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maybe its QNX, actually you can root it and do something customized, it's something built by blackberry
C# is powerful beyond measure
@MoonOwlPrince Actually, Turing-completeness is designed to measure this kind of thing
@KendallFrey Does Turing-completeness inform us about the conciseness that C# has vs Java
Turing-completeness has nothing to do with conciseness
Not all Turing-complete systems must have a notion of conciseness
I understand that for something to be Turing complete it must be able to simulate blah blah blah
...a Turing machine
For some reason I have the feeling of empowerment regarding what I could do
First I need to be very good with C# to the point where anything that comes to mind can be written in the most concise way
You will never be "good enough"
I know but I will be far much better than I am today
Learning other languages will often help you find more concise ways of doing things.
My next language will be F#
The one after that should be Haskell
That is after I have written applications or libraries in F#
@KendallFrey I linked this one earlier - brain-melty. It uses Haskell, but it's not about Haskell stephendiehl.com/posts/monads.html
And am able to survive under hybrid conditions
Yeah, I looked at it
and cried
@MoonOwlPrince I didn't
Annoyingly, Haskell sounds like Pascal to people who haven't heard of Haskell. This makes me look a lot less 1337 than I believe I am.
how important is dialog size consistency when you have various levels of information to display? E.g. like four strings vs. 30 strings
Haskell is not a bad language
Do all the dialogs really have to be the same?
Writing PHP is like peeing in the swimming pool… Everyone did it, but we don’t need to bring it up in public.
@TomW except the accent is on the opposite syllable
@Jeremy yep
@Code-Apprentice which one isn't on the first syllable?
lol at php comment
PasCAL...at least that's how I learned to pronounce it
I have never peed in the swimming pool but I sure as hell wrote PHP
My dad wanted me to learn Pascal when I was younger but I thought it was old and decided to learn VB instead
@MoonOwlPrince, I inherited some old books from my neighbor and one day, my family and I were moving and mom said I have to get rid some of my books. I kept the Feynman books and VB but I threw away the Pascal books.
Never learned pascal, never looked back
focus stealing is the debil
@Code-Apprentice it is, but people will assume you're mispronouncing Pascal rather than assume you're talking about a very similar-sounding language they've never heard of
It's even worse with REBEL
You miscapitalized it
It's Rebol
@KalaJ I now regret it though. Apparently, Pascal was a better educational language than C around its time. According to Joel Spolsky (2004), Mac OS had Pascal strings all over the place
can someone do me a favor? offtopic
Some things were done better in Pascal than in C
@KendallFrey not according to its own website, which capitalises it everywhere
A lot of people are under the impression that C# strings are internally like C strings
bmw-connecteddrive.be/cdp/release/internet/servlet/… enter any user name and let me know if it returns an internal server error page, or if that's just me
it was working 20 minutes ago :F
I think I broke it
What happened to Julia?
@TomW yech, I recall reading somewhere that it's officially Rebol, and the inconsistency is horrible
Good thing REBEL is REBEL and not Rebel
@MoonOwlPrince She married Mandelbrot
> Page cannot currently be displayed due to an internal error. Please try again later.
okay, thanks
I detest the sensationalism that surrounds anything that seems to be new yet it is actually just a mediocre joe bringing more problems into our households
looks like the entire backend is down
Does anyone remember how people were hyped about Golang?
nothing works anymore
I have a sudden craving for gummy bears
someone needs a better error than - Page Broke
at least it's consistent
every page returns the same generic error
The Go developers claimed they revolutionised concurrent programming when in actual fact all they did was copy something Erlang always had
@StevenLiekens common conversation at work: "Well it's wrong everywhere. At least they're consistent"
@MoonOwlPrince That's what happens any time someone does functional programming
Haskell had it first
we consistently get bad results
does that count?
We consistently have a large group of Java programmers repurposed to write WF4 applications. That consistently gets bad results.
"It's just coding, right?"
If it's not consistent, well, at least it's consistently inconsistent.
@KendallFrey On that same note, Java developers got excited all over the web about lambda expressions as if they were something groundbreaking yet in actual fact they have been there for as long as LISp was first implemented
ew, lambdas. so verbose.
> Page cannot currently be displayed due to an internal error. Please try again later.
Are you working on this?
I can guarantee you everyday we will get someone screaming out about language X that has solved problem Y for good as if problem Y was not solved more than half a century before.
@KendallFrey yay! Game of Life!
@KendallFrey Isn't Lisp the grandfather of all FP languages?
@Code-Apprentice Lisp is older than C FYI
it's sure got a lot of wrinkles, so makes sense
@MoonOwlPrince that, too
Lisp is the granddaddy of a lot language features that have become the norm
afaik, lisp is one of the oldest computer languages and the first to introduce functional programming
Reflection first came about through lisp
Functional programming is not a new idea but it sure as hell took the world a long time before people started thinking about its benefits
that makes sense. I only did a few toy programs with lisp for a class in college. Didn't really get into anything too advanced.
although we did use lisp for an oop project. Kind of interesting.
Lisp was also the first ANSI OOP language
wow, never new this was a bug...but just ran into it. blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2011/05/14/…
just went over 4095 css rules in this app and now IE8 and 9 are toast
Without Lisp, JavaScript would not be the way it is today
Lisp, Smalltalk and Fortran should have a heritage day
and the assembly language programmers show up and beat the crap out of them
@KendallFrey From your experience, is F# more suitable for concurrent programming than C#?
12 visual studios open, like a pro
Why should we not put threads to sleep in production code?
@MoonOwlPrince I have no experience with concurrent programming in F#
@SteveG I hate you
@MoonOwlPrince Because that's a waste of a thread resource
@SteveG well it's so slow, you need to have something else to do while you wait, yeah?
Does the TPL work-stealing algorithm context switch? I'm assuming not, since a context switch is for a thread, and TPL tends to try to allocate work on as few threads as it considers will be performant. So is there an analogous process to context switching that happens in that algorithm, or does it genuinely avoid the performance penalty of context switching by not doing it (as much)?
good question
Because needing to do so means you are doing it wrong?
and doing it to the UI thread makes you unresponsive
I think the UI threads should be allocated their own thread pool
@TomW I wish I knew what the work-stealing algorithm was
@SteveG the company I'm consulting for only gives me a VM with 8GB of RAM... I can't open more than 2-3 instances of VS :(
@MoonOwlPrince UI threads?
@KendallFrey that's the name I've heard given to how the ThreadPoolScheduler schedules tasks in TPL
wait, room owners can kick mute now?
@Pheonixblade9 'now'?
could for a while now
@Pheonixblade9 Welcome to 2014
@TomW The scheduling aspect of that is up to the thread pool, not the TPL. FYI
I was just going to mute moonowl again and saw it, didn't realize.
is he mute kicked?
I'm not going to kickmute him but it's good to know the option is there for true trolls
i think after so many mute kicks a mod comes, or something
@KendallFrey Think about a situation whereby different windows belonging to your application are open at the same time and you have two users on a touch interfaces interacting with each window at the same time
no, saying stupid shit is not a kick mutable offense, but I can certainly mute him myself
row row fight the power
flag all the things
kickmute all the owners
people are flagging things?
lol this room has so many damn owners
I wouldn't know, I'm just an SO pleb
I'm pretty close to mod status, haha
@MoonOwlPrince that's still only a single thread unless your application is a pile of dog shit
no flags recently
at least not that showed up on my screen
Not a mod but I think all chat flags can be handled/appear to 10kers
@BradleyDotNET yep
Usually they come from the Lounge
> The .NET Framework 4 ThreadPool also features a work-stealing algorithm to help make sure that no threads are sitting idle while others still have work in their queues.
I wonder why ;)
D'oh. Yes, correct
@KendallFrey why would multiple windows be handled by a single thread
Well, by extension, since the ThreadPoolScheduler uses the thread pool, it gains the benefit of said algorithm
ok, time to make massively tip breaking changes :)
@MoonOwlPrince Because they can and should be, threads are (relatively) expensive
@BradleyDotNET mods are 10k, trusted users are 20k
@KendallFrey But I thought the idea of thread pools was to curb the cost of starting and aborting threads
@MoonOwlPrince that's one of the reasons to use one, yes
yes, but UIs are not handled on the thread pool
They're on dedicated threads
Ah! my bad
Maybe I should invest in providing quality SO answers
they could in theory be done with the thread pool, but for simply avoiding race conditions, they use a dedicated thread
So I can have all those bells and whistles too
and thats just the ones with no existing upvoted answers :) and in the C# tag
Q: Why are there more threads in one execution than in the other?

Dorin RusuI have a scenario I'm trying to wrap my head arround. So I have two different servers I need to connect to, each having a different response time (one is fast, one is slow). There's a for loop which runs for a fixed amount of time for both servers, creating threads and starting them. Basically I...

You do realize that is tagged
@BradleyDotNET yes but I think it is valid given the context of our discussion
doesn't join cause blocking?
In .NET it would
Join will block until the thread completes
Is join the only way of ensuring that an operation is atomic?
Join makes nothing atomic
atomic means one instruction
join just tells the calling thread to block until the thread being joined completes
atomic, a.... transactional...o....mm....i..... concurent
atomic means something fully succeeds or fully fails - there are no side effects
"delete a file" could be considered atomic since it either deletes the file or doesn't delete the file, for example
in threading?
Eric Lippert's Essential C# 5 says what Pheonixblade is saying
I'll trust Eric Lippert over me :)
I don't know about atomicity in the context of threads
An atomic operation is one that can't be interrupted.
@KendallFrey true - that's kind of a misleading definition for newbies though, don't you think?
misleading in what way?
you mean it sounds like you're not allowed to?
well, technically you can interrupt it, it just means the the operation failed
I'm just a hardware dummy that has to complicate things :P
These conversation on concurrent programming reminds me of my operating system class last year. One of the toughest class!
You're thinking in a transactional sense
@Jeremy amazing
My operating systems class was my easiest CS class
mostly because the prof was lazy and shitty
we had I think 2 assignments and a final and that was our entire grade
I got an A
lots of people failed though I guess
Did you do OS 161 too?
or whatever name it was
what's it called when you execute N functions that all produce the same output, and basically just use/continue with the fastest execution time?
perhaps you should be a bit more specific
@NETscape: it's called magic!
i'm trying to recreate the slide in my head that my professor showed us during one of our classes... which happened 4 years ago
Isn't he referring to dynamic programming
well, i wouldn't think so, that's pretty vague
Not in the .NET context. I read such an answer on Quira
Let me look it up
your professor put a slide in your head? Sounds painful ;)
You are referring to memoization
I still can't grasp the dynamic programming thing...
getting feisty today I see Bradley! punk
Random, off-topic question. How do USB devices appear as other types of devices. For example, a USB sound card or a USB network adapter?
in their driver
I'm messing with some USB hardware that I want to stream data to
@NETscape, I guess I should have specified that I was looking for a bit more detail than that
you have to write a driver for it, you change some device code or something of that nature
lemme see if i can pull it up quick
@NETscape That'd still be, in essence, a fork/join where you're ignoring all but the first response
not sure there's a standardized name for that, though
@BrandenBoucher Some of that is detailed in the inf file that points to the driver software
@ReedCopsey That makes me feel better :)
@BradleyDotNET so it's basically just reporting to windows what type of device it is but that it uses USB as it's connection.
@BradleyDotNET @NETscape It's effectively just doing redundant operations in a task parallel manner
in asp.net identity 2.0 , is it a good idea to make username as "not required"?
I guess I'm still a little lost as how I need to configure my device. If it's CDC does it have to appear as a COM port or can I communicate directly.
So many questions to answer
The INF file describes pretty much everything about the device, including what driver to use
But that doesn't "configure" a device
the device just reports a PID/VID
and probably a few other things
and Windows sees what is registered to handle that
Maybe I am over complicating this in my head
Is there support in .net for communicating over a USB pipe (or to an endpoint buffer) directly?
Limited, yes
the device has to support those sort of comms
but look at LibUSBDotNet
Thanks! I'll do that
Tnx NETscape
what are you trying to do again?
Stream data to a microcontroller
ahhh. so you basically want to make it a COM port?
what kind of microcontroller?
COM will be to slow
the manuf. should have a driver
let me say, I THINK COM will be too slow
I need to transfer about 4mb/s
what wrong with the drivers they've given you?
@Branden or is that what you're trying to edit?
well, I'm not sure what drivers you're referring to
your micro-controller should have come with some
There's drivers that create a VCOM
You can set up the xmega as any kind of USB device.
In other words, depending on how you program it, it can be a HID, CDC, ect..
and inside the DLLs will be the communication protocols and what not
so if they don't provide you with a solution on that site, you'll have to write your own driver
you start out by reading/installing WDK :)
no, you have to install the driver on your computer
never mind
that was dumb
there are some drivers for the example projects. But what I am confused about I guess is if I want to communicate with my device as something other than a virtual COM port, how would I do that? What, if any, drivers would I have to write?
The device may not be capable of talking another way
unless you are going to reprogram it as well
Most of the project is about reprogramming the device.
That is to say, most of any MCU (or embedded system) project is about programming the device itself.
Oh that's right! I remember running across that a while ago
@SteveG they found a contractor to do it. I'm probably going to roll off
Still pissed about it. I think the manager is pissed that I wasn't able to do it
BTW. I know you may or may not know the answer to these questions I'm asking so I'm not expecting you to answer them. Just enjoying discussing it with you all.
@BrandenBoucher what are you interfacing with? When I used a Bluetooth radio in my ARM chip, we wrote a basic Serial Port Profile protocol
Well it's the host (PC) to the xmega to an array of LEDs.
and you need 4mb/s?
8000+ rgb LEDs
I guess that's not the whole story
yeah, USB fasho.
For now, it's just to a small array as a PoC
what about uploading the "program" onto the MCU itself?
But it will expand to using DMA to communicate with some other MCUs that will actually control the LEDs
as far as the "program" goes, what I am calling the "program" is something running on the host machine that is capturing part of the screen. I want to send that data to my MCU via USB.
so you're essentially writing a server?
lol, I think server might be a bit strong of a word. Maybe hub or very simplistic router
well when you take the MCU, and have a bunch of other MCUs actually controlling the LEDs, your MCU is serving those MCUs
btw, my avatar is a picture of my test LED array displaying a static image
maybe, master?
Master works too
dynamic data you're sending over?
I want everyone to know, this is just for fun. Just things I'm trying to figure out for myself. Not work related
so a USB device is either a Device or it is a Host
it's a device
I think I'd have to bump up to the SAM microcontrollers to even get On-The-Go host like capabilities.
how does switch on a flags enum work?
you'd have to mask it
@JohanLarsson Same way any other one does
flagval & bitmask
Flags just means you can use it in a bit-wise way
but you wouldn't usually do that in a switch
@BrandenBoucher I think it will be clearer
each switch case is a perfect match then
not hasflag
i'll if elsif it for clearity
@JohanLarsson I don't usually use a switch with a flag setup
Yeah, but in a switch you only get one case anyways
so it doesn't semantically make sense
I'd if else if
case OnValidationErrorStrategy.ResetValueOnError | OnValidationErrorStrategy.UpdateSourceOnSuccess:
pretty sure oring is legal
@BrandenBoucher go to that atmel site i sent you
and Ctrl + F for "AVR153: USB PC Drivers Based on Generic HID Class "
well, You might be able to get away with a switch if you can do a fall through. Kinda.
@JohanLarsson That code would be very confusing, but yes, valid
in which case you could mask it off first
I just wouldn't recommend it for readability :)
switching on a flag guy is pretty confusing overall
comes up so rarely also
download the ZIP and look at the files. You're basically going to want to do the same, unless you're selling it then I think you'll ultimately want a Vendor class device
@NETscape, I think I have that one open somewhere here already. Just have not got to it yet / forgot about it
I'm out though. good luck!
tnx man
I'm about to walk home too
@KendallFrey A guy at work sent screenshots and i was wtf about it. Then he sent a vid whwre he recorded the screen with his phone to punish me :)
@BrandenBoucher are you controlling the LEDs as arrays? As a display? How are you interfacing with them?
Sorry, I had to go do real work for a bit :P
np. I haven't left yet
I studied computer engineering and had to take many microcontroller classes though, so I may be able to help
I built a custom ARM system that controls the HVAC system of a Prius over Bluetooth, so I know a bit ;)
the LEDs are just one long strip basically.
The data is sent serially
one long strip?
but do you map each LED to a location in memory? How do you actually communicate with them?
You can get very technical with me, it's likely I'll understand you
@Pheonixblade9, you going to be around in 20? I think I'm going to walk home.
not 20, but I'm here every day
feel free to bug me tomorrow
ok. I'll explain now
So look at my avatar.
Yep, I saw that, inferred it was the screen you're talking about, pretty neat :)
That's a 16x16 display, but in reality it's just one long strip of 256 leds
Each of those WS2812b LEDs has a data in and data out, and are just connected in series.
(for the data)
they all act like shift registers. 24bits each
you push in 25 bits and that means the second LED in the string received the very first bit while the first LED has the 2-25.
So I just bit-bang out 24*256 bits on to the data in of the first LED.
I literally have a 768 byte array in my MCU that holds that image data. (24 bit color btw, if you hadn't guessed)
And thanks!
Eventually I will start a blog and that will be one of the first entries
so each of the LEDs has its own flipflop?
since there's no clock signal, the timing of the data has to be pretty tight
or they are directly wired to an I/O port on the MCU?
each LED has it's own chip!
check out the data sheet on the WS2812b
I don't really have time now :( but I can check it out and answer any questions you might have tomorrow (or help you find the answer, more likely! It's been 3+ years for me since microcontrollers class!)
Looks pretty neat though :)
The chip has everything! An oscillator, voltage reg, shit register, signal reshaper, PWM control for each color (I think).
Haha, I'm so used to stuff that is way less complex than that
You crazy kids and your incredibly cheap ICs these days, I tell ya!
also... shit register, lol
man, I wish my computer had a shit register
it does, it's called your internet cache
lol, dood, there's know way you are that much older than me if that avatar is a pic of you.
Man, I hope I can get this all working. We plan to have at least one 64x128 flexible display for burning man.
OK all, catch back up in like 20.
@BrandenBoucher I'm 25.
I graduated from college when I was 21. Went to school for computer engineering
ye, def not older

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