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powershell is fantastic for deleting unused code
used code too, by the way
@Sippy I misspelled his name didn't I? Lol
@KalaJ It's Copsey.
Will correct it when I get to work lol
@JohanLarsson TFSIssue/TFSSolution -> positive infinity :D
hmm...maybe someone can help me with some thinking here: I've 4 Dictionaries, each of them has a stringas it's key but a different value type. I'd like to be able to set the value without having to check all 4 Dictionaries for a key.
 Dictionary<string, object> listOfAllAvailableFields = TextValues.ToDictionary(str => str.Key, strVal => (object)strVal)
                .Concat(NumericValues.ToDictionary(num => num.Key, numVal => (object)numVal))
                .Concat(DecimalValues.ToDictionary(dec => dec.Key, decVal => (object)decVal))
                .Concat(DateTimeValues.ToDictionary(datTim => datTim.Key, datTimVal => (object)datTimVal))
                .Concat(BoolValues.ToDictionary(bol => bol.Key, bolVal => (object)bolVal)) .ToDictionary(all => all.Key, allVal => allVal.Value);
I managed to come up with that, but that's not getting me anywhere
I'd again have to figure out of which type the underlying object really is to get the KeyValuePair from the Value of that concatted dictionary.
@SteffenWinkler seems more like a designproblem to me than a coding issue
not following o_0
why not use a <string, object> to begin with
why is this not a thing

var obj = new MyObject {
Prop1 = new Prop1(),
Prop2 = Prop1.Prop2
if the 4 valuetypes have no interference you shouldn store them in one dictionary, if they have interference you should think about create a new object, which accepts all 4 types
@StevenLiekens because a) the class needs to be serializable and b) storing anything as an object is filthy. You never know what you get.
okay then create a serializable wrapper class
[Serializable] class Wrapper<T> { T Value }
and then do Dictionary<string, Wrapper<>>
or something
yeah why do that when you can store them native?
I don't even know
because you want a single dictionary
yes but only this one time
usually all is well with them being 'divided'
but I've two situations where I want to set a value and at that point I'd have to figure out the datatype and the get the dictionary
that is possible and is just a few lines of code but I wondered if there would be an easier way
so I just started doing what I usually do: Solve one problem after the other
problem one: Find the KeyValuePair I want to manipulate without going through all dictionaries hardcoded
And now you've painted yourself into a corner lol
problem two: actually set the value WITHOUT figuring the datatype out hardcoded
I know there is a solution to this
So you can either make a huge ungracious leap or step over all the paint and redo it
well the pain is basically the concatted dictionary
so not an awful lot
but I like the speed at which I solved problem 1
didn't I...
ah damn
I didn't :/
thought I had stored the type in a class that would've been 'accessible' from where I am
but it's not the type I need
quick question, so there is a an inherited float right style is fucking with my button, I want to remove it. How can i do it? I know I can set that button to left but how do you remove a style from just a specific button?
i assume you are talking about html/css, you can simply do float:left on the element
did it the long way now
Good morning.
Good afternoon
Good afternoon
oh i figured it out
float: none works
Why wouldnt it
I know people are gonna throw stuff at me for asking a web forms question
but does anyone know how you can access the current item in an ASP repeater?
I won't judge.
Other than using Eval bullshit
Cos Eval can ead
@Sippy well, first things first: To solve this, you need to stop using Web Forms
!!urban ead
@KendallFrey [EAD](http://ead.urbanup.com/19185) 1) a three letter acronym for "EAT A DICK"

2) A shortcut to tell someone to go eat a dick
@Sippy: yes.
What do you want to do?
Are you trying to put data in the Repeater or get it out?
!!urban Kendall
@Greg [kendall](http://kendall.urbanup.com/3060166) A girl that acts like a blonde or is. She can get super hyper that her friends are usually scared. She is EXTREMELY pretty and older guys want to go out with her.

These girls usually like guys that names start with the letter "t."
!!urban urban
@SteffenWinkler urban City-like. From the Latin word "urbs", which means "city".
!!urban Greg
@Greg [greg](http://greg.urbanup.com/2285681) A scottish word used mainly in glasgow
meaning to always get drunk and flirt with women
@SteffenWinkler gad dammit
!!urban Steffen
@SteffenWinkler Steffen A man with a very larg dick. He is a teen distortion, survived abortion, and a successful rebel from the waist down. They tend to be German and fit the perfect Aryan race.
@Sippy I can help you, if you provide some extra information.
@scheien I basically have a grouped collection, and I need to access the group itself as an item from the ascx page, not the back end.
the fuck?
@Sippy: You can use Container.DataItem
@SteffenWinkler You racist fuck!
@SteffenWinkler urban remembers you :)
@scheien That's code behind though right?
!!urban Loetn
@Loetn No definition found for Loetn
Or maybe not.
@Sippy: can use it in markup within the databound context <%# Container.DataItem %>
@Sippy No, you can do it on the front end, but I've always seen it with a Eval for parameter pass.
@scheien will try, ty
@Sippy: iirc you can cast that to whatever type it originally is, and access properties etc.
@SteffenWinkler I was messing around.
@Sippy Why don't you want to use Eval(...)
with what @Greg?
because that definition is actually on urban
@Sippy: or you can use the amazing ` <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "MyProperty") %>`
There's a drawer marked Evil! next to me. It contains biscuits.
@SteffenWinkler Calling you a racist fuck.
oh that.
years of online video games make me filter such things out
wtf urban seems to have a weird definition for every name o.O
Yeah, gaming with 12 year olds has helped me with that.
Hmm, Repeater.DataItem isn't a thing apparently.
!!urban Tom
@SteffenWinkler Tom the man responsbile for the monstrosity known as "myspace", owner and operator of said site, and consequently the man blamed every time myspace is down.
@SebastianL Urban has a weird definition for everything
the fuck is myspace?
how old are you?
@SteffenWinkler That thing before Facebook.
It could be worse.
!!define myspace
@SteffenWinkler [myspace](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=1031368) (Internet) One's profile on the MySpace website.
Why did you delete your myspace?
@Sippy Why don't you want to use Eval?
@Greg The problem is I'm trying to get an item, not a property.
I need the object
!!urban Winkler
Ah, I see.
!!urban Sebastian
!!urban Lowie
@Loetn lowie Slutty-looking, yet unusually attractive girls. Normally of Mediterranean or Lebanese descent- first introduced in "fat pizza" episodes. Commonly used in regions such as Burwood.
!!urban C#
going the full length here
Holy hell, Caprica is getting crazy.
@Sippy: You need to use Container.DataItem not Repeater.DataItem
@SteffenWinkler Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@scheien I thought the repeater was the container
wait wtf is container
@SteffenWinkler 666, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, imdb, jquery, learn, put..it..back...ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ, phucket, gtfo, moneycantbuylove, catmode, coffeetime, lifeban, stopmyself, instagram, kendallfrey, excited, manigga, meinneger, dgaf, infiniteriot, okay, feelsgoodman, fabulous, sausage, playerpimp, installjavascript, moarkittens, kendall, kfc, uwot, nsfw, facepalm, somekittens, erase, fry, dudeism
hahastillhere, onebox, morecoffee, steve, whoosh, burn, woosh, roomowner, phony, really, inur, coffeescri
ಊ(╰◣▂ ◢╯)Ψ
7 messages moved to Trash can
@Sippy: e.g. (Article)Container.DataItem
How have I never known about this.
@Sippy Because Eval is easier.
Oh I know because web forms should be dead.
@Greg true
magic though
hate magic
@Sippy Really? I believe in magic.
I hate eval
           very fail
                       much user
so pro
@CuddleBunny: Me too. I generally hate webforms.
@RoelvanUden but i love berlin D:
im am sending quite big amout of data over a netowork stream using tcp connection- and as you know the tcp protocol doesnt support message boundaries. so i just will it be faster to write to a normal memorystream the size and the data itself, and then copy it to a network stream?
@Slashy use UDP?
faster then just using twice the networkstream write function?
no i use tcp
I mean you should use UDP
i thought u ask if i use it
@SteffenWinkler Input not matching /(3[.,]1415\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: <>$1
hi @Jeremy!
@scheien hey :)
because it is okay if you drop a few frames
but actually i would like to use the tcp... safer.. and more
and it will be faster
hey guys
A user said why did you make this internal tool so ugly, I said "Because I thought you cared about functionality not looks."
but i cant find actually any guide to udp lol
how can i write a linq statement to select all from a collection which meet a condition?
_propertyStoreColl.Any(x => x.IsSelected == true)
this is what I have been trying
@Slashy there ^
@user1892991 _propertyStoreColl.Where(x => x.IsSelected)?
@user1892991 Shouldn't it be _propertyStoreColl.Where(x=> x.IsSelected == true)?
.Any returns a bool if any element of the collection matches the predicate
.Where returns a enumerable with all elements matching predicate
Also, does anyone know a JSON serializer that supports cyclic references?
aaand going home
have a nice one everyone
@Loetn @Kroltan oh sweet, thanks guys
There is a ReferenceLoopHandling in Newtonsoft
oh nice
Does it work on Mono?
@CuddleBunny hey
@user1892991 .Any doesn't select, it in essence is saying if any of these are found then the collection is valid. So, if one is true. Try .Where
i used to have troubles with Newtonsoft on mono, but that was a couple years ago
i just tried the example from msdn
it works great, but now im trying to send a image converted to byte array and im getting the following exception
.Where should filter your collection to only contain the data that is true.
A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself
@Loetn @Kroltan Should of read, you answered the question.
@CuddleBunny any idea why is it?
thanks @CuddleBunny
@Slashy no idea, I've never sent anything big. I've only used it for messaging in games.
@Greg Ahh i see, thanks!
@Kroltan not sure, but I bet with vnext coming out in a few months more and more things will be tested for mono compatibility.
@CuddleBunny It seems to work thusfar. :D
Yeah, newtonsoft json is a big part of how many people use ASP.NET, so they are probably working pretty closely with mono.
MAY you see my question here @CuddleBunny ?
Q: C# UDP protocol image sending

SlashyI simply try to send a screen shot using Udp protocol this is the code: private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); IPAddress broadcast = IPAddress.Parse(""); ...

But.. why via UDP?
@RoelvanUden i dont know @CuddleBunny just suggested me it
isnt it more efficient and faster?
Uh. No.
@Slashy @CuddleBunny didn't explain why UDP is 'faster' in some regards.
Quite simply because it's not a stream. There is no acknowledgement. Nor any kind of sanity checking. Which implies you have to do that yourself.
...and that means you can end up with a implementation slower than TCP
Is it smart to send an image through UDP? Hell no. It only makes sense if you have a continous stream of 'events' or data blocks that may or may not arrive and you're OKAY with that (e.g. voip, live streaming, etc)
(In which cases losing a bit of speech is meh, but delaying the conversation to 'catch up' is just NOT DONE)
@RoelvanUden i do live stream
i only send differences frames between current and previous image
@RoelvanUden it's quite small block but somtimes it might get up to 150kb
Then you don't want the differences to be dropped or you'll end up with crap.
Losing a bunch of deltas = a corrupt image
You can correct it with key frames but that's totally meh.
TCP sounds more up your alley imho.
now if your aleardy here
would it be nice to ask you another question ? :)
You just did :P
@Slashy @RoelvanUden yeah, if you're just sending deltas then UDP wouldn't work
I think people typically use RTP for live streaming where dropping frames is okay
frames as in images
"May I ask you something?"
"Thank you."
not protocol frames
warning CS0168: The variable 'bingAddress' is declared but never used
I wonder what they were up to
@StevenLiekens Did you Bing it?
I tried to navigate to symbols
get it
hm? hm? get it?
thank you
tough audience ._.
humpp dayyyyyy
@KendallFrey When is it not hump day?
When your mom isn't around
@KendallFrey I refrained from the obvious mom joke. :^)
So pedestrian, Kendall.
@scheien There's something truly irksome about this line
<%# DataBinder.Eval((Container.DataItem as System.Linq.IGrouping<char,EH.Web.Public.Core.WordCloud.Words>).GetEnumerator().Current, "Word") %>
isn't .GetEnumerator().Current always null?
I'm just realising this.
cause you haven't done MoveNext()
I can't use Current after MoveNext() lol
can't you just use First()?
not on IGrouping
@Sippy Yes you can
@KendallFrey Not according to intellisense
fuck intellisense
missing imports probably
I read the manual
IGrouping is IEnumerable
considering that you're using the expanded namespace syntax, you probably don't have imports for System.Linq
That's why.
net 3.5 should have it
Linq was introduced in .net 3.5
try this
System.Linq.Enumerable.First(Container.DataItem as System.Linq.IGrouping<char,EH.Web.Public.Core.WordCloud.Words>))
or fix your imports
Can you do imports in ascx?
pretty sure you can
webforms has directives for that
Oh shit
That works
Thanks :D
oh god webforms
the winforms of web
<%# DataBinder.Eval((Container.DataItem as System.Linq.IGrouping<char,EH.Web.Public.Core.WordCloud.Words>).First(), "Word").ToString()[0] %>
I would've done that in codebehind
Not that its any better
Not really :P
I can't do it code behind really anyway
The repeater is up front :(
Why not?
I guess I could
You can still call methods in codebehind
Oh ofc I could
wat am I on about
web forms is vile, I forget.
Delete the project repo
start from scratch
Right weird one
Can you do GroupBy in sets of three?
So say for instance I was grouping by the letter
That's gonna give me a bunch of groups of shit that have common starting letters
What if I wanted to group A, B and C together
Or if B didn't exist, A, C, D
sure, why not
I can't think how you would do that.
Not without actually specifying the letters by string
what do you mean?
you posted the code
You need some sort of index
When I say groups of 3, I don't mean 3 words, then 3 words
I mean related groups of three
So you'd end up with a collection of collections of groups.
So like all words beginning with a, b or c in group 1
b, c, d in group 2
At the moment a is group 1, b is group 2, c is group 3
Too many groups
Too many cooks
b,c in groups 1 and 2 seems weird
GroupRepeater.DataSource = words.OrderBy(x => x.Word).GroupBy(x => x.Word[0]);
oh, elements can't be in more than one group
Nah I know.
I wanna make a group of A, a group of B and a group of C, and put them all into a collection.
Which will then go into another collection
Collection -> Collection of Groups -> Groups
Which then goes into a dictionary
Then a hashtable
can it be done
I can probably do some magic using Take
Wondered if there's an actual good way of doing this that makes more sense
You can do it in a really slow way
It is confusing me.
where n < length - 2
will be slow but easy
How slow we talkin'
still polynomial time
might need a sort in there too
annoying that the first attempt at calling Sum doesn't compile: dotnetfiddle.net/M75CnZ
Oh I guess I could cast
things.Sum((Func<Thing, long>) GetCount)
C# type inference is pretty stupid I guess
Long live Haskell
Guardian sub makes small typo and accidentally loses all his income. http://t.co/E9BeON4xKw
sumWith f = foldr ((+) . f) 0
long live haskell
sumWith f = sum . map f
Is windows 10 better about undeletable garbage in the windows folder?
Holy fuck c:\windows\winsxs and c:\windows\Installer are taking up 48GB

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