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Anyone in here?
5 hours later…
whoo, day off!
Has anyone faced the problem with a StreamReader...its BaseStream.Position is constant no matter how many times you've called ReadLine()
2 hours later…
Good morning all
Hands up who hates NuGet?
Nay. NuGet is le awesome.
The idea is awesome
The client is a massive bug pit though. And I've heard that its notion of versioning is a real ballache if you actually want to do anything involving flexible versioning, like semver is intended to facilitate
npm is way better for sure. NuGet isn't bad though.
@KendallFrey += formatted
@RoelvanUden We talked about "polling" earlier. When polling (as client) the server, so we know that the server is up, is that even mandatory? Why not just say the server is down when you send "real" data? Because now we are sending 0x0000001 to the server ever 500msec, but we don't really see the point :P
@ErwinOkken Sorry, what? Are you not networking any game state then?
it's more like a game of clash of clans. not real time multiplayer but kind of multiplayer
@TomW Agree the idea is good. Just horrible to use.
so I believe you don't really need to send continuous polls to the server as client. If you DC then you just reconnect
@RoelvanUden Not exactly sure what you're asking :p
@TomW Having issues right now with TC builds. Enabling package restore infects your projects.
Having issues with solution and project packages
Thankfully I resolved it
@ErwinOkken @RobbertStevens Consider, carefully, what kind of state you wish to keep on the client machine. I think that this is one of those "Build your own little world and occasionally send some data to the server"-kind of game, but, when you start dealing with inter-player engagement, even only in the form of textual trades and whatnot, you are opening a huge door of cheating if you let the client decide what kind of "things" happened in the game.
We do check everything on the server. But we were just having a discussion about polling the server. We can't really find the reason why we would do that
Even if you are playing in your own little "sandbox", if you will, without real-time communication between different players playing around in the same sandbox, the server has to be in charge of the game state to create a fair robust non-cheating prone environment. That, in turn, implies that the server runs all the logic and the client is merely a viewer, therefore requiring real time communication, still.
(It's a lot easier if there is no interaction between players at all because all server rules can go overboard; if a player cheats, it wouldn't be anyones problem then)
If a player cheats and gets loads of money.. it will still be someone else's problem? :P
If there is some sort of trading system or global economy, yes, it's a problem. Otherwise, no.
Then it is in our case :P
Then you must have the server be in command of everything. Real-time or smart APIs
But ok, we use sockets now. I send json via a stream. But to detect whether we are still connected to the server.. we have to poll the server, right? But why? Why can't we check if the server is up everytime we do an action? I mean, all actions will be sent to the server anyway.
In the end it will be just a prettier looking travian clone
Ohh, you mean about the "ping/pong" system I suggested? That's only required if you want quick feedback on whether the server has "gone away". If you don't have prolonged times of idleness or simply don't care if the server went down, and you're OK with showing the server was gone on the next action you need to communication, then you don't need a "ping/pong" at all, indeed. :-)
Yeah, okay :) haha no realtime multiplay XD
If you take a MMO system like Guild Wars 2, where you can move around a character with prediction without server confirmation, and the server goes down without idleness ping/pong you could potentially move from one side of the map to the other because you didn't really need to have a verification of a command. Then it's a problem and ping/pong is sorely needed, otherwise; not really, no!
@RoelvanUden Thanks, that was my concern indeed :). We keep the ping pong system up while developing, and will remove it afterwards. Last question ^^ While sending data through sockets, do we have to translate it to bytes first (BinaryStream) or can we send a json string directly (StreamWriter) ? Does that change the amount of data to be send to the server?
@ErwinOkken Absolutely. Binary packets are far more efficient. If you need to communicate a movement to a new position, your JSON string might be "{x: 23000, y: 24000}", that is 20 bytes excluding packet framing. To communicate the same intent, where x and y could be shorts, a binary packet could simply send 4 bytes excluding packet framing.
That said, if you are not doing real-time communication and the actions are much more sparse and there isn't a lot of cross talk, the overhead you cause with JSON strings is easily compensated by the convenience they bring. They are extremely easy to work with. That's a huge deal, too.
Yes, true.
But sending that json string ({x: 23000, y: 24000}) directly over a StreamWriter, or translate the json to byte[] and then send it via BinaryWriter. Will that be any different? I mean, StreamWriter has to translate the json to byte[] anyway to send it via sockets, or am I wrong there?
A StreamWriter literally just writes bytes to a stream.A JSON string is first converted to the UTF-8 byte representation of the string (essentially one byte per character, unless the ASCII value > 127, then more than one byte is used for a character) which is then written onto the stream. In this case, it's simply the string length, whereas two shorts would be 4 bytes. Excluding packet framing of course.
Do you have any resource where we can read about this? Because we don't fully get it ^^
Any idea why I'm getting an NPE when adding to an ObservableCollection, although both values being added are not null? Error thrown @ `AddedSubjectGradePairs.Add` assignment in the ` AddSubjectAndGrade()`

VM class containing the method:

And according to msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x9h8tsay.aspx, a char is 16 bits, so 2 bytes. And I think we should add 1 more char for the \0? Or am I messing my C++ and C# skills now :P
^ I didn't mean adding it manually, I meant for calculating a string's size.
@ErwinOkken The internal representation of a char is UTF-16 in C#. When you write to a StreamWriter, the encoding is by default UTF-8, which uses a different encoding. Look at the "Description" of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 and read www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/java/…
(You're going to love this haha)
Ok thank you, we will both read this :)
@BrianJ You never new'd the collections
This part is way too important / amazing too not look at.
someone said this to me, what exactly is new'd, sorry for my noobness
@RoelvanUden what does that entail?
@BrianJ proper name: 'instantiation'
You have a reference to a thing. The thing is not created yet. Then you use the reference to the thing. It's nothing, aka, null. NullReferenceException!
I see what I did there
its just a property set up, not a new instantiation ^
Shit, I'm getting hung up on code organization again instead of writing code.
Time to eat and ponder.
okay so I create a new instance like
        public ObservableCollection<ScoreModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs = new ObservableCollection<ScoreModel>();
then how do I add the { get; set; } to that?
what would be the syntax
@RoelvanUden Isn't that what a programmer does 80% of the time? :P
@BrianJ public ObservableCollection<ScoreModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs { get;set; }
@BrianJ { get; set; } is called an auto property; they don't support assignment inline. You can set the property in the constructor
I don't think they do, anyway
Indeed, no assignment inline afaik :P
in the old days properties had to be explicit i.e. { get { return private_member; } set { private_member = value; }}
okay I get it, I just add the get/set on the collection after the instantiation
you could then set private_member inline
like so:
public ObservableCollection<ScoreModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs = new ObservableCollection<ScoreModel>();
        ObservableCollection<ScoreModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs { get; set; }
Thats not gonna work :P
Or I am missing something bigtime haha
public ObservableCollection<ScoreModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs {get;set;}

In the constructor:
AddedSubjectGradePairs = new ObservableCollection<ScoreModel>();
I'm guessing it's me that's missing something big time, lol
What is the reason you use get;set; ?
might need it later, idk
public ObservableCollection<ScoreModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs; // above in the class

AddedSubjectGradePairs = new ObservableCollection<ScoreModel>(); // in the constructor
so maybe I'm still not grasping this, says it already contains a definition for the collection:
public MainViewModel()
            //call methods to initilise list data

            AddedSubjectGradePairs = new ObservableCollection<ScoreModel>();


        public ObservableCollection<ScoreModel> AddedSubjectGradePairs { get; set; }
Why in the name that all that's holy would you call a method that mutates state a name that begins with Get?
I don't see the problem in that code @BrianJ
aha rebuild ftw
@TomW what would be a better alternative?
@TomW Where do you see that it mutates something? :P
@ErwinOkken //call methods to initilise list data
Ohye, true =D
I was like, am I missing some code.. hehe
@BrianJ Initialise[Stuff]
@BrianJ A "GetXYZ" method, should return something.. not actually do something, like initialize a list.
yeah good point, refactoring time
cheers guys
this is why I love SO
...constant pedantry?
Guys I am facing this problem. Can anyone give suggestion am at my wits end stackoverflow.com/questions/30167727/…
does anyone have idea what is percentual support for each .NET Framework version?
I mean, how many % of existing PCs in the world with Windows have .NET FW atleast 3.5?
@jakubinf Does it matter?
The framework auto installs
Yes, very much, does it have sense to use C# then when only 50% of PCs support that?
All Windows PCs support all versions of .NET
Like 4.5.1, XPs = absolutely no support
XP has reached end of life
but still its one of major windows versions used
What? No it isn't.
Many people still use it
Maybe in China...
China = 1 000 000 000 people, more than US I think
so majority of people uses it...
Of course man, they have 1/3th of the world. And every single one of them is a pirate.
Should you care?
Guys any one know a good book to study how LAN network works? I am faced with this problem don't know how to solve this
Q: Too many connection errors MySQL

shyamal parikhI have a C# application which runs on LAN computers as client and accesses MySQL database present on the server. In my testing environment the application is running without any problems. However, in one of the client's place for some reason there are intermittent MySQL connections being termina...

and what that they are pirates? Does it matter?
china is moving to newer version of windows though, private laptops have mostly windows 7. or they have a Mac
soon Windows 7 will be outdated too and so on -_-
still beter than the goverment
I mean, does it have sense to use 4.5.1 Framework, which only works on Windows 8 and newer?
4.5.1 works on Vista+
Just like every version of .NET.
But its not preinstalled
you will force ur users to update, which is a good thing :P
Does it matter? When you start your app, the framework is downloaded automatically.
Seriously it doesn't get much easier than this.
if .NET FW was preinstalled on each computer, it would be great.
2.0 version, lol, thats useless
Visa has 3.5 by default, 7 has 4.0 and 8 has 4.5
Seriously stop arguing about things that aren't even true.
This isn't shitty Java
ok, so I can expect, every single Windows has .NEt Framework 2.0 atleast
Java is atleast faster in benchmarks
My god, I'm ignoring you; you never checked a single fact.
Windows XP with .NET 4.x is the only problem I came across
And I always thought that this Roel was a nice guy =D
Java is the same as javascript right?
^ haha
no, java takes more RAM :D
@ErwinOkken I have an inherit hate for idiots. I'm nice to everyone else.
Good, you better use your ignore method for me also then :D
@RoelvanUden I like idiots you can make fun of them without them even noticing it ^^
ASCII just made my "Homofiel" string smaller! wooowwww
Thanks @RobbertStevens
@ErwinOkken You're not an idiot. You may be relatively new to programming, but you are capable of reading, understanding, asking, and fact checking. Being new or not knowing something is not equal to being an idiot.
@RobbertStevens Sometimes :D
@RoelvanUden I'm not "really" new to programming, but I still suck, so "idiot" may suit me tho :D
@RoelvanUden so a brief equation, Roel's idiot == jerk
@jakubinf Mono != .NET
Yeah, thats true.
@ErwinOkken I disagree :-)
still its true that JAva takes twice as much RAM
@RoelvanUden Know @ErwinOkken he will disagree with you, so you agree to disagree :)
Java, that's an island right?
@ErwinOkken no that's the unique unit for indonesia
Wait, that guy's a spy. Java lover in a C# chat. MEHSDF
Im not Java lover, lol :D
Well, give me Holland and give me C# and I'm happy =)
I just wanted to ask about C# support, because writing GUI in Winapi is total horor.
well, i know this is stupid but forgive me for lack of study, what's the difference between Holland and Netherland?
@tweray There is a huge difference.
Great video btw :)
Damn, in my native language you are simply "Holand", no other name. :D
what is your native language?
Slovak, its pretty similar to Russian though
@TomW lol
one would wonder how names of countries were created, lol, especially China and Japan
It's something we thought up for those countries. China is Zhong Guo AFAIK, and Japan is Nihon in their native tongues.
Hence, "NIPON BANZAII!!!!!!"
Zhong Guo and China... so much similarity
How can i say to Entity Framework using datetime2 by default when she creating tables?
Zhongguo is based on how china sees their country in the world
Zhonguo means Middle Country or Center country
Haha I love that reasoning.
it actually makes alot of sense
Atleast if their characters were more like pictograms.
at the time languages were created they didnt know any better
Languages, like Java!
Oh I shut up
java at least uses roman alfabeth
On other side, in China, only wise people can read...
@RobbertStevens It does. It's also why Japan is referred to as Nihon, "the sun's origin", as named from a Chinese perspective. That's where the sun comes up :P
Japan, other two alphabets, ugh :D
3 alphabets even
Yes, I meant "Two other" + chinesse one.
Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana and for us poor western people, romanji
(last one is not official afaik)
@RoelvanUden Instead of using JSON (because of the overhead) we tend to create our own protocol, for example: "c|w|Hello everyone!" Where c stands for chat. w stands for world and Hello everyone! is the actual chat message. The amount of bytes is way less now, is this recommended?
Korea - only one alphabet with 20 characters, how wise.
japanese alphabet also has ~20 characters
the other characters they borrow from chinese
@ErwinOkken You lose some flexibility but gain some performance. It's still readable as a human, so that's a plus. Binary goes further, even less flexibility, but more performance. :)
It has somewhere in 40 I think @RobbertStevens
or if we move to europe, we have nation like that too, here
Greece, they call themselves "Ellas"
@RoelvanUden you are probly right
i wonder if it was easier for computer to understand chinesse or english text, chinesse characters have meanings, our alphabet does not
@jakubinf well, chinese has 1-2k characters, just for daily use
@RoelvanUden I don't get the "binary" part, how should we do that? a char is 1 byte? has 255 values? So we have 255 possibilities to name our action? I don't really get your 'binary' idea, our char will be binary too when we send it? :P
you need to know hellalot more characters for daily uses
but for computer it would be easier maybe, well for sure than slovak, lol
hm, in C#, is it possible to apply int32 operation on byte[4] array?
@ErwinOkken Did you read the doc about the binary?
Ye I started at chapter5 from that "Data Representation" link, which is about character encoding. There is just a small piece of info im missing I think =P
"Computer Memory & Data Representation"
@jakubinf BitConverter.ToInt32
I meant more like apply operation on that array.
byte[4]{0,0,0,0} ... xor 0xFFFFFFFF => byte[4]{FF,FF,FF,FF}
You can XOR each byte individually
Xoring 4 bytes at once would boost performance pretty much at heavy loads
There's also SIMD in .net that I think is a beta atm
IIRC that works on vectors of 4 elements
Probably a xor operation exists. Not much documentation on it that I can find but I'm looking now
The Vector type only supports int, long, float and double. Instantiating Vector<T> with any other type will cause a type load exception.
Oh. n/m
using "Unsafe" is bad idea probably
Allegedly supports register parallelism i.e. SIMD
I've watched one video about it of which I understood not much, so do your research
I could be way off
@ErwinOkken @RobbertStevens You were doing Unity3D game right?
@RoelvanUden Client is Unity, server is NodeJS, indeed.
@ErwinOkken what game you making?
@ErwinOkken Ah 'k. I'm learning about Phaser, would be funny if I could ask you XD
Haha, you asking us, hmmmmm :D
I want to try it
@ErwinOkken Sure why not? It's just API things in engines :-)
@RobbertStevens It's funny so far. I did MelonJS before, I like Phaser more :D
Its just a funny thought
@ErwinOkken doesnt like to use html5 and javascript so we use unity:(
I'm going to the University of Groningen in September.. it's gonna be such a failure if I compare your skills and mine :x haha
Aaaaaaand he blames me again :p
I use TypeScript; strong-typed JavaScript.
You get all the C# benefits like compile-time checking and intellisense ^^'
I hate javascript
Robbert was mentioning TypeScript.. maybe we should take a look at it :P
import config from '../config';

 * Represents a character sprite.
export default class CharacterSprite extends Phaser.Sprite {
   * Initializes a new instance of the CharacterSprite class.
   * @param game The game.
   * @param tileX The tile position on the x-axis.
   * @param tileY The tile position on the y-axis.
  constructor(game: Phaser.Game, tileX: number, tileY: number) {
    super(game, tileX * config.tileSize, tileY * config.tileSize, 'npc');

    // Idle
    this.animations.add('idle.up', [0]);
(see full text)
This is downright beautiful TypeScript :P
@RobbertStevens haven't found a decent IDE with intellisense, I don't like dynamic typing, and its inefficient for me because I just cant get my head into it. The syntax seems stupid to me
try visualstudio?
not say anyone who uses it is stupid. far from it
@JABFreeware TypeScript is the answer.
its that good eh?
never heard of it actually
I would program anything in TypeScript over C# nowadays :-D
But I have a C# job :P
if I was a mod I would ban you for that comment. C# RULES. kidding!
Uses a self-kick
^ Not kidding
I have already used ASP.net, it's okay
anyone tried GO ?
looks totally cool, even if a bit tricky on error handling
Tried Swift once
Couldnt create a HTTP request within 30 minutes so I stopped trying =)
guess it wasnt so swift after all
Go is nice at its heart. I just don't like the way it handles asynchronous operations.
I'm spoiled with the expressive power of C#, or the ease of TS.
how does it handle async?
Goroutines and all that.
The way you pipe in data and get data out.
I only have played with it, seems different, not so much worse, just a different way of doing things
It's elegant at its core though. It's not a bad environment at all.
google uses it...which doesn't mean too much
Google creates and abandons languages like a kid growing up does his toys.
@RoelvanUden I started learning AngularJs and when I knew they were rewritting it, I stopped learning it and reverted my app to a standard Asp.net mvc app.
Hey. I think I've been writing sql for too long. I just declared a variable prefixed with @ and tried to 'set' it.
So .. can someone remind me ... there's no "shorthand" way of doing this, is there?
        int? jobId = null;
        if(_currentJob != null)
            jobId = _currentJob.JobID;
It feels like there is. I think I'm thinking of ?? ... but I can't use that because I'm checking if the object is null in order to use one of its properties.
int? jobId = _currentJob != null ? _currentJob.JobId : null
gets better in the next version of c#
@CharlieBrown : yeah that will be nice
well, in c# 6.0 you can just do
jobId = _currentJob?.JobID
@tweray if only someone would have said that already
@CharlieBrown JobID is int not int? so that doesn't work. But yeah, that's the only alternative I could think of, and it's just as messy in some ways
@CharlieBrown thanks
@CharlieBrown i know you got a lightning hand boss, i just don't want to delete those things i typed xD
I didn't know this was due for a tidy in the next version
i found Null-Conditional Operator might be the greatest invention in c#, EVER! lol
@MattThrower I like the expanded version with the if statement better anyway, easier to modify later and very clear to intentions
@CharlieBrown Me too. As I said - both messy for different reasons.
On multi-monitor systems, its difficult to predict where the stupid win8 start menu is going to appear when you press the start key, gets annoying when it takes over a screen you need, then its 3 clicks to get it back
@CharlieBrown just don't install win8 on desktops, that's not for them no matter how much they fix it
Win8 is the biggest mistake MS made in a good while
It's the bridge to Win10. There are a lot of good things in Win8.
The legacy of Windows continues. According to history, the next one is good.
For touchscreens, yes.
Bad, Good, Bad, Good, Bad, Good.
it's just like vista for win7, win10 seems to be much promising for desktop
Win 8 is awesome, get off the hate wagons
Is there issues? Sure. Is there some odd semantics on desktop? Yep.
I like my hate wagon. It's comfy. There's a nice drinks holder.
Still a ton of great improvements in Win 8
"Mmmm. Hate"
@CharlieBrown well, it is do have a lot improvement, like boot speed, but all get shadowed by it's incompatible with desktop IO methods, and 8.1 can only fix a few of them. it's nice for those ultrabooks that's just designed to pair with them though
" it's incompatible with desktop IO methods" what in satans left index finger is that?
@CharlieBrown well, for example, you don't need a button to be 1/8 of the screen big if you have a mouse, and you don't need to call out the metro view just to do a search in start menu. I like win8 on my laptop, but it's too optimized and make a lot thing more complicated for basic mouse/keyboard input method
i am not on the hate wagon btw, i'm a big win8.1 supporter, i just won't install that on my desktop though
i rarely use the start screen, its just for netflix,hulu,flipboard. other than that, its nearly 95% match to win7 on the desktop
Why in Web-Forms does a front end SqlDataSource bind at the end? It bascally says null unless I datebind it in the Page_Load, but then I get a Stack Empty when I do.
@CharlieBrown the main part that will be kicked to metro view is when i want to do search, i have to either move the mouse to right bottom corner to invoke the side menu, which i am just not good at and can take me 10 sec to do so, or i have to click start button and get kicked to the metro view, which i only use for check email and weather
@tweray Get back on the hate wagon. It's getting lonely up here.
@MattThrower the objective critic bus is only few steps away, and it has AC on it, you should try it out
@tweray But it has a less snappy name
@MattThrower i can't help on agreeing with that though ;p
sup folks
so I herd u don't liek Metro
@Greg Because the view gets instantiated last in the life cycle
@ShotgunNinja i somehow still have some love with metro, only if it's not on my desktop
@CharlieBrown So if I need model data to select data for those controls, should I just do all Code Behind? Or should I try passing it to JavaScript and wait for the DOM then change those values?
Which way would be correct?
that's actually pretty nice, i would have get it if i really need one
I would go with code behind, its less error prone
I want to add a list of free grid components, as a wiki, in a question like stackoverflow.com/questions/15744826/… but all such questions are closed :/
It is good to have a reference list somewhere where one can pick which fits the needs
@LifeH2O try Programmers, its off-topic for SO
Is there no way to make that work, I was hoping because front end last throughout the life cycle.
mongodb driver does not suppor linq anymore?
I forgot using MongoDB.Driver.Linq (:
developer laziness is my biggest pet peeve, although one could debate what should be considered laziness
Is there an easy way to add option group to a default asp.net drop down list?
damn ... i hate to be so much dependant to ReSharper ...
I propose a new acronym.... "DRiFT". DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME
or maybe "DBL", "DONT BE LAZY"
@CharlieBrown if I find such place on SO and post such answer, will it stay or get deleted?
@LifeH2O let me check my globe of future telling
@CharlieBrown how about just FOD, fuck off dude
@CharlieBrown well, I find it deleted in my past globe.
different question, different answer
whats happening
@Jeremy did the same thing :P
@ton.yeung yeah, I just saw it know.. yes I will get preview version of it. Thanks!
@Bob how much does it cost?
it's so thick for an HD monitor
hmmm what to have for lunch....
@SteveG $3000
I have read the article http://www.webmonkey.com/2010/02/get_started_with_rest/
which talks about rest. In the article it shows a rest request. It looks the same as a c# querystring that I use in order to retrieve data from SQL. Is the only difference the fact that I can use the querystring or response in order to retrieve data from another site? or is this wrong as well?
@SteveG nice avatar
thanks, you too ;)
Now all you need to do is rename yourselves to Cave Johnson
@ton.yeung wut
I think i need this in my life
Oh, 30Hz...

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