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What I do know about mobile app development is make sure you have LOTS of RAM
Unless you will be testing on actual devices
Android development is depressing... Google's emulator is garbage...
you want lots of ram? not the same amount that the phone has?
@SteveG I imagine you'll want enough ram to have your own OS and one of each emulator running because they take so long to start you don't want to close them each time.
ohhh you don't mean emulator ram
you mean developer machine ram
well, thats a given :p
the cordova stuff for VS uses ripple ripple.incubator.apache.org as the emulator for android. It is a bit snappier but I haven't really used it.
i couldn't remember the word 'emulator'
@ton.yeung i really couldn't think of the word emulator.
And I thought I was a plebe sitting here with 32 GB of RAM.
@FreeAsInBeer I have 4.
is it possible to use Regex to validate this complex string:
((year=2014) or(year=2015) and (make='Honda')) and (model='civic')
@CuddleBunny Mobile app development in general is depressing but still less depressing than web development.
@SteveG funniest thing, my sister was trying to think of the word uterus for about 10 minutes today
@CuddleBunny Lol, that sucks. Seems like the bare minimum these days is 8. I previously had 12 and I was running into limitations so our hardware guy have me a new machine.
or should i create my own API
@Alundrathedreamwalker probably not
@KendallFrey haha
she had to use google
Any library that i can use?
@MoonOwlPrince I think web dev is the least depressing unless you're targeting Android.
@ton.yeung Not for mobile devices.
@Alundrathedreamwalker If you explained what you're trying to do, maybe we could recommend something
@FreeAsInBeer I just have to make sure I don't have too many adobe creative suite things open at the same time. And by too many I mean more than one...
@CuddleBunny Writing libraries seems way more exciting
@ton.yeung True, but I threw my desktop in there. I'll keep my mouth shut from now on. >.<
@MoonOwlPrince I think starting to write a library is fun, but actually getting it to a solid v1 is not.
i have a Query type language that i need to develop a verification for before sending the query to the controller to process it
I have like 30 projects in VSO that are libraries I meant to write that are 30% done.
client side verification
@CuddleBunny Well, if you follow the wise words of the great Frey, Spolsky et al. you will be fine
@Alundrathedreamwalker can you use a viewmodel with DataAnnotations? Or is it too complex for that.
@Alundrathedreamwalker You need to develop a language?
not really, here's an example
@MoonOwlPrince I share a name with a great man? awesome
valid : (year = '2015')
valid: ((year='2014') and (make=''Honda))
Not Valid: (year = 2014 and year=2015)
Not valid year=2014 and(year=2015)
it's a query language validation style
it's happening at the server side , but i need to do it at the client side
the input is a textbox
@KendallFrey Well, you and a couple of the other guys in here including the electrical engineering dude are pretty solid on your principles and seem to have a fine-tuned intuition for what is bad
so the user can freely type query
@Sippy I also came up with something like this, but I am trying to find out how to get the User from HttpContext without tightly coupling MutableQueryable to System.Web

public T Create(T item)
var autoDateFieldsPoco = item as IAutoGenerateDateFields;

if (autoDateFieldsPoco != null)
autoDateFieldsPoco.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;

var objectSet = _entities.Set<T>();
return item;
@Alundrathedreamwalker does it have to stay that way?
nothing has to stay that way
Question: I set a parameter in an object like this: testing.Add(new Software { Program = "adobe player"}) So at the end I will have a few programs, like adobe player, internet explorer etc. But how do I print those programs? CuddleBunny and other people already told me how to count them: Console.WriteLine(testing.Select(s => s.Program).Distinct().Count());
@VictorioBerra Post code separately to message next time, every time you edit that I get pinged
plus formatting
lol whops I didnt know that okay hold on for pastie
If you used json instead and had the user type { year: 2015, make: "Honda" } then simply calling JavaScript's Json.Parse would validate the data formatting. Then if you need to whitelist certain properties you can loop through the object it creates and check them all.
Okay will remember that, but are you saying that it isnt possible in C# visual studio?
@Sippy Also theres CreatedBy, EditedBy, and DeletedBy but unless I pass in the HttpContext through the CTOR I have no idea how to snag the current user.
@VictorioBerra When you say current user
@Sippy Controller(AKA this).HttpContext.User.Identity.Name
@wouter just calling testing.Select(s => s.Program).Distinct() should return a List<string> that you can assign to a variable that you can do whatever you want with.
HttpContext is not the same as your entities context so I'm confused as to where you're confused.
@Sippy I have to get the controllers HttpContext.User.Identity.Name into the database. Thats all I am doing. What im confused about is HOW to do it woithout ruining the whole point of this UOW pattern im implementing. Basically how can I make sure my entity gets CreatedBy filled out in such a way that I dont have to put using System.Web; above my MutableQueryable class
@wouter or you can just foreach right on it like: testing.Select(s => s.Program).Distinct().ForEach(p => Console.WriteLine(p));
@Sippy Or if thats not so bad then i can just do that. See code example here pastie.org/private/zbztvf6niahhpwnezzf2fg
@CuddleBunny the casting arent right tho i guess
@VictorioBerra Models and stuff.
Am I explaining poorly?
@CuddleBunny I will search a tutorial right now on casting, but can you fix those castings? testing.Select(s => s.Program).Distinct(foreach(p => Console.WriteLine(p)));
I'm really tired cos I've worked 12 hours today lol
I don't have the version of the code which has idisposable implemented here so can't help with that cos too tired, I basically implemented it in context and then disposed it with a base controller
which isn't necessarily the best way to do it
depends what you need
with regard to the uh
uow shit
@VictorioBerra dependency injection
@Sippy What benefit is this UOW doing? Why not just do var db = new ServiceEntities(); directly into the Controller class just like Microsoft shows in the scaffolding of a new Controller?
@CharlieBrown I currently have Simple Injector. But I dont see how that will send the data of the current request on over to my instance
uow has better transactionality if that's a word
@wouter My bad, ForEach is a List thing not an IEnumerable thing. Here you go: dotnetfiddle.net/quGUBw
It seems like I am just wrapping one huge database wrapper
you just send the data, dont overthink it too much
It's a simple repository wrapper. You feed it objects, it turns them into rows.
var service = new MagicUnicornService()
var response = service.DoSomeCrap(2, 5, USERNAME);
@CharlieBrown This is probably the days best advice right here. Ill just have the main UOW class require the context because it makes sense to have the current user avaible in that entire thing
@Sippy Yeah so is my EF6 DBContext instance
If you don't wanna use UOW then don't lol
But this UOW wraps that into yet another instance.
Most patterns are situational
@Sippy I want to understand it.
thats all
And if you can solve your problem better without it, do that
ef6 is already uow, stop wrapping it up in more crap
@CuddleBunny haha amazing how u know it so well, thank u very much
start simple, then refactor into patterns (if needed)
Well, Charlie can help with understanding. And Roel wrote that wrapper in the first place I just adapted it for EF6, I'm no teacher :)
@CharlieBrown This is what Sippy uses which I started testing today gist.github.com/sippylabs/…
I have the habbit of over using patterns too
then realize later that I am just loading in too much crap
I also don't use any patterns on this contract cos it's all spaghetti which makes me sad.
Then you have other guys who strictly enforce this pattern gist.github.com/hagbarddenstore/9219062
seems odd, but whats the usage?
3 teir design so that your database layer can be completely pulled apart from your project and has no dependency on the Web library at all
Like an ORM then yeah
if your doing "3 tier design" you have already gone down a bad path really
I dont know what to believe any morre lol they pushed n-teir design on us in school
n-tier is fine ..
^ this
@CuddleBunny Now thats inheritance
The solution I'm working on atm has like 12 tiers.
wut indeed.
do you mean tears?
cos it's 1901293812 tears.
"Tiers" suggest that you build an application like a stack of legos going up, when in reality its more like nodes with varying degrees of connectedness
Apparently my VS license runs out in 2,147,483,647 days.
oh noes
@ton.yeung cmd | log.txt
@ton.yeung 5883516.841095891
@Sippy it's going to be a race between finishing loading a database project, and the licence running out
@Sippy the more I think about it, the UOW really is for having the ability to sub that out with a Mock UOW for better unit testing. But whats odd is Roel said he doesnt even do Unit testing
@VictorioBerra I don't either.
Neither do I
@Sippy that's cos u lazy
But I wanted to start working on my TDD
Roel has a strategy which makes it superfluous
You're just a slob
The point of DI is not unit testing, although it usually makes it easier
A) I don't know how to do unit testing
B) We have full time testers
I could learn but I don't have to yet.
C) you like to waste money
@CharlieBrown Its to decouple your sonic couplets on the delorean
@Sippy 1) What does the code do? 2) Write some code that does that
Well I'm not wasting money ..
full time testers shouldn't be doing unit tests
They are.
Not integration or functional tests?
what a waste...
@VictorioBerra but do you understand why decoupling is good? Thats the hidden gem.
I'm not arguing against unit tests btw
Tom is right I'm lazy :D
@ton.yeung 90% of the articles I read on UOW and Repo patterns have blurred the line heavily between the two. But repo basically means "putting your data fetching code in its own class"
@BradleyDotNET "They are" wasn't directed at you :D
They do all sorts.
@CharlieBrown I dont but id like to
Mainly functional and regression testing.
Repository is a "collection like interface for accessing objects" ... Note, nothing to do with data access
ah, no problem
@ton.yeung kappa
So this thing me and @Sippy are using is basically the UOW with repos because MutableQueryable<T> == GenericRepository<T> it just has a fancier name
@VictorioBerra Kinda
Roel can explain it better.
@ton.yeung I dunno how to explain that word.
!!urban kappa
@Sippy Kappa The main symbol/emote of Twitch.tv. It represents sarcasm, irony, puns, jokes, and trolls alike. If you see this term used outside of Twitch.tv, then this is not the correct definition. Usually used at the end of an ironic or sarcastic sentence. Sentences that contain a Kappa should not be taken seriously. If you search "Kappa Twitch.tv" in Google you can see what the emote looks like, and why it is used (snip)
@VictorioBerra uow with EF...
using(var ctx = new DataContext()){
   /// do something
thats it, thats all you need
Ah that was the one
@CharlieBrown yeah if you scroll down to "Implement a Generic Repository and a Unit of Work Class" is basically identical to the little snippets created by Roel
The choice between disposing it like that every time you use it
Or initialising and disposing in the base controller
I need to sleep ..
@CharlieBrown thats what I use actually. I have a class called UserRepo and I create a method called GetAll() and in there I do a using statement and toss in the Context. Thats it. And I guess if I was feeling fancy I could DI it
@ton.yeung I don't think I've ever seen you 'shout' before :P
@ton.yeung There are many angular generators that would might just be crap
Was so funny, the two guys are the type of guy who looks really nerdy and pretends to know a lot about computery stuff
New guy was nodding and saying yeah like he knew wtf he was talking about.
Couldn't help but laugh
@Sippy thats no choice. The answer is nearly always "no"
@CharlieBrown to .. what question
what did I just miss
@ton.yeung idk if youre being sarcastic or not... but what genertator are you using? I assume you are using Yeoman. How long have you been developing NodeJS
Don't put your context creation/disposition in a controller
@CharlieBrown I came in here and asked about it beforehand, you and Roel both said it was ok but not the best way to do it
Right, like I said. "nearly always 'no'"
But that was laziness again.
And that project isn't even going live so nvm.
@CharlieBrown Aye I was agreeing :)
I'm not good with words.
@Sippy I was gonna ask about that. You didn't include the new guy's response :P
He might have eye-lasered the other guy to death
@TomW Lol
New guy was talking about having used version control systems before, but didn't name one, then said he'd never heard of TFS
@CharlieBrown Microsoft scaffolds that in by default but I guess its just to show simplicity of EF and Controllers working together. Seems weird to start offloding all that crap into generic classes and then get big libraries that magically create instance of that crap when you require the interface in the CTOR
@ton.yeung Hate is a strong word
Started asking the right questions but clearly either was being polite or knew nothing.
Front end guy made himself look slightly silly though.
@VictorioBerra generally, if you feel like your just wrapping things, its either A) your doing it incorrectly OR B) you dont need it (much more likely)
@CharlieBrown I think its just that every time I come into freenode #csharp or here theres 5 people saying "thats the wrong way to do it" and then I get a handful of links to 12 other articles/patterns/github repos. And if you look at MSDN every other tutorial is showing a different pattern. And if you look at scaffolded code and code that ships in samples by default none of it matches tutorials either. Its one big clusterfuck to figure out a best practice
I has a problem
Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyType' and 'MyType'
@VictorioBerra I hear you. That is a problem in our industry right now.
@KendallFrey you has a problem...that you intentionally constructed to test us?
"First do it, then do it right, then do it better"
I'm pretty confused right now
Iterate! You will never make it perfect on the first try, iterate to make it better. Like airplane design, medical devices, computers, android, etc, etc
Am I going insane?
Why can't I compare structs with ==?
I guess after enough iterations I have my own pattern out that always works well for me
and then EF42 will come out and you will be able to jiggle your butt cheeks to write to the database
> The ValueType.Equals(Object) method overrides Object.Equals(Object) and provides the default implementation of value equality for all value types in the .NET Framework.
I think you mean why the fuck
Equals doesn't really have anything to do with it

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