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Dont we use include for get?
@BrianJ - You mean like
if(AddedSubjectGradePairs.Count == 6 )
yes exactly, I had tried = 6
should have copped that ==
wtf is going on, meta somehow loves my post at the moment
It is getting like a vote a minute
@Obviously Is this an edit or create?
So you did a new Something() and .SomeChildObjects.Add(new SomethingElse())
@CharlieBrown - On insert there is no load
Show the code where you load the data
oh, its new
@Obviously Did you change the context configuration?
i added the mappings
var p = new Parent();
p.Child = new Child();
I would assume
@Obviously I mean Context.Configuration.<Something> = <Something>? Or all default?
You need Attach all your objects before calling save changes
A ha, see :) Attach
You don't need that at all @CharlieBrown, depending on your config/pocos.
Or you can crazy mode like I do.
child.parentId = parent.parentId;
I can happily create a new thing, add something, and save everything in one go.
I do that to avoid users injecting erroneous primary keys from other tenants though. There is stuff going on behind the scenes.
@RoelvanUden Depends whether your disconnected or not, and what kind of object graph you have, but yes, you can do it without attach
!!googļe erroneous primary keys
Or you can crazy mode like I do.
child.parentId = parent.parentId;
Is this a good practice?
Typically, you want to always Attach, or in some cases you can end up with duplicate objects
My architect wont go anal on me for doing two saves?
@Obviously - They probably would.
It's going to do 2 saves anyway
I take great care to ensure that no cross tenant data is given out.
Saving twice may possibly interrupt between the two.
So it would save an incorrect state.
Right, which is why I wrap it in a transaction with rollback in catch
I am assuming you made your own Save() method?
Since there is no Save() method
Save was just shorthand
I did not make any save method
Where did your .Save come from then?
anyone had trouble with installing SQL management studio?
from copying my pseudo
something about dependencies
@BrianJ - I think you need to have sql server installed first
could be the issue
just downloaded this and tried to install
didn't work out
wrap that in a using
I'll download the complete thing instead
need the Tools version
@BrianJ try the x64 version
if i use context.Children.Add(child); , will EF automatically add the Parent ID?
@Obviously no

Will add FK's for you
@tweray it should work just installing the x64 or do I need SQL also?
@BrianJ no, you don't need sqlserver instance for ssms
@Obviously But @RoelvanUden is correct, a basic default setup of entities and DbContext will automatically save it all in one call though
just install the x64 version of the ssms as long as your os is x64
@tweray cool I'll try the x64 then
yeah it should work, something wrong with my mappings i guess
if i pass a key container (cspparameters) into RSACryptoServiceProviders constructor, do i still need to do the whole import parameter thing or will it pick up the private/public keys automatically? Also, how do i 'save' this key container, it's an object and MS says it's used to store the keys so you don't have to do it plain text
or is it not meant for long term key storage
anyone know how I can update a textbox binding following this command?
to clear the contents of an observable collection
on db.SaveChanges after edit, all values that I never used in my view become null. Some foreign keys in my case. Do I have to send them to the view in Hidden as well?
'that i never used', if you never use them, why are they in your viewmodel
@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.FRIDAY)
I am not using the viewModel for them. There are sooo many properties in my model
Once the view is rendered, all of your in memory stuff loses scope and is "gone"
Keep in mind, all the view is, is a string.
OK, It means that I should ALWAYS use a view model and save everything MYSELF (mapping view to original model)
@LifeH2O well, you shouldn't use datamodel as viewmodel if there are something you don't want to expose to view in your datamodel to begin with
Replicating all that in a ViewModel and taking care of all properties on all edit etc actions will be cumbersome ...
tweray is correct though, don't send domain info to the view
I read about AutoMapper that it can ease the task of mapping between view and datamodel
cumbersome?? heh, welcome to client side!
omg I accidentally booked a hotel next door to a HR Giger-themed restaurant.
engage happy mode
But I am afraid to use it. Every time I use a library it does something unexpected, and whole day goes to find what the hell I could have done wrong
sorry. Off topic. C# is great, isn't it?
Ginger themed - That is a lot of ginger
@Squiggle I would imagine that the potential to be put off one's dinner is rather high
@LifeH2O AutoMapper is great
@TomW :D
Complete mappings it gets to be a pain
AutoMapper is good. Really not very efficient, but it's perhaps the easiest to use.
desc.Name = given.FirstName + given.LastName
also, just for a hack when you don't want those unset things to get updated in your datamodel
db.Entry(somemodel).Property(x => x.SomePropertyIDontCare).IsModified=false;
@Squiggle - You just need to have a % of on topic really. Since you post often in here like most regulars do with on topic comments, the occasional "damn it moon moon" is fine.
Automapper is very fast
And for simple models, very easy to configure
@tweray that's something i was hoping for
@tweray Scary, hope no one ever uses that
@LifeH2O well, as i said, it's a hack, but everybody hacks something, you hack something, not my responsibility
Hacks are required when you arent doing something else correctly
@CharlieBrown that's what I keep telling my co-workers when I see how they use Angular :)
@CharlieBrown Isn't it the same thing as using a viewModel for this
@tweray am I missing something with downloading SQLM, I've selected the x64 version, clicked next, waited for download, nothing happens, clicked the retry link, still nothing happens
No, its not. Viewmodel is the correct way
There I'll be skipping some properties using a view, then using Automapper to map the required
@BrianJ in that big list, you see there's a click here button next to each of them?
yeah a checkbox, checked the relevant binary, clicked next
still nothing
With the hack I'll save myself from doing all that.
and when the Hack fails, you will figure out the right way
Always always use a viewmodel
fuuu nvm @tweray I see it now, doesn't show in Chrome, tried it in IE off all things lol and it shows
so maybe IE is actually useful for something
just maybe
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

@BrianJ That is definitely a bad sign :P
For any non-trivial applications, having models that match viewmodels exactly is usually a design problem
@BrianJ say this in the js room
they are going to start a crusade on you
Okay, I have a philosophical question. Do you think the client-side/server-side divide in web programming is a natural divide with good reasons, or just a synthetic divide brought about by practical considerations?
@GreĝRos if it's purely client side and server side only, that can be still a discussion. but in practical world, it's usually client/server/db, or client/server/businesslogic/db sides, then that's something concrete, you shouldn't link client with your db
Typically, developers don't like view models because of the mapping involved... but that's just being lazy. Mapping to a viewmodel disconnects your frontend from your backend and allows the 2 to change independently of each other
@CharlieBrown Even thinking of making that view for my model is giving me yawns. I worked on an open source institutional data repository. The database was great, data was all in rows. Columns were defined in rows. So database is made just once and can be modified easily no matter how many properties it has. Every new property goes in a row
Does EF have some inherent way to do that?
Is it time to go home yet?
@LifeH2O Columns defined in rows?
I just got here. I figured I'd check.
Columns defined in rows sounds like a lookup value pattern. Also what is called an anti-pattern
e.g. A table named types will be like Types(TypeName, TypeID)
Meta(PropertyName, PropertyID)
Must be terribly slow compared to a relational database
but that makes huge size database queries with lot of joins
@CharlieBrown - It's not always an anti-pattern.
!!wiki EAV model
@SpencerRuport The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
Entity–attribute–value model (EAV) is a data model to describe entities where the number of attributes (properties, parameters) that can be used to describe them is potentially vast, but the number that will actually apply to a given entity is relatively modest. In mathematics, this model is known as a sparse matrix. EAV is also known as object–attribute–value model, vertical database model and open schema. == Structure of an EAV table == This data representation is analogous to space-efficient methods of storing a sparse matrix, where only non-empty values are stored. In an EAV data model, each...
In modern (and I use that term loosely) application design, especially with C#, the application should typically be designed first, and the underlying storage mechanism an implementation detail
It was DSpace, being used many places
@SpencerRuport There is always an edge case and specific use for things, but I am assuming we are not talking about storing sparse models
For sure. I just wanted to clarify because some people have told me it's ALWAYS an anti-pattern.
And if we were, a blob is much easier to implement, or a document storage database
With EAV you retain at least some of the ability to search efficiently.
True, a blob would restrict that. A dynamic db like Mongo or Azure storage would be better
That's exactly what document store databases are made for Spencer
@RoelvanUden - Ah okay. I didn't realize document stores parse the data they contain.
That's pretty cool.
Yeah, it's free-form nested 'document' with the ability for (sparse) indices.
It has a definite use case :)
@tweray lol I better pipe down so
I am afraid of writing bugs
@MoonOwlPrince if you are not afraid of writing bugs, i should be afraid of you
@tweray o/
I am afraid of implementing something that didn't properly solve a problem more than implementing bugs.
bugs are normal, automate tests to conquer your fears
hi, could you tell me how to get the creation time of a file?
@RuiEmanuelQuaresma if you mean in c# FileInfo.CreationTime
@RuiEmanuelQuaresma Like a lot of file metadata it's not that reliable, so don't use it for anything important
hey guys
Because it can be easily changed, moving files around doesn't always preserve it, and it may not give you the information you actually want. So it depends on what you use it for.
Tests are not good enough
@Pheonixblade9 - o/
My goal is to write clean code that cannot be optimised any further
And it must have no bugs
@MoonOwlPrince - I don't think that's been accomplished by anyone in the history of ever.
Touche sir.
<o> what is going on??
/o\ afternoon yoga time
\o/ <o> \o/ <o> \o/
i need a fifth of whisky
anyone with devexpress winforms grid control experience ?
May 9 at 20:36, by Roel van Uden
Kittens die if you ask whether you should ask a question. Save kittens. Ask your question directly.
His name was Tiddles. I hope you're proud of yourself.
I have become an object orientation purist
i have become a
@SteveG what??
fill in the blank
@SteveG :|
@SteveG cannot access a disposed object
this method was asynchronously aborted
@SteveG's avatar went all evil recently
yeah it did
hi all
can anybody recommend a good book about cryptography in c#?
The public key encryption algorithms rely on the message being smaller than the key. This makes them suitable for encrypting only small amounts of data, such as a key for subsequent symmetric encryption. If you try to encrypt a message much larger than half the key size, the provider will throw an exception.
i thought you were doing RSA128 on PDFs?
@SteveG - If you wanna learn Crypto I highly recommend looking into bitcoin. It employs Public Key/Private Key encryption, hashing and a bunch of other cryptography concepts to work.
i want to learn how to use it in .net, afterwards, once i have a foundation for how to use its public interfaces, i was thinking of digging in a little deeper regarding to how it works
do you recommend learning the details first?
@SteveG - If that works for you. I like Bitcoin as a means to learn because you can test out your knowledge by offering bounties for people to break your ideas and explain why they're wrong.
Gregg was looking at one
For me I can't imagine a better way to learn about digital security.
@SpencerRuport not sure what you mean, so you just encrypt some $10 bitcoin, and throw it somewhere public and leave ppl to hack it?
that confused me as well
but i figured i'd research it, and it'd make more sense
@tweray - At the most basic level yes. Your ability to keep bitcoin from being stolen relies entirely on your ability to keep information secret. If you screw up somehow someone will steal it. So if you wonder "If I have a pretty simple private key and I produce 1,000 public keys, could someone figure out my private key?" you can try it out. Put some bitcoin in an address made from a really simple private key, post 1,000 public keys and the address on Reddit and see if someone can grab it.
You can ask all sorts of questions that way. "If I tell someone the implementation I used and the time I generated my random key could they figure it out?" "I wrote my own implementation of SHA256 in X language that I converted from a javascript function I found. Did I make an obvious mistake?"
i just lost $20,000.
that sucks steve
On a side note, some idiot just posted where to find $20k in bitcoins on reddit and now I am going on a vacation
lol yes, obviously start out buying small amounts you can afford to lose. :)
@TravisJ lmao
i was having a bad day travis, and that just made it 1000x better
@SpencerRuport does my avatar look different yet?
here's another line
It looks faaaaabulous ;D
@scheien I did it for you
@Jeremy lol yeah, thats actually pretty neat
what is the origin of that symbol?
a game?
i'm not sure
i just blame spencer
A game
The Portal games
didnt realize you were in MKE
I'm in Appleton
@JohanLarsson V
Portal is a 2007 first-person puzzle-platform video game developed by Valve Corporation. The game was released in a bundle package called The Orange Box for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 on October 9, 2007, and for the PlayStation 3 on December 11, 2007. The Windows version of the game is available for download separately through Valve's content delivery system Steam and was released as a standalone retail product on April 9, 2008. A standalone version called Portal: Still Alive was released on the Xbox Live Arcade service on October 22, 2008; this version includes an additional 14 puzzles. An...
@NETscape is in Milwaukee too
There's a lot of Upper Midwesterners in this chat
@SteveG - Btw here's the SVG from the wiki article: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal_(video_game)#/media/…
@CapricaSix never played it, like all games after duke nukem :)
but yeah, I'm about done with this company. Their software process sucks.
It's dragging everything down and making it so much harder to work.
so I'm gonna try to jump ship and work for a good company in the area.
@ShotgunNinja - Did you submit that cover letter?
Been debating this for three weeks, since they posted the job opening.
@JohanLarsson - I've been playing a little bit of Doom lately. It comes with the RetroPie image.
@TravisJ Yeah I did.
Too needy?
@ShotgunNinja - Have you contacted that company or their HR department prior to your submission?
@TravisJ Not at all.
They don't expose contact information for their HR staff afaict
except regarding their flagship product
@ShotgunNinja - Well, I am definitely curious if they respond :)
Yeah, me too.
Next time let us help you edit ;)
I mean, I don't need another job, but why not aim for the best one in the city?
@TravisJ Sure thing.
$"ITS {DayOfWeek.Friday}!"
almost party time!
T-5.23 hours and counting
@ShotgunNinja: good luck with the hunt!
and I'm curious like @TravisJ on the response.
now its time for meetings
cheers on this last glorious day of the real week
My company is having a wiffle ball tournament today
ugh... I bumped the power strip power switch with my toe
@SpencerRuport are you playing?
@Jeremy - I pulled the power plug out of my computer moving a headset last week =/
It just barely lost connection and then the wh
I'm so good at crashing kaxaml I could be a designer
Hopefully this will be sd-cloning weekend
Sometimes I wish I did exclusively UI stuff
hopefully i will migrate over from 100 to 250
i have such hate for xslt
@Jeremy That'd be cool; perhaps even cooler if UI systems didn't generally suck ass
@CharlieBrown i like it
@ShotgunNinja I'm having a bit of a honeymoon period with WPF right now.
debugging it sucks
so, i converted my sync method to an async method, the async method relies on an ef context, before making it async, everything worked fine, it'd just hang the UI while it did a db search. with async method, the ef context gets disposed after i run through the async method a few times
has anybody else ran into this?
you need to have your using(context) inside the async method
well, thats not going to happen
or use page lifecycle if your doing it web
nah, gets this terrified look in his eyes..... it's webforms
Abandon hope, all ye who enter here
@Jeremy I've heard WPF is decent
My UI layer right now is HTML... :(
The best UX language set (HTML/JS/CSS) for the worst set of target platforms (the Browsers).
WPF is awesome
of course, its not for the web
what i hate about the web is if you want to do responsive UI (like single page apps) ... everything changes so fast and so often, it's like you cannot settle for a while
@SteveHémond well, responsive UI and single page app are two absolutely different concept fyi
It doesn't change that fast, actually.
Those concepts have been around since the dawn of time/mobile respectively.
Is there an error in this XSLT?
@SteveHémond - It helps to identify bad frameworks early. :)
<label class="info-data">
        <xsl:when test="/Patient/ShowSSN = 'true'">
            <xsl:value-of select="/Patient/SSN"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="/Patient/MaskedSSN"/>
IE: ASP.Net Forms
If I replace the value-of with just a string it works.
And woohoo! My team won it's first game!
yeah, I started working with Angular last year and i abandoned when google announced version 2 would be completely different
I'm skeptical of anything Google comes out with. :P
yeah, that's why I use Bing instead of Google now
@SteveHémond cries
@SpencerRuport - watteam?
@SteveHémond but you still have to google by bing
@TravisJ Manufacturer of bicycle power meters?
@TravisJ - Wiffle ball tournament today
The problem is Google is it views progress in terms of giant discrete leaps whereas Microsoft views progress as a continuum
I hate all these stupid metro apps.
If I wanted to do this on a tablet I would have.
@SpencerRuport Just get Windows 10
It's still pretty buggy isn't it?
I'm still on 7 and that's the way I likes it
Yeah I still have 7 on my laptop
Supposedly up for RTM this summer
so I would hope most of the bugs are fixed
I'm going to take the free upgrade as soon as it hits RTM
@BradleyDotNET lol, MS fix bugs
you kidder
@BradleyDotNET o/
Windows isn't that buggy
Nor are recent versions of VS for that matter
EF 7 on the other hand, that is buggy
Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder
I really need to watch that show.
I'm currently making my way through MASH
Read somewhere that win 10 will be the last windoze.
Sounded strange
Who is attending Internet Explorer's funeral?
@JohanLarsson I think they meant last monolithic release
From that point on, continuous update like Chrome
@MoonOwlPrince - Is that a real thing? Because I would totally go to that.
/all other software
same season as Windows XP
Internet Explorer is no more
Open your doors for Edge
@TomW ok that makes sense. They probably sell all copies with computers any way.

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