why String.Format("{0:N}", 123456789026163.47D) return a string with 123456789026163.00 and String.Format("{0:N}", 123456789026163.47M) returns the number itself (123456789026163.47) without the truncation?
int index = 0;
do {
index = index * 10 + ch - '0';
if (pos == len) FormatError();
ch = format[pos];
} while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' && index < 1000000);
a little bit higher
note, you can't pad more than a million spaces
just in case you wanted to
anything that starts off with while (true) you know is going to be good
You copy all your projects before wiping off OS to a disk drive ,on fresh OS install,copy back the projects to documents folder after re-installing VS.You dig down the project directory but don't find your *.csproj & other assisstnace files...
You copy all your projects before wiping off OS to a disk drive ,on fresh OS install,copy back the projects to documents folder after re-installing VS.You dig down the project directory but don't find your *.csproj & other assisstnace files... Does this happened to anyone ? This happened twice with me
As one would expect. It's huuuuge. Same thing with HoloLens at the reveal announcement, every little fart by Apple is covered in every media at least 5x and nobody has ever mentioned the HoloLens at all in the regular news. Ever. That's just bad.
is the port being used? try netstat -a -b on the command prompt
okay, so I'm using EF 6 and I get the following error: The model backing the x context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=238269) I tried adding a new migration, but that only adds empty Up() and Down() methods
@codebrain Aren't they doing that? .NET is finally taking it cross platform, so attack on Java. Bing attacks Google. Win10 package manager attacks debian/linux. Win Phone attacks Android/iOS (and can run their apps). Windows Phone attacks Ubuntu Edge. Win IoT attacks Rasbian etc, and concequently, js micro controllers will get the same treatment. ITS HAPPENING
I'll grab my tin foil hat and sit in the corner waiting for our MS overlords.
Bing is better than Google (Granted, in America-only). If they start to give the same love to Europe, it will be better here, too. Windows Phone market share is 3th biggest, behind Android/iOS. This move, running iOS/Android apps on Windows Phone, along with dual-screen phones and running a desktop on your phone can prove to be a huge move. The share will increase, no doubt there. Windows IoT is on the playing field as Rasp, it runs on that hardware. It's an attack, no doubt.
Your (and everyone elses) only beef with WP is the lack of Apps. That's why not many users adopt it, and devs don't focus on it much. Chicken and the egg. What if WP suddenly has the same apps? :P
@RoelvanUden the last time i looked at it, you couldn't even make a document organizer, because of the permissions. IIRC, you can only access the music and video library on WP, without asking for permission for each file you want to open
@RoelvanUden and except for blackberry, 90% of the people haven't heard of the others
Of course, you should remain in your sandbox. It's the same for every mobile OS. You can get permissions to access SD cards and documents, though, but even that is not preferred.
@RoelvanUden already java is not growing fast enough. Java lost the war though it was born smarter than c#. Yes, cross platform and opensource stuff are very welcome. as we know, MS's learning materials suck, their forums too. It'll take time to reach globally across other platform devs.
@BenjaminDiele Do they have instagram in win phone yet ?
I know some UK devs ex members of this room (rudi , Jamie townsend) use Windows phones just cz they are Microsoft platform devs. They're so patriotic and love windows <3
I must admit I'm actually wondering (and secretly excited) whether WP with their desktop mode will support developer tools. I honestly would love the idea to be able to plug in my Phone to a screen/mouse/keyboard and continue coding anywhere.
guys , I've got a strange problem ! I've programmed a windows form app in c# now that's installed on windows everything is OK just when windows starts , app starts too !
@Squiggle On the verge.. slightly. It still doesn't include behavior, but it's a lot better than getting NullReferenceException. If you touch that Name, you will be told to include Customer. It kinda works. Although I still doubt the need for this property in the first place
Cleaning legacy is really just iterations of compromises to get where you want