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@Pheonixblade9 okay I'm looking to make a directed graph so the ^^ wouldn't suit
2 hours later…
hi, anybody there?
1 hour later…
@mostafiz : hey man ..
C# community has become so inactive these days!
By the way, is there any way to pass data between C# and javascript in Windows phone app?
I mean, how can I bring the data to the javascript code that is returned by a c# method?
@mostafiz - Its Friday , Besides your timezones are different then majority of developers ...
what exactly are you saying ? Javascript - Where are you using it ? Is it a View wherein you want to use that ? or what ?
@bhuvin can you please look into this question?
I'd explained it there with more details
Q: How to pass data between C# and Javascript in Windows Phone 8.1 App

mostafizI've a webview in my Windows Phone 8.1 app where I run javascript code that calls a C# method and the C# method returns some string data. I need this string data in the javascript code from where the C# method was called previously. How can I do this data passing operation in Windows Phone 8.1 ap...

@bhuvin could I make myself clear?
I think windows app with c# doesn't allow this, right?
@mostafiz : Logically it should allow this , Since its not just you who would require the same , but many ppl would have needed the same , but i dunno since I am not a WinPhone dev ...
So need to look around on Net ...
Check it out , there might be many places you might get through this ...
1 hour later…
hello @JohanLarsson
any windows phone app expert there?
Can a textblock in WPF contain multiple alignments? For example, a bold and centered title text, followed by left-aligned text. Is it possible to do this with the text all in one textblock?
any assembly dll guru here
1 hour later…
morning all
morning guys
auto-generating API documentation for WebAPI
Does anyone have experience of this? We've tried two approaches so far, neither are ideal
First just using the generated XMLdoc and running it through XSLT to generate a HTML page
Didn't provide so much info, so we tried a HelpPage plugin
but now we've got conflicts between dependencies
because the auto-generated API help uses all sorts of ASP.Net and dependent assemblies which conflict with the rest of our codebase
hi guys
oh man, audiophiles: wathifi.com
> in the largest, most holographic sound field we have ever created.
can i able to save user id from ajax response in view bag and use that id in different view?
can any body help or tell me the alternate idea ?
@yahyaakhtar You're talking ASP.Net MVC?
mvc 5
@Squiggle i am asking about MVC 5
Read about the X/Y problem. And this stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask
@Roel did you star my morning message? :D
I did not.
Well shit.
@Sippy Those are the best kind of shit.
OK I'm beginning to dislike Unity
or more specifically "PerRequestLifetimeManager"
What approach does Ninject take for dependencies that last the full HTTP request lifecycle?
huh. InScope( c => System.Web.HttpContext.Current )
much easier
Hi my client is facing exception such as 'object cannot cast from dbnull to other types' and we r using winform with c# ,as we have already deployed in client place and its in live so now how can i trace where this exception has been occurred any help would be great...
Do you have any logging system?
Often client exceptions are caught in the Windows Event Viewer.
Sounds like bad data or bad schema is the culprit :)
no its a custom exception which we have designed
Don't you get a stacktrace when exceptions are thrown?
If it is a custom exception you would probably know where to look?
or atleast start to look. Unless it's used everywhere.
You must be throwing the custom exception for a reason. There's not much we can help with there...
@Squiggle if(friday) { throw FlipTableException((╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻); }
Hi, can someone tell me how to load the first element of an array in emitter ? ...
var il = sample.GetILGenerator();
i loaded the first arg which is an array of strings
i want to load index 0 how ?
il.Emit(OpCodes.LdFirstIndex); // load it here (what is the intruction ?)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); // pop the array
il.EmitCall(); // call method with string paramteret
@Sippy Nice!
@SpencerRuport No property changed events in angular, but you can $watch the value on the $digest
 public class Y:X
        public Y()
now x and y are same ?
a as x and a as y are same ?
a is another class of type x.
@shakthi no
maybe you should read about inheritance
oops, yes i will read for sure. could you tell me why 'no' in short ?
@shakthi Because you've grossly misunderstood how it works
oh thanks kendall, i ll read !
almost weekend \o/
beer - 5:00:00
You're 3 hours later than me then
payRecordsList.Add(payRecord.DateLeft == null ? includePayrollIDinResult == false ? string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy} to Present : {1} ({2})", payRecord.DateStarted, payRecord.Department.PayrollCompany.CompanyName, payRecord.PayFrequency) : string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy} to Present : {1} ({2})", payRecord.DateStarted,
skiving friday?
that sounds fun
I fucked it up.
oh i read that wrong
It's like another 9 lines long.
Hi. Has anyone been recently working on apache cordova project that required to run on Android, ios, wp with database ? I am wondering wich database to choose if sqllite or websql. WebSQL seems to be depracated. With SQLlite it is not clear with Windows support. Any recommendations?
@Marek That's a very specific open ended question ...
hi all
@Sippy that is an oxymoron
@KendallFrey ye it issssssss
and you're like that without the oxy
your mom
can't seem to find this on SO but I thought it would have been fairly simple, seems not, I have a string array and I want to get the last 2 elements (but they may not even exist as the array could be empty which should not be considered a problem), is there a quick 1 line way of doing this?
Is it good decision to develop with WebSQL that is not being developed, but still MS seems to like it ? I am also not sure about the efficiency of websql.
if it is deprecated I wouldn't use it
Linq maybe
Sqllite is supported by everyone, that is the preferred choice
@Bonner What do you mean "should not be considered a problem"?
there must be something nicer than this...
var LstItems = employees.Skip(Math.Max(0, employees.Count() - 2)).Take(2);
if the elements don't exist, no exception should be thrown
employees.Skip(Math.Max(0, employees.Count() - 2)) should be all you need
and what should be returned?
@juanvan Length, not Count()
I was thinking if I could reverse the list, and return 2 items that would do
*the arraay
@Bonner it's not really any better
it would probably be marginally slower
@Squiggle 'sized in mens'
doesn't make any sense for either the writing or the picture
I can't use the above as it says string[] does not contain a definition 'skip'
@Bonner employees.Skip(employees.Length - 2)
Does it throw an exception with Skip(collection.Count() -2)?
See, not so hard?
@scheien nope
@Bonner you need to using System.Linq
if you try to use the result after that it might
I have the linq namespace referenced
Dont need the Take() since it's the last two elements anyway.
I'm basically trying to get the last 2 segments of the URL:
fuck, I suck at this chat
just do length -1 and length-2
depends what you're doing with it
wrap it up in a parser, call it a day
that will throw an exception for the basic use of it
I plan on iterating the values once returned
spend more time optimizing simple things then building applications, wont get much done
Well said
just make a UrlSegmentParser class, then write a bunch of unit tests against it
or use a one-liner
private IEnumerable<string> GetUrlSegments(HttpRequestBase request) {
request.Url.Segments.Skip(Math.Max(0, request.Url.Segments.Length - 2));
seems to work :)
forget the Max
you don't need it
how would you write it then?
without the max
5 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@Bonner employees.Skip(employees.Length - 2)
sorry didn't see that
what if the length is 0
will that not cause a problem?
0 elements
then it will return nothing
ah cool cheers
I tested it for you, you're welcome
anyone know about powershell .exe (s)...
you mean the exe, or like compiled ps1's?
Well.. I think I figured out how I can do it but it isn't really how I want to
good morning
I compiled my script and now one of my coworkers wants the same thing, but where you put in arguments instead of like... Read-Host values
suck it thursday, and happy fucking friday, bah humbug
Idk if that makes any sense lol
@SteveG Yeah buddy!
But I don't think you can do arguments with a .exe like you typically would with ps1 files..
So I am just going to have her do powershell.exe .ps1 -type a -bunch of -crap afekfj
Have you all seen the Thanksgiving song? lol
It is made by the same people who did Friday...
da huh
I saw the Saturday song
da...huh... is that like duh?
@KendallFrey lol you send this every friday
so it is like uh huh
@SteveG no I don't
@JLott nuh uh
Frick this.
Has anyone used Swagger?
Swiggity Shwa
this pizza is aggressive
potato knishes
the magic and the mystery
!!youtube potato knishes
Swashbuckle / Swagger, anyone?
my wife often comes home and asks me what I've been doing all day, imagine if I said watching pirates on youtube lol
someone interesed in alpha testing a program??
what is it?
a simple music player application, called "Music Player" :D
yep will do
I run a DAC
will it work with a DAC?
what's dac?
it is like an external sound card, but very high quality
also, are you using WASAPI?
as WASAPI is kick arse on my sound system
i just want to go home and get drunk as fuck at 930 in the morning, play games for an hour, until i can no longer convince myself that i'm good while drunk, pass out, wake up at 5pm, and say fuck it and do it all over again
as fuck or and fuck?
no i'm not using wasapi
lol, but now that you mention it, and doesn't seem to bad either
thank you backpage
for herpies?
WASAPI is the way to go, if you send over the program I'll tell you how it works on my machine
and the aids
backdoor more like lol
where can i add an attachement?
to an email
i need a new destiny character, i have too many kills and it's taking too long to bring my k/d ratio up
(and deaths)
do you have an FTP you can upload it to? would probably be the best way to share it
i can upload it to my website, but then i'll have to .zip the installer-exe. if that's no problem for you i'll do it.
sounds ok to me
@SteveG Did you not find that game to be massively overhyped?
"Most expansive open world MMO"
c# is nothing like PHP is it, I have a method that has private visibility and I have a foreach loop in a different method in the same class, but VS says the method does not exist in the current context
@Bonner uhm. no.
how am I supposed to call methods in foreach loops then?
@Sippy i didn't play it until months and months and months after its' release, i didn't hear much hype about it, so i was generally satisfied with it
@SteveG Ah good choice sir.
I always believe game hype then I'm always sad
thats what i do with MMOs a lot
@Bonner Well.. if you're using the foreach loop in the same class then there should be no issue
just seems a bit strange that both methods are in the same class, but one can't be accessed because of a foreach loop
foreach (string urlSegment in urlSegments) {
                if (HasMatchingController(urlSegment)) {
that is in one method
Paste the class
In pastebin
so, you can download it at "http://cramopy.jimdo.com/download/", the setup password is"alpha-testing"
will do
Trying to get into team explorer in VS2008
I was still in highschool when VS2008 came out lol
Why is team explorer a 400mb extension ..
it is the HasMatchingRoute in the foreach loop in the GetRouteData that can't be accessed
@cramopy is the PE in english
If you're trying to access a private method that belongs to another class, you obviously can't.
@Sippy it is in the same class
ah fuck ignore me lol
What'd you do?
I can't see it
I'm using the wrong method name
That'd do it.
That wouldn't give you an access modifier error though
@bonner yes, you can select englisch as language
I am a self taught programmer, but I would like to learn some math to help with becoming a better developer. Does anyone recommend discrete math or linear algebra to start with, and if they do, which one would be better to learn first?
@Phorden What development work do you do?
so for all of you, here the basic features:
Mostly front end web apps right now, basically JS MVC frameworks, but I am looking to expand my knowledge into things such as Game Development, and small desktop apps. I would be working with more C# in this case.
@Phorden You don't really need maths for those I don't think
where am I?
Game development you would if you wanted to build a physics engine
don,t invent a wheel if it ain,t broken
use unity 3d, its a good engine
especiallly its latest version
@cramopy ran the installer, all worked fine, then ran the app and got the following:
I guess I am also looking to expand my skills as a developer, so I would like the math background to help with more advanced skills. I understand that it isn't required, but I don't think it could probably hurt. =)
@Sippy how the fuck am i supposed to correct it!!!!
@Rusty Just don't use them xD
@Phorden ehm
oh don't use them, irght
I guess @Kendall would be the right person to talk to
i'm going places
@Phorden Learn them as you need em. That will be like, never.
@RoelvanUden I'm trying to convey this
A class in Physics would help more in the game dev space
You only really need maths if you wanna do simulations or scientific software
@bonner, ah, ok can you please create the folder "Music Player" in %appdata% and 2 empty files, called "tracks.json" & "user.json"
99% of the time a game dev uses an engine, thus, won't really need it
A lot of the physics in game dev is handled for you if you use a physics engine, if you wanna build one then that's a whole 'nother ballpark.
game development, take an arts class and some trignometry stuff
the folder already exists
just the files don't
creating them now
@Rusty Man
I guess, maybe I should put it this way. How much math do any of you use (that had formal math in college) use in your jobs?
You're using apostrophes now
@Sippy yes, but its useful to understand moments, velocity, projects, and the math behind them to understand how to use the engines
You only really need maths if you wanna do simulations or scientific software
@Phorden I had no maths tutoring in university. Only statistics.
@cramopy shall I restart the app?
But I'm not a compsci student.
@Phorden None. Had University, use no math at all. Ever.
I was a math major myself, switched to comp sci
@CharlieBrown True enough, I managed just fine making an ice sliding game without knowing shit about physics though
Unity is really uhh
It's like being hugged by an IDE
i hated math and i had a dream of becoming game developer
@bonner yes, please, if the splash-screen doesn't show up anymore, you have to take a look into the taskmanager and close the application, as it is single instance
@RoelvanUden lol, why do they teach so much math then? Seems weird to me.
I've got a different unhandled exception now, will send you the details
@Phorden Because they're preparing you for a lot of different potential jobs.
i got fucked real bad... i am learning math stuff now
@Phorden Because dinosaur professors think it's important?
Jobs in electronics, physics, simulations, hardware stuff use a lot more maths than application developers do.
Yeah but then you're not doing a specific software dev path.
language support, multiple musicfolders and ignonre folders selectable, changing the color of the form, multiple windows sizes (the both sammler ones are topmost), changing the music progress timer interval, integrated tag editor -> supports downloading album art (from -spotify, -beats music -gracenote -xbox music -google -rdio -itunes -deezer)
changing the volume by scrolling over the album art, always changing color of the splash-screen, all windows can be closed by the "esc"- key (expect the main form), taskbarthumbnailbuttons, yeah that's it so far
2 mins till I can use Team Explorer on VS2008!
mathematics is incomplete without phsics
That's the general crap everything does.
this has a red splash
mathematics without physical applications is a useless discipline
there is also an hidden menu at the setting forms, you have to press ctrl + alt + "e", an it will appear at the bottom called "extras"
@Sippy why you using 08?
Thanks for the feedback. I won't worry too much about it then.
@juanvan Cos we have some old installer projects that I can't open in newer versions of VS
They want them updated but I have no idea what needs to be in them
Dinodevs still using 2008 built them last year...
@Phorden Best advice is like @Roel said, learn as and when you need the knowledge.
last year.. Yuck - if you make new Apps and use an IDE older then a version of current you should lose a paygrade
@Phorden Don't worry, be happy. Write code.
ldependency injection.... necessary?
Almost nothing is necessary.
@RoelvanUden + don't end up on TDWTF
It's a good idea, but not necessary.
pardon my noobiness
@Bonner please re-download the setup, uploaded a new one
are there any reg entries I need to remove to perform a fresh install?
or shall I install over what is there?
@bonner no you don't have to change any reg-entries
just install again
@CharlieBrown Your implementation has been very helpful in learning. I'm coupling it with that Pro MVC Book, it is filling some gaps. I appreciate the time you took for it.
@Greg np sir
@CharlieBrown I do have one question.
what is the password again?
just "alpha-testing"
my favourite pwd is "int i = 2 * 2;", that's very secure ~137 billion years to find it out... :DD
same exception
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Music_Player.Code.Tracks.Load(ListView listView)
When you separate your project for instance:

- Model View Controller
- Service
- Domain
- Data

I know conceptually, that the data layer is unaware of the Domain, the Domain layer is unaware of the UI, and the Service Layer will mediate between the UI and call the Business Logic. Is that correct?
@cramopy also, Bass.NET is really good if you want to add an equalizer
@bonner good idea, i'll have a look on it :D thanks
@Greg close
data is aware of domain
@CharlieBrown Ah, I meant it is unaware of Service / UI.
@CharlieBrown What type of rules should be implemented in said Domain.
ui handles UI things, like bindings, form handling and such. services handles business logic, data handles data loading/persistance, domain handles relationships and model validation
So, if your UI invokes a complex task, such as save. Then you would call your service layer, said layer will then implement the rule imposed for the domain / relationship to the data layer.
@RoelvanUden Lots of the passwords in the config files I'm currently finding are Username+"!" or "Password!"
@Greg The easiest way to reason about what should go where is to take an example where you imagine you have multiple front-ends interacting with your system; a website, a mobile application and an API. Then ask yourself a question, "Where should I validate a user password?" and realize it has to work on all of them, so, it goes into the service layer. :-P
@bonner try to download and appdatazip-file from the same destination. try unzip the files inside the appdata.zip and replace the existing ones in appdata with the new ones
@RoelvanUden That part doesn't confuse me, it is in theory the domain. Those rules, coupled to the data.
@cramopy the IDE now loads
@Charlie Did you ever finish those blog posts you were doing?
maybe the method has some error, althoug it works on my pc, even without the appdata folder... please have a look on it... pastebin.com/waXuRwY1
@bonner of course you now have to select a new folder in the settings-form to start testing, and you can remove all ignore-folders
the settings are in german

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