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who said they don't know what a banana is?
@KendallFrey its not (or not supposed to be at least)
(but who knows what the remote file system is actually doing ;) )
I've heard cases of filesystem I/O being async and basically returning before the changes are finished
I don't remember what those cases include though
posted on June 23, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

This blog post is likely not for you, unless it totally is. Which is why I'm posting it. My Dad's Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro was driving him batty for months. It was bugging me even more, as I am the assigned IT manager for my family. I'm sure you are also, as you're reading this blog, right? Anyway, I talk this computer up for months, he gets the computer, and it has this tiny Micro-HDMI connecto

1 hour later…
What's up guys
1 hour later…
What's up guys
What's up guys
what's up guys
When should I ever favour implementation inheritance to interface inheritance
*prefer not favour
1 hour later…
HI all
@Rusty hi
whats going on
@Rusty Covariance and contravariance
hey .net developers need your help ..
i want to communicate with .net and android
in jsp we have something like this to communicate with jsp
onReponseServer('this is text kuku');
function onReponseServer(reponseText) {
if anyone know how to communicate in .net please help me...i dnt know abt .net i m a android developer
hello. I've seen regarding event binding that there are two ways to do it:

1. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/18199.event-handling-in-an-mvvm-wpf-application.aspx (using DelegateCommand)
2. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7929611/bind-event-to-viewmodel-wpf (using ICommand)

Which of them do you think is best? :D
@SJD A DelegateCommand is simply a specific, easily reusable ICommand.
The approach in the first link is the standard, classic MVVM approach - you have an MVVM-aware control (like the core WPF controls) which supports command binding natively - instead of catching a button's Click event, you bind a Command to its Command property, and the button knows to execute the command when its trigger (a click) is raised.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan @SJD help me bro
However, sometimes you have controls that don't natively support MVVM, or don't support it for triggers other than the default. Let's say you want to bind a command to a button's OnRightClick event. WPF controls usually have one Command binding, for the main trigger (Click for buttons, for instance).
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan so there is no way of handling such event in my view model? (hate doing business logic in .xaml.cs...:D
In the cases where you want command bindings for other events, you use the approach in the second link - an EventTrigger to define a sequence of actions to call when an event occurs, and an InvokeCOmmandAction to bind to a Command in your VM.
@SJD There's no reason to have any code or logic whatsoever in your code behind. Anything that can't be handled by declarative XAML markup can be handled with Behaviors.
And again, I recommend heading over to the WPF chat room, where people will probably be more receptive to this topic.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan great. tx
Morning all!
A LINQ to Objects question: I have a list of items that I need to divide into itemsToAdd and itemsToUpdate based on a simple HashSet.Contains query. What's the most elegant way to divide them? Two Where queries with reversed conditions? One Where and one Except? Something neater?
It's simple enough to do, but I want to find the cleanest and most expressive idiom.
@scheien sup
@SJD: You can have view specifics in the code behind, and if you by any means need to reference some other stuff, do it through an interface, and not a concrete implementation. Never ever put business logic in the view. :)
@BenjaminDiele: Not much. Working from home today since it's my oldest daughters birthday.
What are you up to?
Hope there's some cake soon
@scheien frustrated to hell and back because of my ineptitude to put together a working piece of software with EF and db upgrades
shitty url with a dot in it
I've tried codefrist a couple of times, but I've always gone back to the model first approach.
Feel like I have more control over what's going on, and doing the migration/db updates myself.
The problem is that the db lives with the customer
Why is that a problem?
I can't exactly take over his computer to do some migrations
The db is at his computer and not a server? Is it a mdf file or something?
@scheien Correct
If so, ye, then it can be a problem. I tend to create a sql script for each upgrade / change to the database layout.
@scheien That's what EF Migrations are for, but the AutomaticMigrations are shite in this case, and the manual won't work :(
yea, I know. If it doesnt work, it's not much help :p
What happens when you do a migration? Does it fail at some point?
Can't tell exactly, not at my home pc right now
But the problem is that the migration isn't run, even though I've provided a migration script and use the "UpgradeToLatestVersion" db initializer
There are probably others here that can give you a better answer regarding that than I can :/
(I just got really fed up with the codefirst approach)
The biggest problem is that I myself don't really know what I'm doing. At some point I'm just muddling through and failing.
That's the worst part of learning something new
The realization that: "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing right now. Hope this works."
And the problem I have then is that I get discouraged to spend all that time after work learning all that the "right way"
and so I don't, and I stay as bad
Try to leave it for a couple of days, read some articles, and then come back to fight the issue.
@scheien I've already left it for a month :D
Sometimes it just need to mature a bit
@scheien Like cheese
and beer
Hmm, beer. Beer makes programming tolerable.
unless you drink a couple more than you should, and when you wake up the next day you are like: hey, this is awesome, who wrote this? ahh.. me... (it can also be the oposite way. it usually is the oposite way.)
@scheien Usually I wake up thinking, "why is the sky so bright, why is it so late, why am I so dead?"
hehe yeah :)
not much. Looking through some logs, hack attempt on a customer last night.
probably just a drive-by bot though
HEAD request for git is just to list repos or?
HEAD request on somesite.com/.git\HEAD ?
hey @roel
Any idea how to group this list on alphabetic? ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList()
@wouter Group on what alphabetically? The first letter?
list.GroupBy(item => item[0])
the whole list is possible
i dont have a list to group on
I don't understand what you're asking.
i never worked with linQ
You have a list of objects. You use Select(s=>s.OS) to create a list of (presumably) strings from it, extracted from the OS property.
AnotherList = ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList() , I want the data in this list sorted by alphabetic
Ah, sorted. Not Grouped.
OrderBy(o => o.Os)
okay thank u
and for descending you go OrderByDesc(o => o.SomePropertyToOrderBy)
ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList().OrderBy(o => o.OS); isnt working
Call OrderBy before the ToList() call.
its tells me: string does not contain a defintion for OS
That means your ListWithSoftwareObjecten was already a list of strings.
yes true
Its a list with objects
List<aClass> ListWithSoftwareObjecten = new list<aClass>();
Your Select creates a new list, an IEnumerable<string>.
so in this Class there is a string OS
The result of Select isn't a list of aClass.
So you don't OrderBy(o=>o.OS), just call OrderBy() to use the default sorting order for the strings.
Its a list of Operating Systems but without duplicates
When I do, it tells me no overload for method OrderBy takes 0 arguments
What do you want the end result to be? A list of sorted aClass objects or a list of strings?
OrderBy(s => s) will sort by the lists's value. It's a bit clunky, but it works.
Console.WriteLine(ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList()); I want this to show itself in alphabetic range
gonna try OrderBy(s => s)
Is this a db query?
or an in-memory list?
I think it works
in-memory list i guess
Are you using this against a Entity Framework context?
ah cool.
sorry im not that familar with C# and dont know anything about queries and have no idea where u talking about
it's not so important for you, I guess, but it's well worth understanding
I am looking into reading a lot about queries and linQ
but it works for now, so thank you @Squiggle
and thank you @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
LINQ can be used to query anything that implements IEnumerable, which is awesome
@wouter No problem.
I recommend reading up on exactly what ToList does to IEnumerables. It can change the behavior noticeably.
but Entity Framework (the popular Microsoft ORM which is used to map .Net classes to databases) has a specific under-the-hood implementation which helps it do all of the heavy work in the database
so using a LINQ .OrderBy() will translate directly into a SQL "ORDER BY" clause
your database might order things differently to the in-memory implementation of OrderBy that's normally used
which is why I ask :)
thanks for helping me understand the LINQ, i really do appreciate all the help
it's the differences between things like:
a, b, C, A, B, C
a, A, b, B, c, C
I can check is it sorts a, b, c , A, B, C or a, A, b , B, c , C?
the difference between in-memory LINQ and Entity Framework can cause confusion.
just do it as you were
you're doing fine :)
it sorts: a, A, b, B, c, C
I have another pretty difficult question if you i wont bother you guys asking
for (int i = 0; i < Sheets.Count; i++)
                //for (int j = 0; j < ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => osLijst).Count; j++)
                var OSLijst = ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Where(x => x.OS.ToUpper() == Sheets[i].ToUpper());
                foreach (var obj in OSLijst)
                    excelDataHandler.excel_setValue("A" + OSLijst, ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.KBNummer).ToString());
Now I have a class: ListWithSoftwareObjecten, in this list I have a string KBNummer; and a string OS;
in the excel_setValue I have to give the cellname: "A" + 1 and the KBnummer of the first matching Windows 7 list
So i want the next one to be "A" +2 and the next KBNummer in the object list
So I thought it would: "A" + OSLijst.???? , ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select( s= > s.KBNummer.ToString());
Do you understand my problem? Or should I try to explain it again? I am terrible at explaining
Damnit I made a steak yesterday and I want one again today.
hey guys
wsup @BenjaminDiele
heya @Gotalove
I need some help basically setting up project for debug
not C# related but its an IDE setup kind of question
for vb6 app and dll code
how do you reference a dll project instead of the dll itself inorder to debug?For vb6 even though this is not a C# question.I can't remember how I did it cz its been a while.Am guessing its similar to the proce4ss you would use for a vb.net or c# app
@wouter foreach doesn't give you an index number. You need to either use a for loop, or increment an index yourself.
int cellCounter = 1;
foreach (var softwareObj in OSLijst) {
    excel_setValue("A" + cellCounter.ToString(), softwareObj.KBNummer)
Or wait, maybe I misunderstood.
You want to select all the objects with the same KBNummer as the OS object you have?
Finally remembered how after fooling around with the ide.
@wouter From what I can tell, you're adding all the KBNummers to each cell.
If you want the list of KBNummers for the given OS, maybe something like this:
Its working
thank u
im finished now
Also, generally speaking, it's better to avoid using ToUpper/ToLower for case-insensitive string comparisons, since every call creates a new string object.
You can use string1.Equals("string2", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase).
Aye, but conversely I would caution against premature optimization :)
It's not a matter of optimization, just of convention.
ToUpper/ToLower has no advantage over case-insensitive Equals, has several potential edge cases in international scenarios, and should really not be taught at all, even if it is intuitive.
gonna look thru it, thanks for the tip
If I have a few else if (if true) {bla bla; break;} , should I also break the last if else ?
the if elses are all in the same foreach loop
Hey everyone
Anyone aware of an alternative to Microsoft Sync Framework?
nevermind i cannot use breaks
Something that adapts to a modern cloud architecture well
I'm not familiar with Microsoft Sync Framework
@MoayadMardini what's your use-case? Mobile?
Why can't I use Linq to do myNodes.GroupByReallyComplicatedClusteringLogicAutomatically()? Is that too much to ask for?
Not really. I have a web app with a custom business logic (permissions ...etc). I want to sync the files to a normal Windows directory
Is this a good way of using a try/catch? : try
                ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet)newWorkbook.Sheets[workSheet]).get_Range(cellname).set_Value(Type.Missing, value);
                ((Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet)newWorkbook.Sheets[workSheet]).get_Range(cellname).set_Value(Type.Missing, value);
@wouter This is exactly how you shouldn't use a try block
okay haha
inside try you put something that you suspect might fail, but inside catch you should put something that will not fail (what to do when you catch the error)
but in this example, you're trying to do something that failed inside the catch block
my try catch is in a  public void excel_setValue(string cellname, string value, int workSheet)
        { }
what should I put inside to catch? excel_setValue.??? Try again with same values?
is this somehow possible?
You should put a way to recover from the error. Either rollback the changes (if you did any), or log the error (show to user...etc.)
but you shouldn't try again inside catch
it works :D
because the first time the code fails, catch will save your face, but when catch fails, your app will crash
what works?
I just put this inside the catch: excel_getValue(cellname,value,workSheet)
i just wants it to swallow the error
yes, but don't hide the error silently
and note that excel_getValue might fail too, which will crash the app if it does
but else the error will show itself 100x on the windows console?
is it inside a loop?
but it works
instead of doing loop { try catch }
you do try catch { loop }
so if any of the loop iterations failed, the whole thing will be aborted
is there any reason why this was not chosen as the best approach?
A: MVC Action with Optional Parameters -- which is better?

Robert KoritnikBest Asp.net MVC solution - use action method selector Why not simplify controller action methods by removing unnecessary code branch and have this kind of code as seen here: public ActionResult Index() { // do something when there's no id } [RequiresRouteValues("id")] public ActionResult ...

I have an Edge class with two int properties, To and From. I have a nodeId which matches either the To or the From. What's the clearest and concisest way to get the other nodeId? Say I have nodeId = 2, Edge = {From:2, To: 7}. How can I get 7 from the Edge by giving it 2?
Another object might be nodeId = 2, Edge = {From:5, To: 2}. I want the same line of code to return 5.
It's easy to do it ugly. :)
@Gotalove: No clue. Looks like a viable approach if you need something like that. Though it seems like it breaks SRP.
!!google SRP
single responsibility principle
the view will have to handle two different things
either a) a collection or something like that, b) a single record.
say for instance if you want to have a search form and alist of items
this seems like it would be the way to go right?
where the form is simply a filter for the list
for a search I would have two actions, one GET and one POST. The GET shows a preliminary form with search options, and the POST recieves a viewmodel containing the search parameters, and gets populated with the results.
but if it fits your structure, layout and such, go for it.
argh, webforms, why do you have to be so cruel? :'(
good luck with webforms
funny shit with that partial rendering
lol, found a security hole on the webportal for our kindergarten. Makes me want to exploit it and mark all kids with vacation.
Achievement Get: Use the words "exploit" and "kids" in the same sentence.
That's just wrong @KendallFrey
you started it
I guess the kindergarten didn't conduct any penetration testing
their kids are totally exposed
cant argue with that
It pains me, but I have to make a "security hole" joke
@scheien Do it for the luls
Hmm, so tempting to buy: img.2dehands.be/f/normal/…
Great looking bike
Too bad there's not a second seat for the missus.
She'll just have to go, then.
There's a reason for that
she'll love hearing that one
It's fine. You won't be able to hear her screams of protest over the roar of the engine.
@BenjaminDiele Shopping for a motorcycle? :D
looks like the one from the terminator
Anonymous functions cannot be recursive
How is a function meant to call itself if it has no name
@RoelvanUden Yesss. Mate of mine is looking at doing his license, I think I'm gonna follow.
I did ride, years back, but I totalled it. Need to do my license again too :(
sigh, hannibal will end at season 3, i lost another reason to keep my tv cable
@BenjaminDiele Ahh. Bummer. But still cool! Driving is a lot of fun on a motorcycle :D
@RoelvanUden It is indeed. But still, gonna try waiting a few more months, so I can buy one cheaper :D
What was the price of the motorcycle?
@MoonOwlPrince looks fine to me - dotnetfiddle.net/3WR9GO
@RoelvanUden I'm looking at one right now for ~2k
I used to ride the 500CC version: 2dehands.be/motoren/motoren/honda/…
@Squiggle Thanks
@BenjaminDiele Sweet. Those are quite fun. You have a really nice motorcycle for ~2k :)
@RoelvanUden Yeah, I think so too. But it's hard to test drive one if my only experience is 5 years old and ended in a crash :D
(and I have no license anymore)
!!youtube ninja h2
Not for me man, shit's dangerous
Drive slow and safe :)
my buddy got one a month or so ago, i really wanted to get one too
he crashed a week ago, i dont think i want one anymore
@RoelvanUden Yeah, but most of the accidents is because cars hit you :D
If you drive reckless, yes, it's dangerous. Otherwise it's glorious fun.
nah, even if you don't drive reckless it's dangerous because it's harder for people to see you
I've never hit a car. I did slip and fall over twice though :P
lol what do you have @RoelvanUden?
@SteveG As your driver instructor will tell you, look wide and expect car drivers to not see you, drive accordingly.
@SteveG Suzuki Intruder from 1995
what size?
@RoelvanUden yeah, and that works in 95% of the cases
@SteveG Uhm. Tiny.
Oh. Not sure. Not much.
i gotta go get my laptop from work so i can work from home
It's a 25kW if that says something
looks like a 250CC or so
or a limited 500CC
yeah, I know about the KW stuff :(
Limited 650 iirc. But yeah, it was tailored to my old driving license.
I've got unlimited now, but I had "Limited to x power"-driving license
It tops out at 150~160km/h
So going super fast, not really.
@BenjaminDiele They are still good fun :)
What's the best wait to wait before making a query again.
I'd rather not Chris Brown the server.
In what context @Griffin?
@RoelvanUden Fast enough for a bike for me though :D
@BenjaminDiele Yeah and in the Netherlands, and Belgium, well above maximum speed.
@RoelvanUden Indeed. But still, you don't need to go fast to get killed.
I first send a search to the server. Then I want to ask it every half second if that search is done. When the search is done I can retrieve my results of the search. Not sure how I should wait though
@BenjaminDiele True. But you can get killed while cycling, walking, showering, driving a car, taking a bath, getting on an elevator, walking the stairs, etc...
@RoelvanUden Sure, but there's a magnitude of difference between driving a car and riding a bike
most car accidents are survivable
you can't say the same with a bike
That depends. Is a bike hitting another bike?
Most likely you'd be hitting a car.
No no no
The car hits you.
You can't often avoid an imminent car crash even if you see it coming. You often can on a motorcycle. But yes, when you actually collide, you'd rather be in a car.
eh, potato tomato. Either way the bike goes down and the car feels almost nothing
Wow. Recruiter e-mail. "From one of your old colleagues we've heard that...". I don't have old colleagues, this is my first job, and nobody quit during my time here. How about that?
If you ever find a good recruiter, STICK WITH THEM
They call me at work. I'm an intern.
I answer the phone in the most awkward of ways.
My boss sent out an email asking for CVs. The recruiter called back and spent 15 minutes asking questions which were already answered in the email that was sent out
@KendallFrey are you hacking me? i.imgur.com/faswR35.png
I'm pretty convinced many recruiters have no brain
@BenjaminDiele it will be boring without the mic
@Squiggle Why would your boss ask for CVs? Doesn't he already have them?
@BenjaminDiele not enough of the right sort of CVs. They keep sending us through Java developers "who once used JQuery".
@Squiggle Oh yeah, Cava programmers. Heard about that
(friend of mine was contacted because he did some "Cava" programming.)
Java is close enough to JavaScript, amiright?
@KendallFrey ooh the HTML5 audio APIs are fun! I was making a HTML5 app for my smartwatch that automated things based off clicking my fingers and gesturing :-]
@BenjaminDiele that's priceless
@Squiggle I second this. I think they sit back and let a poorly programmed CV keyword algorithm spit out candidates that have a chance of getting them commission.
I must say the level of recruiters depends on which branch of programming you're in
When I did PHP, (or tried for .Net), I got all these crazy calls and emails asking for JS developers and shit
Now that I do ERP, almost all recruiters know what I do and give quite good job ads.
Why do you guys have a negative opinion regarding recruiters
@MoonOwlPrince Because they fail a simple reading test.
@MoonOwlPrince Because we experienced them first hand.
@MoonOwlPrince because i am a hate monger
i dont have a job
^ u are living in paradise
@MoonOwlPrince because they're often less effective than they would be if they didn't exist at all
It is sad that the next recruiter will be looked down upon
@MoonOwlPrince they failed in life as both a used car and womans' shoe salesman
@MoonOwlPrince They won't, if they get you good job offers.
If they come with an offer for JS developer, and you've never done JS in your life, you know enough
The only problem I know with recruiters here is they ask for both breadth and depth from a candidate e.g. One job offer wanted someone who has "five years working in JQuery, HTML5, JavaScript, PHP, C#, Java and Android"
2-3 years of experience everywhere
Because most companies are lazy fucks who are too cheap to train somebody on the job, and expect every employee to learn everything on his own.
Just apply. Who gives a damn what HR and recruiters want? You aim to talk with someone that knows what he/she is talking about.
@BenjaminDiele truth be spoken
here it starts at 5. They want to hire a C#.NET developer to work with Cocoa and Objective-C
And the next thing they tell you is they want you to fix their computers
same here
IOS developer: 5 years or longer experience with SWIFT

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