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i know, idk... my team picked it out
my last project we used itextSharp and that was great
well this current web app project has been running for almost 2 and a half years now
last project was about a year ago
under my build settings for my project, I didn't have "Register for COM interop" checked.... could that be why?
I thought "Register for COM interop" was to allow your own library to be consumed via COM, not the other way round (which is what you're trying to do)...?
@KalaJ won't help.
You need to go to the guy who has the working Altova bits and ask him how he got them installed and then do that thing yourself
hmm I don't think he installed altova either but I'll double check
thanks guys
any ideas how I can get more sense out the the migration error
Sequence contains more than one matching element
very informative
any idea how I can workout why its throwng this?
its doing my head in now
Can anyone tell me how to call an authenticated API App in Azure?
I've been reading for, no exaggeration, days. Nowhere do they just tell you how to do it
"The Azure SDK makes it simple to..." No. Fuck off.
Just do it normally.
Why must they hide everything behind this convoluted wrapper shit
It does the step you should call for you to make it easier...
I can't use it. I have to write the authentication flow myself. The problem with that is that nobody will tell me what the correct sequence is
It's not 'easier'.
'Easier' is using well-documented standards the way they were designed to be used and explaining what you're doing
What do people think of prefixing table columns with their type (lngStudentId, strName etc) ?
Is it as disgusting as Hungarian notation in C#? :P
go to run web page in debug mode for billionth time
Access Is Denied
what. the. fuck.
fuck you microsoft you fucking fucks with your bullshit
i dont have time for this
hi guys sorry but is it possible to debug where an error is coming from when creating a migration?
@Shoe No, that would be strName
@Shoe still better than a
@async So strName can be nvarchar, varchar, char, or nchar and you dont know the length? How is that useful
Yeah, it can be any of that
@SteffenWinkler a - Huh? :D
@async well @Shoe complained about a prefixed variable name. To which I noted that that is still better than just calling your variable a
@MatthewFlynn, if it contains more than one matching element, take the first element
@KalaJ but this is when trying to create a migration in the package manager console
I cant see what the issue is?
so not a linq query?
what did you do for migration?
@MatthewFlynn the Errors List window doesn't show anything useful?
doesnt give a line number of anything
something about multiple usernames are matching
What are you trying to do?
@KalaJ ahh could see that
try to add singleordefault or firstordefault
when you query for it
or make the sql query unique
at least that's the error I normally get when that happens
haven't really worked on migrations though
@KalaJ where about does it mention the username issue please
well this is what you ran
add-migration updated-driver-pk-usernames-relationship -project entityframeworkdb
maybe it didn't know what usernames column to update
oh i see no its nothing to do with that I dont think
may I post the classes?
sure go ahead
brb lunch but I'll check it out when I come back
here are the classes i am trying to update
with out using EF?
ya there is Powertools to do it
in EF so you don't need to make the context
I think he means DB first
it is like a Preview feature - can see the context before making the DB scheme
EF7 is going to have that tool built in
and it needs to be the Startup project for it to work, so it needs an app.config too
the edmx is a ERD technically
I think I just got a compliment
One of the seniors, probably the most senior
Told me I'm the only person of my age he's ever seen with such advanced C# skills
Not sure if trolling..
what is your age
You must hide your power level
so you're a junior developer
try this
Q: How to view database diagram in a Code First using localdb

XaqronI have a Code First project with Entity Framework 5.0.0 using localdb created in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate. Although I can see my class relations in a Class Diagram, how to see a visual diagram of automatic generated database by EF ?

the first answer
idk if it works with external dsource
but you can try it
anyone with itextsharp experience here?
no, but i used itext with java
I'd like to create a pdf with an image page inside of it
nothing more.
I've tried that for 2 hours now and I got nil
my current code is based upon a Java(?) example I found on SO
				iTextSharp.text.Document imageDocument = new iTextSharp.text.Document(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Width, iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4.Height, 0));
				MemoryStream imageDocumentOutputStream = new MemoryStream();
				PdfWriter imageDocumentWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(imageDocument, imageDocumentOutputStream);
				imageDocumentWriter.CloseStream = false;


				if (imageDocument.NewPage())

					var image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(bm, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
i have a itext question from years ago too lol
i forgot about that
my problem is that when the PdfReader is constructed, I get an exception telling me that the PDF header signature was not found
(well tbh this code is supposed to just create a PDF with one image and append that to another PDF, because apparently appending an image directly to a iTextSharp document is not supported)
why not just append the image to the first pdf
I'm working with PdfCopy on the first pdf to append other PDF documents (basically merge everything)
and PDFCopy is not able to directly work with images
of course it doesn'T tell you that. It just doesn't use any images you try to add
meh. Screw it. I'm done for today. I'll just try and find a more developer friendly tool to use.
i know in java
i used a pdfstamper
yeah I read about that
to add the image to a pdf
worked real well
@Sippy, not trolling, I'm 25 and I'm junior lol. 22 is awesome!
but I never got how to use it to append a page. Most seem to use it to put an image over a page or a button or something similiar
im 23 and a senior....
senior dev or senior in college? lol...
senior dev
who tells you if you're senior or not?
ive been working for 6 years
I've been working for about 2 years
@ton.yeung how is the Soylent going?
7 years here
usually 5+ is either high mid or senior
I don't feel senior
you can get paid like one
@Failsafe, when did you learn enough to start working so early?
when or how*
anyway, have a nice one everyone
see you steffen
@KalaJ its all about who you know man
for me it was my dad's friends son
was like 28
owned his own company
then just hired me on and tought me a lot of stuff
@Failsafe I taught a 30 year seasoned programming professional how to MVC last year
And I can safely say he was a fucking moron that I would be ashamed to pay
We have several of those @Sippy
@Sippy 30 years ago COBOL was the pinnacle of programming acheivement
The point was that length of time doesn't mean shit :P
Not saying you're not good at what you do
it does on a resume
But 6 years coding and the senior title don't at all mean you can code.
From the stuff you say in here I'm fairly sure you can though
For some reason this guy can barely use a computer

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