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@Amy REBEL is mine
Isn't intercal the one where you need to say please?
!!wiki REBEL
The Alliance to Restore the Republic (commonly known as the Rebel Alliance, and, informally, as the Rebellion) is an interstellar faction of the fictional universe of Star Wars. As a direct reaction to the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance warred against the Imperial Fleet throughout the Star Wars galaxy to restore the ideals of the Old Republic. The Rebel Alliance was first featured in the 1977 film Star Wars as the main protagonists as well as its sequels: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983). The faction's origins were alluded to in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of...
one thing in common: they are all capitalized
!!wiki REBEL (programming language)
@MoonOwl22 No result found
@MoonOwl22 the difference is, MUMPS is still used in giant corporations nowadays.
many banks and hospitals still use it
@MoonOwl22 no wiki page
@KendallFrey back again :)
int rgb = red & 0xC +blue & 0xC+ green;
is this correct?
Brainfuck is the only language I can think of that fits the bill of "bad for everything you can imagine"
Oh Kendall, it's actually your project!
and even then it's good for a laugh.
hey i have two problems, i'm using heliohost.org, and my html and css isn't displaying correctly.. also it won't render anything when i use the url provided
it should render at heavyevil.tk/index.html
and it has css and image files which i uploaded, it's a template i downloaded
@MoonOwl22 :)
What was the motivation behind its development?
@Slashy no, you need to place the bits in different places. Also you forgot to & green
REBEL, INTERCAL, and MUMPS are still supported because they provide value somehow to industry, so it's hard to really call them useless.
Javascript is a terrible language, too...
But we've collectively gotten over that, haven't we?
@MoonOwl22 I liked regexes, liked the idea, and wanted to make a language
i'm not over JavaScript yet.
I'm kinda working on a sequel to REBEL
@KendallFrey can you just fix my code line so i can undertstand what im doing wrong? :(
I will say JavaScript is tricky
told you this is really not my main speciality ;)
I am in no position to call the creation of another man or woman terrible
I can only do that when I have developed a good language
when i hit preview it shows my css code... but i copied it from firebug, should css be in the html file?
you don't have to create a movie to critique a movie. that's absurd.
byte rgb = red & 0xC >> 6 | green & 0xC >> 4 | blue & 0xC >> 2; // is one example
I don't want to be the harsh critic who waffles when asked to make something half as good as anything he bashes
being able to make something has nothing to do with the validity of one's criticisms.
@Amy That's true, and that was my gut reaction to what @MoonOwl22 said, but I think there's something really admirable about that view.
Criticism is cheap. Talk is cheap. Nothing's perfect.
But actually making something, and thinking about the trade-offs, is the Hard Thing.
Everyone can just regress to the edgy high school senior/college freshman that realizes that the world isn't all sunshine and roses
And shits on everything
@Amy All else equal, though, I value the opinion of someone who has made something similar a lot more highly
It's something else to actually make something.
i agree @KendallFrey
@Jeremy It's the total oposite :(
I just don't think creation is a prerequisite for having an expressing an opinion on something.
I'll never make a film, so should I never critique films? No.
Please<---useless word describing negativity
Roger Ebert hasn't made any movies, yet he's a great critic.
but your critic on the new star war movie worth much less than George Lucas' critic, yet, if a billion ppl like you having the same critic make a different story
I don't really get the javascript hate. I get the hate when people use javascript for stuff that it is clearly not intended for.
But as far as what it was intended for it works really well IMO.
I think javascript rox
Should I ignore Roger Ebert when he talks about Steven Spielburg's movies just because he hasn't made a movie better than Spielburg? Creation has nothing to do with critique.
I love the idea of JavaScript
so generally, it's really hard to create a really bad language, since if it's bad, then nobody will really even use it so it won't be able to collect that much critics. javascript is generally one of those rare cases
What's so bad about javascript?
it's good back end, but css is more pretty
they're still two different things...
Evening y'all
CSS is crap imo. haha.
um... to be fair, my main hate is not on javascript, but on browsers. actually ecma6 and 7 have some really nice features that excite me
JavaScript's automatic conversion could be improved upon
@Amy - What use case do you feel drives that need for improvement?
Equality testing.
There are some wonderful ideas in JavaScript that were existent in the language before I had heard of anything similar in C#
@Amy - In what circumstances?
@KendallFrey thanks and getting red back is rgb<<2 &0xC?
in any circumstance. JS's === is a silly operator that shouldn't need to exist.
javascript has a java like syntax, runs from the browser in a .js file...php runs from a server.. like your computer with lots of ram that is always connected to the internet for the convenience of your website
Also @Amy I baffled my prof in a lecture that you can use unicode as a classname
@Amy - I never use ===
JavaScript feels like playdough for geeks and nerds
hehe @MaartenWachters
@Slashy 6, rather
StackOverflow is made for coding segregation
A: Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons?

Bill the LizardThe identity (===) operator behaves identically to the equality (==) operator except no type conversion is done, and the types must be the same to be considered equal. Reference: Javascript Tutorial: Comparison Operators The == operator will compare for equality after doing any necessary type c...

i rather call it distinguishing
@KendallFrey im getting 0 lol
@SpencerRuport: comparing equality between two date objects could be improved.
I'm just saying I feel every complaint about javascript as it exists today usually results from using javascript in a way that was not intended.
        byte red = 124;
        byte blue = 30;
        byte green = 15;
        int rgb = red & 0xC >> 6 | green & 0xC >> 4 | blue & 0xC >> 2;
        int r = rgb << 6 & 0xC;//r is 0
@Slashy what's the value of rgb?
@scheien - True. But that could be done with the Date object no?
@Amy nice catch, basic javascript syntax is a little, different.. = is an assignment operator, == is equals and === is identical
put parentheses around all the & 0xC expressions
@Amy - If code is accidentally comparing two types I feel like that's a good indication there's a problem with the code.
in the rgb line only
@SpencerRuport no idea. not sure how it works under the hood. I guess it compares references rather than values.
@KendallFrey like this?
   int rgb = red & (0xC) >> 6 | green & (0xC) >> 4 | blue & (0xC) >> 2;
there is no === in any other lan
int rgb = (red & 0xC) >> 6 | (green & 0xC) >> 4 | (blue & 0xC) >> 2;
@GettingNifty: php has === ?
it does?
JavaScript's === operator wouldn't be necessary if the == operator didn't do automatic type conversions. the language allows it. IMO, this is a pit of failure, not a pit of success.
> $a === $b Identical TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type.
from php docs
@KendallFrey still does not work.
yes, of course it indicates a problem with the code. the problem is the language allows it.
@scheien - date has a valueOf() method or a getTime() if you need to compare the value.
@Amy - So you don't approve of dynamic typing?
@SpencerRuport yeah, I know. learned that the hard way. or subtracting variant: d1 - d2 == 0
maybe it helps with forms if you set char length etc.
not for equality checking, no.
@scheien - I feel like that's a quandry for any OOP language though.
@KendallFrey maybe the retreiving process is wrong
           int r = (rgb << 6) & 0xC;//r is 0?
5 == '5' shouldn't return true.
@SpencerRuport I don't actually think Javascript is that bad, but I don't think that there are too many bad languages that people like to work in
@Amy - But if coding is done correctly that shouldn't ever be an issue right?
@SpencerRuport well, yes. The stupid thing in js, is that you can use the other operators, and they work as expected.
We need to understand that JavaScript was originally designed on a tight schedule and unfair restrictions put on Brendan Eich. I think he did a remarkable job and the language has evolved to something more powerful than what most people thought.
I was just trying to make the point that there are "worse" languages that are still worth developing in
if coding is done correctly. again, i consider this 'feature' of JS to be a pit of failure, not a pit of success.
C++ and Javascript being two, I guess
Though I do really like C++11 and onwards
@Amy - Fair enough.
and Javascript for that matter.
I'm fine with === and ==
Just as long as nobody wants to defend PHP we're good :^)
C++ is something I have to brace myself for this year
what if the type is wrong, you want ur app to run an int for a char
stop swearing @Jeremy!
PHP is good for what it was originally intended to do: making personal homepages
with flexibility comes simplicity
ok, we are no good now
oh fuck lol
your 0xCs should be 0xC0s
If there's anything I love in JavaScript it's the fact the type of the value you return from a function doesn't matter as far as the logical correctness of the function is concerned
curiously, in JS, Number.MIN_VALUE < 0 doesn't return true.
php can instantiate a connection with a form that the user doesn't have access to the backend
@KendallFrey in the first shifting?
or both?
@KendallFrey still zero bro i swear. just try it
        byte red = 24;
        byte blue = 30;
        byte green = 15;
        int rgb = (red & 0xC0) >> 6 | (green & 0xC0) >> 4 | (blue & 0xC0) >> 2;
        int r = (rgb << 6) & 0xC0;//r is 0
@MoonOwl22 In Haskell, you don't need to worry about it until you screw up, then the compiler will yell
@Slashy well, in that example, the first two bits of r are zero
very easily.. i'm thinking about using it for a website login connected to a java app login, in Java I'm going to have to manually create a hashing technique to keep from being decompiled and hacked, because the password has to be printed, somewhere...
@Greg Ya it does, what size tv can you fit there?
@Amy in JS, Number.MIN_VALUE is 5e-324, so yes, it's greater than 0
byte red = 1;
still @KendallFrey
again, the first two bits are zero
"first" = "most significant"
ohhh thought the least
The only thing I still think about is the number data type and it's advantages over integer and floating point data types
I just started twitter, I know I'm fucking late. Anyone knows any interesting programming / it related twitterers?
you can recommend yourself
@MaartenWachters Do you like humourous programming stuff?
Brainfuck programming / puzzles / humour
Swift On Security and Internet Of Shit are good examples of that
there are lots more
@Amy @SpencerRuport The only thing that still grinds me about "==" in Javascript is that it's not transitive.
the PHP CEO one
@tweray imo MIN_VALUE is improperly named.
@Jeremy lol that's one of my favourites
PHP_CEO, iamdevloper
there's that hacker news parody account that i really like
it should have been called Number.Epsilon
@Jeremy - Ah that's a good point. Hadn't thought of that.
@KendallFrey thanks. i really appreciate the help :) . guess i'll need to read more about the bit arithmetic
ahaha that securi tay one is pretty amusing
but one last question , if the red/green/blue are somthing like 47 the shifted value would be 0 right?
so the changed won't even be updated?
only in higher values it would work?
@SpencerRuport It's also a problem in C# when people are defining equality comparers, too. There's never a guarantee that it's transitive, but if you override Equals and ==, it's easy to make the (incorrect) assumption that that implementation of Equals is transitive.
We've been bitten in the ass by this so many times...
is anyone a doctor, this man is choking developer who recently switched to a standing desk: no but I recently switched to a standing desk
I don't override shit anymore unless i have to
Yeah I usually stay away from that as well.
Sounds nice until you get some bizarre behavior.
How do I see if someone tweeted at me?
Yep. Unless you're going to stick something in a HashSet, forget about it.
And even then, provide the hashset your own comparer.
it'll show up on your twitter wall.
@Slashy Like Roel I think was saying, you send the less significant bytes in later frames
In which case you won't care whether or not that implementation of Equals and GetHashCode is transitive, anyway.
@MaartenWachters You'll get a notification
if someone retweets me too yeah?
cc @Codeman
Just tweeted smth amazing at my favo prof, he is pretty hard user of twitter
i wish that account posted more stuff
@MaartenWachters oh you need to follow pakalu papito, he's not about programming but he's hilarious
> OkCupid has suspended Martin Odersky. The creator of Scala uploaded a 37,000 word answer to profile question 'What is your type?'
any of you used a standing desk?
what did you think of it?
or stood while using a desk all day(for years)
Ahh yes his pics often end up on other sites
as long as the floor mat was good, did not mind
> MongoDB adds a "PLEASE" keyword for inserts, boosting chance that data is stored to above 75%.
Developer Accused Of Unreadable Code Refuses To Comment
goddammit lol
Retweeted that one
fucking godly
So I am having a slight issue with a table in bootstrap jsfiddle.net/os5bcj52/1 Everything is actually working right on the JSfiddle but not when i run my actual program. But basically when I shrink the window to its smallest width (to sort of mimic mobile) the right most column isnt collapsing its text etc to fit, but the first two columns are.
Your naming rules don't apply to me! (C# laat unicode karakters toe als naam) @tdams https://t.co/pj0JcYAe6A
JavaScript library with no code but cool logo hits 5,000 stars
I need to tweet more
I need more to tweet about
@KendallFrey a tweet-a-day
even if its some nonsense
As someone who learned arrays ot tried to yesterday, this is my life RN
Top 9 Reasons Arrays Are Confusing, You Won’t Believe #0
in JavaScript, 2 hours ago, by rlemon
Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
that is literally copied from the askreddit thread right now
who cares
Posted 4 hours ago. @rlemon is an imposter!
that's crazy
Looking back, I can see how much I've grown in the past year now that I've found react. https://twitter.com/hipsterhacker/status/466077431061696512
That feeling you get when you check your email 'Empty'
@MaartenWachters do something about it
No I will sit here looking angrily at my shitty code tutting at you
we have a pretty high uptime goal
I can't believe your Caps Lock key hasn't been remapped yet.
lol ouch my heart
But seriously, remap caps lock to left control as god intended
I still use caps lock occasionally
mostly for yelling in the chatroom
@Codeman me too. I swap them.
I use caps lock sometimes because... legacy naming conventions... :(
I don't think we have that here
I've seen conventions where consts have to be all caps
@Codeman some people do that in C#. Comes from C++ AFAIK
But mostly I don't see people do that anymore
I don't have many super strong convention leanings. I don't care as long as it's easy to setup my autoformatter to use it and we use it everywhere
I do prefer tabs, but I can see an argument for spaces, as well
realistically here, we're all using visual studio on Windows machines. If I was writing python, I'd probably have stronger feelings.
The point of naming conventions is to have them, so that juniors have to find something else to bikeshed about in code reviews
Am I right?
pretty much
(not trying to be pejorative, I'm arguably a junior myself)
Well I just spilled water all over my crotch and I have a meeting in 10 minutes.
spill water over the rest of you
go to your meeting naked
@SpencerRuport just dump water over yourself. Now you were splashed by a car
@Amy we'd be the best managers
Considering my first thought was "rub your crotch so the water dries faster" your ideas aren't terrible.
good plan.
@SpencerRuport that's a good plan. maybe so people don't notice, play some moaning sounds on your computer.
@Codeman what if you're in the middle of a drought and nobody would believe that?
I guess there is no such thing in Seattle
hahahahahaha drought in seattle
rough hands will cause more friction which will cause the water to dry faster, so find the person in the office with the roughest, driest hands
@Jeremy - lol. I actually had a dream about masturbating at work recently. I remember thinking to myself as people were walking by I was furiously stroking "I wonder if people have noticed."
and have them do the rubbing.
I remember getting some weird looks and thought to myself "It's probably something else." Meanwhile porn was up on the screen.
It was a strange dream.
you could also borrow someone else's pants
@CuddleBunny idk, we had zero rain for like 100 days straight this summer
Guys, where can I find the Visual Studio Tools under VS directory?
we broke the record for most days in a row without rain
I can only find the ones for office
@SpencerRuport if you do that, just press a paper towel onto the fabric, don't rub
pressing absorbs the water more effectively.
@KalaJ idk, can you find directions on misual visual academy?
It's mostly dried now.
I think I'm good.
@MikeAsdf god I love Venture Bros
just want to remind, if it's hard to reach the A/C, blowing air to the wet part also helps, the closer the better
They say the dream of the 90's is alive in Portland, but I haven't met a single Java developer here.
surprisingly not a ton of tech in Portland apart from Intel
and they're in Hillsboro ala MSFT to Redmond
just a buttload of cement
and lots of homeless people
Portland is cool. It's a lot less yuppie than Seattle
I liked portland.
I never got voodoo donuts, though.
!!wiki voodoo donuts
Voodoo Doughnut is an independent doughnut shop based in Portland, Oregon, known for its unusual doughnuts, eclectic decor, and iconic pink boxes featuring the company logo and illustrations of voodoo priests. In addition to two shops in Portland and one in Eugene, Voodoo recently expanded to Denver, Colorado. In late 2014, The company also announced plans to open additional locations in Japan and Taiwan. The company has also opened another location on 6th Street in Austin, Texas by June 2015. == Company == The company has about 70 employees and $600,000 in annual revenue. Unusually, the business...

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