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hi all
6 hours later…
Hello everyone
Well the three of us that are here :P
make that four!
Yea this place has been really dead as of late =(
Its too bad :(
HeyI have another OOP question
I have four levels of obstraction in my game so far
Program -> Game -> Player -> Players_Objects
I'm implementing events at the momemt, but I'm not sure where the events go
so that they'll be "game global"
so that from anywhere in the game I can throw a "playerDied" event and have it do what it's supposed to
those seem more like object types than levels of abstraction
@akmad Well yes I guess that's a better way to put it
But what I mean is that Program() has new game; game has new players() players have new player_objects()
so what I mean is I'd like to be able from player_objects() to call the "playerDied" event
Do I make a new class for all these events? Do they go in program as static? etc etc
in normal enterpise'y apps you'd put that event on the Player object
and subscribe to it from whatever objects care (perhaps Game?)
however, I don't know what's normal for games
but how do I subscribe then? wouldn't I have to pass Player into player_objects() ?
if player_objects would need to be notified that the Player has died, I guess so
but perhaps that's not the best mechanism to transmit that info
But then the next thing is there is multiple players
Create an class that is an event aggregator
the Player objects push the event to the aggregator, the other objects subscribe via the aggregator
that way neither class needs to know anything about the other classes, only about the event aggregator class
if you do what mr gorilla is suggesting, make sure you're careful to unsubscribe all objects that are no longer needed, otherwise they won't get collected
So you mean something like Public class Events{ } then all my events inside?
or use WeakReference's
@edude05 you would probably want to use a singleton pattern, so there's only ever one
but yea
that's the main reason why I don't use something like that... singletons often indicate a poor design (at least in my experience)
but can be good for a catch-all design
I've heard that before, but I disagree; there are definite use cases for singleton's imo
no doubt
but it's not a matter of opinion that it's often misused
T_T' unfortunately I never learned design patterns
@akmad Yes, it's definitely overused
I'm more of an algorithm functional programming guy at the moment
@edude05 what kind of game are you creating?
Card game actually :P
Thanks @co
thanks @CodingGorilla
So with a singleton
What do I do with my existing classes?
for example do I do
public player_Object
I'll whip up something that demonstrates what I was thinking, give me a minute
eventSingleton eS = new eventSingleton;
in all of my classes then subscribe to my events like
@edude05 you use the MySingleton.Instance property rather than attempting to create a new instance
es.playerDied += new eventHandler(onPlayerDeath);
thus the "Single" in singleton
OK makes sense
Another question
I have a class called statusEngine
each class has one and basically what happens is
There is a property called status, when it is changed it binds an event
Like object.status = faint; --> faintEvent --> onPlayerFaint
Now I'm not sure what C# will do internally
but if I have a multiple object that fire the same event, since I have to pass an object in, it doesn't matter that multiple objects are firing the same event right?
it'll work just fine, whether it's valid for your game is another question
To be honest
Everytime I write some code for this game I think I should start over >_>'
I started 5 years ago before I knew anything about programming
This went from 10,000 lines of if statements to classes events delegates and now singletons
and probably still 10,000 lines of code across 10 or so classes
+ now it even has a python script engine
@CodingGorilla you're the best. Let me know if you ever need webhosting or anything similar
I already do webhosting myself, but thanks :)
@CodingGorilla you run a webhosting company?
BTW, that's a rather simplistic example of course
you might chose to make your own events
I used to own my own web hosting company, yes. It's mostly closed down now, but I still have all the equipment and most of its still up and running
Well my plan as of right now is to just make a bunch of events for basically everything that can happen within the game
I had a beautifully designed and implemented infrastructure too, it makes me :'(
Ah, I technically still run my own web hosting company as well, but I mostly use my servers for other stuff
So I don't actively promote it
I hear you man :'(
yea, I only host a few sites for myself and friends anymore
Out of curiosity how does your system work? CPanel + CPanel DNS?
it was all custom built and hand coded by me
my customers were "babies", they were the kind of people that didn't want to mess with stuff on their own, that was what they paid me to do, so I didn't need anything like CPanel
Not surprising at all
For me my clients mostly don't need the control panel but the ones that do know what they are doing
So I had to come up with something myself as well
RubyonRails + nginx + unicorn + god + monit + mongodb + mySQL + powerDNS
what a beast it was to code T_T'
Any winforms guru's kicking about? :)
<-- I'm a guru on everything :D
I'm not a guru, but have some experience
awesome, just the person!
He's not lying apparently :P
er, persons.
I'm stumped...
I want to change the style of a row (read all cells in a row) dynamically.
problem is, that when a cell in that row is in edit mode, it delays the "style" refresh until you tab/blur out.
Q: DataGridView Bug? Cell Style InEdit Doesn't Update.

MikeI currently have a DataGridView which depending on certain row states (which I have defined as "new", "modified", "to be removed" & "normal") I Style rows within my grid with code like this: 'Modified row.DefaultCellStyle.Font = New Font(row.DataGridView.Font, FontStyle.Regular) row.Defaul...

I dont think you can get around that, not without some seriously technical stuff
you'd have to intercept the window messages, decode them and handle them yourself
what about if you programatically change the focus to another control and then back to the DatGridView? it's a hack, but may work...
LOL @CodingGorilla are you a guru at UkiJS or Sproutcore :P
@edude05 never even heard of those :P
I had that hack in there akmad. But I ripped it out this morning as it was causing issues by occasionally locking cells to readonly :p
such is the way with hacks... heh
@akmad the problem with that is that it would likely cause usability issues, the user would "feel" it
That too ^^
oh yeah... I know that all too well
They are both javascript layout engines for web app front ends
you might try getting a third party grid, like a Telerik or something
I need to learn one and I have no idea how T_T'
@edude05 Sorry, no one person can know EVERYTHING, even as good as I am :)
@CodingGorilla Looks like I may need to do that in the future, sadly too many things are in place already for this project though :(
@CodingGorilla I know, I'm just playing around.
If you did know what I was talking about I'd be sitting in a corner right now
I'm sure I could figure it out in a couple of hours ;)
>: |
@CodingGorilla Well there you go then, here's the challenge! :)
What's the challenge?
i think he is referring to the "I could figure it out in a couple of hours"
yeah, I was :)
Oh, sorry, I have enough challenges on my plate right now :P
My current annoyance is the fact that I already know what I want to make in UkiJS
but I don't have the skills to make it which makes hello world examples really frustrating you know?
Hi @ll
hello @MemphiZ
Hi as well!
@coding could I ask you a question about the code you gave me yesterday
Hello @MemphiZ
This comes up with a NullReferenceException was unhandled, saying that the object reference not set to an instance of an object gist.github.com/4dafe76f5bfbfc4daea9 how can I get round it?
2 hours later…
@Lambo you still there?
3 hours later…
Anyone know of a reason why a .Any() would get an Assembly reference error after an IQueryable Method when I already have System.Linq referenced?

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