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@Ben Its 3K
just like closing
@Zignd ummm... ok
still not sure what your problem was, but I'm glad you figured it out!
@Ben Deleted by owner, and it was pretty close to a duplicate
there is nearly no difference between passing a string literal and a variable, so the problem with the code really was a duplicate
At least, one of the problems was
ok i need a quick help again
it's a conceptual question,

why String.Format("{0:N}", 123456789026163.47D) return a string with 123456789026163.00 and String.Format("{0:N}", 123456789026163.47M) returns the number itself (123456789026163.47) without the truncation?
I would imagine because "ToString" on a double is different from a decimal
That call really calls ToString on the number and passes it the "N" formatting string
and stuffs the result into the braces
so the first calls it on a double type, and the second on a Decimal type
Now, why those implementations are different I have no idea
apparently those linux devs really want VS
who wouldn't
no question there
no more MonoDevelop!
MonoDevelop was so bad when I was last tried to use it
@Zignd it's because a double can't store that many digits. Ignore what Bradley said :D
I'm pretty sure what I said is still true, but that could explain why the output is different :)
Though it doesn't explain why this doesn't work: stackoverflow.com/questions/13572233/…
still bugs the heck out of me :(
you could see if String.Format is open and there might be a bug
I'm sure it's findable...
I seriously doubt its a bug, but here's the source: referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/…
that would be a pain to follow
@BradleyDotNET I'd guess single instead of double?
What's terrible about it?
its so squishy
so close together
mismatched style
little to no commenting
I know what this is supposed to do, and I'm not exactly sure how it accomplishes it ;)
I'm pretty sure this is the part that extracts the numerical reference to the arguemnt
                     do {
                        width = width * 10 + ch - '0';
                        if (pos == len) FormatError();
                        ch = format[pos];
                    } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' && width < 1000000);
looks like the column width to me
oops, yeah, this is the index
        int index = 0;
        do {
            index = index * 10 + ch - '0';
            if (pos == len) FormatError();
            ch = format[pos];
        } while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' && index < 1000000);
a little bit higher
note, you can't pad more than a million spaces
just in case you wanted to
anything that starts off with while (true) you know is going to be good
okay, I understand the code now
3 hours later…
@RoelvanUden !
gah, I'm tired and missing something obvious
private readonly IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<Uri, TimeSpan>> meh = new ConcurrentDictionary<Uri, TimeSpan>();
Feel ^ should work given
THURSDAY, which counts as a FRIDAY because tomorrow is a national holiday \o/
@JohanLarsson Lack of covariance.
@JohanLarsson Does that make sense to you? I just spent some time learning about it...
yeah makes sense.
private readonly IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Uri, TimeSpan>> meh = new ConcurrentDictionary<Uri, TimeSpan>(); // works
Still a bit strange since it implements the interface but I have not had any coffee yet :)
hello guy's
hello everyone
@BenjaminDiele lol Thursday is Thursday & Friday well you know...
@Omar tomorrow's a day off, so today counts as a friday :D
Premature friday?
that's another way to say it yeah :D
@scheien Already better from the flu?
Aye, I'm getting there. Had it since sunday, so it's about time!
and of course there's been a lot going on at work these days when I've been sick
So I'm looking forward to a massive work load on monday, hooray :(
Want to hear something funny?
A friend of mine called yesterday. He's in the starting pit with his company
and he needs some special tailored software to do some logistics and such
@JohanLarsson Hm. My machine (.NET 4.5) doesn't think ConcurrentDictionary<T,U> implements IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<T,U>>. Is the MSDN documentation lying?
maybe, have seen doc bugs in the past
So he had a talk with a local firm where he live, and they had a couple of "viable" solutions for him
the first one being a Excel spreadsheet
and the second one: Access database (since he wanted search capabilities)
(but I guess that software development aren't their strongest side)
You copy all your projects before wiping off OS to a disk drive ,on fresh OS install,copy back the projects to documents folder after re-installing VS.You dig down the project directory but don't find your *.csproj & other assisstnace files...
Does this happened to anyone ?
This happened twice with me
Nope. I use source control.
@scheien I think you can say that for most software shops
@scheien Indeed, put it in git, push it to bitbucket. Shit keeps on working
@BenjaminDiele: That software dev isnt their strongest side? :p
or the hideous proposals?
If you look at what kinda code some shops cock up, you'd get hopelesss. Or very rich when their clients call you to fix that shit
The latter sounds like a gold mine
You copy all your projects before wiping off OS to a disk drive ,on fresh OS install,copy back the projects to documents folder after re-installing VS.You dig down the project directory but don't find your *.csproj & other assisstnace files...
Does this happened to anyone ?
This happened twice with me
@JAVEDIQBAL: Use source control. There's a few free alternatives like github (git) or visual studio online (git/tfs)
@JAVEDIQBAL Learn to read. Scheien and I both commented you should use source control.
Don't keep on asking the same questions
How should one know without being tagged for an ans ?
@JAVEDIQBAL by reading the damn chat.
Protip: ReadAllLines()
lolx........I should employ a web crawler to do it for me
Yep, that sounds like a really good idea
Can't see how that could go wrong
Apr 25 at 17:05, by Kendall Frey
@JAVEDIQBAL You are a help vampire. If you expect us to help you, ask answerable questions, and put some of your own effort into your code.
Unnecessary spam / offensive flag was unnecessary.
hi @Squiggle
So much Microsoft news. What was mentioned in the regular news about it today? Well, nothing, because who cares about Microsoft. What, the, fuck.
Also, good morning.
@RoelvanUden it's mentioned quite a lot on tech sites though
As one would expect. It's huuuuge. Same thing with HoloLens at the reveal announcement, every little fart by Apple is covered in every media at least 5x and nobody has ever mentioned the HoloLens at all in the regular news. Ever. That's just bad.
Microsoft isn't "cool" and "hip" don't you know. Apple is!
Because of their rounded corners
Traffic was awful today/yesterday in Seattle
Build is huuuuggeeee
Today biking in Turin (Italy) is very gorgeous, all people are on vacations because tomorrow is a non-working day in Italy
BTW, I'm in office...
Good morning all
Morning @codebrain
@RoelvanUden Lots of azure talks in yesterday's MS build
Hey Scheien Guten tag !
@codebrain heya
heeey yaaaaa
wait, what? Obj-C support?
Oh and wonderful - full cross-browser support for Skype
I guess that's been around for a while, but it was annoying
Can anyone access this link? code.visualstudio.com/Download
@BenjaminDiele Nope.
It seems down at the moment.
gg microsoft
Poor IIS couldn't handle the stress.
So this is a weird error.
Create semaphore within web service code, throws "access to port denied" exception
kind of expected, but only started happening recently, having not changed the code.
A processing in background still having the handle in use?
is the port being used? try netstat -a -b on the command prompt
okay, so I'm using EF 6 and I get the following error:
The model backing the x context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=238269)
I tried adding a new migration, but that only adds empty Up() and Down() methods
@BenjaminDiele I am able to access
@codebrain same, just now. Friend a few km's further can't :(
Microsoft is upto something. They got so much cash.
@codebrain HoloLens is not good enough?
They got so much going on. hololens is just 5% of it i guess
They are attacking everything, so that's something :D
What uppppp my homies. Im using XmlTextReader for this string:
But it says "illegal characters in path"
Theyre rich enough to reproduce anything google\oracle invents, just in C# and MS's version. :P
I've escaped the string, soooo?
@Asheh &, <, > are invalid. use xmlEntities ?
Nevermind i was being dumb
XmlTextReader takes a path, not a xml string
Hey ive barely finished my coffee yet
@codebrain Aren't they doing that? .NET is finally taking it cross platform, so attack on Java. Bing attacks Google. Win10 package manager attacks debian/linux. Win Phone attacks Android/iOS (and can run their apps). Windows Phone attacks Ubuntu Edge. Win IoT attacks Rasbian etc, and concequently, js micro controllers will get the same treatment. ITS HAPPENING
I'll grab my tin foil hat and sit in the corner waiting for our MS overlords.
@RoelvanUden And about half of that is quite shit
@BenjaminDiele What is shit?
bing doesn't work as well as google, win phone market share is hilarious, and I doubt Win IoT has the same target group as the rPi
I have a WP and I like it, but having no ecosystem sucks hard. I'm lucky stuff like Whatsapp is available, but other stuff? Go fish.
Bing is better than Google (Granted, in America-only). If they start to give the same love to Europe, it will be better here, too. Windows Phone market share is 3th biggest, behind Android/iOS. This move, running iOS/Android apps on Windows Phone, along with dual-screen phones and running a desktop on your phone can prove to be a huge move. The share will increase, no doubt there. Windows IoT is on the playing field as Rasp, it runs on that hardware. It's an attack, no doubt.
@RoelvanUden It's not hard being 3rd for mobile OS, when there are only 3 players ..
Your (and everyone elses) only beef with WP is the lack of Apps. That's why not many users adopt it, and devs don't focus on it much. Chicken and the egg. What if WP suddenly has the same apps? :P
@BenjaminDiele Haha, there are far more.
@RoelvanUden The API for WP is so limiting though. That should be fixed first
Samsung's Tizen, for one
Blackberry, FireFox, Sailfish, Tizen, Ubuntu, Fire, WebOS, MeeGo
lol Blackberry
They were on to a good thing with Webworks, though.
@BenjaminDiele In what way is it limiting?
@RoelvanUden the last time i looked at it, you couldn't even make a document organizer, because of the permissions. IIRC, you can only access the music and video library on WP, without asking for permission for each file you want to open
@RoelvanUden and except for blackberry, 90% of the people haven't heard of the others
Of course, you should remain in your sandbox. It's the same for every mobile OS. You can get permissions to access SD cards and documents, though, but even that is not preferred.
you can't even set alarms on WP8 ...
or access the lockscreen
You can set alarms just fine.
only via silverlight, afaik
Accessing the lock screen is bad. Why would you want that?
Why, as a user, would I want some shitty app fucking up my lock screen/
@RoelvanUden to change the lockscreen picture?
@RoelvanUden the popularity of those kind of apps on android tell a different tale though
Android apps can spy on your input and steal your passwords with a little effort. It doesn't mean it's a good idea
Yeah, of course it's not all good. But the API is limited, and that limits the possibilities of the ecosystem
Honestly, I think opening up the world for everything gives you the same kind of shithole that is Android.
It's better to avoid that.
Of course it's possible to do better than android.
@RoelvanUden already java is not growing fast enough. Java lost the war though it was born smarter than c#. Yes, cross platform and opensource stuff are very welcome. as we know, MS's learning materials suck, their forums too. It'll take time to reach globally across other platform devs.
@BenjaminDiele Do they have instagram in win phone yet ?
Now Microsoft should just buy xamarin
Haven't they done that already?
They haven't
@codebrain no clue, but I know my snapchat account was banned because I use WP
buying microsoft india shares
@BenjaminDiele hilarious
I know some UK devs ex members of this room (rudi , Jamie townsend) use Windows phones just cz they are Microsoft platform devs. They're so patriotic and love windows <3
lunch. bbl
I use it because it's not a a boxed in product of the church of Apple and doesn't suck quite as much as Android or competitors.
I love my WP. It's simple to use.
And has had offline navigation for ages :P
Primary reason right there
I'm happy with any platform so long as there's good hardware and HTML5 support.
Tizen is pretty good for that
@RoelvanUden yeah, Here maps is the best
I must admit I'm actually wondering (and secretly excited) whether WP with their desktop mode will support developer tools. I honestly would love the idea to be able to plug in my Phone to a screen/mouse/keyboard and continue coding anywhere.
(Not that I ever leave my house, but, still)
Do you carry a spare screen/mouse/keyboard with you?
Nah, but going over to another place and having that shit there and plugging in your phone is amazing. Think work, flex work places, and all that shit
@RoelvanUden it's called a laptop
or a tablet
Screw you.
actually yeah I had an awesome 30" Mac screen to use at my old co-working space
macbook pro's are awesome
just a shame you can't customize them
Gratz, R.
@RoelvanUden and do your tests pass?
@Squiggle that's for QA :D
I hate it when I get rubbish errors: i.imgur.com/zQsS9Mi.png
Well. It explodes. A lot. As expected.
Unit teeessssts
mornin' @Tommassiov
Hi Guys ..
@bhuvin :)
It's sort-of-Friday today
I have a Wcf Service Library, and want to do some tasks on startup like enable a timer. At the moment I have this.
     internal class ScheduledTaskService : ServiceBase, IScheduledTaskServices
        Timer timer = new Timer();

        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
            timer.Enabled = true;
            timer.Interval = 10000;
            timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);

        protected override void OnStop()
            timer.Enabled = false;

        protected void timer_Elapsed(object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs aa)
I am just curious that where Rename command is just sort of an overload to Move command into Ms-Dos ?
Once the service has started if I put a breakpoint in the method timer_Elapsed, and attach to the process it never gets hit
Any ideas why
@Squiggle : Ofcourse man .. Labour day ...
I guess I am the Only Laborer going to work
Got a question: Is Visual Studio Code proprietary? I think so, but I want to double check.
@IonicăBizău : Morning ...
@IonicăBizău - Yes ...
@Tommassiov are you calling timer.Start()?
the .Net core , after so many years was made open source ...
but not Visual Studio ...
@Squiggle : Any idea about Ms Dos ?
@bhuvin Any reference for that?
VS is a cash cow. They're not going to open source it.
I'm calling timer.Enabled = true;
@IonicăBizău : No i dont have it ready ...
but u can search it out ...
should be easy
Guys Rename is a Overload of Move - Ms - Dos ??
bcoz it so damn looks like dat ...
@Tommassiov perhaps enable it after setting the interval and handler?
Nope didn't work either
Hi developers
@bhuvin I think they're functionally similar.
@Squiggle : of course man ..
@Squiggle yeah?
what i need is a a Link wherein this is Mentioned ... Its a Bet wid my Lead ...
It seems very natural that it internally uses Move as the Underlying function...
but i need a Link to Prove it .. Guys Help !
guys , I've got a strange problem ! I've programmed a windows form app in c# now that's installed on windows everything is OK just when windows starts , app starts too !
where did you install it?
@Squiggle Any other ideas
@Squiggle I've made a installation with install shield and installed in C:
an stackoverflow member i know started new company. Motivating :)
@Tommassiov Can you make the same logic work in a normal console app?
@codebrain hosted at MediaCityUK. No wonder it looks very startupish.
@Squiggle actually I added a constructor and put the code in their
It seems to get called now
@Tommassiov that implies your service wasn't being started
@Squiggle But in the Wcf Host Client, it shows as started
Any ideas for my problem !
From the JS room:
VS Code is just a re-skinned Atom IDE, then?
It uses Atom Shell for sure, and OmniSharp.
It's not like that's a bad thing, but providing streamlined packages for Atom might have been better
but then it wouldn't be MICROSOOOOOFT
@RoelvanUden you forgot one
@Squiggle yes, though it founded at 2009, thery're growing up fast.
good for them
@RoelvanUden , @BenjaminDiele : wassup guys ?
@bhuvin counting down for the weekend. How are you?
@codebrain I've been through two startups in that time :)
@Squiggle quite a experience.
@codebrain an
@bhuvin not too much, how is mono life treating you?
@BenjaminDiele - ahh man ... Startups ... No Weekends !
@bhuvin i did startups. Never again.
@RoelvanUden : Currently on Toes ... Entity Framework , Sq-lite Mac , And Toxic waste Teammates ...
@BenjaminDiele : I guess it does have good parts ... Superb Learning ...
Better than any Service based Companies ...
(INDIA) ... :P
I ended up being rather good at the business side of things.
something I might do again in a few years
The hardest thing is to think of - and create - a product that people would actually want to use.
I just hate (HATE) The Tech Bubble
Guys ... I need to win this bet : I need to Prove Rename ( in MS-DOS ) uses MOVE
command in MSDOS
any help would do ...
@bhuvin download the source. computerhistory.org/atchm/…
dats old ...
i guess the firsts ..
he would deflect ...
Assembler usage:
        LDS     DX, source
        LES     DI, dest
        MOV     AH, Rename
        INT     21h
seems legit
Best exception ever:
public class ForgottenIncludeException : Exception
    public ForgottenIncludeException(params string[] value)
        : base("Forgotten include: " + string.Join(",", value)) {}
Using on an EF POCO:
    public string Name
            if (Customer == null) throw new ForgottenIncludeException("Customer");
            return Customer.Name;
Oh the trolls I'll get
@Squiggle : the Assembly code given i am not able to get , could you please help ?
not really. It's been 11 years since I even looked at ASM.
@RoelvanUden that's verging on Rich Domain Model there
@Squiggle On the verge.. slightly. It still doesn't include behavior, but it's a lot better than getting NullReferenceException. If you touch that Name, you will be told to include Customer. It kinda works. Although I still doubt the need for this property in the first place
Cleaning legacy is really just iterations of compromises to get where you want
@RoelvanUden :P yes, missed it :-(
If I have a generic helper class to handle ChannelFactory<T> like
        public static void Use(string endPointConfigName, Action<T> action)
            ChannelFactory<T> channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>(endPointConfigName);
            T client = channelFactory.CreateChannel();

            bool status = false;


                status = true;
            catch (FaultException faultException)
How can I expand this so that I can log the request and response
All I want to know is how I can get at the object data that is posted on the service, and the object that comes back
@Tommassiov dont abort
  catch (System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException cex)
      // Ignore various exceptions regarding the Channel's current state
     ExceptionManagementDM.DMException.SilentPublish((short)AppCommonCfg.SysEvent.GenericError, cex);
   catch (TimeoutException tex)
      // Ignore Timeouts
      ExceptionManagementDM.DMException.SilentPublish((short)AppCommonCfg.SysEvent.GenericError, tex);
something of mine
Can i use repeater control for static data without binding from server
ya i tried with static data it is not displayed
You need to databind the datasource
but what do you put in static data?
without binding it is not possible
Yep, afaik you need to set DataSource, and then bind it. However the datasource can be whatever you want
for example i am designing comment page...where user comments are added through jquery..
Here i am not binding through server...
Can't you assign it (prepend/append) to the ul?
and perform a postback to store the data also
good morning
I guess you're using the asp:repeater for the initial page render?
this feels like monday because i didn't work the last 2 days :o
Good day @SteveG
I havent been to work this week
Stupid flu
oh i had a terrible sinus headache, wouldn't go away couldn't think
Yes @scheien
headaches are some serious shit :(
@codebrain Why shouldn't I abort ?
@SteveG I used to get bad sinus especially in the morning
Guys tell me is it possible to render asp repeater control with static data...
yeah :(
@SteveG Started to take vitamin C supplement and seemed to clear it up.
enchi na marre..
@user3588674: I would probably prepended the new comment in the <ul> to get it on top, and then performed a postback to store the data.
That way I would save the comment, and it would be there if I refreshed the page.
Can anyone help re my question above about ChannelFactory
hence it would be rendered by the repeater
Thanks guys..
good night
@Tommassiov are you new to WCF? What is it you're trying to implement?
@Squiggle fairly
firing off a call to an arbitrary web service?
Basically, I have generic helper class that I can call the Wcf service with which works fine.
However, for diagnostic purposes, ideally I want to log all incoming and outgoing requests
Something simple like converting the response object to json
Maybe I need to perform this in the actual call to the generic helper class
at which point i have the request and response object

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