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@Spencer Well, I can't even figure out how to verify the Digital Signature. I did sign the MSI with a pfx. A search says there'd be a Digital Signatures Tab in the properties page of the MSI, but I don't see any such
!!google How do I test verify an MSI digital signature
@AsifMD - Did you Google before you came in here?
Yes I obviously did
Then how do you not know how to verify a digital signature?
Because most of the search was talking about a Digital Signatures Tab in the properties page of the MSI. But I couldn't see such tab in here. So thought I might be missing some context since I'm relatively unfamiliar with the signing. Hence looking for a hint from here
Are you sure the MSI is signed correctly in the first place?
I guess you hit the right point. I signed the assemblies, but seems like that's not enough and I need to sign the MSI again, probably as post build event
For sure. That kind of misstep is more understandable. I apologize for my previous assumption. :)
NP. I can now brag that I answered 4 questions on SO chat :p
Haha technically correct. The best kind of correct. ;)
the best kind is customer correct
which goes beyond reasoning
<3 customers
users, on the other hand
@RyanTernier: yeah
@StevenLiekens: you mean lusers right?
i like it
I think I'll accidentally put that in the login form for our next release
guys I have a question
To designate an admin role for your web app you would have to hardcode the username of admin in the authorize?
lol geeez i ran ~6k ID check in my site, with a 65x try each 45 sec ! but mistakaly wrote 450000 ms instead of 45000 ms ... now it gonna load for 6000 / 65 = 92.30769230769231 * 45 = 4153.846153846154 Sec ! which is ~70 min :|
or somewhere in the app?
wait no xD it was suppose to load for 70 min
So that they sign in like a regular user
but with admin features
Blatter is gone, this turned out to be a glorious day!
but now it load for 7.5 min * 92 XDDDD
since it's hardcoded somewhere in the web app that they're admin?
@KalaJ normally you'd authorize the role, not the user
@KalaJ: I would probably have the admin as a role, then a user is added to that role.
the admin role may still not be constant on your domain, so there are ways to abstract it further and do it in config
isn't it better to have a role field so that you can tell what kind of a user it is?
guys okay
so I have admin role and user role
[Authorize(Roles="Role1, role2, etc")]
let's say there will be only one or two admins
and the rest users
admins can create users
*admin can verify users on signup
the thing is how do I signfiy that a user that signed up is admin>
let's say kalaj is admin username
@KalaJ er...they'd be in the admin role.
in my web app I would have to authorize kalaj as admin hardcoded?
before they sign up/register an account or during registration?
Add users to a default group on signup. Then have an admin assign them to the admin group if nescessary.
I think the user carries around role membership tokens on their principal. I haven't looked at auth for a while and didn't fully understand it when I did
let's think beyond the web app - do you have a database that stores users?
@scheien, who is admin?
How do I assign admin to assign other users to admin group?
@TomW - you mean in simplemembership?
Who is that first admin and how do I designate them as original admin?
A user that is member of the user group you define as admin.
I think this is a question of chicken first or egg first.
so I would have to hardcode admin?
yes exactly
chicken and egg
what is the first admin
Add the user manually to the admin group through SSMS?
admin is an administrator and should have access to the features which are involved with setting things up or fixing things.
how do I assign admin originally
And usually, you would store a "superadmin" account that has everything
and the web app shouldn't have any facility to create that account
ah ok so that' what I was asking
Adding the default admin user would be part of the setup procedure.
I would need to hardcode an admin
or superadmin
usually a superadmin is going to be the account which will be in charge of users and user roles
just don't hardcode it in source ;-)
Hardcoding is bad, mmkay
can someone draw a hierarchy lol
just trying to understand the concepts
@TravisJ yeah, I guess so. Although I think there are other ways of populating the user object the asp.net pipeline sees
@TomW - yeah identity does it other ways
(which is why I asked which one you meant)
I mean, you get a similar looking object graph whether the principal is defined by the asp.net users database (internet) or by AD (intranet). Shaky understanding in places so correct me if I'm wrong
I've done activity-based auth that I wrote myself, so I have some familiarity, but that was a lot of ctrl+v
@TomW - I don't think you are so far off
The principle is a whimsical being.
@KalaJ - One way to do it is to create a Setup page. In order for it to be secure you need to have the page check to make sure it's dealing with an uninitialized instance of the project. Of course it would be better to remove this page once setup is complete but that's not always something you can count on. Anyway, have the page trigger a check if there are any users in the system, if not allow them to enter in a password for the admin account.
That's basically how Wordpress does it.
I am thinking something like this
superadmin I create myself
Then superadmin will have access to approve or deny regular accounts that want admin access
then admins will be able to verify user accounts
@KalaJ - Link spam follows
[Building Secure ASP.NET Applications Authentication Authorization and Secure Communication](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff649350.aspx)
[Chapter 5 Authentication Authorization and Identities in WCF](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647503.aspx)
[ASP.NET Authentication](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/eeyk640h(v=vs.140).aspx)
One thing that I think is widely misunderstood: The browser sees very little of this. From the point of view of client/server the client (browser) sends some blob of data as a header on the request, and everything from that point on is the server figuring out what that blob encodes as your access rights
wtf, stupid http://
if superadmin shares same prevelige of admin, then i don't see any necessity to have 1 extra role
no? still no autolink?
and if you only have a handle of admins, I'd say... just let superadmin creates admin himself, don't let people have the option to register as admin
fml, well there are your links lol
less options for end users - less trouble
less code for yourself too :P
sadly the requirements for this project in terms of create accounts has not been set in stone
so I'm not sure how many admin accounts are needed yet
but I assume multiple
the first human is still human, he/she might be special, but doesn't make him a different species
since this software will be used in multiple locations?
if it's less than 10, it's totally manageable by one person manually
@tweray lol nice
@tweray: Do the first human have a belly button?
well this website will be used all over the world
assume more than 10
if it's anything more than 100, then it makes sense to have some interface
but hey... what kind of software needs 100 admins...
actually wait
that sounds chaotic
opps no
i have a stupid problem
I don't know how to convert strings "0" or "1" to bools
@StevenLiekens do a if else? :P
Location 1: superadmin -> admin1 and/or admin2 -> Multiple users
Location 2: superadmin -> admin1 and/or admin2-> multiple users
I think it's more like this
(somestring == "1")
@StevenLiekens: ternary. myStr == "1" ? true : false
actually, nevermind
@KalaJ maybe the term "admin" is not accurate. What does an admin do exactly? Why can't admin1 control/configure users that are under admin2 in your tree?
@StevenLiekens - How are you getting values of "0" or "1" in the first place?
it's part of a bigger spec
A spec of what? An API?
where a so-called BIT can either be "0" or "1"
a spec for writing specs
Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF
BIT = "0" / "1"
Hi how can I add a flash to my form
don't use flash
we have html5 now
@StevenLiekens - Ah okay.
@edc actually let's say there's only one admin
@StevenLiekens Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(str))
Html5!!!! I mean in c# form?!!
web form? win form?
Win form
Or ToInt16 or ToByte. Maybe there's a performance difference
@TomW: That will blow up if it's not convertable.
@IslamGx - Why do you want to use Flash on a win form?
why do you want to use winforms?
@scheien then better make sure the string is either "0" or "1" ;)
@TomW: yep. :)
it not being "0" or "1" isn't an issue
Add Graphical animation too looks pretty
use WPF instead
winforms is for boring business applications
@IslamGx if you truly want to do that... you need a browser control in winforms that can show web content, like code.google.com/p/geckofx
winforms is outdated.
@StevenLiekens - WPF is used for boring business applications too ;)
most of the work programmers do are for boring business applications
tell me about it
but we make good money of boring our customers
@edc stop reminding me about it
So what should I do if business applications are boring
What's the alternative? I can think of:
- Tools
- Games
Am I the only one who doesn't think business apps are boring? D:
Tools - your customers are developers. Good luck with that.
I like my job, even though I get some boring tasks once in a while.
Games - welcome to the North Korea of development shops
yeah, that's what I've heard too @TomW.
I like my job too, and the tasks are not boring to me
but on the grand scheme, the stuff is still boring
If I do this
Location 1: superadmin -> admin-> Multiple users
Location 2: superadmin -> admin-> multiple users
do I still need a superadmin? I assume yes because they create admins?
essentially it's still tied to money for the company
@KalaJ you should really think about roles instead like others suggested
Although annoying Richard Stallman by writing tools for money is persuasive
so that there's a user table with username, role, password in plaintext, etc.
Stallman is quite the guy
i am joking about the third one
Heard the song he made?
and sings himself
@KalaJ i don't see problem allow admin to create admin for most cases, but that's depending on your business decision
technically, if admin cannot create admin, they he's not really a admin, but just a power user
@KalaJ maybe this helps: think about how to store the users in an efficient manner without thinking about the hierarchies, and guarantee uniqueness of the usernames
I can't remember the last time I used a public static explicit operator
it felt weird
typing that just now
good enough
My office right now....
@CharlieBrown - Interior looks really good.
it could be a bit warmer, and I have to make a run to the store for beverages. have to stay hydrated you know
well, walk. the store is 2 blocks away
and after this conf call, im going to need a beverage
rofl, i should record these calls and put them online for humor
people would think we were acting and trying to make it sound this bad. this meeting is everything people joke about when it comes to meetings
@ton.yeung if 'Mom' doesn't get some good mileage out of that, she's a bad parent
lol, yeah, hes a winner
that might have been my sisters post
Hell of a way to start the weekend there CB
fdfdsf microsoft
'Get Windows 10' icon ON MY TASKBAR
if i didnt want to take 3 weeks off in july, i would end this contract today
@TomW agreed, wont go away
'Get MY FUCKING BOOT UP YOUR ASS' if you keep peddling me adware, cunts
@ton.yeung Just go here: epicfail.com
the ATM one is incredible
Free upgrade to Win10...now why didn't you say so
Every DJ after the IPad
@TomW lol yeh Microsoft did Free for all Win10 :D
ppl who already have Win7 or Win8 get Free Win10 for Life
and Pirate and other ppl who never had Win7 or 8 will stil get Win10 but for 1 year !
@Pedram Did you watch the Ignite 2015 keynote? Quite amazing
@RyanTernier lemme check :D
2:40:00 video, but it's quite amazing
@ton.yeung LoL Nice placement MacDonald xD
ok, im amazed at how well remote desktop works over 3g cell connection. I can stream video without lag, chat on SO ans participate in a screenshare conf call
@CharlieBrown it depends on ur Windows too , i have 8 VPS and VDS , had some more too
While my net is the same
Connection to Win Sever 2008 or so is always like 3-4 time worse than Win2012
specialy on loading video and images
im doing 8.1 -> 8.1 through my cell phone
this way i dont have to have anything installed on my laptop, just connect to my desktop remotely
@Pedram thats shocking :o
those damned pirates grrrr
@CharlieBrown i'd love to do that, but games are still laggy :(
yeah, i doubt i would try that... but when your working from a sailboat, who needs video games??
yeh 8.1 to 8.1 is best i guess , 8.1 to Win2012 is also nice but my 8.1 to 2008 sucks so bad i upgraded my windows to 2012
@CharlieBrown haha that'd be awesome
gaming on a boat
i was going to install a raspi with mame on the boat
!!google mame
it's a arcade emulator
play old nes games
old zelda
would be awesome
i have nothing to work on, i'm waiting and waiting on other people
@SteveG oh too funny...i always forget to mention we named our autopilot "Steve"
As in "I'm going to take a nap, while Steve drives the boat"
in honor of me, of course
That Steve is so dependable, my wife always says
I want to get one of those blow up airplane pilot dolls to put at the helm when we pass by people
really want to make an inappropriate joke
there's no inappropriate joke in the world, there are only jokes that burst, and those don't
nah, there are
for instance, you can't make sexual jokes involving other peoples wives
not like you can about a mother
@KendallFrey are you still alive?
well, that's just those kind of jokes that won't burst, you know, unless you take a punch in face as burst
@SteveG think he found a magic carpet?
@KendallFrey srsly please come back in one piece
idk, i haven't seen him absent from this room for a day the entire time i've been coming here, for years, and this is 2 days in a row :o
he on vacation?
or dead in a ditch
snitches end up in ditches
no, he said he will be in some mid-west asia country, probably adjacent to afghanistan or iran
Think he tried to explain to them he did not sell propane in TX but they did not believe him
white people don't go to afghan or iran for fun, they go to get kidnapped and tortured
gilgistan, i think that's the country
neighbor of pakistan, i guess it should be fine though, i knew some pakistanians, they are pretty kind ppl
Oh man, I've just remembered, I nearly had a photo that would have worked for lamebook
/other fail photo site
I was driving, couldn't get the phone out. Saw a 4x4 with "Jane Doe, Equine Reiki practitioner" on the side
I have Menu<Menu_MenuCategory> Menu_Category<MenuCategory_MenuItem> MenuItem.
tables inside <> are bridge tables. Now I want to insert MenuItem using webapi, what should be the api resource url and what check do I need while inserting a row in MenuItem
I hope its clear
I am using EF 6 and web api 2
think of the semantics of what you are trying to do, not in terms of the database
"As a user, I want to <> so that <>"
I want to practice software testing in C#. Now I am searching for an example project, that is well testable. The most common test methods should be realizable and the project should not be too big (< 5000 lines). Can you recommend any code?
"As a user, I want to add a new menu item to menu #3"
@CharlieBrown thats correct, but a user first add menu, then create category for that menu , then add items
so can I say "As a user, I want to add new menu item to menu category"?
POST /menu/3/addmenuitem {item: 'Tacos'}
POST /menuitem {item: 'Tacos', menuId: 3 }
those are 2 options
or category/3/addmenuitem or whatever you need
@CharlieBrown will go for first option , but dont you think I need categoryID too ?
you might, depending on what you have
menu/3/menucategory/2/addmenuitem - is a good practice?
some people argue for POST /menuitem/add { item: 'Tacos', MenuId: 3, CategoryId: 12 }
@C4CodeE4Exe that gets too crazy, i wouldnt go more than 1 level that way
POST /menuitem/add is probably best for your scenario
menucategory/3/menuitem {item: 'Tacos', menuId: 3 }
@CharlieBrown so you mean I should pass IDs in request - menuID and MenuCategoryID
if GET menucategory/3 doesn't work, then it doesn't make sense that
POST menucategory/3/menuitem work
right, in the post data
GET is usually more semantic, so it can be bookmarked, POST tends to just be simple
and should I check for null Ids in the code or EF automatically checks that
@CharlieBrown aha
int's cant be null, they will be zero...but yes, check for that
sorry the objects
yeah, the object can be null
so before inserting item, I should check if menu and menucategory objects passed in the request exists
and how would I check if they are connected through bridge table
menuitem/add {item: 'Tacos', menuId: 3,menuCategoryId: 4 } - what if 3 is not connected to category 4
I need this check too
yeah, if your business rules need that too. good thinking that you will need to check that, some people miss that part
@CharlieBrown Thanks
drunk people are funny as hell
That Ninja strikes again!
490 code analysis issues, builds fine in TC, except for my 2 code analysis issues, then it crashes and burns
you mother fuck
My work: "Project quality is suffering. First, let's bring on Agile consultants. Second we'll look at code."

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