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@KalaJ yeah, i was gonna say... training is free, just costs your time
@CharlieBrown nothing prevents me creating a non generic implementation that inherits and overrides this base implementation
I work for small consultancy company
There is always a deadline
Saves me having to rewrite the mundane daily
When I was a young whippersnapper, I spent every night punching keys and writing small programs to get better....as a senior developer I still do the same.
why even waste great years of your youth with C# when you have deadlines.
I'm sure a small company doesn't need c# xD
@Wardy EF already is a generic repository, generally "repository-per-class" is a bad pattern in most cases.
Not too mention tons of unneeded code
I wrote my repo once
@user3550283, we do and again we are consultants, so it depends on our clients
now what ever table i have in whatever db i have i can query it with basic linq
But EF already wrote it for you...now you just wrote another on top
I've worked on Android, WPF, .NET MVC, C code, etc..
since I got here
@CharlieBrown not exactly
You added complexity without additional benefit
@Harish I just can repeat: "Learning learning learning learning. Then applying for jobs and hoping to get in."

Where "Learning" equals "Coding".
Having fun at coding helps a lot.
yeah I try to go to hackathons and stuff
Learning coding just because of earning money will get harder.
but then I realize I would get more done if I just did stuff on my own first
@C4ud3x i got you
@CharlieBrown I benefit because i can grab a IRepo<T> by asking DI for one and I don't have to worry about the source
The default implementation is sat on EF yes
but the Interface can be sat on anything
Ok, let me offer an alternative then
I have repos on top of raven, file systems, mysql, csv files
Your methods must look close to this:
so yeh i might not gain much with ef here but its a gain that I only ever need to ask for a IRepo<T>
@C4ud3x But i need money to live too.
var person = IRepository<Person>.Get(12) ish
But instead, I argue you should be doing var person = IRepository.Get<Person>(12)
@Harish But earning money is about knowing the stuff you want to work on. Learning the stuff comes before earning. ^^
Where IRepository's concrete implementation could be any provider
ok that sounds reasonable
@Harish Studying or getting an education is therefore not bad.
same concept slightly different implementation for some tweak to the syntax sugar
I actually rarely deal with the repo's at this level these days
Except in the repo-per-class your creating potentially hundreds of clr classes
@C4ud3x i have basic knowledge of asp.net
repo per class is a waste of time
@C4ud3x and now i want to make money with that
@CharlieBrown That would happen anyway
good gosh i need some tacos or something
You still need to define each T
and its only so I can wire it up to something like this ...
public virtual IHttpActionResult Get(ODataQueryOptions<T> queryOptions)
    return Ok(service.GetAll());
brb lunch time
@C4ud3x and want to gain more exp too.
Understand that IRepository<T> when resolved creates an additional runtime only class in the clr
ah i c what you mean
yeh the generic in this case is creating dynamic types for me
So, for each concrete class, at runtime you will have 2 instances. Only your grabage collector will get hurt by this though
Anyway, just some thoughts, dont want to go downa dark path
Do you have an example of an implementation that does it like your way ... IRepository.Get<Person>(12)
just curious
based on the code I have i doubt it would be hard to refactor
probably wouldn't take more than an hour or 2
its a good call though
I used this for some classes I was teaching a while back
what if i want to override the method for a given T
so for example if i have your dbcontext and I just want Get<Invoice>(id) to behave differently
I don't think I can do that
so I got EAN working last night. Tonight I work on connecting the M
@CharlieBrown beautifully compact though
@Wardy you can check the typeof(T) in c# and use a switch in your IRepository.Get<T>() method so it's possible but that doesn't look like a nice practice
@user3550283 Well i have a situation where basically if T is invoice I want to filter get calls based on rule set 1 if T is Campaign I want to filter the result set based on rule set 2
@CharlieBrown what's your favorite setup for doing MEAN stuff? I'm worried about clogging my personal laptop up with dev stuff even more
@CharlieBrown An issue I see is that IEntity is enforcing a specific type of key
@Pheonixblade9 VSCode
var res = GetAll() <-- base
var res = GetAll().Where(Rule(1)) <-- invoice
var res = GetAll().Where(Rule(2)) <-- campaign
I'm just really lazy and want an IDE for drag n drop stuff and holding projects together, etc.
@Wardy the repository is a broadstroke pen, the service layer is where you do more fine grained control
@Pheonixblade9 vscode is the best imo, no projects, just point at a folder and go
@CharlieBrown The same architecture applies there for me though
I have IService<T>
@Pheonixblade9, @CharlieBrown there is always Atom too, since they're basically the same thing.
You need plugins for debugging and stuff though.
i use vscode exclusively now since im full time node/js for the last couple years
@CharlieBrown what about for running stuff?
node runs itself, dont "need" anything
I just feel like I need to learn some new stuff. I might keep going with Node or I might try GoLong
My current preferred node stack is hapijs/mongoose/angularjs
I know, but I use this PC for games and such, too. I wanna be able to spin stuff up on the fly
@CharlieBrown what's your idea on typescript with node?
@Wardy I don't use repository for what you are using it for, I use my services for that, but you can always call dbContent.AsQueryable<T>() and get an IQueryable
@user3550283 I don't use it yet, as most of the teams that I coach don't know it or use it
@CharlieBrown My thinking was that everything to do with querying should live in the Repo, then everything to do with business logic (eg making a decision on something) would live in the service
So the service would say "User X has asked ..."
So VS 2015 is not finding any unit tests in my solution. VS 2013 is finding them as expected. Any ideas what's wrong?
the result would then have the business logic applied in the service
This didn't happen the last time I installed VS 2015
@CharlieBrown interesting though ... i would like to flatten my model a bit and this basically does that in a way that I just have: BusinessLogic > Repo > Db
it feels like i do have a bit too much code at the moment in the Repo area
@Wardy ive done both ways, sometimes a query contains business logic, so its difficult to say where it lives. but depending on your use of DI, this may or may not be possible. Easy enough to implement an additional class though
always a tradeoff
Yeh DI is a great place to do that kinda thing
@CharlieBrown you think that's appropriate for an absolute newbie?
@Pheonixblade9 which thing?
I don't want to have to define too much logic in my DI rules though
the non-mean node stack you recommended
hapi is the easiest node server you will find, its dead simple
really I just want something that lets me do one click deployments, maintains code structure, etc
so it's MHAN
@CharlieBrown I was thinking more of documentation and saturation
imo, express is a pain in the butt
it only provides the structure and routing, you have to use 100 other plugins to make a full server
of course, hapi has starting splitting some of theirs off as separate packages, but its only 5 for a full server. only 1 if you just do a rest api.
so if I want to do an API with an Angular front end, it's pretty easy?
is it easy to plug in auth and that sort of thing?
@Pheonixblade9 you can always use MVC6 too for an API in VSCode.
well yeah but I know the WebAPI stuff :P
its pretty easy, i can whip up a sample for you
that would be awesome
all of the tutorials I've seen are either old or too complicated
I just want something that I can say "here's my Mongo folder" and go
How can I add a counter that adds how many times a number was input into a program and how many times an invalid number was typed?
Long weekend - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat <3
I have a program that asks the user to input a value 0-10 and it detects if the number is out of the range or if it is an invalid number.
I want to output how many times a number was inputted and how many times an invalid number was typed.
@ChaCol, It sounds like you have a program that accepts 0-10 as valid, and any other number as invalid. You want this to repeat forever or until the user explicitly decides to close the program?
I already have that accomplished
@Sidney lol about to ask the same
I want it to display how many times the numbers were entered and how many invalid numbers were entered
Is this a console program, or something with a more refined UI?
The program does it repeatedly until the user types Q
Console program
(Not that that matters)
I'm guessing you're main program runs in a while(true){...} Block?
How do I go about adding a counter to calculate how many times each number/invalid number
Yes it's a while loop
Q: C# Add counter for each number in loop

ChaColI'm writing a program that takes user data values 1-10 and stores it into an array. I'm trying to figure out how to add a counter that will allow me to output how many times each number was typed and how many invalid numbers were typed. class Program { static void Main(string[] args) ...

I posted my code here
You actually already have a couple of answers. :)
To display the answer, just use string formatting.
Oh it would help if I hit refresh lol
You may need to cast the output if you want a precise value
Also, if you notice the two boxes at the top of the screen (one green, one red), they should auto update when you have a notification like an answer to a question. :)
I want it displayed like this... say I enter 1 1 3 5 10, 15. I want it to show 1:2, 3:1, 5:1, 10:1 Invalid - 1
Hi Guys, can I be really cheeky and ask if anyone can look at this websocket stuff i've got to implement.

Kendall has helped out a couple of times but I just can't nail it.
Q: System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket no reliably working?

Matthew FlynnI am implementing passing a web socket back from our api according to this url here; http://blogs.msdn.com/b/youssefm/archive/2012/07/17/building-real-time-web-apps-with-asp-net-webapi-and-websockets.aspx Now the idea is that the user will register for a web socket. This is done and works using...

I have several objects (connections to different types of data sources) that all have the same methods (GetData(), PutData(), etc), but they have vastly different requirements for their constructors (some take URLs, some file paths, some SQL DB credentials, they don't even take the same number of arguements). Since the objects can be used interchangeably once instantiated, I feel like they should all be inherited from a base class so they can be passed around easily.
I'm conflicted though about how to handle instantiation. Is there a conveniently fleshed out programming paradigm to handle situations like this?
how the fuck
do i have two versions of the same assembly
fuck balls shit ass
@SteveG happens all the time
i need two versions
i update one, and it says it can't find system.web.http 5.2.2 or some shit, i downgrade to 5.2.2 it says it can't find 5.2.3
which makes no fucking sense, because the same version of web api is installed on the web proj, and the web.tests proj
i hate microsoft
im going to switch to java
maybe you are referencing different versions
both projects have no 'upgradable' nuget packages
i remove web api and odata from both, install both again, it says it can't find 'system.web.http
for the specific ver
check your config?
it has, <Reference Include="System.Web.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
which, is why it can't find 5.2.2, i downgrade to 5.2.2, it says it cant find 5.2.3
Hello frands.
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Http" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
@SteveG add this to your web.config <runtime> <assemblyBinding>
@tweray cool, i thought there was a way to manually bind them, but i wasn't sure, i'll give this a shot
this isn't the git window you were looking for
@SteveG I wouldn't blame you, Java developer tears sells well on the market.
@SteveG oh and DO NOT EVER use the add refrence of the resharper, it doesn't deal with the nuget configs and this happens. just be patient and add them via console or ui.
@user3550283 Why the fuck would Java developer tears sell well? You can't charge a high price for something unless it's rare.
@KendallFrey ZING
@tweray didn't work either
should table names be upper case or lower case?
what provider
because the "standard" changes
@KalaJ I've usually seen [CamelCase]
with the table name in the pluralized form, e.g. [Users]
@KendallFre Why is the Cigarette industry the 2nd biggest industry after oil my friend?
I'm using SqlServer
so like written like dbo.tableName or dbo.TableName?
I see both used in my project lol
@KalaJ get your team together to agree on a set of naming conventions
@KendallFrey Oh and here in southern Iran even the nuclear plants and Oil and Gas systems are on .NET 2 and Windows 2003 so it's a local joke here xD.
@user3550283 If you're going to make me be technical, it's the law of supply and demand
@MikeAsdf, sadly it's too late
We are about 2 and half years in
CamelCase it is
@Slashy You around?
my brother just texted me "Can you get a virus through text message? Some girl from tinder sent me a message and I think it has a virus"
@ton.yeung Why does this affect me?
@CharlieBrown But a girl is texting your brother, so you got that going for you, which is nice.
@ton.yeung VR stuff that I can use, sure.
@Slashy When you get online, can you check if you have some pixel offset problems? I appear to have an issue where it seems like some frames of pixel changes aren't properly processed. If you have the same thing, I know that it's not in the client, and I have to investigate the server more. Thanks :-)
@RoelvanUden I don't think I got this problem. .. but I'm having other problems haha. Would u like me to upload my code ? To git or something?
I think I process it well and I don't get problems at all
Laughing hard
Could someone help me real quick, I'm sure it is stupid and small.
var dropdown = ((HtmlSelect)e.Item.FindControl("drpProductAttribute"));
dropdown.DataSource = ...

                    foreach(var attribute in attributes)
                        var items = attribute.AttributeValue.Split(';');
                        foreach(var item in items)
                            dropdown.Items.FindByValue(item).Selected = true;
Keeps giving me a null reference though, when I can clearly see that dropdown has all the items.
NullReference at which line?
Inside the foreach cant be as the foreach is only grabbing existing objects.
dropdown.Items.FindByValue(item).Selected = true
Only thing I can think of, is the data hasn't fully loaded yet, so it can't actually find the value.
Try to use sleep before so we could know it it's the actual problem.
THANK you microsoft, so when I add an existing folder, you just fucking ignore the folder and add alllll of it's files at the root
you son of a bitch
Nope, still happens.
@Greg Is all this code in the same function? If this is WebForms, I think that calling DataBind doesn't execute the binding synchronously, it just means that it will be performed at the DataBind stage of the page lifecycle.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It is all inside of a repeater OnItemDataBound event.
@C4ud3x - But that would be more than the speed of light, which means no escape because mass can't go that fast. Unless the mass approaches 0. In which case mama don't weigh nothin'
Has anyone ever used superwebsockets for net? If so what do you think of it ?
@TravisJ Oooohm... yeah well... you know thats the joke about it dont you?
@TravisJ You must be fun at parties
@user3550283 THAT was even funnier than my picture ^^
@user3550283 - Heh, you have no idea ;)
Are people picking on you Travis? D:
Never lol
I am immunes to that
Meta is faaaaar worse
@Greg Have you tried moving the foreach loop to an anonymous event handler on the dropdown.DataBound event?
So far my new company has spelled my name wrong and gotten my DOB wrong.
@SpencerRuport - Bank error in your favor too? :)
No just a very complicated timesheet entry system.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Was just about to try that.'
Oh god I had to implement one of those here at work
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Actually, it is a HtmlSelect.
A time tracking system, we have 60 people. But I went with a proxy card system, and the software kind of puts it together properly like 80% of the time which isn't terrible
@SpencerRuport For five years I had a nametag with my name misspelled in a way that will only be amusing to Hebrew speakers. :)
@AvnerShahar​‑Kashtan hah :)
@SpencerRuport astonishingly, my employer wrote their own timesheet app and it's actually pretty good
One of our workers, when he first started here, had a lab coat that had the name "Greg" on it; that was the only spare lab coat we had at the time. So everyone that we hired or that came for meetings thought he was Greg and when we told them to find him by name at times they would respond "We only found Greg."
Our timesheet app is written in Silverlight, and will soon be unsupported in most modern browsers. We're a company of consultants, and people between projects are often given the task to rewrite it, and it never actually gets done.
@AvnerShahar​‑Kashtan - How do you clock in?
By signing in?
I don't believe ours is productised
but they might if asked
I just don't like timesheet systems for dev work. It just perpetuates the flawed idea that when we say "This will take four days to complete." and when we slap something together in one day everybody looking at the numbers just thinks we needed proper motivation.
@TravisJ Manually, by reporting our daily in/out times. We're a company of consultants, each one at a different client and site, so there's no universal clock to punch.
Trust, basically. It works fine.
Of course, some clients have their own timesheet apps or actual, physical clocks to punch.
@AvnerShahar‐Kashtan - How large is the company?
@SpencerRuport yeah, consultancy. Client has to be billed for some measurable thing
One client, a few years ago, still used an actual printing ink-on-card-stock clock.
We need an application that does time estimates like the automotive industry has.
@TravisJ I think we're up to 100 people? It's ridiculous. I don't even know half the people in our tri-yearly get-togethers. :)
Used to be much smaller when I started.
@AvnerShahar​‑Kashtan - lol nice 100 people is solid
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan damn kids, get off your lawn
@TomW Exactly!
Used to be about 25 folks, of which 22-23 were developers.
and the other 2 were accountants?
Now there are about 10 people in administrative jobs, about 40 doing UI, UX and XAML design work, and the rest developers. Still a good ratio.
@TravisJ The CEO and CFO.
And since everyone worked at client sites, we didn't actually have offices at that point.
I am not enjoying site work very much
my back is absolutely killing me. This is my fourth week and I'm now in constant pain
I've done client site work for about half of my professional life. It has a lot of advantages and disadvantages.
@TomW go for some hot spring vacation, and find a good chiropractor, try use something to raise your leg a bit while sleeping. that's how i fix mine
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Ahahaha. The ratio here is 1-1-1-1 where this "1" is always the same guy - me.
Architecture, design, coding, backend and frontend.
@C4ud3x There's a lot of fun in that as well, but it's not a role I'd enjoy.
I really work better in a team.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Oh Im very into details according the design. Just annoying when the boss is waiting for functionality.
So sometimes aint funny.
Afk for a cigarette.
Our team were moved into a project room this morning. Before that we were at the hot desks
Now have crappy meeting room chairs that are even worse than the wonky office chairs from the old digs
@TomW Ugh that's terrible. For some reason tech companies are willing to drop thousands of dollars on computers and monitors and servers and such, but ignore the real, measurable performance gain in giving developers good chairs.
It costs them more in a month in reimbursing my train fare than it would to buy me a brand new Aeron
not that I like the Aeron
It doesn't have to be $1000 Aerons. It can be $100 for a good, solid chair.
You know what the biggest productivity boost for me would be?
@TomW hookers and blow?
Not using TFS?
Letting me use my own monitor, keyboard, desk, chair, lighting etc - the kit that I choose for myself - by working from home.
@TomW I have a quad monitor setup at home. Never use it though, no desktop :P
I'm all for that for people who work well at home. I am not one of those people.
I get distracted too easily. I need the office environment for focus.
I've only done it a couple of times but it has to be better than this
some office environments are more distracting than home
e.g. bullpen style offices that are so popular these days
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan do you think you'd work better at home if doing so eliminated four hours of travel from your day?
Yeah, I end up just playing games when I work at home...
@TomW ...yes. Definitely. Luckily, almost nowhere is a two-hour commute here.
even better, hotelling offices where you have no permanent space and you often have some sales guy speaking WAY too loudly in their phone trying to convince someone to buy your shit
There isn't much worth a two hour commute...
@Pheonixblade9 are those where you put just that team in a room?
@TomW no, it's where you put ALL your employees in one giant room
@Pheonixblade9 I don't mind those. As much. The general hubbub isn't too distracting because it's constant
except for when people have standups right next to you and you have to turn your music up to drown them out
One thing that could make me leave the consulting gig and find a full-time company to work with is if it was closer to home. Most of my consulting work has been 30-60 minutes drive from home. But the sort of companies that have offices in central Tel Aviv itself are usually the smaller startups that don't go for consultants.
Moved into a room of 6 today, it's horrible. You can't make any noise and any noise made by anyone else is instantly distracting
@TomW You're all working on the same project, at least, I hope. Right?
Good news, i can finally make a c# version of my custom template
i argued the potential risk of vb being deprecated in the future
technically worked

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