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we went over view models yesterday, but build out projections?
not needed for you probably
what is this SO teams page thing?
its a team
i have an EF proxy type. How do I get the type it was based on? Can I always use the base class?
because we're a team
@Failsafe does it mean anything?
C# is a team? we have a team page?
i.e entity.GetType().BaseType?
or is there a better, more reliable way of getting the original type the proxy was generated for?
MFW jon skeet isnt in the team
@Amy What are you trying to get?
i'm trying to get the entity type for the proxy.
I can use entity.GetType().BaseType, but I'm unsure how reliable that is.
Apparently we have a team page and I screwed up because I thought they were seriously about titles. So I'm the only one who put software dev. Everyone else has nice, unique titles. Nooo
your using reflection to get the proxy? Have you tried just getting the actual type instead?
Why target the proxy if you want the type?
Are you talking about like ObjectContext.GetObjectType(entity.GetType()) for EF?
@KalaJ you can change your title
by clicking on the settings gear
because i have an instance of the proxy, and i want to get the mapping information from EntityFramework.MappingAPI. efmappingapi.codeplex.com
on your picture
but MappingAPI doesn't accept the proxy.
ohh cool, thanks
If entity.GetType().BaseType() works what I suggested should work.
i'll look at ObjectContext.GetObjectType(entity.GetType())
makes sense
i bet that's exactly what i need.
Why do we have a team page? What's it for exactly?
@KalaJ So what job are you applying for?
thanks @greg
@greg, software developer in .NET mostly at a small company. THey're an incubator and they work with local startups to get their tech side up and running
@KalaJ Cool.
@Amy Happy to finally help you :)
Apparently, they have a venture capitalist that invests a lot of his money into local startups that he thinks will be successful
and we help them grow
its the great circle of code
by providing tech solutions
just curious, how often do you do squash merge? from time to time or for almost every branch?
testing the code now.
works perfectly!
and there was much rejoicing
I feel like most developers rely on the internet.
but that makes sense.
we're in front of computers all day
and the internet has dank memes
dank memes
@Amy Do you want the type, or the object?
the type. i got it. @greg's solution was exactly what i needed.
i already have the object.
Ok, cool. Object is much harder
ncsoft are annoying me.
Those mornings when something angers you first thing, then the rest of the day is shot
anger makes you stronger
let the dank memes flow through you
Some server maintenance or something
And no information on twitter or forums
It's like they are becoming indie >_>
they are not indie?
I'm so unmotivated right now.
I'm surprised at how many people don't understand UAC.
what's UAC?
most of us don't interact with it much
universal animal care?
probably heard it before
in all seriousness, i think it's something to do with user account control
User Access Control
speaking about universal animal control...
United Anteaters of China
there we go, fixed the team page image
a brazilian vet decided to give free assistance to animals from poor people
the regional council decided it was "unfair competition" and demanded him to stop
that's awesome
wait. what?
charity !== competition
dey took er jobs
thats a true story
if someone wants to give their services away for free, that's their choice and it should be respected.
regional council should be dragged through the streets behind a team of horses belonging to poor people
when charity competes with paid services, it's competition.
thats the whole point
because capitalism
no it's not
according to the vet, most of those animals never had a single vaccine
hopefully that doesn't procceed, @ShotgunNinja
because if you have a 0% chance of getting the owners' money in the first place there is no basis for 'competition'
so, many of the animals he treated had a real risk of contracting rabies
so... kudos to our local council... they do an awesome job
ok, I see now
your council is dumb.
@Amy that vet is such a slut. Givin' it away for free on the streets.
in Alabama it's illegal to make and sell coffins without the blessing of the coffin association.
"Alabama Coffin Association" would be a good band name.
which brings me to sUAV guidelines.... purely designed to get money, not really for safety
suave guidelines
"Lather, rinse, repeat" ?
> I could fly a DJI Phantom over my house and property and take all the videos and photos I want as a hobbyist, but if I do the exact same flight as a service for roof or solar panel inspection or for a realtor, then suddenly you guys have a problem with it. It's all about the money isn't it
- Jeff Foster
I'm not sure how safety plays into, it seems like repeated lathering would increase shampoo-eye contact risk... But it definitely increases consumption.
Anyone used ElasticSearch? Is there a learning curve to it or nah?
everything under the sun has a learning curve
and a few things above the sun do, too.
Just curious
that's true
"above" the sun?
heh. i have a customer in my database who's last name is Goodloving
everything AWS has a steep learning curve but it plateaus quickly
i thought about changing my last name to McLovin
but i kinda like McEntire - I'm the ENTIRE Mc
@Bardicer when I worked at a pizza shop my nickname was McLovin.
when i worked at Sonic, someone got ahold of the label maker
they changed my name to something inappropriate
uh oh
and i was a carhop
those exist?
carhops? or sonics?
it was nothing for me to pull in $80 over a 3 hour lunch period
that's pretty good for a carhop
i didn't want to do management
it was in a small town (population 2000) and i took care of my people. i still remember one lady always ordered a large diet coke with pickles in the bottom
she'd give me a $5 bill and tell me to keep the change
interesting drink choice.
wrong drink choice.
objectively bad
both...i got curious and tried it
not as bad as chocolate coke though
is that a thing?
yup. not good.
hell, murica in its best
@EricWu at sonic you can order what seems like an infinite number of combinations of drinks
don't attribute that to us
lol @Luggage
my favorite was a peanut butter, chocolate, banana shake
doesn't sound that bad
that one makes sense
they even made a chocolate/peanut butter/banana beer
not as good as the shake
... although... that's a shake. can't imagine someone putting peanut butter
a beer... I can understand
but again, I'm talking from a city that's 35ºC at shadow
but for flavorings... we had strawberries, peanut butter, pineapple, chocolate, chocolate fudge, watermelon, cherry, blueberry, pina colada, vanilla, sour apple, orange...
95ºF, folks
already googled, but thanks.
Whatcha gonna do bout ZIKA
was about to mention that
it's 68ºF here now
but thought was too dark for a sunny chat as this one
zika, good ol' zika :)
promoted to WHO's international emergency zone, who'd say
good ole GMO 'squitto's
@EricWu: most topics are accepted here
@JoJo, that's controversial
indeed, we did release some gmo's quittos (damn, that's catchy), but I doubt they had a role in all this
Good band name.. The GMO Squitto's
still, we're not as bad as haiti
haiti recently declared national emergency on zika
yeah that zika virus doesn't look good :(
the WHO still doesn't link the virus to the microcephally cases, but... here in brazil that's almost a certainty
anyone know why the [Display(order=#)] wouldnt be working for me when I display data into a DGV (winforms)?
@EricWu: Is that what they call the disease that the babies get?
the very one
I thought they'd acknowledged that?
I just googled it, and it seems like... not :(
Unfortunately yes :(
... oh hell
It's just very likely that they are connected, but I guess they lack research to directly tie them together.
it's just... amazing the way we underestimated zika here, back when it was first divulged
we thought it would just be something that could be simply fought against the way dengue ever was
*dengue always has been
I don't know much about zika or the dengue fever. What are the differences? How are they treated? AFAIK zika doesn't have any special treatment? Just wait it out, like the flu?
i can't think today. its like my brain can't boot up
Same thing with dengue
Can't really do much but wait it out
And hope that your brain doesn't cook in the mean time
@Amy knock it hard, that worked for my tv
percussive maintenance?
@mikeTheLiar: ah, sounds bad
aye, basically
or, in a second exposure (in dengue), hope you don't bleed through all your pores
*bleed out
need to release millions of sterile mosquitos to kill off the mosquito population
cough cough
that's what I called GMO'squitos
actually, @JoJo did
@scheien Yeah, my mom had dengue and ended up with a fever of 105
Also my dad and his sister both had chikungunya. That shit is no joke.
@mikeTheLiar, where are you from ? õ.o
Originally from the Caribbean.
man, that sounds like some fucked up disases
that explains it
Chikungunya's real nasty because it makes your brain swell. So your nervous system starts going haywire.
thats some detail I didn't have
The worst thing you can pick up here (except hiv) is like the flu, meningitis and mononucleosis. Probably some other stuff too, but not by far as dangerous and easy to get as dengue, zika or that last thing you mentioned @mikeTheLiar
and of course the general infections in lungs, throat and such
again... we're used to say that Japan has earthquakes, USA has tornadoes... and Brazil has aedes and corrupt politicians :)
aedes = the transmitting mosquito
That thing the military is currently killing / wiping out?
trying to
not all of the US has tornadoes
just the middle bit
they kinda don't do so hot when they hit mountains
I'm right outside the end of "Tornado Alley"; we've come close a few times, but the Great Lakes chain kinda destroys them with its barometric pressure
@ShotgunNinja you'd be surprised. Massachusetts has had a few. Rare but it happens.
The 2011 New England tornado outbreak occurred on Wednesday, June 1, 2011, in Massachusetts' Connecticut River Valley and also in southern Maine, devastating sections of the large city of Springfield, Massachusetts and its surrounding region. Although the vast majority of damage occurred in the Connecticut River Valley, the tornado outbreak spawned 7 tornadoes across New England, affecting both the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Maine. By 9:47 pm EDT, the violent storms—which included seven reported tornadoes—had killed three people, injured 300 people in Springfield alone, and...
"New England tornado outbreak" is a good band name.
global warming at its best
we have tornadoes in TN
soon, all these aedes will move northward as well
Wasn't hurricane catarina a rare occurence too?
catarina lol
nah, the one that hit brazil in 2004
Hurricane Catarina (Portuguese pronunciation: [kataˈɾinɐ]) was an extremely rare South Atlantic tropical cyclone that hit southeastern Brazil in late March 2004. The storm developed out of a stationary cold-core upper-level trough on March 12. Almost a week later, on March 19, a disturbance developed along the trough and traveled towards the east-southeast until March 22 when a ridge stopped the forward motion of the disturbance. The disturbance was in an unusually favorable environment with below average wind shear and above average sea surface temperatures. The combination of the two led to a...
[US Centric Mindset Intensifies]
the US is in the center of North America
Mexico is our pants, Canada our hat.
.....Americas pants are extremely hot and humid.
The USA. AKA Canada's Mexico.
haha :D
@mikeTheLiar This is true
@KendallFrey and also hat if you count Alaska.
lol, that's pretty accurate description for florida
So what does that make Cuba?
Sometimes when i type a variable name, intellisense comes up with two options, the variable name, and then the variable name followed by a colon. What's the deal with that?
@mikeTheLiar dandruff
America is the landmass, the United States is the country.
@Sidney isn't that a parameter name?
Probably named parameters
so that poster should read "United States of America: Canada's Shorts"
Oh super weird. Yeah, that's what it is.
or mexico's canada :D
@ShotgunNinja i'm pretty sure when they sing "god bless america", they never cared about canadians
kinda worse... love it
Seems like it would make maintainability more confusing... "I don't like the order of these parameters, I'll shuffle them around arbitrarily", which might explain why I've never seen it used.
@tweray or people who don't believe in God
...oh wait
"Separation of church and state" is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson and others expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Either way, the "separation" phrase has since been repeatedly used by the Supreme Court of the United States. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that and Article VI specifies that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." The modern concept of...
Ted Cruz quoting scripture every 3 seconds makes me very nervous
we don't really need another 8 years of debating whether or not queerosexuals are people, too
> queerosexuals
at least he's quoting. every sentence trump said make itself a quote
What pray tell is that?
!!urban queerosexual
ted cruz on net neutrality pissed me off
ted cruz applauded some duck dynasty guys plan to get rid of all the queers.
he frightens me
shit @CapricaSix broken again
the amount of scary candidates this year is WAY TOO HIGH
I'm not clicking on that link at work
I have a rat on my lap :)
at least ours were never accused of... well, transporting 450 kg of cocaine in a helicopter
oh wait
@EricWu you live in Toronto?
or was that not Rob Ford?
not that guy
nope, we have our own version ;D
haha, Rob Ford was a trainwreck
truth is, our guy was never accused, really
but the chopper was his
Can't a man lend his buddy a chopper?
@Codeman I don't think I care for this word.
i dont mind it.
@mikeTheLiar it's parody.
people make up stupid words. let them sound like stupid people
@Codeman The UD page is venturing pretty far into Poe's Law
!!Google Poe's Law
@mikeTheLiar I don't disagree
@Sidney Cap's dead.
Poe's law is an Internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extreme views will be mistaken by some readers or viewers for sincere expressions of the parodied views. == History == "Poe's law" was originally written by Nathan Poe in 2005, in a post on christianforums.com, an Internet forum about Christianity. The post was written in the context of a debate about creationism, where a previous poster had remarked to another user "Good thing you included the winky. Otherwise people might think you are serious." Poe then replied, "Without a winking...
I've never heard of this law, but I've seen it in action, which is scary.
in JavaScript, 1 hour ago, by Caprica Six
rlemon's all fancy pants and has a new desk and needs to power me down to move me. What a syrup sucker.
Uhoh...If I'm going to join the team I need to describe my 'role' without knowing what everyone else has said
oh cool, no I don't
There's only one role. Panini.
juuuust wtheck is panini?
It is a sandwich architecture
I nearly named myself Chief Pedant. Unwittingly making myself @Codeman's boss.
what do you mean, sandwich architecture?
@EricWu are you asking about the word panini or the meme panini?
didn't know there as a meme
Jan 12 at 16:55, by Markus Werner
to all stupid put all "Panini" in your asshole
its a meme
This guy started it
It is implemented just like it tastes
A panini is a grilled sandwich
has that guy been back in here since?
not that i've seen
you guys are so bad lol
He ran away in shame.
hurt another young soul
His legacy will live on.
Jan 12 at 16:58, by Amy
soon all the chicks will want to know about you, your panini, and your asshole.
@CharlieBrown You there?
you know management is afraid of you when you still get 5/5 in your quarterly review after achieving literally none of your 90 day goals...
fear? maybe its love.
A java developer at another company asked me what type of data structures I work with at my current place and I'm like Dictionary and List. I was confused on what he was looking for in my answer?
I little bit of both perhaps.
We don't work with Stacks and Queues if that was what he was asking lol
@KalaJ that is an acceptable answer.
yeah I figured but it was weird because it wasn't like a thoughtful question to answer
@KalaJ that's a weird question anyway.
don't think about data structures. think about sandwich layers
I've got a question, in Entity Framework if you execute a Stored Procedure, will it auto map if you do:
"What's your favorite data type?"
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public int Branch { get; set; }

        public virtual Product Product { get; set; }
Amy used String Shot! It's not very effective...
quick question for the room... anyone know of an easy way to replace nonprintable characters in a string with another string? something like CR -> "{CR}". I could do the mappings one at a time here, but I was hoping I could do something like this:

Regex.Replace(loggingEvent.RenderedMessage, @"\p{Cc}", a=>String.Format("{{0}}", (int)a)

only get the name of the character instead of its ASCII value
I felt like String needed some love.
let's all love string! let's all love string!
Q: Using a stored procedure in entity framework, how do I get the the entity to have its navigation properties populated?

user48545Entity framework is cripplingly slow so I tried using a stored procedure but I ran into this problem. Entity Framework allows you to define a stored procedure that produces an entity. However my entity has 'navigation properties' which are not being populated when using this method. Is there a ...

@Greg I don't think it does
String is love. String is life.
Son of a police officer.
@Greg - Why are you sproc?
i dont think executing sprocs will automap with EF. Dapper does that though.
@TravisJ Because my data is structured so poorly, that I can't get EF to auto map due to Compound keys.
EF can map a single object, not sure if it would do a nested object in it though.
I know a Stored Proc doesn't acknowledge our data attributes.
@Greg I did a single-table hierarchy that worked in EF once
I may have to just do a single object.
Ugh, I hate our data.
you can try a view though
a view would work, but would be readonly
well, technically you can do update on a view as long as it's not a calculated column
oh, didnt know that.
i just don't know if that's supported in EF
@Greg here now
@Greg correct, sprocs will not make entities
However, a sproc will automap to the properties of a type that you supply
@TomW lol
@Jeremy bard? do u even lute, bro?

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