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I feel like it's been a while since there's been a new social network
@StevenLiekens You need a new one?
yeah maybe
@StevenLiekens Maybe this: burenonline.com?
my facebook news feed is just a stream of "inspirational" quotes from lonely people
and I still haven't figured out twitter
I'm too afraid to click
is it SFW?
Haha, it's ok
I'm at work :)
It was in some newspapers today
@StevenLiekens isn't that because you have lonely friends?
@StevenLiekens It does sound a bit NSFW
'Buren online'
You know if you defriend (unfriend?) them, you won't see those pesky updates anymore!
@Loetn Sounds like "Gluren online"
You can also block the posts they make.
You can always get rid of facebook too y'know
@BenjaminDiele Nah, that's not possible. Everybody Facebook!
I use the facebook chat/messenger, but that's about it.
As @StevenLiekens said, the feed is just a bunch of crap. Mainly ads, people trying to keep a facade (look at how fucking well I'm doing etc), and those fubar games.
I just noticed how packages.config is always sorted by package ID
@scheien Why keep on using it then?
For the messenger part
there's always that one person that shares every motivational image that they come across
I rarely visit the site itself
why catch don't work?
You didnt throw.
output: 2015-08-26 14:13:05,948 [4] INFO SLogic.Server [(null)] - DDHandleObjectsProduction
2015-08-26 14:13:05,948 [4] INFO SLogic.Server [(null)] - ###1
2015-08-26 14:13:05,948 [4] INFO SLogic.Server [(null)] - ###2
2015-08-26 14:13:05,948 [4] INFO SLogic.Server [(null)] - ###3
2015-08-26 14:13:05,948 [4] INFO SLogic.Server [(null)] - ###4
and that's all
well maybe the dispatcher exits cleanly
as in Environment.Exit(int)
2015-08-26 13:50:20,359 [12] ERROR SLogic.Server [(null)] - [Error][01:50:20.359] System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
в lambda_method(Closure , IDBVolumetricObject )
в System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
в SharedLib.Helpers.CodeHelper.FirstOrDefaultEx[T](IEnumerable`1 query, Expression`1 expression) в d:\Projects\IUV4\SharedLib\Helpers\CodeHelper.cs:строка 215
в SharedLib.Helpers.WarehouseHelper.GetVolObjectOfDesign(IDBDesign design, Int32 level, IEnumerable`1 whereSearch) в d:\Projects\IUV4\Sh
exception in dispatcher
@Sippy Jabbascript. Psh. No.
does dispatcher start work on a background thread?
WPF Dispatcher? No. It schedules the delegate to run on the UI thread.
whatever that is
it's not throwing
Oh. In a screenshot of code. Why do people...
@StevenLiekens Console application
not what I asked :D
but clearly you're trying to operate on a null reference in lambda_method(Closure , IDBVolumetricObject )
that's a dead lock
I'm not looking error. I look why my code not catch error
you're recursively calling Dispatch(...)
which tries to Monitor.Enter(..) the same object every time
your code never reaches that block
if i have catch i must go to finally
because you are calling Dispatch(...) recursively
and Dispatch aqcuires a lock on object dispatcherLock
you're trying to lock the same object twice
before the finally block is ever executed
I give up

private void Dispatch()
opDispatcher.Work(out verificationMessage); //error code
catch (System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityCommandExecutionException)
result[1] = "Повторите попытку";
Logger.Instance.Error("TRANSACTION BLOCK (try agan)");
catch (Exception ex)
result[1] = "srv_serverError";
how can i change code?
what it the solution to catch all errors and not locking
@StevenLiekens edited code: pastebin.com/M1cTNu1b
@GLeBaTi Do you even read what @StevenLiekens is telling you?
@GLeBaTi Do you have interest in comprehending what he said and learning?
@RoelvanUden yes. I have bad english, sorry
That's not an excuse to keep pestering for copy&paste-ready code.
unless they do not expect the release of the lock?
Do you know how a lock works to begin with?
If so, explain it to me. Or are you going to continue your monologue?
I probably misread something before
because now I don't see the error anymore
lock(object) - disallow other threads working with this object. Other object wait for release lock
not quite
Fuck TFS.
locking an object doesn't prevent other threads from using it, it prevents other threads from locking it
@StevenLiekens with a spoon
thread 1 - lock object, thread2 - try lock and can't, he wait for thread 1 release lock
Where is the bot?
!!where are you
@KendallFrey Definitely
A dev I worked with once used a [ThreadStatic] object as a lock variable. I questioned this. He said that code was copy-pasted from the .net reference source
!!Shut down
@gdoron That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!Shut up
@gdoron That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@TomW technically not wrong in itself, since it locks on the object and not the variable
!!Shut the fuck up
@TomW It's possible though.
still, screams wtf
@TomW if I really have no existing object I can use, I create a static object private static object locker = new object()and use that. It doesn't feel right but I've not come up with something better.
HAHA won
gdoron 1 bot 0
@SteffenWinkler That's what most people use
what i must do with my code? i want cath error. If you show me solution, I will understand
@KendallFrey no comprende. If it's thread static, each thread has a different instance, right?
@TomW Only if you make it
@KendallFrey it feels wrong :/
@TomW "thread static" ? what does it mean?
@KendallFrey Huh? Are you saying all threads see it as it is first assigned, unless they reassign it?
One example this would be useful is if you want threads A, B, and C to use resource X, and threads D and E to use resource Y
@TomW No, but if different threads assign it to the same object...
@gdoron means the variable has a different value depending which thread you access it from
Ah, ok. My misunderstanding of what threadstatic actually did. I could test it I suppose, but lazyweb >
threadstatic doesn't force different values
@SebastianL Hello
Anyone know what their notice periods are on their work contracts? Just got a new contract and it's down as a week for the employers and a month for me....
hehe Microsoft phonescammer just called me, i am currently at work so he offered to call me tomorrow, any ideas what fun i can conjure up for this guy? (Obviously this will happen on a isolated virtual environment)
@AlexH normally it's reciprocal AFAIK. That seems fishy to me
@AlexH it varys from no notice period at al to 3 month
@TomW Thread static is that, yes
is what?
@TomW I said that to HR and I got told some crap about how it's normal and everyone else has it, like I care what everyone else has!
@TomW Sorry. A thread static variable is essentially a variable that is unique per thread.
@AlexH I'd like to have that conversation. Ask them to explain why they even brought that up; why is it of relevance what other people have?
@AlexH It's what is mentioned in your contract. Otherwise it's what in the law.
@RoelvanUden as its name suggests; yes. What bothered me was that I assumed it was forced to be unique per thread, and therefore using it as a lock object is utterly useless
@BenjaminDiele Law > contract
u r rite
I forgive you :P
@TomW Oh, it's not that, but it's useful for thread-bound things. :P
@RoelvanUden in this case you'd have to have something that passes around the lock instance to each new thread, so that it can set it in its own static context. Otherwise any code that locks on it will take a unique lock and just run straight through
I didn't see any such thing in this code, so I couldn't see why he'd done that
@Joachim use a Linux VM and tell him that your 'Windows' has no Start menu. When they ask you to open a command prompt, oben bash and read the error messages back.
@TomW I'll ask, but I don't want to kick the hornets nest.
@AlexH I wasn't entirely serious; that's just me being argumentative :D
@Joachim if they ask you to reboot tell them that your system reports that no system medium is present and be angry with him because something he did must've killed your system
because, obviously, it was working seconds ago
or...or you could do something really evil and be a user.
Got a c# question for you guys, best way to convert between IList and regular List?
@AlecScratch define 'convert'
And going back?
@Alec What does "regular List" mean? List<T>?
I have a List of class values that I recieved from a database and the DDay ICal system requires IList
how to convert me List<Event> to IList<Event>
implicit type conversion doesn't work.
@AlecScratch it already is IList<Event>
@AlecScratch I don't believe you
@TomW that's something I suffer with too! Ah well will find out soon ;)
List.ToList() => List<T>
I need IList<T>
Which is what List<T> is
scratches head but a List is of type IList.
among other interfaces
@AlecScratch List<T> : IList ,...
you shouldn't need to cast it.
@AlecScratch: List<T> implements IList<T> so C# can make the conversion implicitly for you.
Tell Visual Studios that ;~;
@AlecScratch VS is wrong
uhm...are you absolutely sure that the datatype inside the List isn't the problem?
VS might be wrong...
What's the error?
but I can't compile
@Loetn, I don't think VS is wrong. I think Alec is wrong.
@AlexH What is your actual issue with it?
@Steven why not both? (zoidberg.jpg)
Cannot Convert System.Collections.Generic.List<DDay.iCal.Period> to target type System.Collections.Generic.IList<DDay.iCal.Period>
@AlecScratch: This seems a good question to post on Stackoverflow itself. Here you can show the code. Post a link here to the question.
@Sippy principal, and a superiority complex over HR staff.
@AlexH And the issue of principal is what
I don't understand the issue
Oh wait.
It means statutory redundency is 1 week
There are two definitions of Period inside of DDay.ICal.....
@AlexH they always act as though you're (you = people who do the actual work) are there to serve them, don't they
@AlexH Ohhhhhhh
that would be why :D.
Cheap mothafuckas
Bitch and moan!
Same with finance
@AlecScratch pebkac :)
@AlecScratch someone tell me that that is not actually possible with normal C#?!
@SteffenWinkler he did mention that it doesn't compile
yeah but the exception implies that the types are compiled
oh, I didn't thought this through. You could've two assemblies with the same namespace. But who does that?
Different Namespaces
uhhh did you alias one of them?
I was bringing in both because both have an object I need, just wasn't using the Period before now. that was the issue
I just did :)
(I'm not following how you get the Period class from either Namespace to the iCal Namespace)
@AlecScratch But that's not what the error said
They were in the same namespace
That is what fixed my problem, weird how VS didn't flag the two classes as conflicting
Well, it fixed it...
Apparently :)
Code: It works -> Why?
Code: It doesn't Work -> Why?
Thanks for listening
You're welcome.
One second rage
didn't @RoelvanUden or @KendallFrey had to set up a CITRIX client recently?
another question for you, this is just because it is confusing, if you have a class that implements an interface, and then you have an Implicit Conversion operator on that class, why does it require converting to the class before implicitly converting to the Interface when using it with linq or list directives?
@SteffenWinkler Yes I did. I hated every moment of it.
@RoelvanUden I'm glad I was able to remind you of that =)
@SteffenWinkler oh ill definitely end the conversation with no boot media, I am hoping that he want to hi-hjack my files so i was thinking of creating a encrypted medium containing nothing and call it something like "personal banking" or similar and see what he does, I was also thinking about writing a small program that randomly starts delete files on the machine while the technician is working on the machine
that sounds nice as well ;)
perhaps a application that also spams event log with some crazy event logs.
but be careful on naming the process of that program
use something like svchost.exe or something similiar one can't figure out
svhost.exe should be fine ^^
I'd also run a networksniffer on the hostmachine of the VM
for example, yes.
also be sure to be able to pull the plug. THe operators may be stupid but the programs they use might figure out that they're in a VM and try to 'break out'
while you are on it you should probably also create a backup of your router's config and reset it after the entire ordeal.
I also want to try tell him that i need to leave, then he thinks he works alone.
@SteffenWinkler You're not a nice person.
Oh it'll be a totally isolated machine, running behind a VPN
=) @RoelvanUden
@Joachim good.
@RoelvanUden aww come on. I'm not that mean...
@RoelvanUden also I'm helping @Joachim here so I can't be that not-nice
@SteffenWinkler You are german though
I know a guy who collects malware and virus, i might give him a call and see if he can send me some fun once.
I didn't know that was a collectible thing
ikr, neither did i
I bet it would be interesting to release a couple hundred viruses on a machine and watch them duke it out
@BenjaminDiele yes but I'm not my ancestors.
@KendallFrey I did that for some time and from time to time I'd let various scanners have a bite at that VM.
> Since people rarely try to cut down cell phone towers, after millions of years, as cell phone towers have gotten more treelike, trees have started growing fake cell phone tower attachments and shiny gray bark to protect themselves. This is a standard textbook example of convergent evolution.
somehow the RSS feed failed here o_0
@SteffenWinkler lol
xkcd.org, for the uninitiated
next time, post the link directly
@SteffenWinkler I found what's the problem in my code))
"Work()" is to slow)
you are using an awful lot of brackets there o_0
@SteffenWinkler in my country this is normal
what's that country called? Not-Python-Land?
7 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
next time, post the link directly
but then it's not rendered in the chat @KendallFrey
@SteffenWinkler LIST
@SteffenWinkler *LISP
@SteffenWinkler Prove it
It even has the hovertext
Black Magic for sure.
in XCOM:EU voice: this isn't right, THIS ISN'T RIGHT!
!!define panicks
@KendallFrey It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
burned @KendallFrey
no, u burned
panicks isn't a word
!!define burned
@Loetn burned simple past tense of burn
!!define shmuck
@AlecScratch schmuck (vulgar) The penis.
really? No idea about that one.
Is that SFW?
!!urban schmuck
@KendallFrey Schmuck A white man that steps in to take over the father role of a child after the black father has left the mother and child forever. In order for the man to be a Schmuck, the mother must also be white, leaving the couple to raise a child that obviously does not belong to the father biologically.
heyy!!any networkstream pro? :)
Short and simple question
'Schmuck' in german means jewellery
@Slashy Don't ask for a pro, ask a question
Q: C# Networkstream reads nothing

SlashyJust trying to use Networkstream, and this is a simple code i wrote: Client side: TcpClient c = new TcpClient(); c.Connect("", 10); NetworkStream ns = c.GetStream(); byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("first"); byte[] buffer2 = Syste...

@Loetn well I got my penis right here on me while I'm at work, so I guess it is.
Slashy, would it not be better to use the Async variation of the TCPClient?
Client and Listener*
@AlecScratch i already use thread.. hate async .. awaitt.. etc..
but it is not my question actually
Don't have to use await :0
@AlecScratch yeah.. just an example
@Slashy Try eliminating the memorystream and writing directly
you aren't flushing your stream as well
i just want to use less netowrk bandwidth so instead of writing twice ns.Write("blablbalba")
@KendallFrey i dont want to write twice data
i just want to store in a memory stream, then simply copy to a networkstream
you need to flush your network stream after you copy the data to it
otherwise it won't be sent across the network
I would suggest using the StreamReader and StreamWriter though.
@Slashy Well, you're writing it twice, once to the memory stream and once to the network stream
Guys here's my story :)
A: 10 Million Questions - Let's Share Some Stories That the Number Doesn't Convey

Kala JThe time I was waking up at 4-5am EST every day so that developers on the otherside of the world would help me. So, at work I was told I needed to develop an Android Application from scratch and I know that was not my area of expertise or familiarity. I'm a software developer but I've been most...

@KendallFrey yeahh but if i write to netowrkstream i just use more network
@Slashy first, check the answer on your question
yeah i got it
it works
finally +1 on my question lol
thanks for another one! haha(if it was you)
@Slashy it was me
thanks you man :)
@Slashy Please use using() with streams
btw, if you want to separate messages, you can write your own protocol that sends the message length before the message
or you could use character delimitation?
whats characer delimiation?
Hello World\r\n
then read all the data in the returned network stream byte array
then split by \r\n
and there are your multiple messages
that way you can append messages into one stream and not have to worry about length at all
Prefixing with a length is a lot more predictable, as @KendallFrey said.
Because, what if your delimiter is \r\n and you want to send \r\n in a message?
You need to start to come up with escapes and shit.
@KalaJ Reed Coopsey lol
yeah, length prefix is as flexible as you'll get
Or you can use something that never appears in the data
like \0
or \x
I have some Haskell code that does that in case you're interested
or even \v
@AlecScratch But what if it does?
Especially if you're using binary data
Or you could even append the length to the beginning of the message being sent
@AlecScratch There is no guarantee it won't appear. If the data is binary, and you're transferring a file, it might very well be in it. So, you don't know. Opcode + length prefix is the most predictable and flexible to work with.
@AlecScratch lol
4 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
btw, if you want to separate messages, you can write your own protocol that sends the message length before the message
Sorry xD
2 mins ago, by Roel van Uden
Prefixing with a length is a lot more predictable, as @KendallFrey said.
for once i'm ahead
Distracted at the moment. At work while trying to keep track of this chat
Let me hit the Nitrous Kendall. You won't be for long >:)

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