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Hello everyone - looking to build a dashboard with Knockout and DevExtreme and could use a little help converting the XML to JSON with C#. Willing to pay, deadline is near :)
3 hours later…
yay monday. whoooo
1 hour later…
@BenjaminDiele Yes! Finally! We can work again! Gee, that pestering weekend every time!
@RoelvanUden Thank goodness there's nobody stopping us from working weekends!
@BenjaminDiele Glorious indeed!
What joy there is to be had with colleagues who deflect questions all the time.
Hello, guys.
I need to connect to the device using WebSocket from a WPF application. The instruction about connecting to the device is here. So far I tried using WebSocket4Net (a .NET web socket client implementation), but connecting to the server as described in instruction gives me an error. And I am kinda stuck.
And I am a total newbie in regard of all the socket stuff. If there is anyone being aware of all that socket thing and willing to help, I will provide more information. Thanks. :)
Ow yes, forgot to mention, I am working under Win7.
Some of the classes in the System.Net.WebSockets namespace are supported on Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, and Windows Server 2008. However, the only public implementations of client and server WebSockets are supported on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
Tring to create a new ClientWebSocket() gives me an error - incompatibility with current platform. That is why I am trying to use a WebSocket4Net.
What is your target platform?
WPF, Win7.
Implementing your own is the best piece of advice I can give you
@Denver Found you something github.com/statianzo/Fleck
I've alreadt looked at it.
And it is implementation of a server, while I need a client. :)
This looks like what I need.
Yes. I am using it already. But can't make it work.
using WebSocket4Net;

WebSocket websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:2012/");
websocket.Opened += new EventHandler(websocket_Opened);
websocket.Error += new EventHandler<ErrorEventArgs>(websocket_Error);
websocket.Closed += new EventHandler(websocket_Closed);
websocket.MessageReceived += new EventHandler(websocket_MessageReceived);

private void websocket_Opened(object sender, EventArgs e)
websocket.Send("Hello World!");
try running that
I do.
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
            ws.Opened += WsOnOpened;
            ws.Error += WsOnError;
            ws.Closed += WsOnClosed;
            ws.MessageReceived += WsOnMessageReceived;
This gives me an error.
{"HTTP/1.1 200 OK"}
After that the socket is closing.
Accoring to the documentation of the server I am connecting to, I have to connect like that:
var cookie = ReadCookie("devs");
var host = "ws://" + window.location.hostname + "/ws/" + cookie;
var ws = new WebSocket(host);
Where cookie is base64 encoded "user: password".
I did the encoding, in my case it is YWRtaW46IGFkbWlu.
And tried this: var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
And it gives another error {"unknown server protocol version"}
Because of second /ws/ thing.
Morning all
@Denver What protocol does WebSocket4Net support? And which protocol does your server require?
@scheien Moin
hi @BenjaminDiele
@BenjaminDiele: Maybe he/she didn't like the question?
@Denver paste the error here
I did.
@scheien What question?
Well, it depends on input. If I try to connect providing IP only, it will be `
{"HTTP/1.1 200 OK"}.`
if I connect as documentation says (ws:// the error will be {"unknown server protocol version"}.
@RoelvanUden That is a good question. As I said I am not into all that WebSocket thing.
There are 5 protocols IIRC
If they don't match, no communication can be established.
The latest is the official. If the C# impementation is an older one...
I do not see any specific info about that on the documentation site. It just says:
A WebSocket is an ordinary socket, which connects to the HTTP port (default: 80) with the Miniserver (GET / ws). This is enhanced or upgraded through a "handshake" procedure to a WebSocket. This handshake includes the user credentials since an upgrade to a WebSocket is only premitted for authorized users. The string, containing the user name and password separated by a colon (e.g. "user: password"), is base64-encoded and inserted into the handshake.

WebSockets which are opened with Javascript and cannot send any user credentials or cookie, must use an URL with the last cookie that was sent
WebSocket is a protocol providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011, and the WebSocket API in Web IDL is being standardized by the W3C. WebSocket is designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers, but it can be used by any client or server application. The WebSocket Protocol is an independent TCP-based protocol. Its only relationship to HTTP is that its handshake is interpreted by HTTP servers as an Upgrade request. The WebSocket protocol makes more interaction between a browser and...
Here is the link to documentation, if you are interested.
"All the latest browsers support the latest specification (RFC 6455) of the WebSocket protocol. A detailed protocol test suite report[18] lists the conformance of those browsers to specific protocol aspects."
Your server is probably RFC 6455 too?
So the C# side should be too.
@RoelvanUden you deserve to earn higher than most people
@BenjaminDiele: You said a coworker deflected a question? Maybe I misunderstood though.
Eh? Where did that come from? Thanks I guess :P
@scheien ah yeah. Each question I ever asked her. And not just mine :D
websocket4net.codeplex.com says it is compatible with many websocket drafts: Hybi-00, Hybi-10 and RFC6455
@Denver Which server?
If you ask me about server WebSocket protocol specification, I am not aware of that. Can't find any info about on their site. Trying to find something atm. :(
No, Im asking what server you use for websockets? C#? nodejs? Which lib?
The server is not mine. All I know about how it is set up is written on the site http://www.loxone.com/enen/service/documentation/api/communication-logic.html
It says "WebSockets which are opened with Javascript". So I guess it is nodejs.
I guess you feel like talking to child. :D
@BenjaminDiele: That's no good :/
@Denver Then it's RFC6455 and probably with origin restrictions.
@Denver See if your WebSocket4Net has a constructor overload to give an origin (or headers)
There are two overloads.
@scheien oh well, things can always be worse, right? :D
public WebSocket(string uri, string subProtocol, WebSocketVersion version);
public WebSocket(string uri, string subProtocol = "", List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> cookies = null, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> customHeaderItems = null, string userAgent = "", string origin = "", WebSocketVersion version = WebSocketVersion.None, EndPoint httpConnectProxy = null);
@Denver Set the origin string to what the page requires
Well maybe not. Not sure. Don't know. Ask them?
@BenjaminDiele: Definitely.
@RoelvanUden I tried, they answered "Such individual developer individual applications we are not able support."
Well, at least now I have some constructor parameters to play with.
What does it mean, if the exception text is as follows: {"HTTP/1.1 200 OK"}? Does not code "200" mean that everything is fine?
@Denver Well yes, but you want the other responses really. Put in Fiddler
Capture the HTTP headers, e.g. Upgrade header
Hm, it captures nothing.
If I send default Http requests to the server, Fiddler captures them. But it captures nothing when I try to connect using WebSocket.
@RoelvanUden Thanks for the big help. I did not solve the problem, but you provided a lot of info. I might end up finding something useful with all that in mind.
I have to go now. If you get an idea, I will read it later. :) Thanks again, you are great. :)
Just got myself a new keyboard and new mouse
Done with the crunky hardware
Oh man, feels so good to outgrow the "junior" status bit by bit.
Blender is a piece of art and science
@BenjaminDiele Haha, yes.
@RoelvanUden It can be a bit daunting to get responsibillity though. "You want me to be responsible for this? I can't even park my car straight, and you want me to be responsible for a company that generates that much money with our product?"
Then again, I have parking sensors.
@BenjaminDiele Haha you get used to it. Just ensure you can build things with enough time. Being responsible for a product that is held together by duc tape really sucks. If you're confident about a product, it's no worry :P
@RoelvanUden The product itself is from MS, so I'm fucked anyway. But it's more like managing the stuff the customer wants and has. New development work on the existing product and stuff like that.
Ahh. Fun times...
if cartoons can wear the same clothes everyday then so can i
I can't even go to the shop because people think I am Kanye west and want photos with me http://t.co/wCX68iJNsO
@Squiggle: I struck gold! After a lot of browsing, it turns out that the xml is part of a standard, and there is an xsd available. If they hadn't omitted the namespace, I would have found it much earlier. Crossing fingers :)
ofc they had done some modifications to it. #FML.
anybody modifying xml structure without providing modified xsd should be executed
'anybody' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
did they know the xsd existed?
developers developers developers developers ....
$skynet alias execute='send terminator to '
$skynet execute anybody
@tweray: Neck shot.
anyone ever used web deploy for database migrations?
web deploy & database migration? how the lady and gentleman got together to begin with?
the web deploy will update the db schema?
It's a tech from MS, it manages DB migrations too using dacpacs
Yes it works nicely.
does it though?
I'm poking it with a stick right now to see if it bites back
so far I found that it tries to drop database users from the target database that are not known in my dacpac
which is a problem because I don't manage permissions
@StevenLiekens I think there's an option for that. It's a pretty standard MS Wall of Checkboxes type feature
I didn't think it was possible to be annoyed about having 96 votes on a question...
null ? false : (bool) isCase > what is this saying? is it saying if null set isCase to false?
@StevenLiekens yes that's a known thing, you can disable that
@KalaJ that's the ternary if, i.e. (condition) ? (action if true) : (action if false)
Hmm. I don't think that compiles
null isn't a conditional expression
nor is (bool) isCase a valid expression
So this "null ? false : (bool) isCase" is wrong?
where isCase is an object
why is it wrong and how would I fix it?
maybe you meant (isCase == null) ? false : (bool) isCase
Yes, but simply (bool) isCase isn't a valid expression. VS says "only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await and new object expressions can be used as a statement".
Simply saying false raises the same, unless it's part of a return statement
You could have meant return isCase == null ? false : (bool)isCase or possibly isCase == null ? isCase = false : boolIsCase = (bool)isCase
I mean to say I have something like this in my controller:
object isCase = UserSession.GetValue(StateNameEnum.MiscValues, "ViewCase");
ViewBag.Case = isCase == null ? false : (bool)isCase;
@KalaJ That's correct.
@ArtOfCode erm, that's just a cast, isn't it?
It reads as "if isCase is null, set ViewBag.Case to false, otherwise set ViewBag.Case to the bool equivalent of isCase".
@TomW What is?
can't you just cast to Nullable<bool> and go from there?
It's there because if isCase == null, the simple (bool)isCase cast throws an InvalidCastException
Anyone else put in like 12 hours over the weekend?
ViewBag.Case = (bool?)isCase;
@StevenLiekens you probably could.
then use GetValueOrDefault()
My question is annoying me. It needs 4 more votes to hit 100 but they seem to have dried up...
Hello, does someone know about Excel XML Maps validations?
Google does :)
@ArtOfCode (bool) isCase is a cast. That part looks fine to me, assuming isCase is actually a bool.
@TomW Yes, but simply as a statement it is invalid
Type it into VS and it gives you the error I described.
@ArtOfCode I cant find anything related to programmatically XML schema validation
@user1287678 I just googled that phrase. Oh, look at all those lovely results. Google search.
god dammit vscommand, i know i'm using vs2012 and i am a damn out dated antique that can't catch up on time, can you stop the fucking notification every time when i start vs
vs2012 dated? the majority of my team still uses vs2010
@tweray See VCS2010 never did that to me...
I just found out that I don't have sufficient permissions to deploy dacpacs to our development database
because they updated a new major version on Jan. that only supports vs2013, now they are notifying me that my version is not longer supported, yet it's still the newest version that i can update to on vs2012
reroute their update server to
^ That.
Or accidentally modify the local DNS cache.
Thanks, i dont know how i missed that...
funny part is on vs2010 i can still find where to disable auto update on their option menu, and on vs2012 i cannot even find it lol
posted on June 01, 2015 by ericlippert

I got an email from a reader in India recently asking me to talk a bit about thoughts on technical interviews. Here’s a rerun of my 2004 article on that subject. (Note that this was before I was on the … Continue reading →

Writing code on whiteboards is hard
Hello! What mean the symbol @ before a string?
localized string
I don't think it localizes the string.
!!tell QueueOverflow google c# localized string
@tweray There are no @ in your examples...
sigh... google don't understand differences between localized and localization...
@"string" is a verbatim string
@QueueOverflow Pretty sure it treats all chars in the string as literals.
I forgot but I thought it was just to symbolize string
when setting a path
the @ operator indicates that backslash () should be treatest as a literal value instead of an escape character
just discovered that SO chat has escape sequences
string "\"" would yield a single double quote.
string "\\" would yield a single back slash
string @"\\" would yield two backslashes
Thank you, guys, for the nice and fast answer!
@QueueOverflow np
Question, what would be the easiest way to solve this problem:

                var responses = submission.Sections.SelectMany(obj =>
                    obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response == null ? obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })
                    : obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })).ToList();
The problem, that I can see is that there is an element where Response == null which is causing a Object reference not set to the instance of an object.
the origin problem, please format the code
2nd origin problem, please don't write code like that
Screens and Responses are not collection?
why is there a null check in that code if you're not going to act on null
Because at some point I did need it.
That is from a third party XML.
now it's just the same code twice
once when the object is null and also when the object is not null
-> weird
Well, I don't want to add it to a List if response == null.
then add a Where() clause that takes only objects where it isn't null, before SelectMany()
then can we do the where at begining? like
submission.Sections.Where(obj => obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response != null).Select(all those crap)
^ almost
SelectMany(crap) would be better
That is what I was thinking, something like that. But wasn't sure it would fully resolve.
Because the responses projection has multiple sections so I want to grab
if it's the case like "i want property A for everything in the list, and i want property B for only some of them in the list". Then it would be better to just write 2 lines of linq instead of trying to screw them together
var responses =
.Where(obj => obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response != null)
.SelectMany(obj => obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type }))
Also, this will always be null, even though the other non nulls are there.
Would a sample of the xml help?
the syntax will be easier in query form for this scenario
In the exact area I'm querying against.
    <Name>Input/Scan Invoice Number(s)</Name>
      <Name>Input/Scan Invoice Number(s)</Name>
        <Label>Invoice Number(s):</Label>
        <Type>Text Box</Type>
    <Name>Sign and Release Order</Name>
      <Name>Sign and Release Order</Name>
So I'm hitting each Section as you can see the firs two are fine. It is the last one that is the problem.
I have no control of the XML, all third party.
why is obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response a collection type in your code?
or did it not compile to begin with?
var response = (from section in Sections
                from screen in section.Screens
                from response in screen.Responses
                select response).ToList();
It compiles.
It is a collection because there are a lot of Responses in some instances.
mornin' all
shouldn't obj.Screens be a collection?
so your code would look more like obj.Screens[0].Responses[0]
Yeah, that is what I was thinking.
just a thought
is it auto generated code?
The XML?
It should be a collection, to match the xml correctly. If not, your deserializing incorrectly
no, the data contract classes
it's weird how your xml maps to objects right now
Well, I used Visual Studio to actually map the XML model correctly.
But it just so happens, that the Sections has three indexes which I want all the values. however, that third index dies.
did you generate the model from the same xml sample that you pasted here, or from a schema file?
Your only getting a small fragment of the XML, that is the problem area.
If Response == null couldn't I just have it add a empty list?
Or add some null col ascent?
@Greg linq is not going to add a null, if your syntax is correct
posted on June 01, 2015 by Visual Studio Blog

Open source code is the norm for so many developers these days, and unsurprisingly, so is open documentation. model. From Azure to TypeScript, public repositories have become a go-to place for sharing samples, tutorials, and “tips and tricks” so that everyone can learn and contribute together as a community. So beginning today, we’re joining the party, starting with our Cordov

i have a backend endpoint that my android app hits. i'm hosting it on azure. my endpoint gets it's data from a third party endpoint. I'd like to cache the rest calls to this third party endpoint on my backend. My first thought is table storage, and just saving the xml.

Are there any better ways to go about this?
I know, I realized why I have it the way I did. That is because the null will choose either Responses.Responses.Response or Responses.Response.
I would just fix your classes and your deserialization
@SteveG what framework are you running on AZ? web api, php, node?
web api
Just use built in web api cache then
that will cache calls to my endpoints, not to the third party ones via httpclient, no?
android app -> my endpoint -> third party endpoint
wont really matter
you cache at client, cache at "endpoint" or cache the 3rd party
What do you mean?
Cant cache the 3rd party, so your left with client or server
I would set an attribute on your endpoint [CacheMe(1000 secs)]public ActionResult CachedCrap()
the third party endpoint will bring back data for an entire day, my endpoint will bring back a subset of that data, so lets say 3 hours worth
i want to 'save' the data for the entire day, so i don't need to request it, when i only need 3 hours worth
I see, thats a bit different
Adapter with caching?
You could store it in Cache["something"] and check that before calling, or store the day on the client
Hm, not sure that is an option @CharlieBrown
@Greg Doing it correctly is not an option?
@SteveG unless the data is gigantic, storing in cache is easiest and least impact
it is pretty big
well, there could be potentially hundreds of cached calls
each one a decent size
then store it somewhere else?
yeah, thats what i was thinking, table storage in azure
but i've never done anything this big before, so i wanted to brain storm in here
how big is big?
Personally, I would profile it and see if it makes sense to just cache the REST call first
^ yep
well, a 'tv guide' for each tv provider (direct tv, etc) in a specified area code
so if 1000 people use it, in 1000 different area codes, thats 1000 diff cached calls
@CharlieBrown The XML Generated, I've got a valid model it is just the content they provide.
each holding the times, descriptions of each movie/show, for the entire day
@SteveG based on the scenario, there is no point to cache it at all
@Greg your model is messed up if you can do Responses.Response
it's all text, so even if you do cache it I doubt it would be so big
anyhoo. GoT tonight! Awaaaay!
hm okay
The problem is the application that generates can generate that and does.
thanks for the input, i'll see how it goes, i was just worried about the additional monetary overhead of the third party calls since they cost $
But that is a third party we don't have access to.
@SteveG client caching might be the best bet, spread the resource load
@Greg I don't know what to tell you, your model is messed up, not the 3rd party
Your serialization is not correct
i thought about that too, just storing the days worth on the android app, then only displaying 3 hours, but i wasn't sure how much temp data was okay to store on an android app, worried about memory
the more i think about it, the more i shouldn't worry about it til i profile it
@SteveG client would be best, and the size should be small, 1 day is not much. You can gzip as well if needed, but i doubt it
great, that makes my life easier
What is messed up about my model?
It populates and does everything correctly, it only fails 3,200 records in.
@Greg Responses.Response is invalid. Responses should be of type List<Response>
That is because that record has a null.
Same goes for Sections and Screens
I'm so frustrated.
@SpencerRuport ill bite
This project is such a wreck. The BAs aren't even making an effort to estimate development times and basically just send emails back and forth between the client and the devs.
@SpencerRuport you are still sane as long as you can still feel frustration
@CharlieBrown How could the model be wrong, when I took the XML data and had VS populate correctly? Which it has a string[] for it.
Sounds typical, I feel your pain
@Greg the tools are dumb, they cant take into account all scenarios... it takes a human to make sure they are correct
It's not exactly they're fault though. Even the devs are struggling to create estimates because the project is so full of caveats they're digging into code to make the estimate. Even then the estimates aren't all that reliable.
@SpencerRuport That sucks.
@Greg they make a good starting point, but thats the best they can do
The project is using Java Servlets, Struts, Spring, JSP, ASP (Yes Active Server Pages) and a Java Applet.
@CharlieBrown BTW, i put this as my facebook status and i got like 5 likes. does that make me cool, or you?
And there doesn't seem to be any real plan to phase out any of these.
Whats more plausible, VS tools are perfect or that I've been doing this 16yrs and know whats correct?
@SpencerRuport yeah, ive been put on "maintenance" for the last couple weeks... and yet the schedule is jacked and were falling behind.
How can anyone argue with the claim that the project is a mess when nobody can even say with any certainty what the ideal stack is for the project?
It's being pulled in every possible direction.
sounds like some good chance to take a vacation
Yeah I'm off in August.
Fortunately for my sanity.
I guess what I'm really feeling is discouraged.
I got into development because writing software that works well is something I can be proud of.
Lack of leadership does that. Even if the direction is not great, its better to have some direction, then none
take a week off or so, after you come back, they may probably figured it out, or maybe break it foundementally, either way that's something better than what it is
Running maintenance on this doesn't fill me with pride anymore than bailing out a ship. This is purely a survival strategy being masquaraded as a long term plan.
@tweray - I have figured it out. Getting the authority to do something about it is where I'm stuck.
Well maybe anyway...
My venting gave me an idea.
Thanks for being my rubber ducks. <3
crack crack
@SpencerRuport that's like one of my major usage on the chat room lol
disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm talking
That's typically what I use this place for as well.
@CharlieBrown Yeah, the problem is when you access multiple pages. One of the pages forces approach one while the other forces approach two. Two different areas.
I usually have all the pieces I need I just lose sight of which one to use from time to time.
@Greg they are the same, it should deserialize to a collection of objects (not strings)
Send me the xml and I make the classes in 2min
@CharlieBrown Not the auto generated? But the actual physical XML?
the xml. what tool are you using to create classes/auto generated?
lol, finally there is a charlie.exe to replace that damn xsd.exe
Visual Studio.
xsd works, but its not smart enough to know the diff between <response>unicorn</response> should be class Response not string Response
@Greg can you pastie what it generates?
    /// <remarks/>
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
    public partial class CanvasResult
        private byte totalPagesField;
        private byte currentPageField;
        private CanvasResultSubmission[] submissionsField;

        /// <remarks/>
        public byte TotalPages
            get { return this.totalPagesField; }
            set { this.totalPagesField = value; }
this is invalid public CanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreens Screens
Should be public CanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreens[] Screens
Same with this one.... public CanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreensScreenResponses Responses should be public CanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreensScreenResponses[] Responses
Also, autogen is making the worst names possible
Those are the same shitty names in the XML.
This class is broken
public partial class CanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreensScreenResponses
You can name it Unicorns if you want, it will still work
Why has it been working for months, why suddenly did it decide to fail?
CanvasResultSubmissionSectionScreensScreenResponses has 2 conflicting properties
Well, the problem is the third party has two different generations based on page.
Likely something was introduced that the classes cant handle. You should be generating your classes from XSD, not XML
Well, I wonder if they would provide the XSD
They should be, if they are an API provider. Otherwise how do you consume it if you cant validate it?

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