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which is a wtf in itself
I had kind of assumed that == was interpreted as a synonym for Equals
what am I missing? you just use the operator overload
you get the above error
@TomW nope
oh well, tomorrow's another day
public static bool operator ==(MyStruct a, MyStruct b)
    return a.Equals(b);
i) Roslyn ii) step through the compiler
@CharlieBrown Why should I have to do that?
ListWithSoftware.Sort(Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList()); Any idea how to sort the list with programs? :) @CuddleBunny
Also, why don't I know this?
I'm supposed to be good at C#
all value types have to implement it, ref types have it by default for some reason
gee dangit
will u date me? A. Yes B. A C. B
Can any help me to sort this: ListWithSoftware.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList(); I thought it was something like this: ListWithSoftware.Sort(Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList());
this guy
i love sunglasses am i looking at face or am i looking at boob nobody know
hahaha that guy is so funny haha
@KendallFrey he's you
@wouter Try OrderBy
thanks @KendallFrey gonna try
can I order it by another list where I got exactly the same values in it?
.OrderBy(List); ?
That doesn't make sense, perhaps you'd better explain what you're after
ListWithSoftware.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList(); This is a list with operating systems. in that list with software you can also select the program: s=> s.Program. I am making excel sheets of the OSes, So for example: I have a excle sheet names: "Windows 7". In this sheet I want to put ALL the s.Program in this sheet
Do you still get me?
You're creating excel sheets for each OS?
yes indeed
So I have a class Software where this is in: public string Program;
public string OS;
public string Architecture;
sounds like you want GroupBy, but maybe not. continue...
agreed, GroupBy seems reasonable here
So im making a few objectes of this Software class like this: ListWithSoftware.Add(new Software { Program = "adode player"})
with program Os en arch
I am using: if (int x=0; x < programlist.count;x++) {listwithsoftwarte.Add (newSofteare {program = "adobe"})}
if I add it this way
the programlist isnt the exact same anymore as this list: ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList();
So when I want to say: excel_write[sheet0].programlist[0].fillcolumn, it wont be the same as my sheet name
@ton.yeung you shave that yak
because I named my sheets randomly
because this ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList(); gets filled randomly
with what it find first in the excel column
U still get me?
i dont think so :P
!!urban yak shaving
@TomW yak shaving Any seemingly pointless activity which is actually necessary to solve a problem which solves a problem which, several levels of recursion later, solves the real problem you're working on.
when ur crush texts u cute things like "who is this" and "how did u get this number"
yeah love that one
don’t worry password, im insecure too
But can I sort it GroupBy(alphabet);?
@ton.yeung AKA all problems I ever have to solve with this project, in the vein of "OK, this is simple, first I just have to fix everything"
@wouter sure just use OrderBy
Orderby(alphabet); ?
omg gooooogle
I googled it
but i dont udnerstand those =>
i think we're going to end up writing your entire application
s => s.somerthing
i know right
thats a function @wouter
@wouter it's called a lambda
it's a short way of writing a function
@ton.yeung the point being it sounded as though you ended up spending a significant amount of time on something that is only tangentially related to the problem you were trying to solve
I seriously never heart of lambda
But shouldnt it be easier to use .OrderBy(Alphabet); or something like that? :P
@wouter No one knows what you mean by that
@ton.yeung i know my english is bad
@wouter what would be the type of Alphabet?
Perhaps you should read the documentation on OrderBy
I think they know, just sort by a first b second etc?
yeah, that's how it sorts by default
if you use a string property
But when I put nothing between the brackets (), it tells me im missing an argument
you need to tell it what you want it to sort by
sort by default?
That showed up easily in my google search
what data to sort
which one?
btw is it true linq's implementation involves extension methods with interfaces
No idea I were guessing string.Format
but everything gives an error
read the fucking documentation
List<string> ? :D
new someClass()
     Type = "BANANA",
     Size = "HUGE!",
     Color= "YELLOW"

new someClass()
     Type = "APPLE",
     Size = "small",
     Color= "RED"
steve are you helping the vampires?
@wouter I want you to sort that, right now, without code, in alphabetical order
no? good
if you were to write it on paper, how would you sort that?
Apple Banana
Huge small
how did you sort that?
Red yellow
oh see, you tried to sort, and you got 3 answers
I like the C++ philosophy of implementing in such a way the user of the language could have easily done the same. This on its own is power that can advance faster than open source alone
you sorted it different ways
that doesn't work
@MoonOwlPrince how is that a C++ philosophy
now when you sort, how do you get 1 answer?
choose only a type/size/color?
so when you do OrderBy, what do you think it's asking for?
@KendallFrey An important speaker at a con (prior to introducing Bjarne) said so
im asking for a string variable?
have you even read the documentation
C# adopted that to a degree
i give
i promise you i will
@MoonOwlPrince no
but im asking in my code now to order a ToList type?
C++ is one of the farthest languages from following that philosophy
@wouter jesus fucking christ mate, we're trying to help you here
@wouter stop right now. shut down your computer and go to an internet cafe with no access to visual studio
haha come on guys
okay okay im so sorry
im literally trying so hard
dude, if you would have read the manual, you would have figured it out in 10 seconds
its late here, so maybe thats why
instead you spend 10 minutes begging
@wouter did you read the manual
i like books, just not ones with words
i AM reading the manual
4 of them
would be better if it was "I did read the manual"
@KendallFrey The speaker gave the example of templates
if i'm moving, and some stuff is too big to fit through the door, furniture, for example, is it my responsibility to take it apart, or the moving companys?
The speaker forgot about the Windows API and many standard library functions
does anyone else feel like @MoonOwlPrince is giving a presentation no one else is attending?
@SteveG *company's
apostrophes are for suckers , commas are where it's at
@SteveG whoever is willing to pay for it when it breaks
if they break it, they bought it
if they refuse, i'll break their life in 2
@KendallFrey Are you suggesting that you yourself could not have written the standard library
I'm suggesting I couldn't have written it in C++
And I'm not denying that .NET wasn't written entirely in C#
It wasn't
Part of it was written in SMC
whats smc
steves massive c...
Simple Managed C <<< a language MS developed for the development of .NET
The BCL makes is partly written in it
kendall is a BCL
im bored, im done being annoying
@KendallFrey why not in C++ and in what other language since C++ presents you with zero overhead abstractions
I still dont get it
ListWithSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList().OrderBy(d => d.OS);
I think it isnt working because I am also using Select
You really don't want to do that
I'm not sure what you do want to do
GroupBy maybe?
LijstMetSoftwareObjecten.Select(s => s.OS).Distinct().ToList(); I want this, but ordered alphbatically
Also, you're not allowed to say something is "not working"
what should i say instead?
.GroupBy(d=>d.OS); this is not fixing the problem either
Don't just copy code, understand it
Well I will have a look at it tomorrow, i cannot concentrate anymore
good night guys
hope to see you tomorrow
will read some docs tomorrow early
@MoonOwlPrince is your library filled with books from 2000?
and nothing newer?
what kind of books?
I finally am kind of unloading on this manager
I don't know ObjC
I got the basics from XXXX, and that helped
but this is a ridiculous situation
There's a difference between "out of my wheelhouse" and "a completely different platform with an insane timeline that I never agreed to"
and I'm not going to lie and tell you I think I can make progress with the time that I have
iOS app?
Good luck!
Someone at my work place didn't like ObjC either. Guess what happened
He left
ObjC but it's just a language
it's the fact that they expect me to learn a brand new platform and fix somebody's app (who was fired because he couldn't fix the app, what does that say of the quality of the code?) in such a short time period
yeah deadlines are horrible esp. ones that are unrealistic
this one they told me there was no deadline, then someone else said "no, there is a deadline. it's in 3 weeks"
I randomly started receiving the following error: Could not find a part of the path
The paths are:
when do you receive that error?
who reviews the code? enough to say its bad, yet doesnt know how long it will take? @Pheonixblade9
@KalaJ When I do a File.Move.
is this wpf?
did you move the path before it could find it?
the error is very clear
The path looks acceptable, but I did for the sake try a Directory.CreateDirectory for that path, which didn't write to that directory. So it is more than likely permission related correct?
that depends on where it is
/\/\/ slashes in the correct direction?
Well, two separate servers.
@CharlieBrown it is 100% on me
@CharlieBrown Yes, they should be.
wait, so you're using a network drive?
I've got a web application that stores it on another server on our Network.
so... you're using a network drive?
The root path:
Where it is sending:
Why someone put a - for this document is beyond me, but that is another issue.
does the destination directory already exist?
                if (!File.Exists(path) && File.Exists(document))
                    File.Move(document, path);
Does CreateDirectory create the directory, and have you verified by browsing to it in Explorer?
When I did put Directory.CreateDirectory it didn't write to the remote location, which is why I think it is permission related.
The original path, yes. The new location, no.
check to be sure CreateDirectory absolutely isn't creating the directory
Double checking.
It created.
Got it
hungry ;_;
Jun 19 at 18:13, by Caprica Six
@SteveG banana Its a fucking fruit for god sake. Who the fuck DOESN'T know what a banana is?! FUCK! A STARVING KID IN AFRICA KNOWS WHAT A BANANA IS! HE FUCKING FANTASIZES ABOUT ONE EVERY DAY!
@Greg In that case, I suspect CreateDirectory is async

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