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I will never understand the madness that leads someone to put shredded lettuce in a hot wrap.
wait why there's a java-hate tag on the room? we ain't them
Java sucks.
what programming language doesn't? xD
java does suck
makes kendalls mom look innocent, it sucks so bad
yeah we can add to the room tag list now
it's part of our identity, it's who we are
how many cups of coffee has everyone had today?
@Amy 1
i have been a good boy today :^)
We drink coffee in mugs here
@Arian Same here
We use "cup" in a general sense
cup is a unit of measure
At least six.
@Amy yeah but we don't actually mean 8oz
@Jeremy Sorry, JS room took your identity before you got here
i had a 16oz cup of coffee
@KendallFrey that's not how identity works kindel
i'll rephrase the question for accuracy.
@Jeremy I am suspicious I have been having stomach issues because I've been drinking so much sparkling water
@Codeman wat
do you get sparkling water at work
how many milliliters of coffee has everyone had today?
because that would be the bees knees
I don't mean to be racist but I understand SI only
@Amy What if I don't measure seeds in mL?
about 800
@Jeremy free sparkling water, about 8 different flavors, any kind of soda you want, drip/latte/espresso, coconut water, energy drinks (healthy-ish ones, zero calories), milk, and some other stuff depending on location
Meanwhile I can't get free drinkable water in government university here...
@Codeman We just don't do sodas here
@Arian I didn't know there was a university in Flint, MI
We have lots of milks, juices, teas, coffees, et c
I'd jump for sparkling water
@Jeremy they have "healthy drink" fridges all around campus with coconut water, probiotic shit, etc.
oh yeah, we have about a dozen kinds of fruit juices and teas
!!convert six cups to ml
@mikeTheLiar Unidentified format; please see /help convert
I'll take a picture later
we also have vending machines with ice cream in them
!!help convert
@Codeman idk about your problem though. I'd just drink more plain water
@mikeTheLiar convert: Converts several units and currencies, case sensitive. /convert <num><unit> [to|in <unit>] Pass in list for supported units /convert list
I had problems drinking nothing but coffee when I first got here...
@Jeremy yeah, going to do that. I've never had stomach issues, soo...
...had that problem in college too...
!!convert 6c to ml
...and high school...
@mikeTheLiar Confuse converter with c, receive error message
lol, my first job out of college, I would get the worst headaches... and I realized I was drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day and no water
@Amy 1. Have to pay for mine
!!convert 6oz to cup
@Sidney Confuse converter with oz, receive error message
who pays for work coffee
fascist employers
Well, terrible machine coffee and terrible instant are available
ah, that makes sense
@Jeremy also, gov't workers don't get free coffee
@Codeman such a huge mistake
Cops do
My employer provides a keurig machine, but not the coffee. I grind my own daily and bring it to work.
@TomW you should get an aero press. Or for instant, Douwe Egbert's is quite good
I hate Keurigs. So wasteful
I have an aeropress
I just have a french press at home
It's at home, i did have it in the old office
!!google keurig machine
What is instant coffee really?
I have one of these puppies at home:
When do i get my EU citizenship
It is just crushed coffee beans that dissolve easily?
@Jeremy we have a Nespresso here
@KalaJ it's basically extremely finely ground coffee, freeze dried
@KalaJ it's processed to the point it's not coffee anymore
oh wow
It's like American cheese, it...Opsie
The coffee at hq is a skanky old drip machine, free but tastes like it's made from fag ends
"fag ends" means something different to my american ears
@TomW that means something quite different in the US
I realise that.
!!urban "Fag ends"
@Sidney No definition found for "Fag ends"
So I have a french press and I don't know how to buy coarse ground coffee
Tom actually is American. He knew exactly what he was saying.
Does that mean I have to spend extra money to buy whole beans and grind it myself to coarse?
@TomW sounds like it needs a cleaning - run a vinegar solution through the machine, then some pure water
smells like grandma crotch while it's going, but it cleans it out nicely
just make sure it's white vinegar, not apple cider or something
@KalaJ Go to a coffee merchant and he'll grind it for you accordingly to your coffee machine
Lately, I cheat and use fine ground or whatever they sell in markets that is already ground
@Codeman it's the coffee that's horrible as much as the machine i think.
can anyone explain me in one sentence what's the difference between VS Class Library and Class Library (Portable) at project types?
@TomW bring your own coffee?
even starbucks ground coffee is perfectly okay
It's cheaper to buy coffee on sale and I do that lol
Meh, i'm never at hq
but I can't find coarse ground coffee on sale
@AdrianK. one can be used in unmanaged projects, I believe?
@KalaJ buy a coffee grinder, they're like $15
@Codeman and what does that mean? unmanaged by C#?
yes I was thinking about that but did some research and they are snobs that say it has to be a certain shape for it to ground coffee well
@KalaJ usually when i buy it it's marked 'for all coffee makers'. Thats usuaĺly coarse
Snobs say I have to buy one for $100
I can personally vouch for that exact one ^
Thanks Codeman, I'll add it to my cart :P
well, if you want like turkish coffee or something, that Krups won't get you there
but anything aero press or coarser, it works fine
nah... honestly, I drink a lot of tea but I have coffee for my bf who prefers it
back from lunch
also turkish coffee is great
It's funny because I drink tea at home but coffee at work
bf drinks coffee at home but tea at work
really strange...
i drink tea both at home and work
i drink tea and coffee both at home and at work
There's a health snob at work and she removed all the caffeinated tea options!
it's pretty much whatever's available at the time
I will drink the green tea at work
but not the non-caffeinated black tea
@KalaJ whaaa? one person did all that?
Yup, she's related to CEO sooo yeah
d'aww, my gf is getting a bunch of dental stuff done (cavities, wisdom teeth), she's been to the dentist only a few times in her life (self-employed parents)... just got this:

I don't really know how to thank you enough for putting me on your insurance :')
I see... I don't recommend that
Turkish Coffee is used for fortune telling here...
And predicting future of untested code
aww that's nice of you
@KalaJ that is really dumb
what is the appropriate naming convention for Web API models sent to the browser? Is DTO the preferred suffix, or ViewModel? Or something else?
It is dumb :(
wait... wtf is the point of decaf black/green tea?
If I really wanted caffeinated tea, I bring my own bags LOL
@Failsafe sure
@Amy I prefer WTF... "Web Transfer Framework"
Caffeine is not good for you? Idk
luckily, the green tea has not been processed
so I usually stick to the green tea or coffee at work
@KalaJ What about if you brought some of your own coffee/redbulls into the office?
question: would you guys advocate for safe navigation on pretty much any object? or is there a reason not to?
yeah that's fine. She leaves the coffee alone for the guys
if you don't want caffeine, just don't drink coffee, like me
yeah apparently, she doesn't have any say in the coffee
because most of the people drink coffee
but oddly for the tea, all the black tea is decaf
ah, at least that, what a bimbo lol
yeah I wonder if it's like cheaper to have only one option, that's why it's only decaf
@Codeman Safe Navigation => it can be null. Exception => null is an invalid argument. Until we get Null safety in c# safe navigation is to tell the reader this pipeline deals with nulls IMO
Question: if amphetamines were still legal, would you use them for work? If so, how often?
Q: Are there significant reasons not to use safe navigation for every object reference?

CodemanI've been introducing some new C# language features to my team - safe navigation is one of those. Are there any significant performance reasons to avoid usage of safe navigation for every single object/property call? e.g.: myObject?.Field?.FieldValue vs. myObject.Field.FieldValue I know t...

@Jeremy some amphetamines are legal
@Jeremy no, at all, health issues and addictiveness
@Codeman which?
@Codeman no, it looks very ugly
@tweray that's not really a reason
that is a reason, readability is important for coding
anyways, in some cases you do want to throw null reference exception to stop code from moving on
@Codeman They're all (afaik) all controlled substances. Not absolutely illegal, but not legal for the sort of purpose I'm talking about here.
@Jeremy just stop at a truck stop sometime, you'll find something :)
oh dear. I've invoked the wrath of Servy
@Codeman DaveShaw's comment is right. using the null-conditional operator implicitly says "it's fine if this thing is null, i'll just use null if that's the case". That's a really weird default logic to inject everywhere just for the sake of using ?..
Better to have your code have tight control over what's null and what isn't
right - I think that's the correct answer. Only use ?. if null is genuinely an acceptable state
don't use it just to swallow NREs
And, I'd argue, if you have LoD in the back of your mind, in many (most?) cases, using ?. in parameters kind of neuters the method it is applied in.
I can think of a couple good use-cases for it though (e.g., safe invokation of event handlers)
in this case, it's safely applying filters to collections that may be null
foreach(var f in folder?.Filelist) (though maybe that's a bad example)
Install a NuGet package, 1069 changes
@KendallFrey My Life Is Average
@Codeman i think this will still throw NRE
@Codeman So if folder is null, it'll be foreach (var f in null)
Don't think that's what you want, either
So what happens if I tried

AutomationElement AE = null;
Bool AEEnabled = AE?.Current.IsEnabled;

Would that line just get skipped because AE is null? What would AEEnabled be set to?
That'll throw, too
well... it'll execute nothing in that case
I guess i've never tried to iterate over a null lol
Not knowingly, anyway :^)
@Sidney that wouldn't work, since bool is not a nullable type
pretty sure it wouldn't compile
I think cody's right
That's a weird operator.
I get it for trying to iterate over a collection that could be null though.
@Sidney basically all it says is "return null if the field's caller is null"
wait you can do foreach(var f in null) without getting exception?
also, man... been a long time since I've gotten into a comment argument with Servy
never tried that, but... that's pretty... magical
Servy might be right... is prog.se better for this kind of question?
@Codeman no, it will throw
but it's a language-specific feature
@tweray nope
lol again kendall saved my sanity
Kendall is a hero.
ugh, the "featured" questions are so garbage on SO
"I'm using five frameworks in a 100k+ LLOC app, and I'm getting some obscure error, please help"
"SomeGuy added a bounty to this question 'This question has not received enough attention'"
@KendallFrey idk sure
So Trump is saying Cruz stole Iowa. Remember the day Trump congratulated Cruz and accepted his loss like a sportsman? I remember it like it was only yesterday. Oh... Wait.
some people are really bad at asking questions
@Sidney I mean... Hillary won Iowa because she won 6 coin flips, lol
i'm knocking out work left and right like it's rhianna
i'm a vulgar asshole, news flash, you must be shocked
@SteveG - Like Ray Rice in an elevator?
too soon?
Pluralsite's latest marketing email is kinda weirding me out.
It's Valentine's Day themed.
Well the project works and I published it but I have a class of 15 static methods :( Going to have to fix that..
@juanvan is the class called Logic?
@TomW XmlFileProcess
want to see it?
@mikeTheLiar I think they wanna put it in your butt
@Codeman it's pretty crowded in there what with the paninis and all.
This isn't going away, is it?
Not this month
@TomW If you want to kill it, create a KYM page.
That generally works.
What brain fart am I having with this
function GoToAccount() {
    var account = $(this).siblings(".Customer-Account").innerText;
<tr class="Customer-Information">
    <td class="Customer-Account">@Html.DisplayFor(customer => model.CustomerAccount)</td>
   <td>@Html.DisplayFor(customer => model.Company)</td>
                                        <td>@Html.DisplayFor(customer => model.CustomerAddress)</td>
      <td><input type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-success Submit-Account" onclick="GoToAccount()" />Go to Account</td>
@TravisJ hahaha
shit, two power surges, the whole company is fine except me ;O
Hm, weird why this JavaScript isn't working.
@TomW Never
@Greg $(this) is input, your input got no siblings
@tweray ???
The td doesn't have siblings?
$(this) is not td in your function
$(this) is <input>
I originally did:


But it was hitting the window.
'.Customer-INformation is also not the parent of your damn $(this)
How is it not?
If you do parents it should traverse to the tr row.
as i said $(this) is the DOM of <input>, not <td>
Wow I am a kerning god
100/100 first try
What's all this talk about keming?
Why would it be?
so is anyone somewhat familar between startup.cs and Global.asax.cs?
@tweray And how can I correct.
@FrankVisaggio Yes.
becuz the onclick attribute belongs to your <input>, not <td>
@Greg -
var account = $(this.parentNode).siblings(".Customer-Account").text();
The kerning game doesn't work in chrome =/
@Sidney Works for me on chrome
in my 4.5 project i use ownin.filesystems to serve up files. app.UseFileServer(new FileServerOptions()
RequestPath = new PathString(""),
FileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(@".\"),
does anyone know how to do something similiar in .net 4.6?
The arrow keys work on the tutorial, but nothing else.
ie i want to be able to serve a text file from myhost/foo.txt
@tweray Hm, says undefined. Weird-
!!xkcd kerning
just do $(this).closest(".Customer-Information").find(".Customer-Account"
Actually this whole site is pretty cool:
Even thought doesn't work, which is why I'm confused.
@Jeremy - I use colorhexa and paletton
@TravisJ huh?
@TravisJ oh, i see. I have used paletton before too and like it. That site (method.ac)is a series of fun games for programmers to learn design, though.

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