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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

they aren't in the same solution? i have no idea
they are in the same solution
you don't deploy solutions - you deploy projects
I think it's working now, but I'm getting weird assembly bs
lol what
it's not finding my App directory
i haven't done it in a year, but i definitely deployed my whole solution to azure, with a domain project and an mvc project
it seems weird on how(or why) you would deploy only projects to me, but i'm not saying you can't....
oh thats because i deplyed it as a "cloud service", and not a "website"
i still get a URL and everything though :/
yay it works
I had to add a virtual directory and change the publish settings to be mysiteName/api as well as changing the URL to /api
i wonder what the difference is between cloud service and website is, cloud service just seems like an easier way to deploy, but there has to be other differences
(obviously, cloud services can host things other than websites, but still)
hm, msdn has tutorials for using both with mvc, oh well, i'll read about it later
have a good night
@Pheonixblade9 if you name the publishes the same for both and they are connected to TFS you can create a Build Action to do all those projects in the solution when ever a check in is done.
5 hours later…
guys I have an error of "Window must be the root of the tree. Cannot add Window as a child of Visual." while I was applying this answer for myself: stackoverflow.com/a/20885027/2946122
posted on March 14, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

I've long lamented the sad state of Diabetes technology. For the last 20 years I've been told that it'll be cured in the next few years. (Spoiler: That hasn't happened.) Fortunately some technological breakthroughs have happened, like the CGM (Continuous Glucose Meter). This device has a transmitted embedded in my belly that transmits to a small receiver. However, my wife couldn't see my

4 hours later…
Any idea why I am getting The name "Resources" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:project.Propertes ? Having defined ` xmlns:resx="clr-namespace:lilka.Properties"` in the main window and using the references as following Title="{x:Static resx:Resources.ProjectName}"
Previously worked well.
It seems that I somehow deleted the Resources in Properties
4 hours later…
@BenjaminDiele: Working today?
@scheien sadly enough yeah
running behind with work =/
With the part time hobby paid for project?
no, the day job. Hobby project is for the evening :D
You get paid extra for working weekends?
no, but I have a review pretty soon, so I'm 'investing' in my career :D
Sounds reasonable :)
let's hope it pays off eh
It should
yeah, but that's not guaranteed :D
Depends on the level of boss / hr stupidity
Boss is awesome. So if there's a problem, 99% it comes from HR.
Do you have some performance index / rating stuff that is also taken into consideration?
hehe, HR is always about those general guidelines and such
yeah, we have some goals we set the previous year. Only achieved 1 of 3 though. The other 2 were ASP.Net dev and mobile dev, but we still haven't started with those kinda projects ..
Team or personal goals?
there's a me in team :D
team => together everyone achives more.
Though not true in all circumstances :p
yeah, and we have a great team tbh. Great colleagues all around.
That's great
yeah, the only thing I want more from this job is more .Net development, but seeing that we're an ERP shop, the chance is limited
What kind of ERP?
dynamics ax
Aha, you've mentioned that earlier
What does that run on?
microsoft stack, but with X++. Kinda shitty language :D
Saw a c# x++ comparison at msdn. I feel sorry for you mate :(
The alcohol helps :D
But the language is not so bad once you get in the mindset of it. Sure it could be a lot better, but it ain't. The thing annoying me the most is the equipment we have. Old laptops, lucky if we have 8GB ram. Shared development environments and stuff.
It's usually all the small stuff that make the big picture, unfortunatly.
Yeah, but the difficult part of it is that to run a single development environment, you need at least 12GB ram for a VM
what are youre options in terms of other jobs in your area?
that, and license cost
limited, AX is a niche here. I think we have 10 - 20 companies or so in belgium
that's why i do c# and wpf as a hobby :)
I'm pretty sure a job will pop up along the way, so you get out of the AX madness
it's actually not so bad a job. It could be better, but that can be said of any job. The only thing I'd want more is some .Net development
The most important thing is the work environment, mainly colleagues.
that's a 9/10 at the current job. The general atmosphere is also very good. Work pressure as well very good.
Gotta go, wife and kids got home.
see you later!
2 hours later…
I am not meant for DIY
you messed up?
Bought the wrong thing
not as bad as ruining part of my property
With skillz like these, who knows what I'll screw up next
I also went out to the garden with the intention of raking up some of the crud from the lawn. The lawn now looks like the Cursed Earth
Lol what happened @TomW?
Your lawn filled with moss or something?
kinda, it was totally overgrown last year and now it's almost all dead, raking it pulled up almost everything
I guess eventually that will do it good, but it looks a mess now
That's a good thing, you should remove all the moss, and then plant some grass seeds
The grass grows up in 3-4 weeks, so it will be all good and dandy for mid spring
Did some gardening myself today, and the garden looks like a dirt track at the moment
Hi @BrianJ
working on getting object instances in my application down to one, as I'm having problems with memory leaks due to the second instance
someone suggested using a factory method, looking into that now
one instance in your program isn't gonna do much :)
not too familiar with it though
the reason I only wan't one instance, is because its one physical device, and I need to have one instance of the device's model
guys I have an error of "Window must be the root of the tree. Cannot add Window as a child of Visual." while I was applying this answer for myself: stackoverflow.com/a/20885027
I'll show you the problem I'm facing
you see here in my AppVM I have the _connectedDevice instance which is the only instance I want, https://gist.github.com/BrianJVarley/7e622f4eebbb8a5cecdb

But the problem is I'm using another instance of the device in my View, I'm wondering how I can remove the need for the second instance in the view or use the _connectedDevice instance from the AppVm instead?

@TomW @scheien
@BrianJ where's the second instance?
oops posted the wrong code in the second link
You create one instance:
`_connectedDevice = new MyoDeviceModel();`
and pass the *same* instance to the View:
`PageViewModels.Add(new AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel(_connectedDevice, new DatabaseModel()));`
that's where the second instance is, how can I remove that instance from the equation I wonder..
sounds like a job for an IoC container, but I don't know how you wire those up in WPF
someone else suggested a factory method? and this IoC container
can't say I'm familiar with either
A singleton would be another option
But singletons are kinda yuck
I was warned against using a singleton for this implementation
Yeah, it's not nice, but it's an option
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't the ctor for AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel(p1,p2) missing?
Where did the expression 'soup to nuts' come from?
misreading names
@TomW teabagging
I see it in Microsoft-oriented documentation/tutorials sometimes
@BenjaminDiele you lie!
"Soup to nuts" is an American English idiom conveying the meaning of "from beginning to end". It is derived from the description of a full course dinner, in which courses progress from soup to a dessert of nuts. It is comparable to expressions in other languages, such as the Latin phrase ab ovo usque ad mala ("from the egg to the apples"), describing the typical Roman meal. == See also == Soup to nuts may also refer to: From Soup to Nuts, a 1928 short comedy film starring Laurel and Hardy as butlers hired for a high society dinner party Soup to Nuts, a 1930 feature film starring the trio who later...
@TomW I'd never! And who the hell eats nuts as a dessert after a meal? Crazy americans
I'd rather have a pannacotta
@scheien sorry for my silly questions, but what exactly is the actor for AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel(p1,p2) ? do you mean in the View or the VM?
@BrianJ 'ctor' -> constructor
@BrianJ: It was my fault, i mismatched the names. AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel vs AdductionAbductionFlexionView
okay @scheien
Those beers you know
@scheien that's a good idea actually
ideal for an evening of programming
hopefully not, the code needs to last :D
hackaton does not mean bad code mate
atleast not in my book
I think differently. 'hacking' means a quick hack to make stuff work, forgetting that that shit needs to be maintained and expanded upon
I guess that would depend on the scope though
sooo any ideas what I should do in this situation? can I pass the view the instance from my AppVM or what would be a good way to prevent a second instance?
@BrianJ: You could go with depency injection (as @TomW mentioned earlier). Dunno how that works in WPF though (hopefully better than winforms)
@BenjaminDiele: A hackathon can be a regular code night, it does not necessarily have to be fragile as a card house.
thanks, I'll look into it
@scheien yeah sure, but for me the word "hacking" has that sloppy feeling to it. Heard it too much at my previous job :D
oh btw, do any of you have some recommendations for C# / WPF on pluralsight? My subscription runs untill the 9th of april, so I gotta make use of it
I guess the general definition is to make something do something it was not supposed to do in the first place.
As you said, and I totally agree to that
Hacking in production is not something I'd like to do :)
@BenjaminDiele: Something about the new stuff maybe? c#6?
@scheien That reminds me, that was the general "advice" there to first fix it live on production with a hack, and then a somewhat-better approach to decently fix it, but no focus on writing a unit test or so
@scheien Perhaps, but I'm afraid I have huge gaps of knowledge of stuff most C# / WPF devs know about.
That second part never happened?
It happened yeah, but mostly with the same hack there =/
You comfortable with generics?
You should also watch teh "what's new in c# 6" with scott allen
Comfortable is perhaps a big word, but I've written extension methods. Generics is quite a while ago, so a refresher might be nice.
@scheien I will, thanks
The new null checker stuff is kinda awesome
On the wpf part I dunno really. Not that familiar besides writing the mandatory hello world stuff
perhaps some mvvm stuff and databinding. Interesting things :D
Though I guess MVVM is essential there
    public class SomeClass : ISome
        public void SomeMethod() // must be public if nt explicit is annoying here

    internal interface ISome
        void SomeMethod();
That's how it should be?
I would like to keep it internal for an internal interface
    void ISome.SomeMethod()
^ is not always ideal
starboard is strange :)
that's my fault
Hello I am a Royal Military Soldier, I left the Royal Forces last year and I have spent a few months learning C# but have only learned basic, Can someone offer me a bit of career advice to what I can do to further my knowledge?
Find an open source project to contribute to.
Can you suggest and medium level ones?
What are you interested in?
Odd question but does anyone have the source code for paint.NET?
System Knowledge.. Threading, and Designing programs.
if it was previously open source, the code must be somewhere
@LiamHardy this then :)
@JohanLarsson thanks, ill give it a go.
Browse around on github.
I'm sorry I know this is a C# chat, but it anyone familiar with a project named PHPFox?
I just wondered how hard it is to understand it.. What level of PHP does it take to code that type of thing.
no idea about PHPFox
@JohanLarsson any advice on how I can remove this second instance of the Myo decive in my View?
I can take a look if you post formatted code. No more five empty lines from now on right?
wow, I found a copy of paint.net on github, awesome
@LiamHardy you could create it with a basic understanding of php. But don't expect it to be fast and without bugs then.
alright, time for the hobby project!
@JohanLarsson lol I'll make sure
gimme a min to load up VS
use xamlstyler (ctrl+k+2)
much faster to read code that is properly formatted
@JohanLarsson were you talking to me?
nope to Brian :)


I want to use only the device model instance from the AppVM, you see in the ^^ the View is creating a new instance
> #region Methods
yellow card :)
@BrianJ pass it in via the ctor?
or make it singleton
how though?
DI is not trivial in wpf
I'm seriously confused as to how to do this, can I just pass it the instance from the AppVM to the View?
public AdductionAbductionFlexionView(AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel model)
    DataContext = model;
but this is complicated by the fact that wpf has a gross constraint on default empty ctor
perhaps singleton is better even if singleton is ew in general
just looking for something quick and dirty, have to present it to an actual physio Monday
do singleton then
will this not work then:
public AdductionAbductionFlexionView(AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel model)
    DataContext = model;
that is nbot needed with singleton but will still ~work~
you can aslo set DataContext of AdductionAbductionFlexionView in xaml, using bining, where it is used
I'll just try the ^^ first, then look into singleton
singleton is not hard
make the ctor private and have a static field Instance
public class SampleSingleton
    public static readonly SampleSingleton Instance = new SampleSingleton();

    private SampleSingleton()
not a very nice pattern in general
avoid doing .Instance all over the place, try to do it in ctors only. That way you can refactor to di easily later.
okay cool, I'll try to implement that
remove the regions while you are at it
so to start I add this to my View:

public static readonly AdductionAbductionFlexionView Instance = new AdductionAbductionFlexionView();
try ctrl + m + o in a C# code file
make constructor private
also try ctrl + k + d
ok will do
not many ctrl + k + x to remember, ~3 I think :)
ctrl + k + d formats the current document
like ctrl + k +2 for xaml
@BrianJ I think you want the AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel singleton
but not sure
that's pretty cool
does not feel right
you probably don't want the view singleton
can you make the MyoDeviceModel singleton?
I think I gave poor advice :)
okay back to the beginning :)
do you see what problem singleton solves?
do you see what problem it creates?
it provides a single read only instance of the device model in my implementation?
so I should be creating this singleton in my Device model then?
or my AppVM?
depends on your design, only you can answer that really
Singleton moves the responsibility for instantiating away from the consumer, which is good. Unfortunately, where it puts it instead is bad
the thing you need to be singleton should be singleton
well net scape recommended that I create the device instance in the AppVM
then I guess the vm needs to be singleton
It's less than half of a good solution. The other problem is that the notion of exactly one instance shared with everything isn't really flexible enough
What happens to Data annotations in a ViewModel e.g. [Index("name")]?
okay so I should then make the AppVM constructor private and pass it a:

`public static readonly MyoDeviceModel Instance = new MyoDeviceModel ();`
or am I misunderstanding this implementation@
looks wrong
public class ApplicationViewModel : ObservableObject
    public static readonly ApplicationViewModel Instance = new ApplicationViewModel();
    private ApplicationViewModel()
okay I'll go along with it, but don't see where this ties in with the device model
if ApplicationViewModel is the only place you new the device model it will be also be singleton this way
not a very robust design
okay now I kinda get it
I'll post the impl shortly
it is not hard, just me explaining t poorly
looks correct
now show how you use it in the view
right so I'm back in my view
basically its just the data context I need to change?
want to see if you can figure out how to get the instance.
as we speak
processing :P
I'm no quad core though
This is what I thought would work, but no dice
this.DataContext = AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel.Instance;
I forgot what problem we were solving in the beginning
you still have multiple empty lines & regions, close to a red card man.
one empty line between properties & methods
I know the command, cntrl + K +d doesn't do anything for me
and cntrl + K + o opens the open file
it should fix spaces etc
@BrianJ ctrl + m + o
I'll try again could be doing it wrong
collapses the class
ok that worked now
this line though, causes the error "VM doesn't contain a definition for instance"
        this.DataContext = AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel.Instance;
uhh, I derped
we made ApplicationViewModel singleton :)
noob question, should i use a set or a list to represent a group of database records?
Is the entire project on github?
I was thinking the device model should be the Singleton right? @JohanLarsson
@mbdavis sounds like IEnumerable<RecordType> to me but I don't know EF
@BrianJ yeah that is probably the best solution
@JohanLarsson so a list?
List is mutable
do you want list semantics? Add etc
I don't know any db so I should probably not give ~advice~
well my thinking was that the order of the records isn't relevant so using a set would make more sense, i mean they have IDs but they won't necessarily be sequential
yeah that is setty
they have proper gethashcode for immutable id right?
@JohanLarsson so setting this up in the device model
duno what the default is to be honest
there is no constructor in the device model though
yes, no constructor is same as public default ctor, the compiler generates it
write one and make it private
write ctor and press tab, then change public > private and write teh instance field
within the constructor, I thought the instance is defined outside the ctor
I don't understand
I'll post the code shortly
take your time to format it
Must be perfect now, two warnings...
okay ws just about to post it, will look over the formatting :P
so c+m+o
and what other command?
you have to delete empty lines manually
ctrl + l removes the current line
so does backspace/delete
ctrl + k + d formats the current document with spaces etc
looks correct, spotted two places with double empty lines :)
but I'll let it slip
near the top?
I left a gap for readability, find blocks of code hard to read
115 & 189
now we need to use the instance
should not compile as it is now
try compiling and fix the errors
should err where you do new MyoDeviceModel()
okay but I'm gonna have to remove the instance from the AppVM first, correct?
causes an error in the constructor, because the instance was deleted
so now back to the device model
yes, doesn't compile now correct
whats the net step?
fix compiler errors
you will learn what the common errors mean and how to fix them pretty fast
very worthwhile skill
no compiler errors in the device model, just in the AppVM as I've deleted the instance from there, I'm assuming I pass in the instance instead?
like this
        PageViewModels.Add(new AdductionAbductionFlexionViewModel(MyoDeviceModel.Instance, new DatabaseModel()));
looks correct
I'm wondering will this now effect my AductionVM?
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

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