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You okay, @Squiggle?
technically he said "i hate x"
@NicolásCarlo Microsoft sent me Lumia 1520 free before because of my prev app :) So I would be nice to them. Well, there will be a new app I am building and will ask them if I can use this one insead of old one
oh thats right!
I had to parse Excel spreadsheets before. It's not fun.
i hate xl*
If you call it bribing, I will take it :D
Perhaps someone has some insights here
I have a taxi coming in like 5 minutes though
going to a test drive
I'm trying to put together a report which needs to gather related data from 3 different REST (JSON) endpoints and one SQL query
@Squiggle are they the same contracts
I've got all the data in my worksheets using Power Query, but I can't seem to get an outer join on a nullable ID
and you wont
because nullables are too risky for sql
By the way what happened to Amazon mobile phone?
I'm impressed that I could import all the JSON data and have it queryable. That's great! It's not actually a problem. I just can't create a relationship between "Person.DeskId" (nullable foreign key) and "DeskLocation.Id" (primary key)
I even forgot the name, was it firefly or something?
@Teomanshipahi it failed hella hard
Only time I saw it, it was on our QA team. Never on street or stores lol.
good night
Vending machine gave me 2 Dannon instead of one. First promotional vending machine ever. Get one get another for free.
posted on October 27, 2015 by Visual Studio Blog

Hello everyone! Every month we share some top stories from the previous month, and here’s our round-up for September. Open-source, cross-platform MSBuild: Continuing the open-source, cross-platform .NET story that is already well underway with .NET Core and the .NET Compiler Platform (“Roslyn”), MSBuild is joining the fun as explained by Nikolai Tillmann. The sources are now

{VB.NET WinForms 2008} Dat microsoft...Dat dat microsoft. I had declared the word 'path as string' on the top of my form. And i try within 6 hours to solve why i can't run Path.GetFileName(folderString)
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Style TargetType="TabItem" >
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Cyan" />
<Style TargetType="TabControl">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{Binding Path=SelectedItem.Background, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
You made an error, but its Microsoft's fault? Hm
so i have a date with a gmt offset
in js
Is she good looking?
Hey everyone!
why is it not indented?
@ntohl Did you indent it?
Does anyone have a good resource for implimenting a form that will create entries for two separate models? I want to impliment something like "Create an assessment which has multiple users associated with it through a teams table" kind of like this implimentation between students, courses and enrollments : asp.net/mvc/overview/getting-started/…
basically the form would create the assessment, as well as the team entries that uses the users as choices
Your confusing data models with view models
3 tables involved, assessment table creates 1 entry, teams table creates multiple
I'm very new to MVC so that's entirely possible.
I'll stick with my tutorials and ask this again in a few days
is a viewmodel an arbitrary object you can create for something like that?
Create one view model per page/form. Then, in your backend code you read the model into your data model however you need it
awesome, I haven't gotten there yet but that sounds like exactly what I want.
just came from Ruby on Rails
like the human language...
> is a viewmodel an arbitrary object you can create for something like that?
so I was doing nested forms in RoR
Right, in rails your view/controller/data are on 1 "rail"... all tied together
@CharlieBrown yes. Also 4 spaces in the beginning
nvm, google says its turkish
In MVC (the pattern, not the MS technology), a model is all the data for a view. There is no connection to data/databases
Model (supports the view only)
Controller (Action(s))
Service (controller calls this middle-tier)
Data model (typically Entity Framework, called by Service)
Note that service is not a "web" service, just a layer of code that coordinates things
posted on October 27, 2015 by ericlippert

A question I occasionally get is, suppose I have code like this: const double x = 200.0; const double y = 0.5; ... void M(double z) { double r = z * x * y; ... Does the compiler generate … Continue reading →

anyone who's used second level cache, WTF is slidingExpiration? what does that even mean?
hmm. Interesting. In my MVVM past I may have database connection in the Model, but MVVM is not MVC
Models would be the as multi layers as You like
can implement services
and many views could use a model
In MVVM, model is roughly analogous to Data model, but not required.
MVC "Model" === MVVM "ViewModel"
ahh ok.
@Failsafe you have any idea about what i'm talking about or you never used it yourself?
*(of course, you can use the data model as the view model, but its not a good practice)
We have a rule here, if something uses database, it's not VM anymore.
Thats a good rule, and easy to follow
and so much thing uses db., that we almost always have model
So I have a project which I want to break up into X.Core and X.Web where X.Core is a class library and X.Web is a custom implementation of a thing. In the future, I want to also have Y.Web and Z.Web in their own repositories all sharing X.Core. I would think Core should live in its own git repository and each *.Web should also have its own repository. Anyone do something like this? I looked at subtrees but I've never used them before.
nope, 4 projects, same repo
small team though
Yes. Ofc. We also had separate git repo for common interfaces
OK I'm back in favor with Excel now.
Yes, you can do separate repos and use the package manager to install them into projects when needed (Nuget)
Guys if for example i have a preset byte array .lets say it's length is 50,000;everytime the values are changed, and i send only part of it. i mean i dont need to send the entire 50,000, because most of the time the lasts bytes would not have an assigned value
It works really well for versioning
so if for example i want to send only 15,000 from them over a networkstream . how i just supposed to to this in the idea?
        public int WriteData(byte []buffer,int l)
           NetworkStream.Write(datalength, 0,4);
            return 0;
For c# projects, we have our own Nuget server internally that we publish common projects to
if I could also do staged deployments on Azure using branches so I could have X.Core dev branch and X.Web dev branch continuously integrated with a dev slot for example that would be the best case
@CharlieBrown does that work smoothly enough if I'm developing both at the same time?
this would send the entire buffer, but suppose the l parameter is 15,000(means i need to send only the few 15,000 bytes. how should it be done? by creating a array and replcaing it value?(too long)
Yes/no. The tradeoff is development is slower, so you want to wait until your packages are stable and not changing constantly.
But the benefits in versioning and sharing between projects are substantial
so would it make the most sense to use one repository with X.Core and X.Web in it, get them both stable, call it v1.0.0 and then split everything up?
That would be my recommendation
I don't think I will care too much about pre-1.0.0 history
awesome, thanks
Its the same approach we use for open source stuff we do in Nodejs as well
@CuddleBunny any chance for a really really little help :)
@Slashy maybe, what's up?
Morning o/ Does anyone here have any experience with the InstallShield Limited Edition for VS 2012?
Guys for this linq query
SomeObject.Where(x=>x.someId == 123 && x.someId > someValueWhichIsNullable)
@CuddleBunny good thanks haha
someValueWhichIsNullable if its null
look up for my question ^^
x.someId > someValueWhichIsNullable will it be true?
It will not run
@Slashy do you always want to just write the first N bytes?
since obviously x.someId is obviously greater then null
@CuddleBunny yes.
it would never really reach 50,000
it will not?
&& someValueWhichIsNullable.HasValue && x.someId > someValueWhichIsNullable.Value)
How should i change it
@NicolásCarlo what?
talking about what?
@Slashy do you want to send them all eventually though, like sending 15k three times then sending 5k?
@Failsafe you ever used the EFCache package for second level caching with EF?
@NicolásCarlo I don't think so no...
@CuddleBunny yeah i also thought avout this and i prefer to send it in one time
maybe i should try array.copy
or even go further and use gdi methods? memcpy?
or i should just wait for @RoelvanUden haha
just found a connection string being stored in a session variable
@Slashy you can use buffer.Take(Math.Min(15000, buffer.length)); but it will create a new copy of the byte array in memory
oh TITS!
yeah, you can do offsets with BlockCopy easily if you don't just want the first N bytes.
but i need somthing realy fast
@CharlieBrown if i use .value it says Nullable object must have a value.
which would work very constantly
Yes, it must have a value. You can not compare null and integer using ">"
@Slashy give it a shot, I think it will be reasonably fast.
@CuddleBunny alright. i will try buffer.blockcopy
wait if i need to copy without offset
i mean i always start from 0 index
just put 0 for offset then
the changed value is only the count
oh okay
so somthing liked this @CuddleBunny ?
        public int WriteData(byte []buffer,int count)
           byte[] finalbuff=new byte[count];
           Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, finalbuff, 0, count);
           NetworkStream.Write(datalength, 0,4);
           return 0;
alright lets check this out :)
i got a meeting at 2
what happened to intellitrace on vs2015?
@Slashy thought though, can you just pass count like: NetworkStream.Write(buffer, 0, count)?
its 2:52
yeah yeah youre right
@CuddleBunny . just noticed it
@CharlieBrown Okay, i changed it to
SomeObject.Where(x=>x.someId == 123 && x.someValueWhichIsNullable.HasValue? x.someId> someValueWhichIsNullable: true)
but it looks fugly
Has anyone had experience with setting up Performance Load Test Controllers and Agents?
var query = SomeObject.Where(x=>x.someId == 123);
   query = query.Where(x.someId > someValueWhichIsNullable.Value);
@CharlieBrown awesome, thanks
Hi. Is there anyone who is familiar with async/await?
I look for partner to hack into chinease government
@cassandradied what about it?
anyone want to help?
What do you need @cassandradied
@LiamHardy lol, probably the wrong place to ask
On a serious note.. how can I create a program to place a virus on the targets (person who opens it)'s pc?
not that easy
Just curious: if some event handler like Click will stuck, waiting for asyn operation, will I be able to enter the same event handler again if I will click the button for the second time?
This isn't that kind of site, @LiamHardy
Evening lads
That I don't know, @cassandradied Have you tried it?
@cassandradied so your click handler calls an async function synchronously?
@krillgar Nope. Obviously.
go and try..
@CuddleBunny No, with await.
@LiamHardy You're a troll I'm assuming? Hack into the chinese government but can't write a virus.
I doubt you even have the networking knowhow on how to telnet in there anyhow
Calm your hair extensions down.. I was joking.
@LiamHardy If it will allow to enter the event twice, I have another questions anyway.
Who is self taught here?
Me mostly
Although lately I've had some nice gents in the gent help out
How old are you?
C# I've got a long road ahead
I am 12 just started to learn
I know basics
Why do you want to create a virus anyways
It was a joke
Can anyone improve on this? cspad.com/mkrb
@cassandradied I would think you could click it more than once before the first click's task is complete.
but click event handlers are void, and you can't await void
/me updates CV. "- Business Intelligence ninja"
@CuddleBunny Okay. Then to what thread will belong the first execution that is waiting for operation complete and to what thread will belong the second execution?
@CuddleBunny I can await something inside the Click.
yeah, you can await something inside of it
A: Significance of declaring a WPF event handler as 'async' in C# 5

Stephen ClearyYou may find my async/await intro helpful. An async method is re-written by the compiler to support the await operator. Every async method starts out synchronous (in this case, on the UI thread) until it awaits some operation (that is not already completed). By default, the context is saved, an...

it gets scheduled to run in the same context when it is complete
@CuddleBunny Are you saying that the next Click execution will be delayed before the first completes?
@CuddleBunny Okay, I got you. Thanks. No questions.
not sure if it would block the ui thread or not, you can try by using a counter and using Task.Wait the first time it is called and not the second time to see if you can get the second time to fire first (or at all)
When should someone use a sealed class?
@LiamHardy think of it like private, it is mostly to protect people from themselves or to enforce conventions
Soemone knows fun things or nifty things to do in WPF
@MaartenWachters like what?
Something to impress my teacher with
was fucking around with focus, textchanged beginner shit earlier
and an if for loop that went to 12 loops XD
one thing I liked to do was remove the default window chrome
and implement my own non-rectangular chrome
was my go-to "feeling cool" thing back in school
Anyone hear of resharper ?
pretty much everyone
I wouldn't bother with it if you're still learning
Is the code cleanup any good?
Looks pretty nifty but i'm mainly talking loop. Teacher says the XAML is the least important part
It works pretty well, I don't use it though
I have this method in a class that will be inserting some data to a DB. the data is coming from a list that is a property of another class. in THAT class is a method that will be passing the data to this first class that is inserting to the DB. should I pass the whole List and iterate thru it in the inserting method? or should i iterate thru and pass one item at a time to the inserting method?
one interview down, two to go
does it matter?
did I even make sense?
@Bubbas it might matter in some cases, but more often than not it is down to preference
passing the whole list to the method will likely be easiest
i think the cleanest too
lists are reference types so it won't make a copy of it or anything
that is insightful
there are more complex use cases, like only passing the dirty items to the db function for example though where you might pass a copy of a subset of the list
what are "dirty" items?
changed, like if you have a list of people and you change the name of one, that item is now "dirty"
oh right
because the copy of your data set in the memory has been changed from what was initially taken from the database
youre thinking for like an update
I'd guess that use of the word "dirty" is because then you might want to clean/sanitize those values to make sure nothing malicious gets into your database.
so - for those of you that don't negotiate
I just got a 20% raise in my offer just by asking
always negotiate :)
well, got back from the car dealership
it's still a bit low, and I'm not crazy about contract to hire
we'll see
the car I was looking at got sold before I got there, but I looked at newer model Chevy Sonics. So, what's wrong with them?
Chevy Sonic?
aside from it being a fucking clown car
apart from being a plastic piece of shit, it's a perfectly decent car
I like contract to hire, makes it easier to back out if it is lame. Though it sucks when you get offered less salary than you make hourly...
you'd be better off buying a Leaf if you can make it work for your lifestyle
Unfortunately, I come from a carmaker family, and they said no foreigns.
then buy a Focus RS
or do you want a subcompact?
I don't really care, as long as it's cheap and gets me from A to B
Focus RS is a good little car
@ShotgunNinja just tell your dad that even those are japanese cars, they are assembly at detroit
I have friends with Volts that like them, as well
I don't like GM, Ford is nice though.
@tweray not detroit, but in the states
Japanese cars are more american than American cars
I really dig Mazda's lineup.
the 3 was okay
if I was gonna buy a Mazda, I'd get a 5
I have a CX-5, is great
mazda small cars are really nice when you drive it, but really un-nice when you fix it
dude, just buy a Miata
no foreign at all?
I have a big dog, won't fit in a Miata :(
I wouldn't buy anything buy a Ford for a US auto maker
or just do what I did and buy a WRX ;)
I almost did, more expensive though.
honestly, the CrossTrek is a fantastic car. same platform as the Impreza, just a bit higher and a bit bigger
my WRX was $25k brand new with options :)
yeah, the dealer I went to was a combo Subaru x Mazda dealer. I drove them all, and ended up going with the CX-5 for 3 more mpg and saving $4,000
and it is a pretty blue color.
it was snowing though, so it was hard not to want the Subaru models after driving them on their snow track... D:
CX-5 is a good little car
yeah, I get 34.5 mpg. Throttle response is weak on the sport trim though :(
My criteria for a car are:
- American (so entire family won't bitch)
- Cheap
- Warrantied
- Small
- Not frequently stolen in this area (so no Hondas, Dodges, or Chryslers)
- Did I mention cheap?
I considered a Volvo V60
@ShotgunNinja what do you care if your family bitches about your car?
@ShotgunNinja could get a Ford Fiesta
1) buy Golf tdi
2) laugh all the way to the bank at your 50mpg
3) ???
4) profit
I'm only like 23; if something happens to my car I could easily be boned
@ShotgunNinja buy a Mustang
@Codeman ha

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