to get donuts for the meeting."
@Jeremy I believe the original line was something like "there's always a sucker at every poker game; if you look around and can't find them, it's you."
Why is there commented out VB6 code in this C# solution...
dunno where i heard it, thoughj
@Jeremy because uncommented VB6 code wouldn't compile?
@MikeEdenfield Oh, clearly.
Good catch. That dev did good work.
That would have been bad if he forgot to comment that out.
git commit -m "Fix Bug 4561: comment out FORTRAN code in C# project."
@MikeEdenfield Please if you don't mind to show me some code because I am not understanding how to write correct code
heh @MikeEdenfield
@AhmerAliAhsan Console.WriteLine("correct code");
@AhmerAliAhsan the last code you pasted in here, does that still not work?
@Jeremy Haha. Gud effort
@Jeremy sometimes i copy a c# model into a Typescript file, comment it out, so i can make a matching TS model. occasionally i forget to remove the code though
@MikeEdenfield not its not. wait I show you what error is poping
i found such an instance earlier this morning.
@Amy Sure but TypeScript and C# don't trigger my VB6 PTSD
ah, you have VB6 PTSD? my condolences.
my first real programming job was working on a Delphi project that was a conversion from Visual Foxpro.
there was commented-out Visual Foxpro code all over it
someone check if @Jeremy is still alive
if you trigger his PTSD, he won't die, he'll just snap and kill us
that's how it works
ok, someone confirm you didn't get killed by @Jeremy
@Amy We still have some real old code in VB6. Every once in a while I have to fix a bug in it or even add a feature, and I feel like this guy
@MikeEdenfield showing this: Additional information: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean IsLeapYear(Int32)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
"you weren't there man! you don't know how it was! Begin and End everywhere man! it was hell!"
Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim
@AhmerAliAhsan ah, well then you'll have to do what I suggested. move that line outside of the linq query.
Dim sum
@Jeremy nice hat.
You done it. @Jeremy is in Terminator-mode now
don't worry @darek. the chat room has ways of shutting that whole thing down.
@Amy It was a nice hat before shit got all over it
urgh. speaking of meetings :\
@Amy i-understood-that-reference.jpg
@Jeremy hehe
@Jeremy // ting tong
@MikeEdenfield say you have to chat
"I can't come to the meeting, I'm SOing."
tell them someone is wrong on the internet. they'll understand
@Amy I'm hoping we get some more mansplaining gems from this election cycle, but I think it's too early
if I go early I can get a seat in the back and just play Dwarf Fortreee the whole time.
@MikeEdenfield and then put outside code like this: let TrueBirthdayDiff = BirthdayDiff >= 0 ? BirthdayDiff : isLeapYear
"I already had a meeting with all my virtual co-workers, can I skip this one?"
@MikeEdenfield SEWING? wtf
@AhmerAliAhsan you can define isLeapYear outside of your LINQ query, because it only depends on today. You need to keep the TrueBirthdayDiff inside the LINQ query, because it depends on the emp record.
@KendallFrey s/\/\//'
var today = DateTime.Today;
var isLeapYear = DateTime.IsLeapYear(today.Year);
return (
let TrueBirthdayDiff = BirthdayDiff >= 0 ? BirthdayDiff : BirthdayDiff + 365 + isLeapYear //1, 3 and leap year
something like that
and urgh. Obviously, I meant Dwarf Fortress
oh god not that game
@MikeEdenfield showing same error :(
Worth Headress
@KendallFrey the only game I know of that has 5 separate tutorial series on YouTube.
anyway, /afk
because there are games with thousands of tutorial series'
when I say series I mean "you need to watch at least 20 episodes of this before you start playing"
I didn't
but no, none official.
I never got too far into the game though
never got to the fun bits
Officially the position of the dev is "meh, you'll figure it out. or you don't. dying is fun."
Big developers here.. But no body helps me to get me out of that error...
Mike please
are you a problem solver?
Yes I am
I am not giving it up
Give up
never gonna let you down
never run around
hmm.. I am trying from around 7 hours.
don't desert it
vaccines were discovered because he took a break, maybe its time to do that
hey people, I have a question to ask - I want to create a browser game, where I have something like a chat, but with system generated messages, that should show up in regular intervals (like 2 seconds), with ability to make changes in database and some calculations every time message shows up (ofc without reloading page), what technology could I use to achieve that?
I hope you understand my question:P
calling back t some serverside code to write to the database
that simple?:P
no kinda maybe all depends on you
@AhmerAliAhsan Mike has helped you, a lot.
Google the error messages and read some of the results
Then read the entity framework documentation
@TomW Yes. I know. I am sorry if my words hurts anyone. I take it back. well thanks for all of yours attention. and yes I am googling
@AhmerAliAhsan I know the pain..
Mike bro I am sorry if my words hurts you. I appreciate your precious time for me.
+1 for google
@AhmerAliAhsan No i didnt even see your question, I just say that you've been working for 7 hours on a single thing... I get stuck like that all the time, its the worst
I just want to be like you developers. <3 you folks know everything and you folks are senior programmer
it is an exercise of the brain
Yes. same here I stuck like that many times but at the end I got the solutions
@AhmerAliAhsan did you do what was suggested? And do you understand what the overall problem you are facing is?
@AhmerAliAhsan I'm a noob, I know nothing
can we talk about something positive here? like weekend is only 2 hours ahead something?

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