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Side effect of posting my story, two upvotes and two badges on my linked answer
Do any of you use make on Windows? How can I install it?
creating symlinks like a bau5
@KendallFrey Use MinGW, but not the MSYS package
anybody have experiencing working through quirks with windbg?
@SteveG, you do?
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
aww yeah, wednesday
Moarniing guys -.- zzzZZZ
dag dag daaaaag
FML - win10 didnt recognize the display adapter
Something exotic?
Works like a charm here.
Nvidia quadro
works now, after installing it manually
@BenjaminDiele: Still after a "flying" start, it seems rather sweet
and I learned a new hotkey
win + x
I'm still puzzled by all the memory usage. I've got 8GB (don't laugh), and I'm using 90%, but no clue which programs.
The memory column in processes tab doesn't make sense compared to actual usage?
someone willing to help a clueless noob? i'm trying to get in c# the equivalent java's:
Bar<Baz> foo1 = new Bar<Baz>();
Bar<? : Foo> foo2 = foo1;
(Foo is a supertype of Baz)
That's something new
there is no such thing in c# am i right?
@Abe Don't think so
@Abe Btw, what does this mean? Bar<? : Foo>?
	public static void Main()
		test(new Bar<Baz>());

	public static void test(Bar<Foo> param){
		// ...
Foo is a supertype of Baz
this could work but it doesn't compile in c#. i just want to know if it's possible
it is possible
in java you can write that method:
public static void test(Bar<? extends Foo> param){
@SebastianL how?
public static void text<T>(Bar<T> param) where T : Baz
would that do it?
@Abe So you have class Foo : Bar?
If it was the other way around, you could use covariants to allow that.
you may need to then call it like test<Baz>(new Bar<Baz>()); not sure if it will infer the type
But not like this. Bar does not have to be equal to Foo after all..
@Abe you can also use LINQ's OfType<> if that is possible.
@RoelvanUden Baz : Foo
@Abe Then you can make <T> an out (covariant) in the Foo definition and it will start to compile all of a sudden
@Abe like this
namespace ConsoleApplication1
	class Program
		static void Main(string[] args)
			writeSomething(new Bar());

		public static void writeSomething(Foo f)

	public class Foo
		public override string ToString()
			return "Foo";

	public class Bar : Foo
		public override string ToString()
			return base.ToString() + " Bar";
@SebastianL trying to understand generics rules, in general :P
@scheien Nope, it doesn't. When I do a rough count of each process I come nowhere close to 8GB.
@SebastianL It's the other way around: Foo : Bar.
@Alex that works, but what about variable declaration? is there something like:
Foo<InnerType> baz1 = new Foo<InnerType>();
Foo<SuperType> baz2 = baz1; // this is a compile error in java, gets fixed by writing:
Foo<? extends SuperType> baz2 = baz1;
@Loetn idc it works as a example (it actually works ;) )
@Abe Can't you cast that?
@Abe in C# you dont need "? extends something" it just will work or not, if it doesnt inherit the right class
@SebastianL nope:
public class Foo{}
public class Baz : Foo{}

public class Bar<T> where T : Foo{
	public void add(T foo){}

public class Program
	public static void Main()
		Bar<Baz> x = new Bar<Baz>();
		Bar<Foo> y = x;
doesn't compile
@Abe public class Bar<out T>
@Loetn nope, that's not my purpose... just testing generics :P
@Abe Ooh, oke :)
@RoelvanUden what does out mean?
isn't public class Bar<T> where T : Foo sufficient?
is there a way in gmail to delete github notifications when they are older than 7 days?
@Abe no because all Baz's are Foo's but not all Foo's are Baz's
@Abe That means 'If you create a Bar<Car>, it must be a Car and not something implementing Car'. If you use out T, it essentially means 'It must be something implementing Car'. The default IEnumerable is covariant for example, but all collections aren't. They don't allow weak typing at all.
i found this to be a good simple explanation : stackoverflow.com/questions/10956993/out-t-vs-t-in-generics
checking, thanks
Can anyone help with this? An exception of type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Error creating window handle.

If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.
It happens when trying to add a form into a panel.
MainWindow main = new MainWindow();
main.TopLevel = false;
main.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
main.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
@BenjaminDiele: Might be one or more application that allocates memory? That shows as used in the graph/overview, and in the process tab you get the actual memory usage. Maybe worth a couple of google searches :)
@LiamHardy y u no use WPF?
@scheien Well yeah, I'd hope my VM using 3GB is actually using some ram, but it's not mentioned in the usage monitor :(
i see, that's great @RoelvanUden @Alex much obliged
You're welcome :-)
I fixed it, I noticed I tried to load the same form into the form I was loading it into.
Squiggle I've never really took an interest in it.
The problem is that rammap doesn't work (because of Win10 I guess) :D
but thanks :)
So.. my question could use some love. Or at least some views. Helpz:
so in a timer I have the following code to fade it out, found on stackoverflow but unfortunately its not going anything, is my code okay?
if (fade >= 500) // arbitrary duration set prior to initiating fade
if (r < 32) r++; // increase r value with each tick
if (g > 32) g--; // decrease g value with each tick
if (b > 32) b--; // decrease b value with each tick
label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, r, g, b);
if (r == 32 && g == 32 && b == 32) // arrived at target values
// fade is complete - reset variables for next fade operation
label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 215, 180);
label1.Text = "";
fade = 0;
r = 0;
g = 215;
Q: Push message for Windows Phone (WNS): Blocked channel URL

Roel van UdenI have a Windows Phone application running on a Windows Phone 8.1 device, and I am using Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) to deliver a push message to the device. Delivering push messages has worked for approximately 8 days, until I received WNS headers in the responses similar to these: ...

Sorry @RoelvanUden, I'm clueless about that one :(
I'm pretty sure almost everyone is. Nobody seems to use WNS at all. :D
Still, with views, it might get more attention and increase the chance of someone that does know seeing it. One can dream..
@RoelvanUden if you google "Blocked channel URL" your question already appears on page 1 as the fourth result o.O
@RoelvanUden Are you sure it's not something on MS's side? Perhaps they blocked you. Have you tried contacting them? (do they even have a support channel)
I bet. The error isn't documented ANYWHERE. Nobody EVER asked a question about it. It's NOT in the official documentation. I'm basically as clueless about it as an innocent virgin is about sex.
@BenjaminDiele They don't. Or at least, not anywhere I can find. I tried going through the support topics etc, but none are about WNS.
@RoelvanUden hey, found the bug regarding your question. You are using Windows Phone!
Aha! Shit!
@RoelvanUden No windows phone support?
You're using it for enterprise? Just call their support and demand they put you through :)
well, google only returns your question @RoelvanUden
@BenjaminDiele No. Besides WNS is also for desktop; it's not strictly Windows Phone. If you want to send notifications in the Windows 8+ action center, you use WNS. So.. it should documented for desktop platforms as well. Unfortunately, I have no enterprise support AFAIK. We have MSDN, but, uh, not sure, and the guy that knows is on vacation.
That sucks balls. Sorry man
I'll just start working on the Android implementation using GCM meanwhile. Oh well :P
seems pretty detailed IMHO
> X-WNS-Msg-ID

This header is used to provide the caller with an identifier for the notification. We recommended that this header be logged to help debug issues. This header, together with the X-WNS-Debug-Trace header, is required when reporting an issue to WNS.
Yes, I found that too. But, where do you report an issue to WNS?
I'd hazard a guess and say...Microsoft? ;)
Well.. I tried, buuuut, it's not listed anywhere.
> dropped The notification was explicitly dropped because of an error or because the client has explicitly rejected these notifications. Toast notifications will also be dropped if the device is offline.
How can I always center a label in csharp winform?
I'm completely unfamiliar with this WNS so you'd need to help me here: Am I right to assume that the communication you've there goes something like this: ApplicationServer <=> WindowsPhone ? Or is there some kind of 'Control' server involved? @RoelvanUden
@LiamHardy set its width/height to 50% of the forms - 50% of its own?
this covariance/contravariance thingy is awesome :P
@RoelvanUden are you getting a resonce code if so what is it?
ah nvm, found the diagram
@SteffenWinkler Control server. Your own server sends to Microsofts WNS platform, and it checks the channel, token, authentication etc, and if valid, sends the message to the device (if it is online). If it is not online the message, like SMS, is cached for 3 days.
@Alex Everything I posted. HTTP 200 otherwise. A OK!
@RoelvanUden so I guess the error comes from WNS? Not from your server/client?
In that case all you can do is contact Microsoft.
@SteffenWinkler Yeah, but, where? There is nothing mentioned about WNS anywhere. Contacting customer support is a bit.. much. I'm a dev, not a regular user, and I want to talk to someone on the WNS support team :P
They can always put you through
@RoelvanUden do you've a dev account for MS?
@SteffenWinkler Dunno. We have a MSDN subscription, but the guy that knows all about it and manages it is on vacation ~_~
also I'd really suggest to just contact their main support address. They usually do put you through...after a few days
@RoelvanUden aaah, spof are awesome!
if you've access to the email account that was used to register the MSDN sub you could just reset the password
How unfortunate, I don't :D
Is there an event for the progressbar in windows forms for when its % is changed?
@BenjaminDiele Uugh, copy paste FTW!
@BenjaminDiele: WTF?!
You mean you guys don't like it?
@RoelvanUden well then I guess you get on writing an email to [email protected]
lol what is that code for
@BenjaminDiele No, I like it. More = better
@BenjaminDiele oh my tux.
the insanity
that just proofs that to be a good developer you need to be lazy
you know how resharper can generate project dependency diagrams now?
I wish I never did
seriously, the first time I had to write code (QBasic FTW) we got tasked with creating a bar diagram with different heights and colors. After writing the code for one bar I was like 'no way I'm going to do that twice' so I started searching, found out what for loop was and got on it. Teacher got mad because I had the audacity to gain knowledge on my own...asshat.
@StevenLiekens VS2015 can do the same as can VS2013 Enterprise. If a project dependency diagram is what I think it is.
I got neither
this is my life
ah, VS can break that down to method calls
you can zoom in&out
pretty cool
What do you have, in terms of Visual Studio?
VS2013 pro
sorry, got something mixed here.
what I wanted to say was: Great, if you've a MSDN subscription you can upgrade to the highest VS2015 version for free and have those features.
well, unfortunately not
yeah, I sometimes forget the luxury I got here ;)
my employer doesn't believe in using the newest tools
vs2008 still works why bother
oh it doesn't run on windows 10? xp will do
that's the kind of attitude people got around here
Random job offer: 75k euro annually. Nice! Where is it? In Berlin. Well, fuck off.
posted on August 26, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

Yes, I'm writing a blog post about disconnecting from technology. No, the irony is not lost on me. ;) This "vacation" thing is amazing. — Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) August 25, 2015   Disconnecting can be hard for a number of reasons, in my experience. There's the usual obvious stuff like the fact that we're literally addicted to the serotonin rush of social media's faux urgency, b

you only say that because you don't know german
@RoelvanUden No money in the world could get me to move to Berlin.
@SteffenWinkler Why? Is it so bad there?
well I tried living in Hamburg for 3 years. I hate big cities ever since that. They're loud, smelly and full of people that don't care about night's rest and the police is nowhere to be found.
And Berlin is even bigger than Hamburg
I now live in a smaller town outside Hamburg and commute to work. Much better.
Ah yeah, we've lived in the city for 2 years. Student neighborhood, horrible. Now we live 20 minutes out, much better.
is there a tool that can locate unused resource strings in resx files?
heh, the neighborhood where I currently live is divided between young families, students and old people. It's pretty awesome, because the students realize that there are others around them so they don't party during the week. But friday/saturday/sunday some crazy shit goes down (well at least after they did their exams). @BenjaminDiele
But they still aren't that noisy.
I don't like cities either. It is too damn noisy, with too many people that don't give a damn about anyone else. I bought a house in my home town, it's somewhere between a village and a small town, so it's got all the facilities, but none of the noise or disrespect towards one another (or.. students). I like that. I would rather commute a bit longer than live in a city. :-P
Yeah, and commute is fixable with WFH for 1 or 2 days a week
@RoelvanUden if someday I've the money I'll do the same thing. Like win the lottery or something.
@BenjaminDiele Indeed. But at the moment my commute is 5~10 minutes lol :P
@BenjaminDiele I actually like commuting, at least by train. I can sleep or work or talk with buddies who commute the same route (but different times mostly)
it's ~70 minutes for me one way.
Whoah. That's a long time.
well, travel by bike to train station (10 to 15 minutes), then train, then subway (5 minutes), then ~12 minutes by foot
@RoelvanUden That's a bit short for me. Too little time to clear my head after work.
@BenjaminDiele that was another problem when I lived in the city: It was too close. I actually need at least 50 minutes to clear my head.
Too close? I love that I only need 5 minutes to get to work.
I'd hate that
I don't really need that time. :P
don'T get me wrong, I like my workplace most of the time. But I need a clear seperation between work and private life.
@RoelvanUden You clear your head at work? :P
@Loetn I just don't occupy my entire head with work trololol
which is also why I could never really work from home. I'd always mix up private&work
Same here. "Ooh, it's time to go home." Switch the button
When it's time to go home, I just think "Fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything."
And then I'm done with thinking about it :P
@SteffenWinkler Same here. And WFH isn't ideal in an appartment. No seperation between a "work" space and a "living" space.
yup. When I started my vocational education I was like 'this is my dream, this is the best thing ever'. I let myself get completely exploited by my previous employer. Worked 12 hours 'n stuff like that. My current employer may look strangely at me sometimes when I leave work on the dot but to do my work I need to properly rest.
Yeah, fuck that. 8 hours a day is long enough. Too long sometimes.
Hah, and as if we're productive more than 6 :P
@BenjaminDiele true. But I do work longer sometimes. When I get really into something and I want to have it done I'll finish it before leaving work. As long as I'm not staying longer than 11 hours that is.
@RoelvanUden Indeed, but employers don't want to hear that they're "paying for more than you work"
@RoelvanUden you know that awkward silence in movies when one character says something strange? That's you right now :p
He's right though
<more awkward silence>
I'm happy if I get 4~5 hours of productive work in. From home that's usually 6~7.
@SteffenWinkler Haha :D
@RoelvanUden ah, don't embrace your inner French like that @RoelvanUden :p
you need to be more Effizient.
@SteffenWinkler German efficiency!
@Loetn wörk wörk wörk!
@SteffenWinkler Ja!
my new job is ~1hr drive each way.
In bad traffic, more than that. I may have made a mistake.
That sucks balls man
@Loetn oddly relevant: polandballcomics.tumblr.com/post/126658830235/… (we aren't really that efficient...)
Is anyone familiar with github.com/zeromq/netmq ?
@SteffenWinkler Jawohl meine fuhrer? :P
Too soon?
@RoelvanUden ...
Too soon.
I'm not sure what offends me more. The sentence itself or that you haven't figured out how to put dots above the u.
Burn @Roel burn.
That deserves a star.
First time I went to Germany in over 15 years, with a group of friends, we were all telling each other "Don't go on about the war, don't go on about the war...". It's grossly impolite and people would really like to move on. First newspaper in the first newsagent we see, immediately after getting out of Arrivals; whose face is on it?
The man with the master plan.
@RoelvanUden It's been 70 years though.
@TomW ah most people are capable of receiving the one or other joke about it. Given the correct context.
but if you meet someone witty, be prepared for some nice comeback.
Yeah I'm sure; I'm not going to call it ironic because like many things that are called ironic I'm sure it isn't.
@TomW That is fairly ironic
As a situation lol
kind of, yep.
don't talk about it don't talk about it don't talk about it ...arrives in Germany and is immediately confronted by that very topic.
that is ironic
Fair enough
I don't know why people would get offended by that
@SteffenWinkler Is talking about WWII in general or Hitler more offensive? Even with young(er) people?
unless they had something to do with it
@StevenLiekens it was more for our benefit. "Try not to look like colossal bores by bringing up a topic that's been done to death"
You know?
I would've just worn a shirt with a Union Jack on it with the words "You lost!"
That would be subtle enough.
@Loetn offensive? neither. The problem arises when you make comments like @RoelvanUden's comment. Calling someone 'The führer' or something alike. You can do that if you know the other person really well and are up for some bantering and you are in private. In public, as long as you keep it general 'the Germans back then [...]' or something similiar nearly nobody will be offended
just don't go around and call people Nazis...except if they're Nazis.
Do grammar nazis count
In which case you should probably look for the Schwarze Block to properly dispose of them.
@Sippy a flag of the Soviet Union would be more fitting IMHO
or a Canadian flag. That should work as well
@Sippy Your face is subtle enough
That escalated quickly
WW2? Yep, it sure did.
Ya, that too
For context; I was visiting Berlin. Most of that looks the way it does because of the war. We knew it would have been relevant to the things we were going to see, hence the mention of not going on about it too much
> I was visiting Berlin. Most of that looks the way it does because of the war.

erh, that's a common mistake many people make. Berling actually looks that way it does because of people that are too stupid to build a stupid airport. Not that Hamburg is much better.
@SteffenWinkler replace stupid with corrupt
@SebastianL now now, corruptions would imply some level of intelligence. I'm not willing to give those people that.
If you're corrupt and stupid, you get caught, which didn't happen. If you're corrupt and clever you make real money which didn't happen either. But just being stupid? You make no big money but you also don't get caught since being stupid is not punishable.
@SteffenWinkler well I meant in that a lot of it got demolished
and they got caught
those who gain profit from it are not that stupid i assume, those who manage are the stupid ones ^^
@TomW yes. The same happened to other cities...which rebuild itself. Berlin ...well, you saw it yourself.
oh and just if I missed it: You should probably not make any comments/jokes while visiting some historicly important site.
Exactly the point I was making.
@SteffenWinkler yeah, but that's just tasteless
sadly some people don't 'get' that.
Good afternoon!
morning, @FadeD
I'm having some trouble with a document insert to SQL. When I read the file from a UNC path into my application and add it to the database it takes over 15 seconds to add it. This only happens at the customers test enviroment. When I do the same steps on my DEV pc it's working fast, talking about milliseconds. What could be the problem?
The environment of the customer is a Windows Server 2008 R2 Terminal Server, dunno if that helps..
slow network?
Hardly to imagine... Saving documents from Word to a network drive is not slow at all
and the test file was only 2KB in size
High contention?
i.e. database server busy, or rows that would be modified are locked by another user
But my database server is in use constantly so that should not be the problem?
Another user is not possible... Only I am logged into the application
does that server have other databases doing other stuff?
yup, multiple databases
I'm gonna fukin squawk
my application is an extension of existing software
u wot m8
someone removed my shit from this control lol
so the 2 applications are communicating together to the same databases
@Sippy revert
And remove all their shit? xD
evil i like
Hahaha no way
That reflection shit I did, they put it in an if statement and carried on hardcoding using else if
I fucking give up xD
Not helping these scrubz anymore
@Roel can you hire me and teach me how to jabbascript
i will be your protege kthx
lunch! Food!
Just finished lunch.
wat. It's raining so hard the office is leaking
@TomW wat
In Basingstoke?
and has been since about sunday
Hopefully it doesn't rain here later

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