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3800 sqft house, with a 30 minute commute to town runs $1800/m with a 30 year note.
I'm going to have to save ~$35k for a 5% down payment here on a small 2 bedroom
That is seriously insane
2 bed, 1.75 bath condos at around 1000sqft go for $350k+ here with $400/mo HOA fees
now please tell me again how my salary is insane
Point taken.
It's insanely low - you could be looking at SF housing prices.
.... speaking of /wrist
@TetsujinnoOni SF is even worse, but Seattle is heading that direction.
we're not quite as land locked, but close
@Pheonixblade9 I was thinking about seeking future employment in Seattle/Bay Area... Hearing things like this scares me.
@Bob well, thing is, you can still live nicely in Seattle, but the inflated salaries don't 100% make up for it
I make six figures and I feel solidly middleish class
Yeah I figured
I have a new (not very expensive) car, live in a decent part of town, etc.
but I have to scrimp and save to be able to buy a house in the next few years, etc.
what are property taxes like up there?
or are there any
probably around 1% I think? pretty typical. let me check
1% is really good...
looks like $12/$1000
people in Washington/Seattle are weird... we all act like a bunch of granola eating hippies, but when it comes to taxes, we're a bunch of cheap fucking bastards
You have a state income tax?
ooo, a recruiter from twitter just viewed my linkedin...
no state income tax.
9% state sales tax, 0.5% city sales tax
like I said... very strange for such a progressive state
but hey, weed is legal here, bruh
@Pheonixblade9 That is a pretty big selling point for some people...
never smoked weed.,
Eh. Go try it sometime. It wont kill you.
had half an edible once after it was legalized and just had a really nice night of sleep
it will do that to ya
Yeah its really good at sleepy time lol
OTC sleep aid market probably crashed up there.
anyone recommend a database technology to work on for a side project during the summer?
I have an Azure subscription so that's a plus
@BrianJ IBM DB2 running on AS/400
@BrianJ I'd learn one of the caching technologies. MemcacheD, Redis are the big ones I know about.
troll face intensifies
I'm just out of college so you know
@BrianJ Ah. Then totally ignore that thing I said.
yeah I was thinking, I don't know any of these words from my lectures
Go play around with MySQL
MySQL is very standard and good to know
MongoDB is one tech our tutor mentioned to play with
I highly recommend sticking with a relational-style database before experimenting with NoSQL.
don't let architecture astronauts tell you that relational DBs are obsolete
Your young mind has been tainted by the mongos
forget everything anyone ever told you about mongodb.
MongoDB confuses people who have been doing development for years. It is good to learn both, but stick with relational for now
there was another one he mentioned last semester, I think it got discontinued support
@BrianJ - I wouldn't recommend NoSQL yet. It has it's uses but honestly it's used in situations where it shouldn't be simply because people don't know any better.
90% of what happens in the real world still runs on a big-ass SQL database.
and the 10% that doesn't typically has a really good reason not to
for example, do you know what ACID stands for wrt DBs?
I'll find the name of it so ye can have a laugh
@BrianJ Do you plan on working with .NET?
ACID vs. BASE are the two top-level categorizations of databases, I would say
@Pheonixblade9 And the CAP theorem when looking at clustered SQL/NoSQL options.
@Bob not familiar with that
@Bob yeah, my last year in college this year was Java EE heavy and Android but just don't really like the languages. My FYP projects have been WPF last two years so starting to lean towards that more than other for potential jobs
(disclaimer: I haven't done anything with NoSQL)
first thing I would tell you is that the term "NoSQL" is about as specific as "object oriented language" when it comes to describing the technology
@BrianJ Oh god java is the devil. Your dislike of the language is rooted in natural instincts that have evolved over thousands of years to avoid bloated enterprise development platforms.
!!wiki CAP theorem
In theoretical computer science, the CAP theorem, also known as Brewer's theorem, states that it is impossible for a distributed computer system to simultaneously provide all three of the following guarantees: Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time) Availability (a guarantee that every request receives a response about whether it succeeded or failed) Partition tolerance (the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss or failure of part of the system) In 2012 Brewer clarified some of his positions, including why the oft-used "two out of three" concept can b...
our course coordinator is a Java nut, lol @Bob preaches it like the bible
What is the de-facto standard book for a newbie to learn C# these days?
@Bob makes sense. You either have to have a message hub that ends up being your bottleneck, or you have to figure out where things are based on other data
I dunno why college professors are so gung-ho about Java.
which kind of newbie, @bob
@Bob probably head first..?
Head First generally has great stuff for beginners
I think the for the most part, there are a lot of Java houses in my City
I differentiate between new developers and new to .Net developers
so that's probably why
@BrianJ I blame Sun Microsystems.
there's lots of Java houses everywhere
@TetsujinnoOni The kind of newbie who took 2 semesters of java and really needs a good foundation.
although we do a lot of .Net too, Windows Phone, Universal, WPF, Silverlight
the project I'm on was written by a bunch of shitty Java devs in C# and you can tell.
what does MVVM mean to you, Brian?
.Net is where it is at for the foreseeable future. Lots of really cool stuff happening in the ecosystem with VS2015.
@TetsujinnoOni it looks like a scary monster to me
MVVM raaar, gonna pinch ye with me claws
@Pheonixblade9 bless your heart ;)
Java is great if you wanna work on shitty old systems and not learn anything interesting and suddenly be 40 and unemployable
Nailed it so hard you are gonna need a new hammer
I think the main reason I was drawn to .Net was our first mobile apps class we had, and I could actually see my code doing something cool on a device. Where as our Java classes were console application doing boring stuff
the visual aspect of the development I think is what reeled me in
Java 8 seems tobe alleviating a lot of the problems (other than lack of reification).

I'm still waiting for a good .Net equivalent of Java's lovely enums.
@BrianJ Not exactly justification for one language over another, but yeah. Lets stick with that sentiment :D
^ java, ladies and gentlemen
Or terrible hand-rolled factories in .Net
even the Java room is so much more unfriendly, maybe I'm being a bit harsh
you can have the same crappy patterns implemented in C# as you can in Java
@BrianJ No you are not. Fuck the java room.
like when I had Java projects I would go in there for advice, and it's like trying to get blood out of a stone
Experienced Java programmers are kind of like elder wizards. They know the magic, but they want to keep it for themselves, so they create all sorts of arcane runes and rules and nigh-incomprehensible gibberish so that they retain their power
Allow me to demonstrate the reason we dont use Java around here:
then when I had .Net projects I came in here and everybody was really helpfull. I don't know if its some sort of the culture of the language or something
What in the literal hell is that
@BrianJ well, it's the culture of this room. The regulars work to create an environment that helps non-lazy newcomers, and kills help vampires with fire
but to be less biased , I suppose you can't paint a whole group with one brush
yeah I understand that too, you get people just looking for the answer and not trying to figure it out, god knows I've been very guilty of that at times
@BrianJ It is the nature of the internet as well. Lots of people want to correct each other. If you want to get something answered REALLY fast, just change it from a question to an assertion and everyone will get out a fresh .NET project just to prove you wrong (and ultimately solve your problem).
For example - "I need to know how to implement a custom attribute. Can someone help me?" vs "Hey here is some code I wrote for an awesome custom attribute implementation (insert half-assed code here)"
@Bob Shhhhh
back to my original question, I'm gonna go ahead with MySQL on my next project after I finish the current. Think I should develop it on Windows Universal framework also like my current project. Now just to think of what the project will do, lol
@BrianJ If you are planning on using .Net/C# for your development, you may want to consider using MSSQL instead.
But either way is solid.
also I've noticed I'm starting to enjoy programming my own projects with no college deadlines. Think this is something I should do a bit more of over the summer, learning loads as I go along
@BrianJ Is the physical manifestation of the developer I would want to hire at my shop.
@BrianJ - Messing around with pet projects is ultimately where you'll gain the most of your knowledge.
You learn most by doing something you think is cool.
ok MSSQL, gotcha
yeah. just realize you have to decide if itis' a messing around pet project where you try out new techniques, or if it's one you want to turn into a deployable.
Javadocs are like the bad old days of msdn, I understand all the words and none of the meaning
@BrianJ They have an express version that is free. I also recommend grabbing the management studio for easy manipulation of databases from a GUI.
@Bob I don't think so just yet, even though I've just finished my degree, I ask a shit ton of stupid as questions, even basic things I should really know 4 years back
SQL Server 2014 Express installer includes reporting services and SSMS iirc
If you're doing .Net then yeah mssql is the way to go
meh. engineering is hard. You'll never stop asking questions.
@BrianJ A stupid question asked is better than a stupid action taken
you ask them. that gets us farther than charging off into trying to do something and breaking shit left and right and then throwing away the changes I helped you make yesterday. (no, I didn't have a dev that got canned who was this guy....)
@SpencerRuport yeah I've started to notice that, I was working with one of these lately for my college project thalmic.com/en/myo
(unless I am busy)
I've been programming for 11 years now, and when I do something that is new for me I undoubtedly end up doing stupid things and as a result, will ask "stupid" questions. I believe there are no stupid questions, because there is something to be learned from them.
@BrianJ - Ohhhh that's cool! :)
management studio? I still have the free Microsoft softwre Dreamspark thingy from college, maybe I should start downloading all these tools before I get cut off
@roel 25 years: no stupid questions, but plenty of inquisitive idiots and not a few FAQ candidates.
@brianj Yes, get your licensed full versions now while you can ;)
@SpencerRuport lol slightly more advanced than what I'm doing
@BrianJ - Nah not really. :) It's super basic at this point.
I want to become like Leon in The Professional. Taking young developers under my wing and training them to become elite code assassins.
I should go teach at university.
Do I have to go back to school for that...
I'd post a vid of my fyp project from Youtube, but I don't like the sound of my voice, lol
@BrianJ No one likes the recorded sound of their own voice lol.
Guy I used to work with has started a "Software Craftsmanship Guild". I like the concept the words seem to imply, I want to know more. Need to look him up.
@Bob did you feel way under prepared to start a dev job when you finished college too?
@BrianJ Not so much... I had played around a LOT with web dev and c/c++ back in highschool
But looking back 5 years compared to now... its night and day
You definitely have the right attitude. I would just keep on doing what you are doing. Ask questions and experiment.
@SpencerRuport this was the project, don't laugh at the below par video editing and narration, lol

Dat music.
@BrianJ - You'll notice I don't record my voice on my video haha. ;)
@BrianJ - You're irish? What are you complaining about your voice is awesome.
Or scottish? I can't tell the difference.
Sounded Australian to me.
I suck at foreign places lol
@Bob yeah thanks for the tips
lol at the music, needed to jazz it up a bit
Irish :)
@BrianJ I would use something like this for maximum epic effect:
@BrianJ - Oh shit this is cool.
Took me a minute to figure out what it was for.
I can see a lot of applications for this
That would be a cool intro song ^^
Yeah I came up with the idea when doing my Lit review
and consulted with some Physios on it
not sure if I should just park it up for now
I saw an effect like that as someone's business image. What they didn't realize is that the circles drew what looks like a very short penis
@SpencerRuport don't know if there is sound, but what is that? simulating something actually?
have to return the sensor tomorrow :(
a lot of the help I got on that was from the WPF room, wouldn't be no where near finished without them
@NETscape - There's no sound. It's the very beginning of a genetic algorithm simulator. The strand at the bottom is the DNA. I've since added larger populations so I'm running multiple strands at once. Next I'll pick the winners and come up with a way to combine their DNA for the next generation.
@SpencerRuport Do you have a moment.  I've isolated the issue, the error occurs here:

                List<ADUsersModel> filter = container
                    .Where(a => a.Email.Contains(user) || a.Name.Contains(user))
                    .OrderBy(o => o.Name).ToList<ADUsersModel>();

All I'd like is for the **user** value, to be found.  If it finds a match in email or name, that is returned back in a list with with those two properties.
@NETscape - Keep doing that over and over until one of them reaches the right side. Then I can add more complexity like more obstacles, water and food requirements etc.
@Bob @SpencerRuport yeah not really sure where to go with it from here, college is over now and I can't keep the sensor
@BrianJ - Wiimotes have similar features. Seems like you could use a few of those during the summer.

1. Filter through our Email / Name
2. If match return in `List` with access to property.
3. Then order by name
WPF room is just a bunch o' C# room rejects ;)
Any help?
@SpencerRuport yeah might take up the project after, I'm doing a lot of travelling over the summer, until October actually, so going to concentrate on mobile dev.
WPF pffff ... WinForms FTW </sarcasm>
this is obviously sarcasm lol or an inside joke?
I love how they're little smiley faces
@Greg, can you try a different filter so you can identify the issue. Like so:
IEnumerable<ADUserModel> emails = container.Where(u => u.Email.Contains(user));
IEnumerable<ADUserModel> names = container.Where(u => u.Name.Contains(user));
just to see what you are getting
@BrianJ - What? The WPF stuff?
@BrianJ you open to relocation? I could probably find you a job here in Seattle without much issue
if you wanted, you could even then do
@SpencerRuport yeah
@Pheonixblade9 - I affectionately called them "boogers"
@BrianJ - Definitely a joke. I think @ReedCopsey is a WPF reg and he regularly schools everyone in this room.
@SpencerRuport aren't you supposed to keep generating random ones until you get a success (or score) and pick the most successful ones, then mutate them randomly until you improve upon them?
@Pheonixblade9 totally, I don't have any kids or women tying me down at the moment ;) lol
but I'll be travelling until October, Ireland --> London then on to Thailand
@Pheonixblade9 - Yeah I'm still working on it. :)
The score will be how far to the right they get.
Then I'll combine the winners and run it again.
@SpencerRuport yeah that Reed guy seems to know his stuff
@SpencerRuport Based on your screenshot, I thought you were making a remake of ZZT or something ... :)
are the asterisks mines or just blocks?
@BrianJ he's not #7 ranked on SO for nothing ;)
@Pheonixblade9 yeah I'll drop you an email for sure
Obviously this is more for demonstration purposes as it would be faster to just run the simulation without the graphical representation. :P
gotta keep working on these projects in the mean time
Keep it console. I love it :)
@SteveHémond - Haha yeah I miss console days. :)
Today I had to write an adding machine
who is number one then? @Pheonixblade9 some Java guy? lol
@SpencerRuport yeah right ? :) I miss it so bad.
@SpencerRuport I started making a "Kindom of Kroz" like game but got no time to work on it
@BrianJ nope, Jon Skeet. Big C# hotshot :)
he answered one of my questions :D
I think anyways
he's only first by several hundred thousand points
how do I check my page rank, just for the lols
@Pheonixblade9 I love these too. Still waiting for a genetic algorithm to beat I Wanna Be The Boshy.
@SpencerRuport Do you have a GitHub ?
Yeah but I haven't put this project on there yet.
@SpencerRuport one of the big things I missed out developing further on that project, was having unique user reports on the reporting site. You see in the vid that these records are data pushed up by all users of the client app.

Which is what's motivating me to work on some DB in my next project, could learn proper normalization of the data, and planning out the system. In my last project the DB schema was more of an after thought, ended up having to cast a lot of strings that should have been doubles in the DB in the first place.
@BrianJ - Ah yeah. DB design takes some time to get used to.
and I'm guessing its a really important skill to have a good grasp of, there pretty much in all software in some form or another
as you get better at it though, you may also find it becomes easier to fix things like that ;)
Did you find it?
I'm starting to feel like now, after I've finished college, is when I'm really starting to get into programming. In college, programming assignments felt like more of a hurdle I had to overcome to get my degree.
Really college just gave me a good idea of what's out there. I had to learn most of it on my own.
college taught me how to figure shit out for myself, because they sure don't help you that much.
err: stack overflow
I realized that for maths, algorithms, OS systems it was more about figuring out the problems, developing a problem solving mindset. And also noticing where these principles were over lapping in other subjects.
sometimes I'd feel like, ugh my lecturer is such a dick with these assignments, but really they were just trying to push me to learn
err... programming is about figuring out the problems
anyways that's enough of my soft talk
exam in the morning, Embedded Systems :)
wow... this is... a 70 minute song on Pandora
cya bri bri :D :D :D >:D
lmao... "I'll donate $10 every time I die, Broman will donate $20, and that guy will donate $5. How bad could it be?"
dies 101 times
isn't IWTBTB way harder than IWTBTG?
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah lol
IWTBTB was made for Boshy, a streamer, who complained that IWTBTG was too easy
So some game dev in Denmark hacked up IWTBTB
witwix talks about some of the insanity related to that during his speed run

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