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does anyone know how to figure out the product ID of .NET 4.5.2?
it's supposed to be in the .msi... except it's a .exe
I suppose it should be in my registry somewhere since I already have it installed on this computer
@StevenLiekens Why do you need all this stuff? Lol
I'm trying to set up powershell DSC
@Sippy It's for a tattoo man.
that too
@StevenLiekens oh man, the pun
I want a GUID tattood on my back
that wasn't even intended
Don't be that guy! :D
I got my RSA public key tattooed on my forehead
or was that my private key?
@KendallFrey I always thought you had a large forehead. Thanks for confirming.
@KendallFrey civ 5 tonight, right?
why so persistent
are you trying to seduce me
found this on my computer: Microsoft .NET Version Manager (x64) 1.0.0-beta4
what is it?
I think it's a version manager
@SteveG great minds think... fuck
@KendallFrey, so you are the lover of the t4 eh?
I like it, yes
"lover" might be excessive
maybe you could tell me if the problem i'm having would be solved well by t4
I can see how to use it, just not sure if it's a lack of good code organization on my part
maybe you could tell me what the problem is :P
I will!
well, then. Splendid.
on the getter method of a dictionary, I need to add keyvalue pairs like:
the key is a string value of the name of the classes internal property, the value is the value. If it is an int, then it needs to have "ToString()", and if it is a string it needs to have "SingleQuoted()" appended.
So obviously, reflection will be needed
an example...
sounds like serialization, almost like JSON...
(which would probably be a terrible use case for T4)
I could use t4...
nothing agitates me more than getting "access denied" on a machine where I'm the admin
I wish powershell had sudo
it's just a little awkward
just a lil bit
I can make it more awkward, should you desire.
it's only awkward if you make it awkward
I give up on this powershell DSC shit
it doesn't work
nothing works
@StevenLiekens :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Don't work here.
I can't see my device manager, my events viewer, my services
Cos apparently I'm a developer which means I'm stupid as fuck and can't be trusted
We have to apply for special permissions to use RDP as well
burn everything down
you don't need admin permissions for that
But you can restrict all access to servers to only people in specific groups
And so they made an RDP group
And you have to apply for access to it
managers are mature and can be trusted and should get the money
developers are children that need to be spanked
Our managers for this project are actually really cool guys
I like all the people on this team
Which feels weird.
@punkouter Did you just come in to this room to praise managers?
He's an infidel.
we work hard and get a PMP certificate. Without us the developers would just play ping pong all day
burn him!!!
We also can assign tasks
Fun fact: I have a project management certification
fun fact: i am a mba
I can't remember shit about project management though
And I don't want to be a project manager so I guess it all works out.
and i don't want to manage anything anymore
the problem is
as a developer
fun fact: I used to be a fat kid
getting old
@punkouter Uhm. Ping pong? Really? At least Unreal Tournament or something.
@RoelvanUden Unreal Ping Pong doe..
40.. I get tired of being at the bottom having to do all the work. .at some point I want to tell someone else to do something
I played ping pong at my santa monica job
Good morning, good morning.
@punkouter If you're compensated well enough for what you do, who cares.
cause I like to be in charge of something for once
instead of implementing bad ideas
I get what you're saying
But if you work for a moron then stop working for a moron and work for someone who isn't a moron
@StevenLiekens Hey, me too!
Now I'm an adult
Or like you say
Manage developers and keep morons away from your project :D
Maybe management is an old man's job.
its hard since during th einterview you don't know exactly what you are getting into
Is there a way to tell TFS "revert all whitespace changes in this file in my workspace"
I like my current job.. but if in a year theres a opening for a job where I can finally make some high level decisions Ill do that
@KendallFrey roflmao uh oh
I just cba to manage.
That's 2800 LOC
I didn't make those changes, BTW
TFS is a steaming pile
I lol
is great
ur dead
@KendallFrey Such anger.
But not undeserved
Here's what happened
Merge conflict - open in editor to merge
0 Conflicts
Uh, ok, Accept Merge
Now there are changes I didn't make to most of the lines in the file, just because of whitespace.
That's weird.
Team Foundation Server is nice, but when it takes a dump it really goes for it.
> That's weird TFS.
I really can't use the word "fucking" enough when talking about TFS, I really can't.
I'm sorry.
Dec 8 '14 at 14:42, by Kendall Frey
@MoonOwlPrince the fuck, dude. the fuck
I love how this stuff just appears
I am furious
(stats on interconnected programming languages)
@Squiggle That's actually hilarious
Furious Frey
Fucking Furious Frey
Do not crash the tfs, els trip F is gonna F u up
TFS was literally crashing VS yesterday
@Sippy everyone talks about Haskell, apparently.
I wish git would just use my internet options' proxy settings like a good windows citizen does
I also wish we didn't have to use a proxy
@Squiggle Kendall never shuts up about haskell.
Our new senior .net developer does not know how to install sql server
@Obviously Time to get a new senior .net developer :)
Maybe he thought senior meant 60+
Is he 60+?
@Sippy Writing Haskell is like having sex with a marshmallow fairy
39 secs ago, by Sippy
@Obviously Time to get a new senior .net developer :)
@KendallFrey I can't even conceptualise that.
Time to get a kid who likes to torrent and install stuff for fun
I'll be your new senior .net developer
@Sippy You haven't used Haskell, I take it
I'll use powershell DSC to install sql server
who uses haskell...?
Seriously though if you can get to senior developer and not understand how to use an installer, die.
@KendallFrey Nope
His interview was impresssive
Should I?
@Nathvi People who don't have actual software to write
@Sippy Yes
That settles that then.
list.Select(i => i * 2)
map (*2) list
which one has more cruft
The first one
The second one makes me cringe a little
too simple?
I dunno
I'm not use to lambdas still
Or the map function in any language
Lambdas are too verbose in Haskell
And they're not much more verbose than C#
@Sippy Why not? Not even Select in C#?
@KendallFrey I can use select
then you can use map
Select is the equivalent to Map.
Reduce is the same as Aggregate
I use lambdas every day, and haven't the slightest idea how they actually work...
What if you wanted to multiply a property of i?
map (i.prop * 2) list?
they're just like tiny inline functions
@Sippy for one thing, Haskell doesn't have properties, it has functions
so map ((*2) . prop) list IIRC
how do I declare a System.Func<> that has ref or out parameters?
@StevenLiekens I think you need your own delegate
@StevenLiekens You don't.
@KendallFrey Where prop is a function?
And what does . do?
it nests functions
very useful
Isn't C# essentially only methods?
get/set underneath
I haven't written custom delegates in so long
I forgot the syntax
(a . b) c is equivalent to a(b(c))
That confuses me.
@Sippy properties? yeah
@KendallFrey Mm
@StevenLiekens Prefix a signature with delegate... that's it.
In Haskell there are no setters though
@KendallFrey is that like 'dot product' in mathematics?
I was thinking anonymous delegates
The thing I like about Haskell is the way you can write functions without arguments
@StevenLiekens Not with ref or out.
((*2) . prop) is like i => i.prop * 2 but look, no i
@KendallFrey if there are no setters, are there no variables? Just literals?
or can variables just not be properties
There are no variables in the sense of "variable" values
Except for the IO monad
other than that, everything is immutable
No wonder you can't write "actual software" :P
yep :)
@KendallFrey Why does the haskell version look cleaner to you?
It's less about looks and more about behaviour
I didn't have to write the function, I created it using the existing operations, and I don't need to supply any arguments, it will just pass them on automatically
The FP capabilities make you really hate C#'s lack of them
Don't think my coding ability has matured as much as that yet.
Might be the difference between writing with a crayon and writing with a quill :P
as what?
As yours.
I don't see any appeal in the Haskell way over the C# way
I see the C# way clearly, I don't understand the flow of the Haskell one very well.
Probably because you haven't written Haskell
Haskell is a pure functional language right?
Anyone here familiar with domain / iis?
Like, really familiar.
Well "pure" mostly
a really pure functional language wouldn't have side effects
The thing about Haskell is it makes you break your problem up very discretely
@Greg Relatively, what do you wanna know?
@Nathvi Haskell has no side effects without IO
@KendallFrey, I like that idea, alot
Although the idea of scheme really appeals to me
using the same interface to deal with metaprogramming looks cool
I'd probably overuse it
I've got to enable Anonymous Authentication, which I've done. But for some odd reason, the application no longer automatically logins in users when their AD is there.
So how can I get Anonymous to be forced to login and AD to just login?
@Greg, did you try turning it off and on again?
Are you sure it's plugged in?
I have a website that is making an async call to an internal webservice. The function that is being called is using Task.Factory.StartNew to split off a thread to generate a report. Thing is, I stepped through the code on the service side, and once it hits the StartNew function, it hangs and it seems like it's not coming back until the code in the thread actually completes, so I end up getting a timeout error on the service call.
@Greg You've just said two diff things.
Forcing anons to login is disabling anon auth.
If you want anons to log in, but you want to be able to log Windows users in as well for extra permissions or something, just enable Windows auth and make sure you set the top provider as NTLM
Well, I want anonymous people to login but if their Active Directory on our Network auto login.
Yes, I did set top provider for NTLM.
The effect of which was?
@Hypersapien code sample?
Oh I get what you're saying.
Chrome ask for a password.
You want forms authentication, but you want to ignore it if they're already Windows authenticated?
That's difficult.
Yeah that's difficult. You'll probably have to roll your own provider.
How difficult would that be?
which isn't so difficult, but it's a bit of a pain
Not overly.
Q: Mixing Forms authentication with Windows authentication

dr_draikI have an (ASP.NET 3.5) intranet application which has been designed to use forms authentication (along with the default aspnet membership system). I also store additional information about users in another table which shares its primary key with the aspnet_users table. For users who are part of...

Also helpful
Hm, I've never built one.
Are there any open source .net projects where one can contribute his/her code?
If that is your issue.
something that you can show off in your resume
and helps you in getting laid too
I'll check it out.
Just did a project where they went from requiring self-registration to windows auth last minute... shiver
We've had Windows Authentication, now they want anonymous.
@Hypersapien Oh god, that's awful
You're running the report on the same thread, then starting a task with the result of that, which is... null
@CuddleBunny just switch your dependency injection framework to use a different implementation of IAuthenticationProvider. Simple! ;)
I know nothing about threading
I should be able to just leave it as Windows Authentication though in the .config correct>?
@Greg Yeah
It'll add keys for you anyway if you configure it in IIS
Can you elaborate on "Now they want anonymous"
Is your site an intranet site or an internet site?
@Hypersapien You should be able to understand that RunReportThread(u, report) actually calls the method right here and now
Well, they want it allow non intranet to access now.
It has been intranet.
Will all those users be forced to log in?
Cos there is a difference between anonymous and forms
If all your internet users are just employees with accounts, you don't need forms auth
crap. you're right. How do I call a function like that with parameters?
Cos they can log in with their windows details when the login box appears.
No, they aren't. Our employees should automatically login, but our Vendors need to login.
Ah I get you.
Do I want StartNew(() => RunReportThread(u, report)?
Do your vendors have their own portal?
Just thinking it might be easier to create an internet application and just host it on a subdomain or something.
Point to same content.
@Hypersapien possibly
No, they would be coupled directly into the same asp:LoginView Control.
Oh god webforms
And yes, same content.
Yeah, Legacy project.
I can't even do that anymore
Cos I work on webforms now.
I know next to nothing about how you set up the actual software part of what you're doing for webforms
I could do it in MVC but dunno in webforms
I'm primarily doing Silverlight front ends now. :/
@KendallFrey I changed it to that and the service call returned immediately. Still waiting for the thread to finish.
@KendallFrey And it worked! Nice :0
sup gevets
nada lada lladnek
out mailing list sub/unsub work flows are screwy and i convinced the lead to let me re-do them, woo
Hm, contract extended 30days if I want to take it....
really really dislike this contract with a passion
if the money wasn't spectacular, i'd pass
must think of good palindrome
Madam, I'm Adam
mada m'i, madam
this isn't francais
im done
bitch murica
anyone doing some webkit dev yet? or mono on rasbpi?
god, I fucking hate hardcoding sql in c#
i worked at a place where you werent allowed to hard code sql, everything had to be a sproc
if you'd been a particle physics nerd, you'd have probably said bra
ah yeah
are you a particle physics nerd?
prefer new User(){ Name = "Bob" } or new User{ Name = "Bob" }?
I prefer the first one
but the finger said no http://t.co/yF4zYbK8xf
I lol'd
@Squiggle If only I had used any DI :(
I just got the best error message ever. "In Memory Query"

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