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A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)
how to pass date time to web api, with successful binding
from uri
1 hour later…
Just an idea or whatever
Hi Please help me...
Please help me :(
@mark you haven't asked a single question
I'm trying to make proper auth
in C#
window form
This is the scenario, I have tblcolumn in my tbladmin which is Business Manager. So, WHen I login the business manager on my login page, the following page will activate the button view masterlist. Other than Business Manager, the button is disable.
Hey??? :(
set a break point
step through
How about this sir, I found this code
Application.Current.Resources.Add("user", txt_username.Text);
I put it below my true statement
But the word "Current" appears to have red waving lines. When I hover it, It says "System.Windows.Forms.Application" does not contain a definition for "Current"
you are not providing enough information to help me answer your questions. You will have to debug your application a little bit on your own. It's late, I don't have time to ask you questions for two hours about hor your application works
this isn't something i can provide a quick answer to, because it's a bug in your code, not a question about the C# language
I debug it and says...
But the word "Current" appears to have red waving lines. When I hover it, It says "System.Windows.Forms.Application" does not contain a definition for "Current"
1 hour later…
posted on September 28, 2015

This Tuesday, Sept 29th, we are hosting our online AzureCon event – which is a free online event with 60 technical sessions on Azure presented by both the Azure engineering team as well as MVPs and customers who use Azure today and will share their best practices. I’ll be kicking off the event with a keynote at 9am PDT.  Watch it to learn the latest on Azure, and hear about a lot of excit

3 hours later…
@Slashy You can't lock and render from a different thread than the UI thread. You have to run the processing code on the UI thread, or populate a different Bitmap (double buffering). Then once that second image is populated, execute code on the UI thread to swap the active and non-active images, and refresh the control. Then next frame, do the same thing. Or, execute processing code on the UI thread.
Hi, How can I start a webAPI in C# that can be called from another website project ?
Because when I start the C# WebApplication project, it automatically starts on a browser. While I just want its API to be available for another project.
I'm more used to nodeJS in which you just have to run node server.js to start a running server. Maybe I didn't choose the correct type of project for C#. But it was the closest I could find to build an API, I just don't know how to run it now, so it can be called.
@Elfayer WebAPI is approachable as JSON/XML over HTTP
@Elfayer The browser launching is just a setting you have in your debug settings. You can turn it off.
Hey, is someone here hosts his website on Azure Microsoft service, if you do, would you recommend it?
If you need the robustness it offers and don't mind the cost, then yes, Azure is great.
you mean that it's considered as expensive? if so, what would be a good choice tough?
It's not expensive for a cloud service. But whether or not you need one is a different matter entirely.
@RoelvanUden How can I turn it off plz ?
@Elfayer Right click project, debug settings, disable it
Thx ;)
Why would Microsoft decide to not implement drag and drop in Edge?
Drag and drop of what?
Oh. Didn't know. Also don't use Edge so that might be why.
I don't use it neither, but still a stupid decision.
May have been simple time constraints.
They had to build quite a bit in a limited time frame to W10
Let's hope so. At least give them the benefit of the doubt.
okay...I've to admit it: TFS sucks
You don't have to admit that. It's not your fault. It's a simple fact of the universe.
yeah I don't like most of those 'facts of the universe'
for example, that whole 'there is a maximum on how fast something can travel through space because speed and time are related'. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
@SteffenWinkler That's just a theory, not a fact.
@RoelvanUden I like your way of thinking :)
hi @Sippy
Does anyone of you know if there is a regex online somewhere, that parses C# code? :p
A regex to identify C#?
That seems extremely unlikely.
Well, to really parse C# code to get as output: namespace, classes, etc. But I already found out that there are better ways :P
morning guys. does anyone know if its possible to script the seed method form and ef configuration to an sql script?
I found a couple of posts saying it isnt possible, but they are kind of old.
@ErwinOkken Reflection if it's already compiled, or use Roslyn
If you need to inspect assemblies manually
hmm, if the body of an action uses type XY but is actually invoked in an assembly that does not know that type, can the Action still be executed?
Or in other words: Is an Action executed in the context of the class/assembly that created/defined it or in the context of the invoking class/method?
from intuition I'd say it's in the context of the class that created it...but I'm not sure
@SteffenWinkler An action is merely a delegate. The delegate is followed and invoked, that is, in the context of the actual method implementation (in that class, etc). However, it doesn't magically switch threads if the delegate was created on a different thread than the invocation one.
> @RoelvanUden it doesn't magically switch threads if the delegate was created on a different thread than the invocation one.

yeah I noticed that ;)
but on the 'type knowing' you're saying that my intuition is correct?
@SteffenWinkler Not sure how types matter at this point. An action is a delegate of void delegate(), that is, a simple return-type-less method without parameters.
It just runs when invoked.
well, let's imagine I do this:
`Action<object> test = new Action((someObj) => { (someObj as TypeOnlyKnownInDefiningAssembly).DoSomething();});`

and pass that to a method defined in another assembly that has no knowledge of `TypeOnlyKnownInDefiningAssembly`, will that work?
ah, thank you.
The principle is simple. Code won't compile if it doesn't know a type that is referenced. But once it is compiled, and you pass in something that adheres to the requirements of the method that the code exposed, then the code will run just fine. It's the same principle as isolating dependencies like EF into your DAL DLL, and calling code won't need to know about EF at all so long as you don't expose EF-specific things.
hi guys If i have a generic interface and I want to cast to check something implements it will Entity<object> catch this?
basically I have been told my archived bool flag needs to be nullable
and so I want to catch any inserts using ef and set the archive flag to be false by default
A nullable boolean for an archive flag? That certainly makes a lot of sense.
i know
I suppose it makes me get a better grip of generics :)
@Matthew if you want to check if a generic type implements your generic interface, the easiest way is to do myObj.GetType().GetInterfaces().Contains(MyInterface.GetType())
or something to that amount. IIRC there is also a GetInterface("interfacename") method.
but I've never used it
if your interface is not generic, you can simply do something like thisObj is MyInterface
@RoelvanUden well, either the archive process failed, or it succeeded or it did not yet 'touch' that request.
nullable boolean fits perfectly.
I mean, yes you could use an enum for that. But that's just 3 lines of code nobody needs ;)
@SteffenWinkler ok so i my case I wouldnt be able to use th elinq check then could i?
and I would simply have to iterate over all new entries?
uh sorry I didn't look at your code
> x => x.Entity is Entity

you mean that?
@SteffenWinkler yeah basically I have a generic interface (and class so i suppose I culd check against this too)
you could simply replace it with the GetType().GetInterfaces() code.
I just want to grab any entries which are trying to be inserted and just set the archived field to be false if its null)
well you could also define an interface from which your abstract class inherits. In your interface you only have the nullable boolean
that'd allow your code to work (you'd just have to cast/check against the interface and not your generic abstract)
yeah I suppose
i.e. IArchived
and then IEntity implements this
suppose that would reduce the impact of the reflection
you'd have to ask someone as knowledgeable as @RoelvanUden about that.
but you could always change the hardware spec for your software ;)
'yeah this software won't really work on anything less than a 3 GHz CPU with at least 6 cores...sorry'
bonus if you are selling that hardware to your customer :p
@SteffenWinkler no it makes sense what you said, should have thought about extracting it
good to know ;)
opinions please people: Selecting from a drop-down list of enum values in the UI.
How do people do UI-friendly text in this instance?
e.g. displaying "NoContract" as "No contract" in the dropdown
@Squiggle are you using WPF?
nah. It's a WebAPI/Angular app.
ah, well in that case
I'm using ResX Manager
it's more of a translation tool
in your case you could juse use one language (makes it a little easier)
neat :)
you've one column where the string is that needs to be translated and then a column where you can enter what should be returned
after you've done that you use the Resource Manager
@SteffenWinkler thats insteresting, so will that work in terms of language conversions?
yeah, and you swap the resx file when the culture changes etc
in my case I've 3 classes involved in this: One where the resx files are located, one abstract class where I define/initialize the REsourceManager and set the CultureInfo and one class that is inside the application. It knows the name of the resx/resx namespace, inherits the abstract and provides a 'GetTranslation(string key)' method that in turn just calls the ResourceManager's GetString method.
@scheien well with ResourceManager you just tell it which CultureInfo you want to use. Of course you've to make sure that you have that .resx file for that culture
(What I meant)
Just didnt remember what it was called ;)
oh the name of the resx that needs to be provided is the namespace of the assembly + the resx's name. Took me a few minutes to figure that out ;)
at first I thought it was the path and didn't know why it wouldn't work :/
it can be a hassle to get it up and running, but when it runs, it's pretty sweet, and really easy to translate to a new language.
also I love the integration into WPF
well, once you get that set up ;)
never done that. used it a lot in webforms though :p
yes, I said it. WEBFORMS
hate incoming!
it's just something like Text="@test123"and some WPF/resx combination voodoo stuff and it works
[I'm pretty sure I sold my soul to something while I did that but who cares, right?]
The dev who will have to clean it up in 10 years might?
clean it up?
if we're still using WPF in 2025 we're in trouble.
People still use winforms on new projects.
I mean, if that happens, we can just pack it up now and go back to OS/2 or something old like that.
@scheien yes. Because WPF kind of sucks...sometimes...
(cough binding is stupid cough)
what is wrong with your throat man?
I think it's more along the lines of: <Insert random quote on why they use winforms rather than any other tech>
not sure, must've bound it to something @JohanLarsson
bindings are the single nicest thing with wpf imo
meh. I love it for the XAML stuff. Binding just annoys me most of the time.
as I said/ranted before: It hides too much. It's difficult to debug and if you aren't using the oh-so-holy MVVM you are kind of screwed
@SteffenWinkler use the MVVM.
@ntohl NEVER
(well, some time next year probably when I had time to read about it)
but for the mean time
best argument ever.
but I guess by then there will be something new.
or something like that
another good argument.
scratch bet I could put some more letters in there
Don't obsess about mvvm imo, just bind things and good things will happen.
Some patterns you use might be anti patterns for others.
Depends on context
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the word pattern at all.
See so much retarded shit where people try to squeeze in patterns just because they are patterns.
It can be misleading
Also quite a bunch of the GoF patterns are considered antipatterns today.
Depending on who you ask.
They are fine to know about, but don't obsess to use them everywhere
Yeah. They are considered language agnostic, as long as the language is C++
@JohanLarsson GoF were never 'this is stuff you should use', was it? It was always 'this is stuff you might encounter'
They are more like guidelines for what might work in a given context.
IMHO as long as you capsule everything away and put interface between stuff that has 1:n or n:m relations everything goes.
@scheien Another thing they are good for is for talking about code. Sometimes.
Singleton. Service Locator.
@TomW they are rather for being on the same page
@JohanLarsson I think the same
I use singleton a lot in secret :)
But I ctor inject them so no harm.
@JohanLarsson I mock DB into singleton
@JohanLarsson what's the difference between a singleton and just making everything static?
I never really understood that
'difference'? ;)
Not much really, static is perhaps more honest
static is initialized always. Singleton is initialized when called for
@ntohl nope
But when injected they can be put behind interfaces
@ntohl if you do it that way you'll run into concurrency issues
Hardware makes sense as singletons as it is global mutable state
a singleton has to be initialized by the CLR on startup, else it won't work
than that is not a GoF singleton
meaning your private static MyClass myClass;needs to be private static MyClass myClass = new MyClass()
if you do it differently, you need to wrap your new in at least two lock statements
That is a correct singleton for Your purposes:

using System;

public sealed class Singleton
private static volatile Singleton instance;
private static object syncRoot = new Object();

private Singleton() {}

public static Singleton Instance
if (instance == null)
lock (syncRoot)
if (instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
@ntohl that can and will result in a nullreferenceexception
never seen that one before.
but still at least 4 lines of code and one variable more than needed
Hey everyone. Are there any reverse-ingineering pros on board? :)
Pleasing irony in that you were talking about locking, then said 'wait'...and took a noticeable time to continue posting
Its about obfuscations.
I once reverse-engineered enough of the Quake server protocol to build a server browser, does that count?
@C4ud3x Ask.
@TomW lol. Nice catch
It does :D. Ive got a potential trojan on my computer. There are 2 ddls in there I know as libraries from C#. But I cant open the exe in reflector. It tells me its not a .net pe.
De4dot failed so far. Even manually.
@C4ud3x I love obfuscated code. Very few people do it professionally though.
Failed = "no valid .net pe."
@C4ud3x what are these dlls?
public sealed class Singleton
    public static readonly Singleton Instance = new Singleton();

    private Singleton() {}
you summoned the @KendallFrey. He may or may not grant you answers =)
@ntohl I usually just do ^
@KendallFrey Yeah its fun for me as long as I can access the code.
@KendallFrey "SecurityUtility32.dll" and "SecurityUtility64.dll".
And an unknown "NSISHelper.dll".
How do you know these are supposed to be .NET?
The skill Im missing for myself is to check if it really is .net or not.
I dont.
@C4ud3x You've already done that.
Thats the point.
The only thing I tried was checking it with de4dot.
Then what are you concerned about?
@JohanLarsson my point is that. It should be common implementation if we talk about singleton. And Neither the M$, neither Your implementation is the singleton pattern from the GoF book.
I used a tool that told me "tool executable -parameter" = check if it is native.
@C4ud3x apparently there is something called dumpbin
Thats not a 100% thing for me.
So the question is still about "the right way to check if it is native".
Dont wanna trust the result of a single tool.
and even that states, the multithreaded solution is different from the GoF one
@C4ud3x If by "native" you mean "not .NET", you already have your answer.
@ntohl ok
But why does it matter whether it's native or .NET?
@KendallFrey Its because Im a noob in reversing. Cant handle both.
Hits what you wanted to hear? ^^
@TomW Dumpbin looks nice. Just cant get it to work currenty. VS is trolling me.
Drop it in IDA and look at the headers
@C4ud3x I thought you had a concern about malware
If you want to reverse engineer some .NET code, find some .NET assemblies.
Wait. Why would you want to reverse-engineer malware, other than to write your own malware?
@TomW to write a report for Nod32?
writing malware has nothing to do with reversing malware
you usually reverse that to learn
Fuck viruses and fuck russians.
countering etc
Had to wipe my PC with 400gb of games on it the other day because virus
First virus in 6 years lol
And it fucked aaaaall ma shit up.
On the plus side, Windows 10. On the downside, shit internet.
Don't browse those shady sites @Sippy
You can browse those sites just fine. Adblock. Ghostery. It's okay.
@TomW Trust me it would be a lot easier for me to write my own instead grabbing ideas out of finished ones to write it then on my own too.
Easy thing why: There are sensitive files on the potential infected computer in my company. Thats why I wish to see the source. Just to get sure everything stayed inside the building.
With the possibility of having a .net file I at least had an idea how to get it.
"ASP.Net Web Forms" is an anagram of "Barf Mop Wetness."
#lunchtime #bored #hashtag
He@asyllo nc!
Just finished my lunch, now going back to my ASP.NET Web Forms solution... :<
No swearing please.
datatimme.bdate = DateTime.ParseExact(DateTime.Now.ToString(), "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
anything wrong? it doesnt work
catch:String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
@r.hamd Looks good for me.
oohh in the database this fields type is datetime
Why would you parse that and not just do DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt")?
DateTime.Now.ToString() will convert it according your default culture. Im not sure if direct parsing will work with all possible formats.
BuyTB bt = new BuyTB();
bt.bdate = DateTime.ParseExact(DateTime.Now.ToString(), "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

{ }
what type is bdate?
bt.bdate = Datetime.Now if it's a datetime.
datetime @scheien
i was using bt.bdate = Datetime.Now but i would like to have a fixed format incase the client computer DD/MM/yy or MM/DD/yyyy, etc...
Hey guys, can you take a look at my SO design question? 50 pts bounty on it.

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