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FYI, that means you have to compare guids, not entities themselves
i hate hand coding sql so much
@Jeremy What's wrong with being full stack?
@FreeAsInBeer lol. did you read the article?
I did.
Not sure if sarcasm...
@FreeAsInBeer Very sarcasm.
Very troll.
@FreeAsInBeer twitter.com/@php_ceo
@Jeremy Ah, hadn't heard of PHP CEO before.
@FreeAsInBeer He's a bit of a caricature...
Mmmmm. So stoked about FFVII remake.
Curious. WHERE ([Extent2].[AccessLevelId] = @p__linq__0) OR (1 = 0)
Why so curious?
why the (1=0)
Probably to force the result to return nothing.
Does that get appended to all WHERE clauses?
@CharlieBrown pointless (harmless) auto-generated query stuff
@FreeAsInBeer will be picking it up
@juanvan I'm just hoping it comes out for PC since I don't have a PS.
might happen - just picked up a 4
They said it was coming to PS4 first. Very open-ended, but I'm hoping that means a PC release is possible, considering they ported the original.
they will, people will draw to it Could be a console seller
I loved FF7, but not sure if I'd pick up a console just for that game, considering there aren't too many exclusives I care about.
Weird, why does this not show anything for the counter. I do see an object of the div.
function HideAndShow(display) {
    var element = $('[class*="-js"]');
    for (var counter = 0; counter > element.length; counter++) {
        if (element[counter].className.indexOf(display) === -1) {
            $('.' + element[counter].className).hide();
        } else { $('.' + element[counter].className).show(); }
Well.. that's not C#.
@Greg Does it even enter the loop?
I believe so.
So that log does get hit?
Don't you need a < instead of >
In your loop condition?
Or, counter--
But, it shows empty.
It logs just a blank line?
I lied, it is empty.
So no, it doesn't get into the loop.
what do you get on log(element)
Yeah, change your loop condition
for (var counter = 0; counter > element.length; counter++) {
for (var counter = 0; counter < element.length; counter++) {
If I do element.length I get 5, so it does have stuff.
Shit, I knew it was something stupid!
It generally is. We're smart people, but we make dumb mistakes.
@Pheonixblade9 Hmmm... What is this magic?
brand new
Hey buddy.
@Pheonixblade9 i wish you spell your name
@SteveG You should really stop doing drugs
@SteveG nah
drugs increase connections between neurons in the brain
specifically the part related to problem solving
while it hinders parts of the brain such as those responsible for emotions and decision making
@SteveG Unless it's shrooms. Or so I hear.
shrooms are a BLAST
@SteveG Oo which ones hinder emotions?
Love not feeling stuff makes everything easier
Wait, if drugs hinder emotions, I must have been on drugs my whole life.
or you had a Closed head injury
@SteveG it's misspelled on purpose
@FreeAsInBeer Indeed.
I am trying to add security to my web api. There's already something built where I can retrieve an ID from cookie and check from another web api and see if it is a valid session. Does it make sense to build that logic in an authentication filter?
@edc If I'm understanding correctly, the API calls won't execute if the user doesn't have a valid session. You could build it into the authentication, but I'm not sure what that gains you.
I guess I didn't describe well enough. My idea is this:
Let say I have myWebApi for my stuff, and AuthApi for authentication. It goes like
user tries to access myWebApi/api/someMethod => myWebApi retrieves cookies to check if there is an ID. If it exists, then run AuthApi/api/verify to see if there's any result returned. if a result of a certain format returns, then the user is authenticated.
in any other cases, the authentication fails, but I don't need to send the user to login
Do you have control of that third party service? Are they reputable?
It's just something that was built within the company already. Let's assume that it can be trusted.
It's gonna be in the same domain
it's just that I don't want to modify someone else's work - hard to know what's the implication
ARghhhhhhhhh I hate sql
string or binary data would be truncated
when i am trying to insert in a table variable
the types are same
@Obviously SQL loves to coerce data into whatever the table format is
still i do not know why
I am not going to just trust whatever in the cookie though. the ID inside the cookie will be used as an argument for a verifier, if that makes sense
DECLARE @SomeStudentsList TABLE
StudentID INT
, StudentInstanceNumber VARCHAR(10)
, Grade VARCHAR(10)
, StudentInSchoolID INT
, ClassID INT
, SchoolID INT
, HouseholdID INT
, ExternalStudentID INT
, RelationshipCodeId INT
, FirstName VARCHAR(100)
, LastName VARCHAR(100)
, HomePhone VARCHAR(30)
, CellPhone VARCHAR(30)
, WorkPhone VARCHAR(30)
, Email VARCHAR(50)
@edc So... you're trusting what's in the cookie.
@Obviously Seems like a weird schema.
@FreeAsInBeer well yes, but that ID is encrypted, not just an integer or something
@Obviously Or perhaps I just don't have all the information.
I get to have an uncomfortable conversation with one of my managers today. Gonna be such fun.
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Procedure spNHA_School_Messenger_Guardian, Line 168
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
@Pheonixblade9 Bout what?
that is on line 168
, LastName VARCHAR(100)
So, what value are you trying to insert there?
LastName from my db, with the same type
What is the actual value you're trying to insert? Can you set a breakpoint?
@Pheonixblade9 Uncomfortable more for you or for your manager?
I was asked to do an iOS project. I don't know iOS, but I was told that there wasn't an aggressive timeline, so I'd have time to teach myself. Went to client, got project, things going well.

Then I get an email from the client service lead (they have a dedicated person for managing the client, they're quite large) asking what my progress is because the project needs to be done by 6/30.

I only originally agreed to the project because I was told the timeline was very soft. Now I'm being told I need to learn an entirely new platform and be able to write production-quality code to fix bugs
so basically I tried for a week to see if I could learn it fast enough... but objective C is just... soooo shitty
@Pheonixblade9 Lol, good luck. Swift, or ObjC?
@FreeAsInBeer ObjC.
Love ObjC
Swift would be pretty easy to learn. ObjC is just fucking horrifying
Haven't used Swift yet though.
Swift is nice, but there are breaking API changes every other week or so
There's defnitely a learning curve.
I'd be surprised if many places are using swift to write production code right now.
@FreeAsInBeer yes. I don't feel like it's reasonable to expect a primarily .NET and Android developer to be able to learn iOS from scratch and write production quality code in two weeks. Wouldn't you agree?
@Pheonixblade9 Absolutely not.
Just to be clear when I say production quality: this is a fortune 50 company
You can't write production quality code on less than a year of experience
@Pheonixblade9 ObjC comes with intricacies that you're still learning after 6 months.
@FreeAsInBeer yes. I have been doing C# for 7+ years now and I still learn stuff pretty regularly
I'd rather go back to McDonalds than write ObjC for the rest of my life.
lol. So much hate.
@ton.yeung Oh, yeah, I agree with that. I said many, though, which still seems to be true.
I think a lot of those problems will be solved when Swift is open sourced
I think Apple realized that people will fix their language's problems for free if they open source it, rather than having to hire a bunch of PhDs
I'm writing a production app in asp.net 5 right now, I wouldn't recommend doing it with anything too new...
^ this.
@Pheonixblade9 But the nice thing about all the iOS libraries is that they're all developed by a single entity and incredibly fun/easy/consistent to write
Not sure if that will happen with the open source community.
@CuddleBunny you mean MVC5..?
@Pheonixblade9 MVC6
I wrote an app in ASP.NET 5. Once I got the skeleton and authentication and stuff running, it was a dream
One click deploys to Azure, minimal config
Are you doing it with OWIN?
@ton.yeung Yeah, but it's basically paradise once you figure out 80% of everything.
The way all the new middleware and stuff works is pretty slick. A lot of things like EF7 have literally 0 documentation though...
No OWIN yet, but it will be there next milestone
@ton.yeung True. I've never used Xamarin. Does it produce native apps?
@FreeAsInBeer Mhm.
Not sure I'd want to write an iOS app in C# when I could use ObjC. I love both languages but I feel like I'd be losing functionality by writing in C#.
I've never shipped anything in Xamarin, but I've tinkered a lot hoping I would use it some day and it is awesome.
ObjC has some really powerful features built into it. If you can do 100% of everything ObjC can do in C#, then that's awesome.
Telerik Platform is kinda nice too
I hate giving up control if I don't have to, but the apparent cluster that ObjC seems to be to newcomers would probably make me change my mind if I didn't already know it.
I think this is what I need: bitoftech.net/2014/10/27/…
@FreeAsInBeer it just feels verbose and archaic. Like C++ but with wonky syntax. I'm sure it is great when you need that extra bit of performance, but from my experience only game engine, firmware, and maybe IoT development would benefit enough to legitimize the time/cost involved
@CuddleBunny Oh, I wasn't even referring to the obvious (albeit probably slight) performance advantage. Rather I was referring to some of the more advanced features you get with ObjC like method swizzling, etc.
swizzling, what a word.
Also, Xamarin should let you mix ObjC and C#... not that it would be a good idea.
"Out of scope, let's do it later"
"it's small, do it now"
You can have c, c++, objc, swift, java, html, js, and c# all in one beautiful mess of a project :)
times 15 and you have a never-ending project
@Jeremy when that happens to me I just go have the same conversation with the next person until someone just does it.
@CuddleBunny "the next person"?
@Jeremy on the team, if there is more than one.
personally, I like to have a quota, like doing 3-5 "out of scope but small things" per week before I start telling people no
I just can't believe I need to pay for Xamarin integration into VS
Do you have to use Xcode for creating storyboards when using Xamarin?
@Jeremy yeah, waiting for MS to just buy them and make it free for community edition or something...
What would you even use swizzling for? data ops performance?
It's not frequent that you would use it, but it's a powerful feature, and when you need it, you really need it.
Easy to shoot yourself in the foot, but quite powerful.
It basically allows you to completely change how a native object acts.
Couple that with the fact that you can add methods to any object (just like in .NET) and you have complete control over just about everything.
I'll be working with xamarin soon. Mainly so I can playtest things like performance fixes and debug quirky ios shit on an actual device.

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