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lol I think that msg was fine
who knows, now-a-days
mmm, my gf packed me a lunch today. tuna salad wrap on spinach wrap, half an orange cut up, a mini gouda, homemade trail mix, and a little chocolate truffle, along with a coconut water :)
I'm a lucky guy
shut up you, lol
making my stomach grumble
just showing you the virtues of cooking
@SteveG was funny
it was homemade tuna salad
with mayo and mustard and cumin and madras curry powder and onion
the virtues of of chatting outweigh the virtues of cooking, because i learned the virtues of cooking from chatting
has all the chat stuff started as new mods were elected?
@juanvan no, it started before that
@SteveG just saying - try some simple recipes sometime, you won't regret it. Food tastes super good when you cook it yourself.
i can cook, i can make steak and chicken and sushi and all sorts of stuff
Food does, going to have steak tonight :)
top tip: turn the heat down on your pan. Cook stuff slowly (unless it's a stir fry)
its not a race to Deliciousness
i just hate the prep for it all
i hate not having counter space, or never having the right spices or this and that
i hate buying food, just to make 1 meal and waste the rest
well, i eat it for leftovers, but still
I just get such a good feeling from being able to cook most things with just the stuff in my kitchen
i hate constantly checkign it to make sure it's done, or not done
@SteveG buy small amounts of spices in bulk and keep them in containers. As you use smaller amounts, they are fresher when you use them because you refill more often
my kitchen smells AMAZING every time I open my spice cupboard :)
my kitchen smells like old pizza
the leaning tower of Pizza boxes lives in the closet?
boom bam
why i cant use PostAsJsonAsync ?
its complaning that httpclient doesnot have this method
1 hour later…
posted on December 02, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

I'm using VirtualBox on a Windows 10 machine along with Docker to deploy ASP.NET websites to local Linux Containers. To be clear, this isn't accessing websites with http://localhost, this is accessing locally an VirtualBox virtual network. For example, my local IP and subnet is here, but my VirtualBox is here: Ethernet adapter Ethernet: IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Et

1 hour later…
looks like we made it
anyone know how to create bloomberg custom study on c#?
Anyone here with Unity willing to help me out for a min? Not required but I understand no one is just going to run a game I'm sending over :P
nvm, figured I can just use virtual box
2 hours later…
@Sippy you miss me? Kappa
I was on business trip all day yesterday... 8h driving + 8h meeting
Q: Instrumenting an expression tree -- How to get the computed result of each subtree?

Robert HarveyI'm doing some work in Expression Trees, a rules engine of sorts. When you call ToString() on an Expression Tree, you get a lovely bit of diagnostic text: ((Param_0.Customer.LastName == "Doe") AndAlso ((Param_0.Customer.FirstName == "John") Or (Param_0.Customer.FirstName == "Jane...

1 hour later…
Does some use Telerik reporting?
Sorry. Reflex action whenever I hear the word "Telerik"
past experience. I know their output isn't as poor as it once was. What version/flavour of Telerik are you using?
The newest... 2015
Don't do that @Squiggle... That's contagious
@ErroreFatale MVC? WebForms? WPF?
and are you experiencing issues that you'd like us to help troubleshoot?
....In that case... FO ;) Kappa

No, onyl a question about Telerik reporting... which is not platform specific (unless we speak about the report viewer)
I've never used it, btw.
the only reporting I've rolled into my current app is some basic SVG/AngularJS dynamic graphs
and of course... tables of things
I was surprised how easy it was to integrate Angular and SVG. Tempted to write a game using that engine just because.
Ok. However my question is: why do I have to create the query inside the report? Wouldn't be more logic/flexible to have the report format saved in the database and then inject the query programmatically??
Fancy shizzle! I am eager to start with AngularJS.. I just don't know what to build :P
@ErroreFatale Telerik reports use their own query language, right?
i started learning angularjs by building a movies in theater app
this is one thing I hate about Telerik. They create a walled garden and are often inflexible.
I am probably going to build my streaming website @ jakobmillah.com But I need to figure out what it should include ^^ Just not spam functions
@Squiggle no, the report designer uses the query builder with wich you can create a SQL query. What I'm saying is that the design and the query should be decoupled, but from what Ipm seeing they are tighly coupled: infact you define the query during report design.
It's not what I need. I want to simply define the look of the report (the first name of the person stay here, the last name here, and so on...) but the query must be injected programmatically.
@JakobMillah streaming website? What do you stream?
Or better said: data must be injected programmatically
@Squiggle Games via Twitch, right now not any specific... No fun games around...
@ErroreFatale I agree that would be ideal. Is there no way you can do that? No hack you can do?
@JakobMillah December for me means watching the Yogscast Christmas livestreams :)
@Squiggle this is what I'm trying to understand.
Never seen ;o Might take a look!
For me it's all about http://julradio.se ...24/7 christmas radio.. yum yum
@ErroreFatale Telerik! waves hands around wildly
What does it mean? waves hands around wildly
@ErroreFatale what you need isn't Telerik. You need a graphing library.
No, because I simply have to export data in a pdf
well, then.
feel free to vote for it, if you think so too
i send a parameters via httpclient to a controller, then i save the parameters in database and then i want to show this parameter in the html view
everything is working but not the last step
iam using @Html.Display(Model.message) to desplay the mssage in the html page but its not working
any recommendations ?
i debugg the prog data is saved into db and data is returned tothe view also
but i dont understandwhy its not showing into the html view?
Hey guys
Just a quick question
Is this suppose to work properly or Am i doing something wrong ?
private void textBox3_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
It is suppose to launch the fonction attache to the click event on this button
So you want from c# launch a javascript function?
button4.PerformClick(); <--- This is confusing
Ok I'll check it
But It was proposed to me by visual studio :/
Well, it should generate a click event for that button.. But what's the button_clickevent supposed to do?
It allready exist
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Utilisateur WHERE Login = '" + textBox3.Text + "' AND  Mdp = '" + textBox4.Text + "'", openDataBase());
            SqlDataReader dr;
            dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            int count = 0;
            while (dr.Read())
                count += 1;

I dont get how this work actually
Do you mean I shall explicit the function ?
What is not functioning? :)
The thing is...
It's like the click is not perform :(
@Baldráni take out the query code at put it into a new private function
private void QueryDatabase() {
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Utilisateur WHERE Login = '" + textBox3.Text + "' AND  Mdp = '" + textBox4.Text + "'", openDataBase());
private void textBox3_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
you can call the method directly, rather than 'pretending' to click a button to run some code
There are other things you can do to improve your code quality and functionality, but we can help with that later ;)
Just did that but it is still not working :(
    private void textBox4_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
Is there a problem here ?
@Baldráni put a breakpoint on the if (e.KeyCode... line and see if it's hit
you understand debugging, right?
It works :/
I dont get
Maybe shall i get the Enter code instead of Keys.Enter ?
It's strange
Maybe shall i get the Enter code instead of Keys.Enter ?
^ Thanks, can't sleep tonight
Burnt into my head
@Baldráni if it works, understand why it works
@Squiggle Yeah well I think this is comming from what I've just said before. I check it and come back to you
        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Return)
And not Keys.Enter
If someone has an explanation ?
Ok founded
I know why it's not working. But putting a breakpoint on the if (e)....... you'll probably understand how the textBox4_KeyDown event works
Otherwise, click outside the textbox, Hold down ENTER and then press on the textbox and you can step through the process in the debugger
That function will be executed every time a keydown is pressed, regardless of which key it is.
The if checks that the key pressed was the Return key. When the breakpoint is hit, you should be able to hover over the e.KeyCode with your mouse and see the value.
slapped in the face
then hover over Keys.Return. Do they match?
Isn't there a better way of doing this @Squiggle?
@JakobMillah probably, but this is about as basic as it gets
Ye, true.. I just wonder how I would do it myself...
The geek has entered
Can anyone ELI5 : Argument? I know how to apply it but not exactly what it means
Just kidding boro! Love ya
Also jakob i waited 8 hours for u 2 days ago
u said after 6 you geek
Stayed from 2PM till 10PM
omg... I thought you wouldn't be on still -.- I am sorry bro..
I feel bad.
i learned how to use dispatchertimers properly in the meanwhile
Ok one more for you guys
I've got a textbox the one used just before set as a password
Since every character is change by a *
A passwordbox?
Hox can i get back to a classical enter for launching the event handler ?
Na just a texbox
Huh what. Why are you using a texbox to do the same thing as a passwordbox
Let just say i need it that way
Okay, then you make a new event handler
With PassWordChar propertie set as "*"
and put it under there
so you're doing the exact same thing
as a passwordbox
How I'd do it is make 2 event handlers
Because passwordboxes (the thing you're making now) can't have their own event handler
Then do you know how to except the Enter Key code of the "***" process (if you get what i mean
Yes I know what you mean
my class is almost over, I've made something like this a while back
I'll make a paste in a bit
@JakobMillah Also don't. We can do it tonight or another day
@Baldráni except You want to log the password
@MaartenWachters tonight and tomorrow night == streaming + baking so I could watch during the weekend :)
@JakobMillah okay although it'll only take 5
aight then I might find some time!
you got my steam where you can contact me right?
your twitch I got
young padawan
I don't have a stream schedule though
you casual
I'm too busy playing Wareframe atm XD
And figuring out Shell and Bash. Just got my first bad grade in uni so farm for ShellScripting yeaaay. So gotta study this thing hardcore this weekend
I wish I had a course in linux shell bash scripting etc
I wish I didn't
I feel extremely stupid
I barely understand it
It's extremely useful
documentation for customers must be the hardest thing to do... I want to figure out a way to standardise documentation for all our customers regardless of how their system is custmized..
(hire an intern)
Can I get asp.net not to return "parts" of pages to the browser before it finished rendering the page?
@Squiggle Thanks... The thing is... I see sooooo many flaws with all the documentation that has been made so far... I am getting a bit... Itchy...
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think that you might need to specify a little? It happens quiet frequently that you render the page with data sent from the server
Basically, I get this:
That's in inline style
Yup, at tipranks.com
you mean like, when you load the page, that is shown quickly before the page is completely loaded?
titranks.com doesn't exist
someone's missing out there.
Also good morning
That would be a hit
Good morning
@JakobMillah yes
It seem more like a tiny coding error somewhere
Couldn't validate the site through validator.w3.org
Hah rip
Googling How to write user documentation
@JakobMillah Hire user documentation writer
@JakobMillah I find a decent wiki and some hard discipline is the best approach for creating good documentation. It's notoriously difficult to keep artifacts up-to-date during development of a product.
We pretty much have one at the job... He sucks though
No offense..
Why the fuck would I take offense
if he sucks, send him on a course.
Are you Canadian?
This coffee sucks
if he still sucks, replace him with someone who doesn't
He is close relative with the bosses..
@JakobMillah doesn't matter. Get him to agree to a standard of quality, and hold him to it.
Or I do it better and get all dem creds... EZ
what sort of documentation is it? API/technical? UI guidance?
UI guidance pretty much
And technical for internal use
eh. UI guidance is really simple. Just takes ages.
I find it pretty easy too. But what they do at this company is pretty much taking screenshots of all the different windows they encounter and what information that is required... They make it EXTREMELY confusing though since they are so inconsistent with the inserted data and where it's required etc...
I like plain text the most.
But I would like to come up with a way to make it easy to translate the documentation to different languages
it's common sense, surely?
16 hours ago, by SantLev
I know this room is about C# but who knows, also most ASP.NET developers are C# developers in a way
writing well-organised documentation
top fucking kek.
That guy probably wasn't even joking.
damn... ^
@Squiggle I find it common sense.. But somewhere.. something went wrong.. I guess someone made some documentation and then the others were insecure how to write, so they pretty much did it the same way the first person did...
I find it very very weird to take screenshots of an UI when you make documentation about a UI?
@JakobMillah I tend to find that unless the first documentation is amazeballs, I ignore previous work lol
I use screenshots to compliment the documentation, not to be the focus of it.
Alright... So you add it to appendix?
in these guys documentation, I scroll through endless amount of screenshots ^^ Never getting to the point
nah, I often add them to the core documentation. But first I write the walkthrough in plain English and only insert the screenshots where it makes sense to do so.
perhaps as thumbnails, which you can expand?
but having a sensible, navigable index is crucial
That is coolek.. I wonder if I should learn LatEx again
good user problem: "I want to file my timesheet"
bad user problem: "I want to click the 'enter hours' button on the 'timesheets' form"
urgh no need for LaTeX
ain't nobody got time for that. Use HTML.
stick it in a wiki
cross-link everything
ye, sounds pretty sweeteroni. Never thought about dis before
kek latex gtfo
latex is nice boro
I used Latek in college, once you get used to the syntax it's okay
It's not Microsoft Word anyway...
That shit is pure cancer
Word gets so much hate.
To get Word to work, you need only Google shit.
It works... As long as you don't add images
Never had any issues with images lel
Never had the issue where images jumps all over the place and texts get shot here and there?
You should participate in a MS Word contest, Kappa
But at the same time, it takes a lot of effort to position things in Latek
and those dam compile errors
wizzywig brah
@JakobMillah no lol cos I can use word
It works if your images are 2x2 pixels
You should start a chat for MS word that I could join from time to time!
I really have no issues with images in word lol
I should point out that I used Word throughout uni for almost everything cos lecturers wanted everything in doc format
Even code submissions
cos why the fuck would anyone want source files ey
I have used it all my life and images fucks things up
over and out
That's crazy, they wanted source files in doc format??
@Sippy wtf are they teaching people in uni these days!
that clearly sends out the wrong message
Some of mine wanted that as well
@Sippy cause source files don't have syntax highlighting
@KendallFrey ofc
@JakobMillah we can scrim bro
SCRIM!? DansGame
how to map list<T> of viewModel from view to the post method of controller?
ViewModel: GameResultViewModel{
public GameResultViewModel()
this.SetScores = Enumerable.Repeat(new Score(), 5).ToList();
public List<Score> SetScores { get; set; }

for (int i = 0; i < Model.SetScores.Count; i++)
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.SetScores[i].Home, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } })

Controller method:
public ActionResult Create(GameResultViewModel gameResultViewModel){...}
Q: Request for community attention on a moderator's behavior

NoobleIt has come to a handful of people's attention that at least some of the newly elected moderators might not be exactly up to challenge. Here's a message that very clearly demonstrates this incompetence, that was a result of a particular argument that appeared in one of the SO chatrooms: Madar...

tl;dr someone already complained about the new mods and basically got firing squadded
Anyone have suggestions on user authentication in WPF?
web based approach or some sort of library
If you set up OAuth once you can use it in all your apps so ..
I just looked on Twitch Authentication, got confused and closed it :(
@JakobMillah awwwwwwwww
Gonna give it a go this weekend I believe.. But can only start MVC projects on my VS Studio version (?) and I will probably never learn that stuff... So much magic
I'm itching to start using ASP.NET at home
Mono starting to look real friendly.
what do you want to make?
^ that is often a tricky question
Yes.. Sadly
"I want to do something with [technology X]"
...what the hell do I build?
@Sippy The guy was a douche and is complaining about mods doing mod things. Not everyone is a diplomancer :P
Yeha OAuth seems like a good choice :) gonna take a look at this

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