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PS4 has been hacked if anyone cares
Rift go go go
Oculus shop is white and blank :P
aaaaaaaand the website has crashed
Too much hype
ps4 has been hacked, cool
TFW shop.oculus.com doesnt load
Yep, was just done by the same team last time
in JavaScript, 37 secs ago, by Kendall Frey
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hostname' of undefined
on rift site :p
A JS error. How sad.
window.origin? whats that even
did we ddos shop.oculus.com?
TFW your scripts dont work in prod
maybe they meant window.location.origin?
well i guess i can go to this meeting now
DDOS shouldn't cause a javascript error
because oculus is down anyway
i do all my testing in production
Hello @CuddleBunny
@Squiggle if they got a over nerved boss and some over reacting developer, it can
Oh they fixed it.
@Amy A system that has been proven to work in Production is of far more use than a system still in development, right?
@CodeMaster hello
@Squiggle exactly
@RoelvanUden at least they ship worldwide :)
@CuddleBunny since you are using Telerik Kendo UI, can I ask you something very quickly?
how quickly is very quickly?
Pops on January 6, 2016
Stack Exchange Winter Bash 2015 wrap-up
it's very quickly :D
@CodeMaster sure
@CuddleBunny I'm using the Kendo UI MVC Grid. I've got two tables one has Code for country for example, US,UK and I have another table where I've got Code and Definition. How can I get the Definition from other table. Currently my data cell shows US and I need to show United States.
@CuddleBunny I'm using as DropDownList and the dropdownlist understands that which one is code and which one is definition (Editor Template).

@(Html.Kendo().ComboBoxFor(m => m)
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:250px" })
@CuddleBunny for the Grid column, I'm using ClientTemplate:
columns.Bound(c => c.CountryList).ClientTemplate("#=Country#").Width(80);
At the end it shows the Code not the definition.
add a calculated field to your view model that selects the definition from the other table?
I don't know how to do that in the MVC wrappers, I usually just use JS
This is what I have inside Controller:

public void PopulateCountries()
var dataContext = new ApplicationDbContext();
var officeSiteCountries = dataContext.GeoDD
.Where(c => c.Deleted == false)
.Select(c => new GeoDDViewModel
CountryCode = c.CountryCode,
CountryDefinition = c.CountryDefinition
.OrderBy(c => c.CountryDefinition)

ViewData["officeSiteCountries"] = officeSiteCountries;
ViewData["defaultOfficeCountry"] = officeSiteCountries.First();
in Lounge<C++>, 3 mins ago, by fredoverflow
> Isn't programming really like, when you, make a basket for someone and then it turns out that they needed a bridge, and you just had no idea. And then you make the bridge but it's way over budget and you've never made a bridge before so you just make it out of baskets? And then like 5 years later people have to maintain your basket bridge because it would cost too much to replace it, even though it was never designed to be waterproof and it's constantly just letting cars fall into the river?
should someone being new to MVVM use a framework?
yes, don't reinvent the wheel
If WPF, you already have a framework, called WPF
@CuddleBunny thanks, I will try it.
@RoelvanUden thinking more about things like ReactiveUI or Prism
I'm not going to rewrite an entire UI framework.
you should use ReactiveUI or Prism if doing so will solve a problem or make things easier for you. otherwise, don't.
if you're new to WPF, learn WPF first before throwing something else on top of it.
not new to WPF. Just new to MVVM.
well, I think it'll make things easier since a lot of code is already there. So, guess it'd be worth it.
So it looks like I'm not buying the Occulus rift... $600 before shipping and taxes
wait a bit, prices will come down
What is the best practice regarding stringifying JS object prototype properties?
prototype properties?
you mean converting a JS object to JSON?
i dont know that there is a best practice. just use JSON.stringify on the object.
Including the inherited properties of the JS object in the JSON string is what I'm referring to
JSON.stringify is not including them :(
@SteffenWinkler Why would you use a framework?
If you can't think of a reason you want one now then don't use one now. Otherwise you're just saddling your solution with unneeded dependencies.
@Codeman Because I really wanted to use a mocking library/framework, but we're weird about using external stuff at my current job :(
Q: How to stringify inherited objects to JSON?

wtjonesjson2.js seems to ignore members of the parent object when using JSON.stringify(). Example: require('./json2.js'); function WorldObject(type) { this.position = 4; } function Actor(val) { this.someVal = 50; } Actor.prototype = new WorldObject(); var a = new Actor(2); console.log(...

@Jeremy shit on the floor
Turns out in the end that NSubstitute is approved, though
But I've never used it
Seems easy enough though
@Codeman That'd be a great way to get severance pay
@MoonOwl22 my suggestion is to just "not do that"
Im working on an MVC project. I have a controller named NewUserRequestController.cs and 3 views. Home > Index.cshtml, NewUserRequest > index.cshtml, and NewUserRequest > Received.cshtml
For some reason i am getting a 404 when navigating to "http://localhost:#####/NewUserRequest/Received"
@Michael is that action a GET?
@Squiggle I think
let me check
I mean, yes it should be
since im just navigating to it from the URL bar
@Squiggle and yes, that whats actually happening from looking at the Network Log
I like ECMA International. They save me money
first, make sure you have a action method named "Received"
@tweray oh duh!
@tweray thanks!
rookie mistake. I still fall into that trap every so often though ;)
the Fiddler documentation for "hide if URL contains" has this regex:

REGEX:(?insx).*\.(gif|png|jpg)$ #only show requests for img types`

what is that bit about `(?insx)`
why can't i format that code? argh
i give up
@Squiggle I forgot I didnt really want it accessible from the URL bar in the first place. Thats why i dont have an explicit action for it... But I wanted to look at it in my browser when testing... and confused myself badly lol
@Jeremy lmao because so true
Do you all listen to music while coding. A bit distracting for me most of the time
TIL I have a standing desk
I do when it's easy stuff. Very repetitive. More complex stuff I have to take the headphones off.
i used to listen to jon steward all day, now i can only listen to music dammit
@Michael I haven't really since Grooveshark went byebye, but I like to
i can't work without headphones on
without music, my brain can't tune out other peoples' conversations
its dead quite in my office.
your coworkers are quite dead?
only the sounds of mice clicks and keyboards
@Michael yep
I can't listen to music with lyrics, or anything too dramatic
E.g., this google music station is really nice:
when Michael Jackson's "Beat It" comes up on Pandora, I program 2x as fast.
@Codeman probably wouldn't be of much use if it wasn't standing
When Grooveshark died I was lost and confused but then I figured Spotify was a good service
Black Sabbath's Paranoid and U2's The Unforgettable Fire and War get me going
Beats Antique <3
I always feel like spotify repeats too much
The only Spotify playlist I like without the feeling of skipping is The Happy Hipster.
I just stream my own music from OneDrive, no junk that way
Where I have local copies that I ripped or bought from iTunes I play those instead of streaming from Spotify because they tend to have a higher perceptual quality
The EcmaScript 2015 standard is very mortal-friendly
It reads like English
wake me up when EcmaScript is available in Elvish.
there is a Klingon programming language, but none in Elvish that I'm aware of
hey guys, I need some help with an SQL statement output
@Jeremy thanks, dad
how do I actually save the output of an SQL insert into a variable and what execution should I use? any ideas? (searched everywhere, all answers refer to specific variable type)
what do you mean, save the output?
@chalarangelo SCOPE_IDENTITY() ?
what output?
@chalarangelo ExecuteScalar or similar?
@chalarangelo @ReturnValue int OUTPUT, SET @ReturnValue = SCOPE_IDENTITY()


I have this query for SQL server, how exactly do I incorporate a "@ReturnVarName" from this and how do I get the value it takes (ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteScalar ?)?
Code looks like this so far
using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(TeamIdSql, myConnection);
SqlParameter outparam = myCommand.Parameters.Add("@GuidID", System.Data.SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
outparam.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
TeamId = new Guid(myCommand.Parameters["@GuidID"].Value.ToString()).ToString();
@Jeremy +1
TFW oculus is way too fucking expensive
holy shit
@chalarangelo @ReturnValue int OUTPUT

/*Other parameters as necessary*/



@Failsafe Sony FTW
i still bought one
but still
How do you do a newline in this chat?
@Failsafe that's why it's so expensive :P you were still willing to buy one
@Michael Id is of type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, do I just change for that type? Plus how do I read that output from my C# code?
@Codeman I was going to buy one anyway, i just thought'd be like $400
I have a lot saved up for new tech
@chalarangelo what id? the @ReturnValue is its own parameter
@Michael yeah I mean that the INSERTED.Id is of type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, does that change anything?
@chalarangelo no I dont believe so, are you just trying to get # of rows affected as Output?
oh wow, I could put up to 64GB of RAM in my work machine
@Failsafe yeah
@chalarangelo in C# you can define an additional SQLParam as a variable:

SqlParameter returnValue = new SqlParameter("@ReturnValue", SqlDbType.Int); //create return value
returnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; //set return value direction
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(returnValue); //add returnValue parameter to command
@Michael no, that would be a lot easier, I have a table that generates a new UNIQUEIDENTIFIER on every INSERT ( it is the afforementioned Id column) and I am tying to get that new value into a variable, so that I can execute the SQL Query from my C# code and get the new value into a c# variable
$850 :/
@KendallFrey I only paid $630 w/ shipping
TIL they have device vending machines all over campus here. You swipe your badge, get to borrow an Arduino or a Nexus 9 or a new Nokia for a week to play around with it. Pretty cool :)
I have a slim hope that 1) the CAD gets stronger 2) That reflects in my final price
@KendallFrey 599 USD is 844 CAN
so yeah
@Failsafe I have no idea what "shipping & tax" will be
@Michael I could basically do it with an INT column but I want to try this cause I don't like being stuck at a problem for an hour and then giving up and working around it, so if it is too much trouble, just say so
@KendallFrey but wasn't that period of USD/CAN parity fun?
@chalarangelo I have no idea. Do what you think is best
@Michael well thanks for your time anyway :)
@Jeremy yay, I wasn't spending money then
Maybe now would be a good time to ask for a raise
@KendallFrey why didn't you just come to the U.S. to do your shopping like all the other good canadians
We've exploited you guys long enough
@Jeremy why would that help?
@juanvan Did that fireplace look professional?
@KendallFrey Because while the exchange rate might be 1 USD = 1 CAN, the same good will be worth more CAN than USD.
E.g., books' MSRP
@Jeremy oh you mean during parity?
@KendallFrey yeah
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@Jeremy yay, I wasn't spending money then
I've spent getting close to 5 grand over the past 3 months
@KendallFrey I see. I interpreted that to be because of parity
oh no
That doesn't affect me like it should
I visited Geneva in Fall 2011, when it was 1 USD for 0.8 CHF
That week there nearly bankrupted me.
Considering legally changing my name since there are 3 mikes on my team of 6 devs.
You can be Ass-duff now
@MikeAsdf hommiemikeya
Dirk Hardpeck, Bolt VanderHuge, Roll Fizzlebeef
sounds great
@MikeAsdf Are you dutch?
That's a questionable thumbnail
@KendallFrey jesus christ
@MikeAsdf and title, ikr
yes? somebody called?
@MikeAsdf I vote for "Titty Sprinkles Mcgee"
Only 1/8th dutch
see, i made a decades old joke, still not funny
@SteveG no, funny
@Codeman y
@KendallFrey because the thumbnail looks like a meaty vagina
i'm eating thai, thats just what i wanted to see as i stuffed my meat hole with sesame chicken
@Codeman well that's still better than a veg vag
is anyone else weirded out by the fact that they have arduinos in vending machines here? lol
@SteveG something about stuffing your mom's meat hole
!!google arduinos
@Codeman get out of japan
@Codeman ha, thats awesome
@KendallFrey I'm in Redmond...
@KendallFrey lmao
japan specializes in undergarment vending machines
or any vending machine really
Japan's #1 export is weirdness.
that's a broad category
they export more weird than any other country.
I prefer to split it into tentacle porn and video games
speaking of tentacle porn
!!youtube dye fantasy
uh oh
but worth a watch
damn, that's not right
there's the one
@KendallFrey That shit is fucked up
for no reason
0-100 real quick
My dad remarked you only encounter bad languages when you try to use PHP for scientific computation
@Failsafe yes, great, isn't it
Are there any languages you would consider to be bad for everything you can imagine?
@KendallFrey sure, if you're masochistic
@Failsafe Does loving stuff like this make me a masochist? ok then
shrek is love
shrek is life
yes, there are terrible languages
Any examples? I've only ever known languages good at what they were primarily written for and other things
!!wiki mumps programming language
MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System) or alternatively M, is a general-purpose computer programming language that provides ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable) transaction processing. Its differentiating feature is its "built-in" database, enabling high-level access to disk storage using simple symbolic program variables and subscripted arrays, similar to the variables used by most languages to access main memory. The M database is a key-value database engine optimized for high-throughput transaction processing. As such it is in the class of "schema...
just google terrible programming languages
INTERCAL is my favorite
It has a "built-in" database?
On the surface it looks like a language that was developed for one-time use
The Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym, abbreviated INTERCAL, is an esoteric programming language that was created as a parody by Don Woods and James M. Lyon, two Princeton University students, in 1972. It satirizes aspects of the various programming languages at the time, as well as the proliferation of proposed language constructs and notations in the 1960s. There are two currently maintained versions of INTERCAL: C-INTERCAL, maintained by Eric S. Raymond, and CLC-INTERCAL, maintained by Claudio Calvelli. == History == According to the original manual by the authors, The full name...

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