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guys are there any limitations to returning DataTables as JSON strings? JSON can handle any size result/data types etc?
going all in I think on ClientSide binding for web app
is there a case to be made for doing BOTH server AND client binding?
seems to be doubling my work trying to build both..
JSON is a simple serialization format. Nothing more.
unlimited size
I'm not sure how DataTables serialize, either.
and what do you mean by client binding?
he means ajax call
what technology are you using?
For example a GridView sort would be handled client side
jquery datatables
yes jQuery $.ajax / c# web methods
dont sort it client side
You probably don't want that. If you got any reasonable size table, you don't want to transmit it all to the client.
sort it server side
Any single JSON message over a few hundred Kb is probably doing something wrong
I think the architecture only ever allows 25 records fetched at a time
in datatables? no you can do any amount
I mean it is a limitation we are putting in.. I may get a pageCount of 25 but only 25 records returned
so client side binding for everything may work..
so then you are already sorting on server side
So hit the page again with a new page and whalla, next page.
you mean with DataViews.RowFilter?
Oh shit, is this WebForms?
@SteveG coffee
backs away slowly
not my call lol
lol indeed
I don't know how to answer questions related to WebForms so I'm outta this problem solving routine.
sorry jojo
Ill use my best judgment.. ty
So I read earlier that the Internet behaviour of communicating primarily in animated gifs is akin to Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
When the walls fell
@Squiggle - But once you get it, you get it
Matt Damon.
should Technical Support be capitalized in this context
Please see your Technical Support representative
opinionated. imo I would
i would
consider the very similar "Ask your System Administrator for help" message
And then ask yourself one question..
Do you feel lucky?
OperationContext.Current is returning null while in my WCF service, and I don't know why. I have no idea what it does, but I saw it used in an example.
@KendallFrey - Usually Context's are injected, perhaps it isn't injected in your scope because it either doesn't usually exist there or because you inherited but didn't accept it in a constructor or parameter
i know some of those words
psh you know what I meant
i wish
on a side note, Operation Context sounds like a military operation to find something illicit
@SteveG - wtf
nah, doesn't sound cool enough.... operation phantom fury sounds cool
seriously lol
where's our friday message? slackers.. I swear! It's already been 14.51 hours into friday.
bradly wanted to do it, i'm not sure where he is
oh okay, that's cool then
feel free though
HAPPY Weekend.Start.DayOfWeek.ToString(), FELLOW NERDS!
he's late, he lost his chance
@KendallFrey cuz you're in a task
1,253 heee
@KendallFrey - The task didn't have access to the context?
yeah, it has a lot of stars
you broke it
@TravisJ yeah
@SteveG NO U
I'm merely QA
,127 is it time?
looks better
@KendallFrey That "you're 16" article is really good
And I'm really glad I didn't read it at work. :)
It should have a NSFW watermark on it
aw who removed that
i was proud of that
suck it
if that gets more than 1, it gets 0
what's going on in here lol
because friday you
why more than 1?
because of reasons
okay.... cna you explain them or..?
look at the sidebar
i'm looking...
what am i looking for?
nope, not 2
lol wtf
why not
@KendallFrey did you get in trouble for that stuff before?
@SteveG what stuff?
you're ruining my fun
if i were your brother, and you were near by, i'd beat your ass
you just want to feel it
lmfao what
yeah, annnnyway
well, thanks :/
,356 star this if you've had sex with kendalls mother
not surprising
ok, stop
you tell me why and i'll stop
because let's talk about nerdy things
I can make steve instantly uncomfortable if you want.
i'll take your word that you have a good reason
!!tell steveg toteshomo
wat the fuk
screw u capricia
@Sippy screw u 2
@Sippy (|>) = flip ($)
R u r such a lurker u lurk in bot :P
@TravisJ u wo m8 com@mebr0
@SteveG What are the ,NUM things for?
it makes it look like it has a lot more stars
@KendallFrey icut choo
it's like photoshop in viagra ads
looks impressive, but it's just an idiot being dumb
> Are you ever going to run out of muffins?
> No. I work at ze muffin factory.
I have two repos in the same assembly that need a a helper class. Do I make the helper class required by the repo's constructor as an interface?
@KendallFrey you having a bad day?
Or should I just create a new instance in my CTOR and assign to private field?
@SteveG not until you came along
@KendallFrey daaaaaaamn sooooooooooooooooooooooon
@SteveG your the army guy right?
iirc there was once a pic of you holding a granade launcher?
there was
uh yeah, don't remember sharing it
I'm in your pc.
you did
flippin all your bits
starts shredding
@rlemon @SteveG I have not seen this. I need to.
For reasons.
catch (Exception ex)
     throw new Exception("Error getting area from source geometry");
Isn't it bad practice to do that?
yeah, you destroy the stack trace, and, in all honesty, if you know the reason, why not throw a custom exception, and then why catch it if you're just going to re-throw
I didn't write that.
That's in the source we were given by third party
@Sippy yes, you didn't supply InnerException
that too
I throw my hands up in the air sometiiimes
Saying not my fault, blame the contractor
sayin aaaaayooooooo
and wave them like you just don't care!
waive? lol
I don't think I wanna waive my arms
I need them
Odd, I deleted the arm waving comment but it remains
shows as (removed) for me
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception();
why arent my exceptions being thrown before they are caught
somebody expl plz
both are thrown
but none is caught
how do you know?
because i still have them
because you are throwing them
in the ide
Can someone please help me with this example? pastie.org/private/kiinx5xjm9ndztwr51tfta
@gamesmad - One is caught
who will catch them
I simply need to know the best way to make two seperate repos use the same helper
do i need to catch them
If your dependency has dependencies, do you just reference them all?
The second one is sent out to the world to catch. It will bubble up until it hits global and stops execution.
@Sippy - Are the dependencies separate assemblies ?
travis i was just messing around but thank you
sippy posted a thing that rethrew an exception
i feel bad now
Let ask this a different way. If you had a repo that needed a repo that needed a repo you would pass them all down as parameters using each repos CTOR as interfaces would you not?
you can do both
overload the constructor
Would you overload it if your class requires it?
then when you are using the component you can choose whether you want to use an instance you already have, or let the repo get its own instance
hang on, im looking at your code, what is actually going on with this
// In the future I will use dep injection using ninject or something...
public CustomerController(ICustomerRepository custRepo, IUserRepository userRepo)
    this._custRepo = new CustomerRepository();
    this._userRepo = new IUserRepository();
@Sippy took me 20m, but here you go:
"That was the last time they let Steve near the grenade launcher."
you are ignoring the parameters
@gamesmad @Sippy would this be how you would expect it to go down? pastie.org/private/9ly9nufrwdxdl2nv0ff4a
I don't do it like that.
It'd be better if that just said "Sir"
@VictorioBerra you probably shouldnt be using repos in your controller either
@Sippy no
@KendallFrey shadap kindal
it needs the part about not giving a fuck, or it's not funny
You sir, are a buttmeister.
@gamesmad wat. The repos job is to pass data from the DB to whoever needs it right?
@VictorioBerra EF is a repo.
@Sippy And you, sir, cannot appreciate the intensity of the fucks that I am not giving right now.
@KendallFrey Are they fairly intense?
@Sippy but you arent supposed to expose entities directly to the consuming classes I thought . All my repos go fetch data and pass back DTOs. asp.net/web-api/overview/older-versions/…
"fairly" lmao
yeah @VictorioBerra that is fine
@VictorioBerra "It depends" :)
if you want to do it like that
@Squiggle it always does... always lol
I'm persisting domain models direct to the database and it's "mostly fine"
sure, it would be worth having another layer there for the sake of "good architecture", but it's a problem that I haven't needed to yet solve
@Sippy seems overly complex. EF6 already does so much for you it seems crazy to keep wrapping it up into more abstractions until nothings left but complex names like TryAddObject instead of userRepo.Save(new UserDTO(){ name = "John Doe"});
@VictorioBerra That's exactly what you're doing ...
yeah with your getcusts method
@Sippy im trying not to. All I wanted to know was the best way to comply with dependency injection. CustRepo NEEDS UserRepo. Does that mean that I should do IUserRepo and have CustRepo take it?
Repo pattern on top of EF is bad in general.
@Charlie or @Roel would explain better than I can
There's a type of repo you can do but I can't remember what it is.
ef does all UoW and repo for you
dbset = repo
context = uow
Well thats what 90% of ASP.NET the website explains to do. Especially since you can use dep injection or IoC whatever the heck people call it now days to swap out the repos on the controller with test repos or repos that use sqlite instead of ef6
ASP.NET site also tells you to use ViewBag
Its not super smart to access the DbContextdirectly in the controller @Sippy and maybe old articles do, not MVC 5
If you ever use that I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance.
Although I totally implemented a custom UoW and Repo on top of EF, because it needs to wrap multiple contexts and external services as a repo.
@VictorioBerra I don't do that.
My repo contains 2 repos and about 15 services :D
all my views are strongly typed to ViewModel classes
@Squiggle how are you passing the 2 repos to your 1 repo? And whats a service inside of a repo look like?
@Sippy if you dont use a repo what do you use in your controllers to CRUD data?
The wrapper I linked you.
You don't need a repo.
@VictorioBerra it's all DI. Creating the master UoW creates the contexts, services are lazily instantiated when needed.
@Sippy I read it again, and am starting to understand it better. does it use EF6? or is it something else?
@VictorioBerra That one is based on an earlier version of EF
I forked it for 4 and 5 I think
@Sippy Ah I see now. I still find this all complex
I didnt know you could implement the interfaces so far up the chain
Well @Roel built that, so I'd say if you have any questions you should ask him, cos I'm not a master of UoW :P
I guess the interfaces dont implement interfaces. So its the job of the first class to implement all of them (MutableQueryable<T>)
Internal Compiler Error (0xc0000005 at address 76F8010D): likely culprit is 'PARSE'.
first time I've seen that :D

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