whats the best practice to invite new users created by admin in .NET identity 2.0. how much information I should save initially and that too in aspnetusers table?
The game? It's suuuuuper old school. It's just a string of blocks you control that move around like a snake and you keep eating other blocks that represent food. Each piece of food makes you grow longer and you have to try not to run into your own body.
ffs. Registering my travel plans with my bank so my card isn't cancelled when I travel abroad. Validation error: Exist date of one country cannot be the same as entry date to another country.
We have a folder that is shared by a windows application and a web application.
in the windows application we read all attachments files that have received by an speciall web mail. and then we store these on the shared folder.
In the web application we read shared folder's files and show them.
Not really. It's an environment issue, not something that the client it's self can provision.
1. manually configure a shared folder, granting access to a specific AD account 2. have your server and client access that folder using impersonation of that account
@KeremZaman You can check out the MoreLINQ project, which has some extended LINQ operators like Batch, which takes a sequence and returns it grouped into n-sized batches.
I have an another question, I applied this piece of code: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/Grouping-and-Checkboxes-in-2532eb4d/sourcecode?fileId=18824&pathId=1522828507
There is no problem about checking and unchecking but checkboxes always return false as IsChecked value.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Where can I assign apart from UI ? Its aim to assign it from UI. But if you ask what happened when I change the value to true from code-behind, one checkboxes of group become checked.
Question 1: Does any given functor T necessarily map between objects and morphisms, or one or the other? If there is a distinction, what are these distinctive kinds of functors called?
@Marek Yeah you just configure the server accordingly. Otherwise you'll have to fight with things like xml2js to convert xml to js etc. I did this in a cordova app once, it was not fun.
It is! Now I just have 4 render engines, Android, iOS7, iOS8 and WP8 to worry about. This is a lot less worrisome than 100's of Android versions in between :D
There is a Crosswalk for iOS project going on, but nothing concrete or pluggable yet. But, iOS7+ has 98% market share so realistically speaking you have just 2 versions of their WebKit render engine to worry about. That's not too bad, but still, a Chrome renderer for iOS (and WP PLEASSEEE) would be best. Just one = win for everything.
So when you run n-embed -s src views/**/*.html you're basically saying "Find all .html files in the source folder 'src' and create a module". The example is a little like this:
angular.module('tml', []).run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('views/alert.html', '<b>Some html file here</b>');
Then you depend on 'tml' and when angular wants to get 'views/alert.html', it will get it from the cache instead. It wont have to xhr at all, and thus, no issues.
I tried making a XHR fix to avoid having to do n-embed but alas, no success yet
In the latest Ionic vlog they mention very soon native support for WP devices as they are working closely with Microsoft VS team (which is currently very insterested in the hybrid apps). Because Ionic is very smooth with ng, they might come up with some fixes that might cover earlier WP8, etc. @RoelvanUden
I hate these kind of articles. Always looking down on people who aren't "passionate" about working and have a life outside of work. linkedin.com/pulse/…
Right now I also work on an hourly schedule. I get paid for what I work - no more, no less. I like that. Both because an overtime push is compensated, and because I can skip some hours if necessary and know that I can't be pressured to "give back the time you skipped".
And when I have to skip time, my boss doesn't care. He knows I work a lot so I can leave work sooner or just skip a day to go to appointments or anyting
@JoanLeaven That's good. I used to have a boss that kept track of everyone's exit time, but because he would always arrive >10am, he would never know when people arrived.
learning is a personal thing. i'm sure you work or ever worked with programmers that just do the bare minimum (do the work on the job, no more) and you probably hate them because they suck
@juanvan Really ? Most employers won't pay for that. It's like "ok I know almost nothing but you will get me to be a fullstack .NET developer (WCF, WPF, Xaml, Windows 8, WinForms, SQL) on work time. Come on ...
@JoanLeaven I love my work, but I also love my family and my friends and reading and watching TV. You want me to prioritize those below generating more revenue for you? Share that wealth.
one time I was even asked to get into the office on saturday, which I did. she asked me to coordinate with another colleague of mine (since his car was in workshop) so that he can get in office too. the guy never contacted me on friday night. I came into the office alone. boss asked me where he was. I said, I dunno
When we (my friends and I) ran a company we shouldered the out-of-hours support ourselves, and fully compensated any employee who took over that responsibility. We never asked anyone to work weekends, because we knew that if we were in the same position we wouldn't want to :)
@JoanLeaven if an employer asks you to use new tech, they should be have a hand in the training. The office here has a PS account - and maybe I view them for a few hours to understand something better
@FreeAsInBeer Yes, I would think that too but fortunately my boss is a developer and knows exactly what effort I put in so I'm free to come late in the morning or skip time sometimes because he knows I put a lot of work
What do you guys think of this case then: hey edc, we want you to learn this and this, but we will all be busy, so you will need to learn in your free time. Get it done in a month.
@JoanLeaven That's awesome, and I'd totally expect it if I put in those extra hours voluntarily. Just remember you may be getting the short end of the stick.
@FreeAsInBeer Well ... I'm poor financially. I wouldn't be if I was more stubborn and ask for money for every extra hour but I just don't care. I'm not unhappy being poor.
@FreeAsInBeer My happiness = knowing I do good work and knowledgeable
Personally, I'd rather work a job that doesn't expect the extra hours, and then work contracts that are more engaging/interesting when time permits. You get the best of all worlds that way.
@JoanLeaven That's fine, I'm not saying that a paycheck is the only possible reward. I share your appreciation for knowledge and professionalism. It is unfortunate, though, that in our society getting paid less will often make others (say, your boss) appreciate you less professionally, as well.
@FreeAsInBeer The only material thing I care about it's my motorcycle. If I have to get rid of it because I'm too poor, I will talk to my boss about pay :P
If anyone in another profession would be required to keep investing so much time in learning and acquiring (hard to obtain) skills, they'd go mad. And we are going mad, slowly, and steadily. Pushing on additional work (as in the definition of work, NOT choosing what you work on, NOT choosing technologies, WORKING ON LEGACY, etc) in what is supposed to be free time should be compensated, heavily. I code in free time, too, but I choose WHEN and WHAT and FOR WHOM.
And no, I don't mind spending a day once in a while to work on things that broke down at work. But that should not happen every weekend. Nor every evening. If it happens more than once a month I might actually riot.
@FreeAsInBeer You just have to add a factor between the two : I am crazy and buy a new keyboard every month, I bought three usb-to-hdmi converters at 90$ each to make my surface pro 3 work on multiple monitors ... etc.
am having really weird problems with datepicker and jquery validation on my pc model is fine but on another pc the same copy of the site gets an error.Kinda frustrating.
anyone go through such a problem?
I cant even debug it coz my production pc is just fine!