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ugh... developing FOR IE... sux
@Codeman i lute like 150
I've been having a hard time getting to the gym lately.
Yeah me too actually
I think I might just make a rule that for every day i don't get 30 minutes of vigorous exercise, I have to put $50 in savings
that way, I guarantee I do something good for myself every day
i'd be rich
I already put everything in savings lol
I'd go in debt to put things in savings
I mean... I save about 20% of gross
but that's for retirement stuff
i save about.. nothing
@Bardicer best day to start saving is today
i save about 45%
I do all the retirement stuff and sock a lot extra away, too
i'm two weeks behind on paychecks and bills
Would like to buy a house wherever I live next :^)
we were just at the 'paying off debts' stage
hmm, maybe a better role for me would be "no, I can't talk to the Azure guys"
now i'm about another 30k in debt to my in laws
My wife and I finally started an actual financial plan/budget.
@Bardicer you should make them paninis
they are vehemently reaffirming that i don't owe them
lol, a friend of mine (that used to work at MSFT) saw my post that I paid off my student loans and said "now you need a MSFT hobby... something very expensive that you almost never do"
If anything my in laws own me money.
my father in law took about 30k out of his 401k for my wife's funeral and the attorney fees to fight my stepdaughter's sperm donor for custody
this coffee tastes like blueberries
@Bardicer that sucks
don't you sign away all your claims when you donate sperm?
his stance is he lost 11k in one day... as long as i take care of the kiddos and do everything i can to make my wife proud of me
I got an email yesterday saying I should come donate sperm and I was just like "lol, no"
not a literal donor
a technical one
deadbeat dad is the more common term
but that's too good for him
ah, lol
@Bardicer honestly you're under enough stress without worrying about whether you owe your FIL money.
i'm ok today @mikeTheLiar
yesterday i wasn't
but today i am
what i need is someone to tell me they'll pay me $85k a year and let me work from home lol
then i don't have to worry about the five year old
i think i'm doing better because i know what to expect and recognize it when it hits me
i did cuss out some mormon missionaries friday though
my mother in law ran away until they left
Cool, got the plumbing down
Now "just" the "UI stuff"
get latest... 2 conflicts... resolve conflicts... get latest... 2 conflicts... resolve conflicts.. get latest... 1 conflict...
I'm looking at this code I wrote six months ago trying to figure out WTF I was trying to accomplish.
lol gotta love that
@mikeTheLiar story of my life
think about the bright part, if you look back 6 month and found your code look the same as right now, that means you get 0 improvement in 6 months
Inspiring AF. You should be a speaker.
Amen to that
i'm good at keep myself happy, otherwise i will be chatting with you in Arkham Asylum right now
or maybe i'm already in it just i didn't realize that
I'm trying to create a custom filter for a Silverlight RadGridView. No matter what I do, when I try to actually add the CompositeFilter to the DataControl.FilterDescriptors, it comes up with a "is not of type "Telerik.Windows.Data.IFilterDescriptor" and cannot be used in this generic collection." error.
posted on January 20, 2016 by Bertrand Le Roy

To read last week’s post, see The week in .NET – 1/12/2016. On.NET Last week, we had Jonathan Chambers on the show to talk about Unity. This week, we’ll have Don Syme, and we’ll talk about F#. Package of the week #1: NATS client Microservices and IoT both require distributed architectures where a large number... Read more

posted on January 25, 2016 by Bertrand Le Roy

This week, we’re happy to have Don Syme on the show to talk about F#.... Read more

posted on January 26, 2016 by The .NET Fundamentals Team

We are happy to announce that the .NET Framework 4.6.1 and its language packs are now available on Windows Update (WU) and WSUS for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2012 R2. An offline installer is available here for Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows Server 2012. Additionally, the .NET Framework 4.6.1... Read more

posted on January 26, 2016 by Bertrand Le Roy

To read last week’s post, see The week in .NET – 1/19/2016. On.NET Last week, we chatted with Don Syme about the future of F#, and the community behind it. This week, our guests are Brian Flannery and Colin Sullivan from Apcera. We’re going to talk about NATS, a high performance messaging system with a... Read more

posted on February 01, 2016 by Bertrand Le Roy

This week, our guests are Brian Flannery and Colin Sullivan from Apcera. We’re talking about NATS, a high performance messaging system with a great .NET client. The NATS web site can be found at http://nats.io... Read more

posted on February 02, 2016 by Bertrand Le Roy

To read last week’s post, see The week in .NET – 1/25/2016. On.NET On .NET can now be enjoyed on Channel 9, in addition to our YouTube channel. A nice consequence of this, beyond the additional audience, is that we’re getting a nice audio podcast feed out of it, which should be useful to all... Read more

Seriously people your favorite data type is string? STRING? shoots himself
@Feeds what the fuck, pull yourself together
lol, i guess it's like "oops, forgot to push rss for two weeks :) doesn't matters, nobody cares about it anyways, i will just push all the missing stuff together xD Thank me suckers!"
Feeds is going batty
Me six months ago:

//This should never happen but if it does it's a problem.
feeds is triggering me
i've written comments like that too
so lemon is going to come in and chop your head off
@rlemon im about to flag feeds for spamming
and hopefully fix @CapricaSix btw
nothat is broken feeds
i miss caprica
there is a debounce or something that gets triggers on new feeds
i'm flagging rlemon
anyways, cap is down because I got a new desk and am setting up the computers again
nice desk
now stop taking pictures and chatting and fix caprica
it is hard to find nice looking standing desks
That carpet is just horrible.
ended up finding these on Amazon for $200 each
lol, don't tell me cap is hosted in your company's computer
sure is
boss knows
I bitched one night because he killed the network connection
"no one is here, why does it matter!?"
@rlemon Hey that's my vacuum.
its a nice vacuum
transfer caprica to the vacuum so she isn't reliant on your unreliable computer anymore
the computer is reliable.
people are not
While I would have massive respect for someone making a turing machine with a vacuums beater bar, I'm not sure I could trust any software that ran on it.
Speaking of Cap @rlemon what happened to all of her learned commands?
in JavaScript, yesterday, by Caprica Six
please be advised, @rlemon is too good for windows and is moving me to linux. I'll be down during the transition and memory may be a bit touch and go when I get back. that Moose Loving Canadian Bastard!
they are backed up
haven't restored them yet
Thank god. I thought we'd lost panini.
going from windows -> linux I have little faith anything unicode specific will translate over
but 99% of the commands should restore fine
its good that caprica six was in range of the resurrection ship
Caprica should be renamed Jane :D
The bot they called Jane!
then we'd need a Tarzan bot...
no, no. wrong jane
Feels like 90% of what I do is find my way around APIs and deal with leaky abstractions
Maybe the "golden age" of programming was when your only dependency was a chip manual
@Jeremy NIH syndrome is a scam!
"You have Not-Invented-Here Syndrome! Here, import this framework!"
import the framework. you know you wanna
go on. just a taste.
using System.Panini;
Like, I get it
But it seems frameworks and libraries are popular not because people like using them, but rather because people like writing them
I really like using the MVC framework.
@TravisJ npm install jicamaJS
@Jeremy starred for truth
there aren't too many frameworks i like using
except JicamaJS
More like FrameDOESN'TWork, amirite?
That's hilarious
guys stop saying .net everyone uses .com now
@Amy feature-free style for a no-stress development experience
Simply install jicamaJS, write everything yourself, and presto!
JicamaJS is compatible with Pesto 1.2+
Well that's pretty damning. jQuery sucks.
Development doesn't suck! You take that back!
sudo apt-get install jicama-panini
oh ok guys it's great again
@mikeTheLiar lol i like that article
Drinking game for web devs: (1) Think of a noun (2) Google "<noun>.js" (3) If a library with that name exists - drink
(4) If a library with that name doesn't exist, you must create it.
(5) then drink
maybe not necessarily in that order.
bonus minigame: successfully execute 10 git commands
git help
Stephen Liekens used CLI
It was super effective!
> This is a world where people eschew sex to write a programming language for orangutans.
my kind of woooorld
why do you keep deleting your comments?
because i'm just frustrated
here, have a panini
we are all frustrated at some point on a tuesday
paniniJS is the only framework I need
aside from JicamaJS, of course
JicamaJS is so stable, it hasn't had a commit in a while.
A framework you can rely on
Wow, erm. Wow.
This recruiter is a complete raving dickcheese
!!google 70000 GBP to USD
!!google list of .net data attributes for validation
> Excellent opportunity with some very sexy, very new methods
100k apparently
Basingstoke is also not particularly expensive.
Not particularly nice, but not particularly expensive.
> You'll need the strong low-level, fundamental understanding of the job, that only a strong degree (2:1 or above) from a good Uni. will provide.
everybody knows learning C99 from septuagenerians is the only way to understand computers
I bet they write CRM plugins or some shit like that
Just in case it was unclear, the 'wow' was for the horribleness of the English
my corporate firewall blocks glassdoor? wtf
Bearing in mind this page was written by a recruitment consultant who takes commission
I turned on high performance mode on my phone. time to see if the battery explodes
your phone could become sentient. be vigilant.
damn it feels good to own GOOG
years ago we had a character in our D&D campaign named GOOG.
@Jeremy - Not a bad long term stock to own
my character was named Krunk
@TravisJ Yup. When I opened my first IRA, I dumped all the money in it into GOOG
That is safe
Arguably a bad decision then, but it worked out
@Codeman that's funny. I just needed a bachelor's to get my foot in the door. A master's won't help me much.
Idk I know some CS PhDs that can't/won't code
Me too
companies worth their salt will find some other way to screen for good software developers
yay got my gpu based voxel engine working finally!!
since i lost my wife i've been thinking about the possibility of moving into a management position sometime.
but... i absolutely love writing code
That is because at the PhD level they all get into big data analysis and get into visualization tools as opposed to actually writing algorithmic analytics.
and i don't want to give that up
@Bardicer :(
my big thing is the 5 year old... and since my wife was a SAHM, i don't know how i'm going to handle that aspect
stay at home mom
stay at home mom
she worked two jobs to put me through college - she spent the past 4 years just taking care of the kids and the house
how do you add a project to the Recent List at the start page?
i know i'm at a bad spot to make major decisions - but i think if someone offered me a work from home position i'd be all over it
@juanvan You open it recently?
ya it's never there tho
getting sick of going to look for it
You can also pin it I think
guys, I just realized something um..
@Bardicer With a 15 year old and a 5 year old, it really could be worse
so I want to start new job on february 22nd
If you have VS in the start bar you can definitely pin it there
it's not Friday :(
i know @Jeremy - the 5 year old could be in diaper stage still
but I'm getting my teeth pulled out on 24th (wisdom teeth)
they're both in school, and 15 should be old enough for the older one to take care of the younger one from ~2:30-5:30
my wife absolutely loved watching me gag my way through a dirty diaper
should i delay the start date or keep the start date but take off that one day?
the 5 year old doesn't start school til this fall
@mikeTheLiar that did it thanks
> wisdom teeth
> one day
she was born just a hair too late
Ah, darn.
@KalaJ Sorry, you're fucked
@juanvan cheers
Beers for all
@KalaJ good luck
40 minutes til gohome time! \o/
@KalaJ - Tell them the situation. Ask them what they would prefer.
Yeah I was thinking that. I need to call him back.
My offshore team finally got some code through the final boss code reviewer.... None of it follows the standards he's applying to my code reviews. wtf?
@Sidney shit on the floor
I can't really delay the procedure any longer since I'm under mom's insurance and it pays full for the operation
because I get out of it in March
@Codeman time to get Schwifty
get it over with, @KalaJ
caprica is back!
How does the bot just come and go?
Is someone controlling caprica? lol
@mikeTheLiar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
relmon signed her in
What's worse is because that is now accepted code I have to mangle my code to work with it, or I have to make a gigantic stink to get it pulled back out and fixed, and I'm not high enough level management to raise that big of a stink.
oh ok
@mikeTheLiar help, afk, ban, coffee, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, glitterbomb
!!zalgo Hello?
!!zalgo panini
@KalaJ "undefined"
He comes
!!coffee I want coffee
@KalaJ "ReferenceError: I is not defined"
1 message moved to Trash can
oh wells I tried
2 messages moved to Trash can
@KalaJ I think it's a coffee script interpreter
ah okay, I was worried it was something like that instead lol
No love for Zalgo?
no love for Zalgo.

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