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I was in the middle of suggesting a new methodology when @ton.yeung burst my bubble and told me its called XP.
while we're doing constant conditions
Although, I do know a guy that passed out from too much coffee.
This is not what he asked for. You have only 1 abstract class in your example, but the original question has 2 abstract classes. — dustinmoris 1 min ago
Coffee makes you slower.
i start shaking like a MOFO after 3 cups of coffee
Is the C# tag always full of these people?
And dependent.
@BenjaminGruenbaum :(
It feels a lot less friendly than the JS tag, and a lot fuller of people who don't know what they're talking about which is a big surprise because I assumed it'd have less people who don't know what they're talking about.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think so. There's a reason I stopped answering questions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what people?
@RoelvanUden oh, that's a shame.
@BenjaminGruenbaum This room? Oh, it's much less of a community, and more of a dumping ground for TFS hate and mediocre questions.
@KendallFrey people who don't really care about knowledge but instead try to game it.
@KendallFrey not the room, the tag.
oh i see what he's talking about, he quoted something. i was preparing to be all offended
I don't look at main anymore
Like, that comment he posted is incredibly stupid - yet it got upvoted.
In JS, that's a lot more rare.
JS questions are often of the same horrible quality.
that makes me sad.
TFW your webpage works correctly in IE9 but not IE10
kill me
lol one of the contracts i had mentioned that the application should run "seamlessly on the latest version of Chrome". I thought I was in heaven for a second
@ton.yeung lets start building it then
Q: Show folders/files in TreeView ( VB.NET 2008 )

Giwrgos ChI need to create one treeview and to have there all of my directories and files from one path. I cant compile this code. The problem is on this line : mnodedirectory.nodes.add(mfilesnode) ' get the directory representing this node Dim mnodedirectory As IO.DirectoryInfo mnodedirectory = New IO...

@CharlieBrown What are you building?
Anything. Need to get back to the startup scene.
Working for the "man" is getting old
i'm in!
even though i wasn't invited
fuck IE
I am building an open source CMS right now, so thats interesting for now
I had to move my using begin form A LIIIIITLE bit lower
thats it
fuck you ie
@ton.yeung me too, working to start a project right now that will have conditions set into it such that I won't be able to drop it
genius i tell you, genius!
ah, can't plan for those
i put a ring on my gf's finger first, got a car, working to buy a house...DAAAAMMN!
Is using <br /> to move some fields few lines down, a bad practice?
What should I use?
yeah I guess
@ton.yeung how are you handling your adhd?
Its killing me man
Why do you think that your adhd is improved? Like what does it feels like to not be adhd?
Whats the difference?
howdy folks
@ton.yeung its the same for me
nm, just league of legends, then test driving a used car
From where are you getting therapy?
What the therapy is called?
@ton.yeung 07 Chevy Cobalt LS, a 2 door coupe
it's cheap
I'm broke
I'm actually between jobs right now, and my old car got totalled.
This one in particular has a pretty good history
do you own dice?
I'm assuming DICE is some sort of unemployment payout from the government
either that or an employment group
OH, no.
I already have a position lined up
just need to pass a background check and piss test
doing software consulting in a nice downtown office
You've to do a drug test for that?
Yeah, its a pretty swank little consulting company
I'm looking forward to it. I like traveling, telling people how dumb they are, and writing new software.
My old job was as a maintenance programmer for a sheet music company, and I hated it.
@ton.yeung I'd like to do consulting and then just give wacky advice, since they won't end up doing it the way you told them is best anyways...
No travel, no advancement, no learning new things, no modern process or technology, and no new development.
I was just on a call with a company that bought a course for 6 figures that we already finished and billed them for, but they hadn't yet talked about how they were deploying it internally and might not be able too... fun stuff
Like any company actually wants a good consultant
They want you to fix it quick and cheap and leave
it is hard enough consulting internally...
well, the price is right, and they make it sound really fun. I'm going to give it a shot, and if it isn't working out, I can find something else.
I just need to figure out getting a car before next week
!!dunphy 500 500
@ton.yeung i see why you always recommend it then. i guess if you're in the US dice is good.
Evening lads
Evening? It's 16h in BE -_-
I know. But I have a hangover and In programming class so evening is starting for me
The life of a student :)
@ton.yeung controller/directive inheritence...want it so bad
Okay boys. I'm not sure what I did but for some reason I cannot do anything in VS except type. No backspace, no speial tokens, no clicking anywhere
just adding text
did you restart everything
Did you reset Visual Studio?
Doing that now
@MaartenWachters Did you try multiple solutions?
New Solutions too?
Uhh I pressed my keyboard like a maniac trying to find a shortcut i maybe pressed to the point where my prof went wtf kiddo
user image
My life for the past month..
I have that with webdesign :(
Okay rebulding VS did the trick
Reset the settings?
MSBuild VisualStudio2015.sln
(Share code please)
hey guys was hoping someone could show me why the "TEST" message box is not firing here. The datagrid view is allowing the user to add new rows. Here is the code. pastebin.com/TM8z6kvJ
sorry it's not returning.. my bad. I'm getting a null ref exception.
I hate ..
@codebrain you need the "x"
Noob question. How do I make it so that the content of my txb (like enter username here) dissapears once i click on it to input my answer?
@NicolásCarlo Its the abstract version bruh
@MaartenWachters I dont get it
Nick ;)
@MaartenWachters Use the click/focus event and clear the textbox :)
Ok i'll google how to do that
@MaartenWachters it usually disappears in html5 txb
I'm using WPF
can you write down the line of txb code here for us ?
@ton.yeung It is!! Just finished up the wall project on the house, almost 2weeks of digging, dirt and 5am mornings
Well there is no code yet
in html you can do like
txb:click {
something like that but in WPF for a textbox
Q: Watermark / hint text / placeholder TextBox in WPF

mehdiHow can I put some text into a textbox which is removed automatically when user types something in it? (In WPF)

I'm not sure how to explain it better
i don't think he's talking about placeholder text but events should do the trick
something like on click, make textbox = ""
can someone give a comment on this code snippet? is it very bad, mega bad, somehow bad, or not too bad?
@tweray you need to give us the link to your snippet, not dotnetfiddle.net
@MaartenWachters TextBox has built-in handling for the bubbling MouseUp and MouseDown events. Consequently, custom event handlers that listen for MouseUp or MouseDown events from a TextBox will not be called. If you need to respond to these events, listen for the tunneling PreviewMouseUp and PreviewMouseDown events instead, or register the handlers with the HandledEventsToo argument (this latter option is only available through code).
there should be /randomcharacters
Do not mark the event handled unless you deliberately want to disable TextBox native handling of these events, and be aware that this has notable effects on the control's UI.
@tweray disgusting
just kidding i didn't even look
@codebrain I got it to work with this snippet
private void txbLand_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (txbLand.Text == "Ethnicity")
txbLand.Text = "";
How do I make that a code snippet as on stackoverflow?
ctrl+a ctrl+k
its a lie don't do it
if (txbLand.Text == "Ethnicity")
txbLand.Text = "";
@MaartenWachters you will survive
I do my best to survive every day
that formatting is still horrendous
My solution works, might ot be the best solution but it works
I wake up sometimes
anyway, what do you have against "Ethnicity"?
lol i am just kidding for the "test" stub you just made
indenting was invented for a reason
Grumpy cat @NicolásCarlo has arrived
@NicolásCarlo boi you gonna get some mad stars today
posted on October 27, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

I'm sitting on a plane on the way back from a lovely time in Europe. I attended and spoke at some great conferences and met some cool people - some of which you'll hear on the podcast soon. Anyway, one of the things that I heard mentioned by attendees more than once was the issue of (micro) service discovery for RESTful APIs. Now if you lived through the WS*.* years you'll perhaps feel a lot of

lol yeah i can almost feel it!
A microphone discovered web api's?
that's some next level shit
feel @KendallFrey
If ethnicity = Korean then it enables 2 textboxes and 1 button. If the first textbox = bush and the second = obama and you then click the button, it reveals a secret button. If you click that there is a messagebox saying "you've been nuked, americans!"
Can someone tell me what : does after a class name? I always thought it was for adding interfaces, but I have learned its something else when learning about sealed classed.
ClassName1 : ClassName2
@MaartenWachters thats some deep racist shit right there, slow claps
@LiamHardy It does two things
class inheritance, and interface implementation
What ethnicity has anything to do with korean ? isn't that like "Hispano", "Asian" stuff ?
inheritance does what? Allows class1 to use class2's variables?
@codebrain uh, no. Korean is an ethnicity
@LiamHardy It's is-a. If B inherits from A, then a B is an A
For example, Dog could inherit from Animal
Its just a text exercise
My teacher made the button 'launch' nuke
so I just made it north korean themed
@NicolásCarlo May be he said the truth without knowing ?
sue me mkkayy
oh north korean! you had everyone confused for a second
yeah its perfect then
@MaartenWachters I think it's funny
Hha thanks @KendallFrey
@NicolásCarlo Oppan Gangnam Style
Currently trying to figure out how to make a textbox passive. SO when I type 'North korean' I don't have to push a button for the code to activate
I tried to do it with text_changed but no luck
get the string and match it with north korea. if you need a regex so no one would understand its north korea, you have kendall here
TextChanged should work
If it doesn't, I can't explain why unless you show your code
isn't there documentation that exists for these controls?
with all the events listed...
and code examples...
what a nifty idea!
How do I share my .netcode
your what
my code
you said you cannot explain unless I show my code
use dotnetfiddle.net
or that
"BOOM MOTHERFUCKERS! Theh Amewicans hav been nuked!" <--- that's for your class? I would have been told to sit in a corner if i used that language
He literally has the
@MaartenWachters Right, and what's the issue?
The issue is , if I enter whatever in the txbLand.text the txbUsername and btnGooiBom become true
What should happen is that txbLand.text becomes North-Korea, then it enables txbUsername, txbPaswoord and btnGooiBom
Yes, because you're enabling the controls whenever you press a key on the box
I think you want { } for your if
without {} your if statement only encompasses the statement of code right after it
Its been 2 days since my dog is missing. I am not looking for him.
my friend's cat went missing for a week, then came back with a huge smile...gave birth to kittens some time after that
Thank you @KendallFrey. Came to that conclusion myself right behind you :p
@NicolásCarlo lol, I think he is having a better time than me
Also my teacher just checked my code
he saw the boom omotherfucker and he just chuckled
@MaartenWachters where are you from ?
Thank you guys for the help. Going to practice this some more once I get home for good measure
Does the keyword "sealed" do anything other than block the class from being inherited ?
Perhaps you'll see me later. Have a good day
So thats a no..
no, its a link to MSDN
@LiamHardy it can also be used on overridden methods
@TomW haven't really heard back yet
which files should i add ?
to do what?
i'm trying to use mono library to download torrent file
but very lack of document
holdon, please install this plugin to enable mindreading www.totallynotavirus.com
if its this project: mono-project.com/archived/monotorrent then there are example projects using this library, follow them and see how they do it. Usually you'd add a dll not the source code
A friend of mine just asked me to move to a different state to do java work
tell him you're not his friend anymore
I've had that happen
i mean he's a senior architect so i would be working under hm
but still
java default object scope is package-local. thats really alll you need to know
i prefer to stick to one enterprise stack at a time
i know java
anyone want to help me interpret a tech test I've just been emailed?
Yesterday Microsoft mailed me connection cables of raspberry pi. They say if I convert my Silverlight app to Windows Universal app, they will send rest of the device. *I removed the app from marketplace 6 months ago. lol
tell them if they convert those cables into a device, you'll think about converting your app
dam son
@Failsafe That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
that needs to be a thing
I got a mail with cables in it. I had no idea wtf it was. And in the description it says I have app on Windows Phone store as Silverlight and convert it to Uniersal App in order to receive real device.
you know it takes about 2-3 seconds though
@Teomanshipahi yeah thats kinda nasty sounding though
so now microsoft is bribing devs? nice!
a bit sketch
off to make a silverlight application
bribing devs?
The problem is I already removed app 6 months ago and api services etc is down lol
that's been going on for years
prime example
oh yeah thats right! i need to get on that biz spark train!
@Teomanshipahi how much is a raspberry pi worth to you? i mean if you dig it, convert your app, get the API services going and as soon as you receive the device, write a nice FU letter to MS and turn everything off
I got one for free at build
i live in the wrong damn country!
they just gave them out after some rando lesson
@NicolásCarlo what country?
people were asking me about during the rest of the conference
the country where no one gives nobody nothing for free!
@RoelvanUden one little question
@NicolásCarlo that's every country
@NicolásCarlo sounds like every country
please specify
the desktop duplication api doesnt work on 3d applications right?
like games.. etc
argentina actually, half the shit here is free...shit i don't want
is it literal shit
that too
you gotta pay for the other half every time you go number 2

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