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@Jeremy class definition?
you just do

Mock<MyClassName> classMock = new Mock<MyClassName>();

classMock.Setup(x => x.InstanceMethod(It.IsAny<ArgumentType>()).Returns("ReturnValue");
@TravisJ - Like this: jsfiddle.net/py9ywc6p/4
All logic is driven off of the classes observable array. So you never mess with the DOM directly. KO does that for you.
(I added the list of classes as text just for an example but if you look at the classes applied to the div with firebug you can see it updates as well.)
@Codeman oof. what mocking framework is that?
Rhino I think.
Yeah... I'm handwriting my mocks now because I don't think we've chosen a mocking library/framework
I hate handwriting them, of course, but I don't feel I have an option now.
If I could choose, I'd be using NUnit ;)
Rhino won't interfere with any of your existing tests.
@SpencerRuport I'm aware, I just don't want to include rhino and have someone decide later that they want to use Moq or Pex/Moles
Especially out from under the nose of management
Makes sense.
@SpencerRuport - Sorry I don't think I explained it properly. It isn't based on the class names, that was just me trying to help visualize which I didn't accomplish. Each div will have a dropdown in it (not one global dropdown), and each dropdown will have the option to select any div, and divs may be inserted at random.
I'm struggling with "each div will have a dropdown" and "each dropdown will have the option to select any div"
I will make a small demo
Ok. I'm gonna head out but just ping me. I'll take a look.
@SpencerRuport - Okay, I am leaving soon too but I will ping you when its done.
@Jeremy Moq, why do you say oof??
we're just using MSTest with Moq. Pretty standard stuff, I like MSTest. Very simple
Moles is deprecated - Fakes is what you should use. new versions of VS do not include Moles, you will be sad.
although Fakes is pretty damn heavy - that's full assembly mocking.
My arms have lots of moles
I'm a walking skin cancer risk
@KendallFrey - Mine too
@SpencerRuport - This is a simplified version: jsfiddle.net/xkqh1bLz
mmm, typescript debugging and unit testing, so juicy
I am so tired of catfsih.
what do you call a fish with no eye?
Okay, I am done for today, later
cya, me too very soon. bus in 15 minutes
@Codeman what do you call a man with no arms
@KendallFrey fucked
whatever you want, really
what's he gonna do?
when i first got to my unit in the marines, these two dudes were talking near me about how many pushups this sergeants dad could do or something, and i got curious, so i asked this dude how many pushups the sergeants dad could do
he turns to the sgt and yells "HEY SGT PRICE, xxx WANTS TO KNOW HOW MANY PUSHUPS YOUR DAD CAN DO"
the sgt turns to me, his face turns red, and he just explodes and yells "MY DAD HAD BOTH OF HIS ARMS BLOWN OFF IN VIETNAM YOU FUCK", and he goes on and chews me out for a good 2 minutes
then he stopped, and started laughing, along with others, because it was all a practical joke
i will never forget that, for the rest of my life.
in a good way or a bad way
good way, very funny
i tried to get him to do it to the new boots (noobs in marine talk), but he never did
when i was a boot, one SGT told me to go ask the gunnery sergeant (E-6 is his rank code) for a prick E-6. I never made the connection.
tldr, whats the short version
read it
there is none
that is the short version
(seriously, I got bored writing it and shortened the original)
I know some guys that got the noob carpenter in their crew to go looking for the wood stretcher.
i'm reading it
he probably died from eating all those balls, @KendallFrey you know something about that, right
@SteveG you slut lol
LMAO I just read it aloud to my GF for like the 3rd time in our 5.5 year relationship
every time she forgets and falls for it
I love it
she's an idiot
she's actually quite clever, memory is worthless tho
you take that back
@Greg ......
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
posted on January 06, 2016 by Scott Hanselman

A reader emailed asking how to avoid accidentally checking in passwords and other sensitive data into GitHub or source control in general. I think it's fair to say that we've all done this once or twice - it's a rite of passage for developers old and new. The simplest way to avoid checking in passwords and/or connection strings into source control is to (no joke) keep passwords and connection

@rlemon: That's a pretty awesome joke :D
I am having big trouble understanding SSRS
@SteveG there are some great ones of those. My grandad when he was a green engineer was sent to the stores for a long weight
And a brass magnet
Its 3 am. I wish i could sleep
@SteveG it must be hard not to laugh. Which I guess is a bad move when being chewed out by an SGT, even as a wind up
Lol yeah. One time i looked for a while tor hmmvee keys
Especially if its because that guy isn't as good at yelling as he thinks he is
Lol. Whats a long weight supposed to be
Do you know how to get a thread to create a TextBox ?
pastebin.com/xbM8XG7Z, it's in VB but the concept will be the same
@SteveG they must have had fun with you. Say it to yourself
Lol they did
@P.Andrews why would you want to? Wouldn't surprise me if it stops you from doing that for a reason. I don't see that your example actually creates a textbox anyway, unless my reading comprehension is poor
Good morning.
Is it?
It may very well be
Ugh, teenagers on the train. Intelligence....dropping...
There is an invention for that.
I dislike the loss of situational awareness
It's a train.
Which arguably in this case is the point. I want to not have awareness of my situation
Oh good, there's more of them
Stupid haircuts are very much In, apparently
@TomW Sorry, that was my failed attempt at updating the RichTextBox, Creating a textbox was apossible solution. What I really want to do is to interect with windows form from a different thread
anyone know where's new BIDs ?
Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) is the former IDE from Microsoft, and was used to develop data analysis and Business Intelligence solutions utilizing the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Reporting Services and Integration Services. It is based on the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment, but customized with the SQL Server services-specific extensions and project types, including tools, controls and projects for reports, ETL dataflows, OLAP cubes and data mining structure. BIDS functionality can be augmented with BIDS Helper, a Visual Studio add-in with features...
Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) is the former IDE from Microsoft, and was used to develop data analysis ...
how can I use it in VS 2012
@TomW Looking too much into the mirror on the train I see
@JohanLarsson What, the type inference problem?
Because double.TryParse isn't a TryParse<T>(string, out T), but an explicit, non-generic TryParse(string, out double)?
@Amy I think the common coding conventions for C# require you to name it ಠ_ಠException.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that I had to to the delegate dance in the first place
Not a huge issue as it is not very common with out params
IS there a problem with locking this variable ?
class ThreadSafe
 List <string> _list = new List <string>();
  void Test()
     lock (_list)
          _list.Add ("Item 1");
I see many people do:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // post increment

While on the other side, I think the following is the correct approach:
for (int c = 0; c < 10; ++c) // pre increment

What do you guys think?
@OmegaExtern Entirely irrelevant in C#.
@OmegaExtern It doesn't matter.
@OmegaExtern Check out Eric Lippert on the topic: (#3 in the list): informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2425867
@RoyiNamir Should work, yes.
@RoyiNamir Although generally speaking, you should find better ways to manage concurrency that don't require locks.
@RoyiNamir Not in that snippet. But do realize that any kind of iteration, usage or mutation of the list outside of a lock on the private variable is going to be a cause for issues.
But if i add another item within the lock , does it still reference to the same list ? I mean what if capacity has reached?
@RoyiNamir That's an internal List<T> implementation.
You're locking on the instance of List<T>, which doesn't change.
If you manually set _list to a different value while a thread is inside the lock, a new thread will enter the lock without waiting.
I have a MVC EditorTemplate for a specific ViewModel. Now I want to enable editing of a field only when it's in edit mode, and not when creating a new entity. How would I go about informing the view that it is an edit in a clean manner?
My task for today: make a responsive AD lookup
@Squiggle Does "show a flashy loading animation while I query the AD" fall under "responsive"?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that's exactly what I'm wondering.
3-5 seconds isn't so painful, right?
@Squiggle Ouch. Why so slow?
What are you looking up?
I've written way, way, way too much AD lookup code in my life.
Most of it before System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement was born.
it's a provisioning system. People search for AD groups and request access to 'em.
responsive means you can click on other things. Like other menu
while loading
eh, it's Angular front-end, so that won't be a problem
@Squiggle So you search for group based on its sAMAccountName? How big is your org that it takes so long?
will it cancel the lookup if the user clicks other menu?
Are you querying the GC or the whole domain?
I'm not so familiar with AD yet, and I don't know the answer to these questions.
You're only searching by group name, right?
The GC, the global catalog, is a service in the AD that gives you fast searches for several common scenarios. If you don't need to query by every AD field, only the most common ones, it might give you faster results. Especially if you've got a multi-domain forest architecture.
It only holds the most common fields, both for querying and for retrieving.
But you can search via the GC, find by name, then connect to the domain to get the rest if necessary.
sounds like what I need
I'll do some reading
GC = global cache? or what?
Incidentally, are you searching using DirectorySearcher, or using the AccountManagement classes, like GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the current implementation uses the latter approach
haha very good daily wtf @Squiggle :)
that's just in the forums
but... jeez. (summary: Guy submits CV to an employer, includes links to past projects including superadmin logins)
I'm sorry, but if you run production admin credentials with superuser/superuser, your company serves a little discredit.
with this I do agree
Folks, hoping someone can help me with this tracing challenge. I want to configure my tracelistener to trace stuff from all my trace sources, but not from Trace.Write* calls...any ideas?
@deostroll What if other trace sources call Trace.Write* internally?
AFAIK TraceSource don't do that, usually. It iterates its listeners collection and calls TraceEvent on each TraceListener
i mean, shit, thank god someone invented this https://t.co/Q4mg05ll7S
Is there a way to use a markup extension's returned value in a Trigger in WPF? A Trigger checks a property, and a DataTrigger checks a bound value, but I want to check the result of my markup extension.
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding {my:HasPermissions}}" Value="False">
   <Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="False"/>
@Feeds what's with Munroe and the nukes recently?
feels like yesterday that there was that one about nukes being hidden all over the place and nobody minding it
anybody up for a "little" help?
@Slashy this isn't that sort of chatroom
@Squiggle haha you are right :D
I've just asked a question on SO(and offered a bounty since i've seen no one is really answering the questio :D) you can see it here stackoverflow.com/questions/34421447/…
i've been told the "color quantization "idea.heard about it?
Just call it reducing the colour quality
You might just want to look into dropping frames while you're still transmitting, and you might want to look into gradual color change (reducing the amount of bytes you use for changes as you play catch-up).
"COMException: Unspecified error" thanks, Microsoft.
@Squiggle it's not Microsoft's fault that you are working with COM stuff in the year 2016.
@Squiggle Windows last error: The operation completed successfully.
@KendallFrey sure that wasn't an unexpected error? ;)
3 hours until the Rift price reveal, finally.
whoopty whoop
@P.Andrews Control.Invoke
hey, maybe someone here has an idea: I've a WPF Window (no style/border) that contains a Grid, inside the grid is a dockpanel and inside of that is an imagebox.

I set the Window's width to 65. And when I call 'Show()' the width changes to 132.
I just checked there is no object that has a set width or minwidth besides the window
and the image is 40x60
Is SizeToContent set?
actually 62 is really narrow
2h45m ETA oculus rift preorder
Why do you have a window so narrow?
Windows doesn't normally let you make a window smaller than a certain size
@RoelvanUden allright but what actually "play catch-ups" means? sorry as i said my english is not excellent :)
@Slashy It means make up for lost time
essentially you are behind in your work consistently
@RoelvanUden I have a meeting at 11AM EST, so I have to order this thing on my phone in a meeting where I am a main actor
so theres that
this will be interesting
@RoelvanUden actually i thought to xor the changed bytes values,then to reduce them to 8bits per pixel
@Failsafe Haha indeed
@Slashy Say you take 1 byte per frame for all channels.
@KendallFrey I only want to display an icon in the edge of the screen.
@KendallFrey yeah. it is set to System.Windows.SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight. But as long as no element is bigger than the size it shouldn't matter...
I guess
For example, you take 1 byte per pixel. You can use 2 bits per color, because you only have 8 bits available. One additional bit is taken to decide negative numbers. Then you can decide which values these 2 bits represent, for example 4 and 8. Now you can use that one byte to shift colors of R, G and B between 4~12. That is, per frame. So a full 255 shift will take approximately 21 frames, which is less than a second. Now you've greatly reduced network requirements by playing 'catch up'..
@Slashy ^
@SteffenWinkler No, SizeToContent sets the size of the window
@RoelvanUden Don't forget about interlacing in spatial dimensions too
That too. This was merely on temporal dimensions :)
Honestly I think that's sufficient to keep Slashy busy for a bit.
@KendallFrey you mean that property, right? msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
@SteffenWinkler Are you sure the elements inside don't grow themselves to the given width? They don't need to have Width set explicitly.
I'd use Snoop to look at the window's visual tree.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan but their ActualWidth property would 'give them away'.
@SteffenWinkler But there might be Margins set or something. Snooping is usually the fastest way to find an errant element that expands its container.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan oh, yeah I already used Snoop. Couldn't find anything suspicious :/
What's the WindowStyle?
I'm taking a second look at the imageview currently
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan WindowStyle is 'None'
the image is 60x37
From inner to outer:
ImageBox ActualWidth: 65
DockPanel ActualWidth: 65
Grid ActualWidth: 65 (Width: 65)
ContentPresenter, AdornerDecorator, Border ActualWidth: 132
WpfWindow: ActualWidth: 0, Width: 132
that looks like somewhere something changes the Width of the Window
DesiredSize of Window is also 132
@RoelvanUden for the entire rgb? that means each channel would be only 2 bits?
so it can express only 2^2 values?
3^2 @Slashy
@Slashy correct
or 2^3
I always get that confused
2^ 2...
@SteffenWinkler no idea what you mean, both are wrong
oh, 2 bits
misread that
thought one bit / channel was meant and he mistyped
We need inline of .mp4s in this chat.
@Squiggle gifvs, rather
@RoelvanUden wth. if there if the red channel is 220 for example.. how should 2 bits deal with that?
@Slashy The 2 bits are offsets.
Essentially, you can only tell "Mutate old value with n"
@Squiggle that comment is asking for kickmute
So over time it will get close to the new value.
only got like 3 or 4 hours of sleep
@RoelvanUden i understand.. but if someone was browsing chrome, which and suddenly decided to go back to his desktop
@SteveG someone at a coffeein producing company just got dollar symbols in his/her eyes
lol yea they did
and his desktop wallpaper contains red colors
@Slashy transmit the first two bits first
or somthing.. it might loook ridiculous
@SteveG this is me every day
You get the initial snapshot as a full image with proper colors, THEN you do deltas over time.
whats bad is i go home and take a nap
so i never go to bed on time
and the cycle continues
But yes, big changes might look odd. That's the trade-off you're making.
i laid in bed, for 4 hours, staring at the ceiling
i should have had a drink
scratches head why not just use an existing lib/app for desktop recording? VNC?
time to pick up drugs
what is drugs
^ coffeein
the solution
@RoelvanUden i just wonder how things like teamviewer works that fast.. o.O
it's truly incredible..almost live
@Slashy They transmit less colour information, and use interlacing
and the quality is quite good
whats interlacing, i'm too tired to care don't tell me
also they use some kind of delta for small changes
@SteveG it's what ... nvm nsfchat
@KendallFrey okayyy
isn't interlacing what Roel described?
one last question-how actually i'm suposed to cut off the rest 6 bits from a value?
I was gonna make a mom joke
i just got here, i have no idea
im suck at bit shifting operations
given abcdefgh and you want 000000ab, what would be the logical thing to do?
shift by 6? XD
Do note that TeamViewer is optimized especially for big changes. It's very bad at gradual changes.
@Slashy ayyy
@RoelvanUden as in a temporal gradient, or
@RoelvanUden maybe.. but it's powerfull. truly amazing performance
it does fine with text and mouse
@KendallFrey Not sure, I can't find anything about, it seems like it does region drawing of some sort. Blatantly pushing over regions is pretty fast. Try TeamViewer with an animation and you'll cry your eyes out

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