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in case anyone here knows
Q: OU timestamp ComObject

ohmusamaHere is some sample code I have that finds all computer objects in an OU. When I print out the property fields, I get a System.__ComObject for several of the values such as lastLogon, lastLogonTimestamp, pwdLastSet, uSNChanged, etc. I assume these are all date-ish type values of some sort. How d...

4 hours later…
1 hour later…
Good morning friday!
why do i even work this day
Would have been nice with a day off
So, great task at hand.
Given an excel document, with some numbers
Make this as a report
I ask the guy who made the "report" with those numbers how he deducted them, or that he even had the initial sql queries, and he's like "ah, no sorry I don't have the queries"
And he couldn't even explain all the numbers, and how they are related
All I know is the reference year, and which tables the numbers are from. FML
@scheien send it back
Would love to do that
but I like challenges
@scheien so you like to run a marathon with 1 leg?
Sure, if I have nothing better to do :p
(but as you probably figured out, I'm not completly in the dark)
otherwise I would have sent it back
but the really annoying part is that the queries was dismissed after the "report" were made.
Please give me an example of what is normally referred to as premature optimisation
Is the general idea to first get the program to run correctly with all components of it behaving correctly and then optimizing them afterwards
@MoonOwlPrince Premature optimization is getting stuck between deciding to use a foreach and a for-loop.
If you optimize before the specified item is implemented as a whole.
Or even before all tasks for the given iteration are done, before you see a choke point etc
I was told to always use foreach in C# for every class that implements the IEnumerable interface
Was I told to do that so I avoid the case of premature optimisation that you are referring to or it is just their preference
Have no idea mate
Thank you, however. Another thing I wanted to ask is why we spend more time in the beginning on procedural abstraction rather than data abstraction.
I would probably put premature optimization as optimizing before you have spotted any performance drops.
So, let's say if I was implementing a procedure that generated prime numbers as a helper procedure for a perfect number generating procedure. Would it be premature optimisation to start tweaking the prime number procedure before I have it working correctly to test the perfect number procedure?
I would say yes.
How would you know which parts to optimize if it's not working correctly?
how would you know that you don't introduce new bugs? (as a result of the optimizing)
So I should always start the most intuitive correct way and then after testing the entire unit optimise and refactor.
I think I now know why some code I have read on BitBucket was difficult to understand without implementing the code yourself.
That's what I do on new implementations.
1. Implement feature (comply to general principles, DRY/SRP/KISS/<insert your favorite principle here>)
2. Measure, profile etc if needed
3. Refactor (optimizing/spec changes).
I need to develop a similar workflow
1 hour later…
Does it amuse anyone else that Collabnet (among others, probably), sells an expensive, complicated framework to manage your agile development?
@TomW you mean you don't have planning poker chips and hats?
Is there a function which returns the file type as: 'Text Document' rather than '.txt'? .GetExtension() gives me '.txt' but is there a way to get 'Text Document'?
I'm gonna say...no
Q: How can I get the description of a file extension in .NET

Stewart StoakesHI, Windows provides descriptions for file extension such as "Control Panel Item" for .cpl files and "PowerISO File" for .daa files. Is there any way I can obtain this data in .NET ? Im using C# but can read all the other .NET languages. Also is there a way to obtain the default icon of the exte...

@BenjaminDiele Thanks! I'll have a look
Ugh. Bug in SQL pivot query. Cannot see why, cannot reproduce with a SCCE
Summary: Row missing in the result set for no apparent reason.
Cannot think of any way to describe the problem except "doesn't work"
@RoelvanUden Moin
      var studies = GetStudiesData(); //returns IQueryable
            var studiesCount = GetStudiesData().Count();
            var studiesPaged = studies.OrderBy(s=>s.PatientID).Skip(pageSize*pageNum).Take(pageSize);

            var result = new { TotalRows = studiesCount, Rows = studiesPaged };
            //this line gives "already an open DataReader associated" error
            var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.None,
            new JsonSerializerSettings() {
                ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
why? I can use MultipleActiveResultSets=True; but where am I doing another query?
Not here, but you may be doing something in another thread?
in JavaScript, 22 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
user image
I am sending call to above function with javascript, returns json
Please don't ever say "sending a call to JavaScript". That's not what happens. You may serialize a piece of information to embed in a script that should be executed by the JavaScript environment at some point, but you cannot actually call a browser JavaScript function.
That's not what I meant.
    public ActionResult GetStudies(int pageSize = 10, int pageNum = 1)
        //above code
        return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
This functions get's called with an Ajax request.
It was working fine until I added the code for paging. And I am skeptic about var result = new { TotalRows = studiesCount, Rows = studiesPaged };
So you just return JSON. That's what you should say :P Regardless, that looks fine. Assuming you don't actually close/dispose/reuse the reader during the controller dispose
tried serializing different lines, only this var studiesPaged = studies.OrderBy(s=>s.PatientID).Skip(pageSize*pageNum).Take(pageSize); is giving error
@RoelvanUden word json was a typo, I immediately fixed that :)
It doesn't give an error immediately, does it?
it does. Everytime on that newtonsoft serialization call
I passed all studies, studiesCount and studiesPaged to JsonConvert.SerializeObject(X). Only studiesPaged gives error
Can this be an issue? IQueryable<Study> GetStudiesData();
The thing with a queryable is that it doesn't read from SQL until you start enumerating the items. This makes it more efficient. So it's very hard to tell when it actually fires off the query and what else is running at that time.
.ToList() forces it to enumerate right then and there and store in memory
But, less efficient
Studies has virtual properties which were giving cyclic error. To solve that I used Newtonsoft Json lib.
I tried ToList before serialize, but that corrupted the json by dividing the string into single characters
As it is not immediately obvious, I am going to ask it as question on SO
What was the actual error?
"There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first."
error line "var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(studiesPaged, ...."
    private IQueryable<Study> GetStudiesData()
        var currUser = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
        var currUserRole = currUser.Roles.First();

        IQueryable<Study> studies;
        if (User.IsInRole("SuperAdmin"))
            studies = db.Studies; //all studies from all centers
            var assignedStudies = db.Studies.Where(s => s.AssignedUserID == currUser.Id);

            studies = db.Studies.Where(s => s.User.CenterId == currUser.CenterId && s.RoleID == currUserRole.RoleId)
Are you serializing more than one query within the JsonConvert...?
nope. Just one
previous code
P2P Chat Applications are incredibly simple
No, no, no, they are anything but simple.
@LifeH2O are you calculating pageSize via query as well?
Everything is simple if you abstract it enough.
no. Page size is passed as a parameter
Just abstract everything
Task: Put a man on the moon.
1. Build rocket
2. Put man in rocket, send to moon
@LifeH2O something funky is going on. Can you link to your SO question?
Hit post. a question with same title already exists.
You have to place restrictions: Authentication is tied to a device
Q: Error in Json Serialization "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command"

LifeH2OJson serialization command is giving this error. I used Newtonsoft.Json to avoid the cyclic reference error on serialization. private IQueryable<Study> GetStudiesData() { var currUser = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()); var currUserRole = currUser.Roles.First(); IQuer...

@Squiggle Like a project manager
I am only implementing for PC's at the moment
Guest Mode cannot run the application
Only users with passwords can run the app
Do this, do that and that's all. Everything is so easy on a higher level
Top down design makes sense. The bottom up approach is a difficult way of thinking
Theory != practice
Problems are first solved on a much higher level of abstraction and then we go trough the object tree implementing every little babyy
@LifeH2O so you'll definitely have more than one query being evaluated within a single command. It's just a case of tracing your code to figure out what/where. What flavor of EF are you using? And where is your context initialised?
@Squiggle Found this stackoverflow.com/a/30255968/342095 but this worked before doing paging commands
Hi, I need to get count of events grouped by each minute of the day. I currently have:
items.GroupBy(x => new
.Select(x => new TransferObject
Minute = x.Key.Minute,
Hour = x.Key.Hour,
Count = x.Count(),
Day = date
}).OrderBy(x => x.Hour).ThenBy(x => x.Minute).ToList();

I group by date field, but that object actually has a field "end_date". So basically at the moment I have all the events that started on that minute, but I would like to get the count of events that were running at that minute. Any suggestions?
@LifeH2O just a hunch, but could you try evaluating (pageSize*pageNum) outside of the linq statement?
put it in a variable and use that
Going to implement my P2P chat app now
I have a CS class right now. But I will implement the app
how do I set up a portable class library that uses constructor injection without taking a dependency on a third-party DI framework?
you have to appreciate the irony in that
@MoonOwlPrince Good luck punching through the routers ;-)
I am only implementing it for Local Area Networks
I will worry about the complications of the internet afterwards
I want to use it to chat with my mates on campus even when we have no internet access but we have access to the LAN.
Are you not able to set up a local chat server?
We could do so but this is also a learning process for me
local irc server would be perfect imo
I miss IRC :(
I am avoiding using what is already there for a reason
/me also misses IRC
I am not a member of an organisation full of knowledge workers but rather I am a student who gets a dopamine release from programming.
I want to do it without a server because I am too lazy to monitor it
I hear it's a real buzz, man.
What's the buzz?
But don't touch Erlang. I hear that shit can fuck you right up.
Java too, but don't tell anyone.
why can't I quote my own messages? weird
Erlang was used to implement WhatsApp and early Facebook Chat. It is Ericsson's language after all
RabbitMQ is written in Erlang IIRC
Java was used to implement a lot of stuff I can't recall
Oh yeah! it was used to implement SAP
Bash is another powerful programming language
working from home == drinking from home
bash is more a scripting language
Why is my office so quiet, yet my support queue so damned full? :(
Because your office is so quite.
say what?
@RoelvanUden quiet != quite
silly dutchman
@MoonOwlPrince SAP sucks! Go Dynamics AX! Whoooo! (it's in x++, an awful language)
(I got it rong and then I edited it)
dam u skwigl
dat language
My hobby: Making up new words when talking to non-native English speakers.
@Squiggle it sounds like truffles, and now i'm hungary
It was meant to be a portmanteau of "trololol" and "roffles"
@Squiggle Tried different values of pagenum*pagesize . Any value which results in no data runs fine and returns empty json
Good evening
Cleared all rounds in HP
:D :D :D gonna work for US Airlines :P
@codebrain Congratulations dude!
@Squiggle Turns out that using ToList() does work but the json is not read properly. It is parse all as single characters
Damnit I hate this region locking shit. Hyperlapse is available for WP, but if you're not in en-US, you're screwed.
Hey peeps
Q: Execute function in external assembly loaded in different appdomain

furierTask Load and/or unload external assembly at runtime. Problem There is no way to unload an individual assembly without unloading all of the application domains that contain it. Use the Unload method from AppDomain to unload the application domains. Solution Create a new AppDomain, load t...

If anybody have a clue on how to solve this, that would be awesome.
@BenjaminDiele Thanks bud ;)
@codebrain Now buy us a beer :D
let the weekend begin, suckers
@codebrain w00t!
@codebrain does this mean relocation? Or you staying .in?
congratulations @codebrain!
@BenjaminDiele why beer lets get champagne ;)
I like that
@Squiggle No, Im staying. 8 miles from home
@scheien Thanks a lot man
pfft, I'm more than 8 thousand km from home
I just thought of an awesome application for Google Glass
You could identify someone's face and vary the power level depending on e.g. skin tone and craziness of hair style
Though the 2nd one would be tricky to implement
@GreĝRos man, that's a killer app. I'd buy Google Glass just for that. Yeah.
@KendallFrey: atleast it's not a million miles away from home
@Squiggle I sense sarcasm
@GreĝRos but you have to first take picture of that person's face and make sure he doesn't punch into your face
How would he know?
@scheien Someone told me to visit Mars yesterday
aka, if you believe someone has a very high power level, just don't scan, it will hurt you, way or another lol
@GreĝRos "OK GLASS"
I thought you can say it really quietly
And you have a touch control
@KendallFrey: would be awesome to play with red sand.
@KendallFrey are you planning? one of my cousin lives there and i need someone to bring a letter for him
send an email
it'll only take 20 minutes to arrive
@KendallFrey nsa will scan the email and expose him, he's fighting so hard on Mars so ppl won't find him
...and you exposed him
nsa is not powerful enough to get in c# chat
am i right big brother? fuck you lol
leaving work now, bye
good morning
there a way to print the line numbers when ya do code print outs
nm checkbox was hiding
@ohmusama Turned out the problem was with the jQuery library I was using.
Is there a way to actually have the html into a textbox not show the element but the formatting?
It is in a textarea
@Greg HtmEncode them
When I push it into the text area?
either way, both c# and javascript get simple way to do that
But will the textbox actually show the styling created by <br /> for instance?
That is my actual goal.
@Greg oh ok... so what you want to do is to render those html inside the textarea, not just plain text?
then no, textarea is for plain text only, it doesn't allow any styling by default. if you really want something more like a winword editor, you need to use some plugin which in fact are not textarea
Hm, no options?
there are bunch of options for those plugins though, but no, nothing out of the box.
these kind of thing are everywhere
Would it be better to just do a small Regular Expression, grab those html tags and apply said formatting?
All I really want is to enforce the Email formatting.
well, but you have to deal with editing. unless you just don't want anybody to edit a textarea
I was on here yesterday and advised to download "SQL Server Management Studio" , these are the options I have to download free, any recommendations?
just download the 2014 or 2012 ssms, they should be all free, you just need to sign up
What @tweray said.
They should have a Management Studio by itself also.
link? :) or which one is it on that list ^
How do I get rid of the "textures" node and only show the ones below it? :http://puu.sh/hO92Q/dec64e5613.png

my code is:http://pastebin.com/3ZdHa68B
click download, from that long stupid list, find sqlservermanagement studio, and you only need that
Hi, I have one question: what is the easiest way to print all permutations of first k digits? (1<=k<=8)
@tweray Just built a replaceAll function for the br and made it hold the formatting by converting to plain text representation.
@Mathematician171 Answer 42 Has a premutations class
Is there any #region #endregion for razor view? I want to hide some crap
Nope. It's markup, not code.
@LifeH2O but you should be able to minimize tags
yes, but I want to hide some large commented code
or may be i should create a copy somewhere, destiny may want me back there
@juanvan Thank you.
@KendallFrey For a vacation ?
@GreĝRos Lol best idea
@LifeH2O You shouldn't have that many comments in markup, that is additional resources being rendered every time a client hits your page.
Ah someone at least understands my genius
What genius is that?
> I just thought of an awesome application for Google Glass
@scheien if you're 24,904 miles away from home in the same direction, you'll actually be in your neighbors house. lol
@GreĝRos That could be useful, I've had some really good ideas. Not sure how to execute them though.
IE dev tools are so broken
@CharlieBrown IE is broken. like my ex.gf's heart.
And it's so brave and asking me to set it as default browser.
does anyone know how to get rid of the parent node and only show the contents of the child nodes?
Well, the usefulness is minimal now. Certainly would up hostility though.
woot, I got another approved answer
on a Grails question, no less
In this treeview, is it possible to not show 'textures' node but show the nodes below it?
Q: Render a GSP page to a file in a web-app subfolder

NiBEI need a really stupid thing but I'm stuck. I need basically to render a gsp page and save the rendering locally on server side inside a folder I created under web-app/. Basically the output of this: render(view: "report-test") must be saved in a file as example report-test.html inside a...

@F4z You should provide more information, what language, what toolset, which api, what you have tried already, what isnt working.
c#, default treeview control
got it...
I've set binding on an int property in my VM, and I can see during debugging that the _totalPoints value being returned is populated with a value, eg 300.

But for some reason the binding on the textbox doesn't update and shows zero. Can anyone spot a flaw in my implementation?

I've checked the correct binding name is set and that _totalPoints isn't null so not sure after that.

This is a stripped down version of the VM, http://hastebin.com/exaheciras.cs and how I've set the binding in the textbox, http://hastebin.com/tohamuyemi.xml
@BrianJ you're not telling anything the UI should change. all return totalPoints is no where in your VM
@BrianJ Are you setting the TotalPoints property? or just setting the field?
@NETscape that was an old screen shot, its updated to return _totalPoints
Side note: In WPF binding properties, you want to check for sameness before setting otherwise you can get double binding triggering on all your controls. i.e. if(value != _totalPoints) _totalPoints = value; RaisePropertyChanged("TotalPoints");
quick git question?
also I thought this was telling the UI it should change along with the binding,
how is everybody doing today, it is friday
@BrianJ but that code isn't getting called.
@CharlieBrown that could be the problem, does the property not do this for me?
because you're not calling TotalPoints = _______.
@BrianJ that code is correct. Netscape is correct
you need to actually call the code for it to be executed
didnt think i would ever say that ;)
so you mean it should be set like this:
                TotalPoints = CalculateLeavingCertPoints();
okay because that notifies the View?
not the _totalPoints
sort of, it calls the code to notify to tell the view it updated and that it should get the new _totalPoints value
so I should be returning TotalPoints also from the CalculateLeavingCertPoints() then
Calling the setter of a property notifies the UI via the RaisePropertyChanged() method
Setting the backing field does zilch, except in the constructor
yeah that seem's to have fixed it
on to the next one :)
is it a private function? why not just update the property in the method
its public, should I have marked it private I wonder?
so do I.
private I guess so it can't be accessed outside the class
Yo, @NETscape, you should head over to Catalano Square in Third Ward after work; there's a food truck event going on from 4-8.
oh boy. you working in one of them?
by update the property in the method, how would that go?
i just went to a food truck event in Raleigh two weeks ago. waited 45 minutes at a mac n cheese truck. we were the next people to get served and the guy walked out and said they were sold out.
@BrianJ the CalculateLeavingCertPoints, right?
you would just make it private instead of public?
@NETscape ugh. Well, this one should be a little better.
that's all you have to do
@ShotgunNinja yeah, their food truck game is strong in the south. there was almost too many of them in fact
Nifty trick, though; go to the Bavette la Boucherie truck, and they'll never run out.
Their store is just at the end of the park.
Hah. Co-worker was on a headset conference call. Gestured and splashed a full glass of water all over his desk.
Continued on the call like nothing had happened. I retrieved some kitchen roll and helped clean up.
Friday Team Player
and while you were away he said on the conference call, "no i'll have my b-word Sqiuggle clean it up for me"
ok just mark the method private, and not return anything, just call the method, I get ya now @NETscape
and set the property in there
I wonder will this statement do what I expect, call the method if the count is 6 and less than 7
if(AddedSubjectGradePairs.Count >= 6 & AddedSubjectGradePairs.Count < 7)
count is an int
aRGHHHH i hate entity framework
that statement is basically if( .Count == 6 )
Soo I am trying to save an object in my db and the db has a child object
EF is the best ever. I can provide any help you need
It is saving the object
yeah what I wanted @TravisJ
but not the child
That is because the child is not attached
how to attach?
How would you do that @Charlie?
@TravisJ is there any way I could optimize that statement, or is that pretty much good?
Yeah, you need to attach to the change tracker using "Include" or "Load"
public virtual ICollection<SomeChildObject> SomeChildObjects { get; set; }
I am a nutcase sometimes and I manually compose those situations to ensure that there is no chance of users inserting other user's primary keys in the foreign relationship ids.
Show me your load code
I am not loading
I am saving
its all about how you load it

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