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@KendallFrey that is badass
I can't stop loling at that and I dunno why
is bash.org being hosted on a toaster?
slow af
no sir, i'm pretty sure their toaster got broken last week
IRC was fucking hilarious
why dat shit dying
@Sippy you aren't old enough for IRC
do you even remember dialup?
Fuck you :P
yes nerd
I still remember BBS
my parents still think dialup is the shit
haha that one was pretty funny @Sippy "first one"
dialup too stronk
matrix noise?
When someone picks up the phone... RIP
matrix noise too stronk
Need to do something
Have nothing to do
work boro
"Sippy can you start doing the work on the checkout thing?"
"Yeah sure."
4 hours later...
"So what am I supposed to be doing?"
Not the best time to go and ask what you were supposed to do, huh?
@Sippy you're obviously not working hard enough
@Sippy Fix our build server
@Sippy want to help me write some requirements?
@JakobMillah Oh idgaf
I'm just bored.
i love writing requirements
@Squiggle Sure :D
as long as there are human really gonna read it
@KendallFrey Does it have its towel?
@Sippy You can write a twitch authentication for me
ez pz
Use API, next!
@Sippy hurr?
Ye, I am going to use it.. But I don't know... APIs still confuses me :S
@KendallFrey You know how you said something about not getting something and shame
If you don't understand that, the shame is yours.
y u hef 2 b med?
you two sound like polandball
kurwa mac, japierdole dupa jebany
Why is delegate registration so slow
@JakobMillah Offensive! /ban
No one understands
@JakobMillah That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
you don't make much sense @CapricaSix
@Asheh becuz they are complicated words
!!8ball is @JakobMillah offensive?
@Squiggle But of course
@Squiggle Bully! /Ban
Motion carries. Ban
ban abusing! BAN
!!8ball am I offensive?
@JakobMillah All signs point to no
w8 what?
She has no memory
!!8ball were you fibbing there?
Questioning judgement of magic 8-ball. /Ban
@Squiggle That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!is @KendallFrey a nerd?
@Sippy No
!!is @Sippy a nerd?
@JakobMillah By all means
!!is @JakobMillah a turd?
@Sippy Definitely
Caprica that's offensive, /ban
lol, there's a town on virgin island called british
the US side VI btw
ban ban ban /bananaman
Banlist Stackoverflow
So I have a protocol which opens with a certain program for one user, but is not associated with any program for my user, and I want it to be. How do I fix?
Åhhhh HELGA NATT.. Du frälsning åååååt oss gaaaaaav Swedish Xmas songs.. Too lovely
!!youtube my anus is bleeding
My aula is so hot right now I have trouble staying asleep
!! youtube å helga natt - peter jöback
!!youtube boten anna
The bleeding thing was slightly disturbing
Everytime I'm here Kendall is either doing Dank Memes
or talking about arses, bleeding or not
Well, we all have different issues
Mine is that I pretend knowing shit
Which I don't
I realised that from your help Kappa
I know right :(
Is there seriously no way to create a file association without editing the registry
I am useless
You're not useless
You're here to lighten up the chat and to dissapoint me. KappaRoss
even if I increase my I, it only draws 25 balls or so. How come?
really, Twitch emotes?
T hat doesn't work here shotgn
@JakobMillah That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@MaartenWachters That's what I was pointing out to you
Here we see a JakobMillah, interacting with his natural environment
I know just having a giggle
fuck my life
We're using twitch memes because I was going to stream but Jakob bailed on me
Win+R wasn't transmitting through RDP
It's too damn early for me to be fucked with
@KendallFrey rip
had to clean off my car, and haven't had coffee yet
afk destroying something
@ShotgunNinja Consider not pooping on it in future :D
Welp such is life of a redneck ninja
ppl should check their timezone-priviliges
Bailed :/ I am a very busy man
roflmao fuck sake
@MaartenWachters Hey, I've only been to a few NASCAR races...
Slightly disturbing
My neck is barely tanned
¨People don't call them rednecks for that
But because they're neck deep into their relatives
!!urban redneck
@ShotgunNinja [redneck](http://redneck.urbanup.com/954175) You would be a redneck if:

You need one more hole punched in your card to get a freebie at the House of Tattoos.

You need an estimate from your barber before you get a haircut.

The biggest fashion risk you take is which plaid you'll wear to the 4-H Fair.

You have flowers planted in a bathroom appliance in your front yard.

Your wife weighs more then your refrigerator.

You move your ref(snip)
!!urban buzzkill
@MaartenWachters buzzkill Something that spoils or ruins an otherwise enjoyable event, esp. when in relation to ruining a drunken or drug-induced high.
isn't it when you rain on someones parade?
That definition is a buzzkill in itself, lol
What a boring urbanup entry
@CapricaSix lame
I know how real rednecks behave
Over nine thousand
Should've made it an int overflow tbf
would be funnier
I've got some redneck relatives
...I literally wasted an hour because Win+R wasn't being sent to the remote desktop
@ShotgunNinja Everyone I know IRL is a redneck
Why does it cost you an hour to open the run on a remote desktop
@KendallFrey go back to canadia
@MaartenWachters because it wasn't opening the thing and I had no idea why
@KendallFrey Are you from Nova Scotia?
or Newfoundland?
Well at least there's that
Semi-serious question. Do a lot of rednecks program? Computing wise that is
@MaartenWachters I know a few redneck programmers
Aside from Jhawins that is
they're a rare breed though
Probably one @KKK
Welp most rednecks are family bred
also noob question how do I italic on this chat
* *
Surround with asterisks
*like this*
_or this_
Jakob triggering me
Thanks boys
oh wow, it does work
yeah, nobody ever uses the underlines
Two can play that game
I wonder what double italic does
double-asterisks for bold, tildes for slashthrough (i think)
Any way to use subscript here?
I don't think so
@MaartenWachters nope
screw it, I'll just check the FAQ
!!youtube too much - bonaparte
I'm trying to figure out how to do an animation in WPF wich is working
but for some reason I can't increase my fr while loop
oh boy, Lounge is abusing mod flags now
lol shit
for (int i = 0; i <= 199; i++) wether I do this
for (int i = 0; i <= 999999999; i++) or this
they gonna get cleaned out
@MaartenWachters why don't you actually use an animation?
Wait what?
what what
I can't animate I have 2 left hands. Or is there an animation command in WPF?
animation using XAML
Wait that's a thing?
yeah bro
I'm making snooker in wpf right now
I don't even write C# professionally and I know that
I only started 5 weeks ago
fair enough
I like to think I'm doing pretty good so far
@MaartenWachters WPF has Animation classes
I find XAML pretty confusing though... Which I had a real GUI course using WPF and not WinForms... lols...
can anyone help me to solve this prob
Q: View is not displaying returned data from controller in MVC

mojiI am sending data through HttpClient (Json) from console app to web app, everything is working well but the only issue Iam facing that data sent from controller to view is not displayed. I debugged the program and i can see that data are returned to the view. Following are the codes: Constroller...

@KendallFrey my prof won't accept that I'm sure of
might as well give it a try
why the fuck not
it shows resourcefulness
Else get him into this chat
which is one of the main things to gain from a college degree in programming
i know why its happening its because the data is returned to the console application and not the browser
but i dont have any clue how to solve it
@moji So pass along the data from the console application through the server and to the browser
How to do that? iunno
Skip the server and use WebSockets if nothing else, lol
just kidding, that's the opposite of what you want.
@moji some comments in the answers imply you're calling a controller method from a console app
is that right?
damn VPN
websockets too stronk

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