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if you are doing a jquery AJAX call and your callbacks are one line, do you still keep them as separate methods, or do you just collapse them to being the anonymous function calls?
one line
lemme ask it differently , did you work on a different professional environment (Outside the software world)?
Guys is MultipartFormDataContent in System.Net.HttpClient used to send any type of parameters (strings , files) or just files ?
the reason i am asking is because i think there is a difference when you work on Software dev on your own and work on pro firm with a team where you need to follow instructions , instead of working alone where you can do whatever you want
i guess there are pors and cons on both
i like the pors myself
@ton.yeung busy man
Cannot access a disposed object on a someTask.Result, shouldn't .Result turn it into a blocking sync call if it's not complete yet?
of course
@Steve disregard
good luck doing all of that at the same time
i see and you answered exactly my question
Will work for Tacos
Unless we have couple millions of dollars and do whatever the heck we want
:) advertising is a devil ")
By that i meant work on a project that you enjoy
and dont worry about the paycheck , because you can afford it
@Osadellah the only difference between working at a large company and working as a consultant is who your boss is. Large company, your boss is your manager. For yourself, your boss is the client. And you have to fight a lot harder to keep your job.
ugh, changing the namespace in a whole solution sucks
@Pheonixblade9 Agree
@CharlieBrown i just did that yesterday and took me a while to make it work
OSBOX , what you guys think of this as a name for a new product
@CharlieBrown - refactor?
Clone solution, rename [Company] part of namespace
Have to go through and rename all folders, proj files, ref paths, etc
@CharlieBrown - I meant, can't you just use refactor -> rename on the namespace?
it's kind of CRM system
Yeah, that does the code part, but wont change project files
Do you name all your namespaces the same as their file names?
the one i've been working on for a while now
@TravisJ yes (if i understand you correctly)
I guess that is standard, I do too for the folder names
Ugh, what really grinds my gears is when someone posts a question, literally in the first 5 minutes I post a comment requesting clarification, and get no response until hours later.
i installed resharper yesterday but it hangs while "processing your code"
@Osadellah - That is because resharper can't access my code :)
Is it better to chain methods or run them sequentially? Like PopulateDropdowns() and then do I call RefreshUI() inside that? or should I call it after
@VictorioBerra - Chaining is sequential.
Thats true
Either way, don't nest your concerns like that, populating the dropdowns should not correlate with refreshing the UI in all cases
I just dont know if I should bury Method1 inside Method2 or call them one after another in the main method
Hi all, I need a little advise with a part of my project that I'm struggling with. I am drawing text on the Window as the user types - you can think of it in the same way as a TextBox.

How do you know how far apart each character needs to be away from the previously-drawn character? Is there some standard that exists somewhere, with regards to Fonts and placement of characters? Or does it depend on which font you're drawing? How can I find this out if I look online?
That one of the things that a font does
Kerning is the measurement between characters of a font
you probably shouldn't be drawing each character separately. that will ruin certain features of a font
@KendallFrey I don't understand, sorry. I am drawing each character as it is typed. How can the font know where it should be drawn when I am manually drawing each character to the screen?
@KendallFrey But I cannot predict what the user will type, so how else can I render text that is typed - as it is typed?
I'm assuming you have a string of characters on the screen, yes?
Someone stole my username url on so careers careers.stackoverflow.com/travisj
@CharlieBrown thank you Charlie. I am looking up kerning now.
@KendallFrey No. There is no string of characters. Because, for example, let's just say that I begin typing n <<<<< how will the "font" know which letter to draw next? That's why I thought I had to draw each character one at a time as the user presses the key, i.e.

if keyup: var whichKey = key: draw whichKey at this location
ok, then explain what it looks like
does it just show the last character the user typed?
@KendallFrey No, it is like a TextBox. So pretend that I'm creating a TextBox. Each character is drawn as it is typed to form a word or sentence.
where should the type character be located, relative to anything else on the screen
@Jase but... that is a string of characters
why can't you store the entire string somewhere and redraw the whole string each time instead of a single character?
@KendallFrey I understand that - but at the same time - it may not be a string of characters. I don't know what the user will type. Will the user type 1 character only? Or 1000? Will they press Enter? How can I draw a string of characters using DrawString when I don't know what the next character is going to be? I need to draw each character as it is entered.
using @MikeAsdf solution
"I need to draw each character as it is entered." We are doubting that assertion.
Drawstring will then handle the kearning for you
@MikeAsdf That's what I was planning on doing - but that wasn't my question. My question was about font-placement.
@Jase but it doesn't matter what the user types, they still type a string of characters
Which is how we handled it in early WPF versions before they had textbox as a control
if they suddenly type characters that cause a word to be too long for a line, that entire word is typically moved to a new line
Oh my...
Our answer is we don't know how to do things one character at a time. We prefer to rely on string-centric methods provided by a well-tested framework.
Now I feel stupid.
I get it now.
Now you've learned something about the way the built-in controls work
There was a time when textboxes were not yet controls... wow
You learn something new every hour
I think that was trolling
Whats special about C#?
It's not Java
it's object-oriented
it's got LINQ
It has nice libraries.
C# is a good firend
And .Net is open source now, from compiler to the framework
Its not C++ :)
What platform can i program with it?
Windows for .NET
Almost everything else with Mono/.NET Core
did you say window?
Linux / Windows / Android
"Oh my! A language that runs on Windows?! BLASPHEMY!"
Windows, Windows Phone, Android*, iOS*, Mac* and Linux*
* anything with a star fits the technical definition of 'can' but is not...nice.
Linux? alright I'm back
@BrianS Do you ever use Banshee?
@BrianS Aside the fact it is one of the most efficient languages, ie: you write very little, for a lot of functionality.
@Greg no way!
It interops seamlessly with a bunch of other languages, like F#
because mono works nicely
@RoelvanUden no
Well screw you then,
@BrianS I take it your being sarcastic, which could be construed as rude.
Did someone just say mono works nicely?
@Greg im not
:) yes
nicely as in "you are stuck in .NET 3.5 with no WPF"
massive sadness :(
@Greg i really wanna know what this language is about
its about being awesome
nicely as, you can do things with it, maybe not optimized, maybe not what you can do with .Net 4.5.2, but, yes you can do great things :)
Well, technically Microsoft .Net Core is now open sourced and on Linux / Unix so you can avoid Mono.
seriously, thats a broad question :)
@Sharped I'll give you that its better than nothing
I already know C, Swift, PHP, Javascript, Objective-C(little), HTML(5), CSS(3), is it easy for me to learn it? i didn't even look into it yet
but nicely is a bit of a stretch
hey, does anybody knew how I can view questions of others questions I marked as favorite?
ASP.Net 5 and onward is intended to be first-class on Linux and Mac AFAIK. Beta atm
@BrianS Any OOP yet?
Thats going to bite you
I don't know if swift is OO
@ton.yeung 1 years
PHP is evil ;)
but looking at your language list, that might be the biggest jump
@BrianS It in essence is based on C, which is incredibly simple. Combine that simplicity with an Object Oriented paradigm, and massive amounts of productivity with that code. It becomes simple to work with, while providing a ton of functionality from the .Net libraries and core.
@BradleyDotNET lol
C# is highly OOP and strongly typed
@ton.yeung I know, but the .Net Libraries make it easy to be productive.
@ton.yeung almost 1 year i mean, from when it was introduced
Why would OOP lessen productivity?
Swift is easy as hell
@BrianS Because it is based on Objective-C, ie: C.
@Greg yep and it just simplify it
agree to disagree. The run-up cost to a decent design isn't that bad.
I personally think that OOP and .Net Libraries scale well, which should equate to productivity.
Assuming the developer isn't a total utter ass hat.
So, if the developer is a complete twit, the productivity factor may be incredibly minute.
I think your last factor goes without saying, OOP or not :)
@BradleyDotNET That was the point ;)
On a side note, how have you been @ton.yeung ?
I have a question...
What motivates you guys to be a better programmer?
why would you care?
less bugs = your employer head ache
Do someone knows if there's somewhere to up-vote for requesting generics Attribute ?? (I found nothing on Roslyn's github)
Ah, way of life.
@Obvious Because other developers want to cut your hands off because your code is complete bull shit.
these days in USA in most companies mediocrity is an okay thing, why bother to be a good programmer?
Let me rephrase that, because other developers will hunt you down, cut off your hands, then draw a penis on your face, and smack you in the face with a keyboard because your code is complete bull shit.
@Obvious So you can get a good job, and enjoy programming
good job is more about your communication skills/personality
I agree with @KendallFrey, better developers tend to enjoy what they do.
no one asks you OOPS concept after a certain years of experience
@Greg it's probably the other way around, though :)
no one asks you to demonstrate it
i go to interviews
and i bs my way through interviews
@Obvious A programmer's job should be based on their skill, not their personality. They're not receptionists, after all
If you enjoy being mediocre and stagnant, then by all means be a shitty developer. If you enjoy what you do, why not thrive, succeed, and be the best you can be? Otherwise, what benefit do you really offer?
you are never kicked out of a job, unless you are horrible
i am talking about mediocrity not horrible
@Obvious I've seen people get fired.
@Obvious a mediocre programmer will get paid less
When the company strives to be the best, but their developer wants to be "eh". Usually becomes a conflict.
also, if you don't take pride in your job, why bother?
@Greg and vice-versa
@KendallFrey Yep.
Unfortunately, there are places where there's no link between mediocrity and salary...
very true
I have a technical director, mythoman, who when he landed here, doesn't know what inheritance or object concept means...
and they do just fine like me
yeah i have seen people like this
Well, hes a TD, he shouldnt know that
But he is really good at making other believe he's a good technical man...
The only relevant question is, "Is he good at what he was hired to do?"
That's what I say to the big boss... And he didn't believe me.
@CharlieBrown That is the hammer to the head!
@CharlieBrown answer => no. He directs nothing. It does nothing goos for others. And nobody, even the boss knows what he really do
@Greg Did you mean "hit the nail on the head"?
but the boss believe he's great... so ... Note : he's paid 2x what a good dev is...
I have to interview a guy with 20 years experience tomorrow
started with CORBA and that kind of thing
he gives the dirty code he produces as "it's a proof of concept" to other devs, who needs to rewrite it completely each time...
@KendallFrey No, the nail has a head. He hammered it!
@Sharped There's nothing wrong with rewriting a proof of concept, as long as it proves the concept
Excuse me, I will precise : he search something in google, make it works, and give it to others as "here's the code" !
@Greg Your use of English never ceases to amaze me
but he just copy pasted a SO answer...
@KendallFrey You love it!
good coding practices are over rated anyways
All of my code is from SO. I just wait until the next feature from a question is answered and then paste that in. It is super-crowdsourced-agile.
@Greg eh, sometimes
if you can make it work and it does not looks gross, you are good
code does not looks grosss
@Obvious please stop trolling. you've done it in the past, and you're doing it again.
@KendallFrey - Ah, I didn't realize there was a user name change :)
How do I configure visual studio's text cursor to blink at a different rate and synchronize it to music?
I'm debating if I should cross a line here...
There are proof of concepts and proof of concepts... 3 days to make a POC that you can use Magick.Net to open the PSD layers, excuse me... It should have taken 3 minutes... not 3 days...
@TravisJ - What was the old name?
@TravisJ I dunno who it is, he was a little avatar
@SpencerRuport - mentee
"good programmers write good code; great programmers steal great code."
oh god oh god
@MikeAsdf :) :) :)
installing vs2015...the installer is currently on .net framework 4.6 RC
this will break everything.
@CharlieBrown - "good programmers write good code; great programmers write god code" :)
Lack of peoples understanding in IDisposable makes me angersauce today
"good programmers write good code. great programmers do it with no code"
demo went well, yay
@KendallFrey for you: REBEL programmers do it with (o)(o)
@ton.yeung The idea was mine... I tell him about Magick.Net, I give him an algo to merge different layers, and 3 days later, I gave a buggy code of a single method, 10 pages long, with half of the code in comments...
@CharlieBrown that's pretty useless, tbh
(.)(.) is more useful
"Why write code when you can drag and drop rectangles?"
@ton.yeung His my superior, and I have nothing to tell to him.
@ton.yeung a customer, who asked about generating combinations from a carefully crafted PSD... So the technical director asked me what I was thinking about, and I gave him some tracks to follow...
Can i get some help over here plz guys :)
Q: Sending HTTP Request with a file AND strings as post parameters using HttpClient

Hi i'm RedaHi I'm writing a Windows Phone 8.1 Application, In this app i need to send a request to the Sonic API server, the request should contain a access_id (string) a format (string) and input_file (mp3 file) , I'm stuck with putting both the file and the string in one request : this is what I've tried ...

Let me ask again: Why do you have multiple accounts?
Ok @KendallFrey I use the other account because I can't post question with this one , and in any case i didn't upvote my post
If you can't post questions, fix that, don't work around the system
Also, I don't believe "i didn't upvote my post"
I'm gonna try and get asp.net 5 working in a Docker container again. Wish me luck, I'll see you on the other side.
The last time I tried, there was a problem with kestrel (the linux development server process) which I didn't understand.
OK don't believe it , I'm not going to lie, if you can help me I'll be grateful if not I'll be grateful for you interest too
@ton.yeung at this point, I'm just looking to find another job :) too tired of him...
Q: When is it right to report multiple accounts?

Brisbe42There's a user, anirudha, who has a rather checkered history of creating alternate accounts, whether for sock-puppeting or skirting suspensions. He's now created a new account, anirudha gupta. As always, the account looks to be very clearly his, down to the same avatar, same website, etc. In t...

also @KendallFrey my question has 0 votes
@ton.yeung it seemed like quite an elementary problem, I just don't know linux well enough to understand what it was telling me (I now can't remember)
I'm just a guy who's stuck with a thing and asking for help
not a clue
I know there's something in the works
you know whats really fun. when you have to listen to a 3d printer all day.
@Redaa You're right, but I've seen other questions of yours with upvotes
i.e. the OS has to fundamentally support containers
@ton.yeung IIRC centos
@Redaa what does the doc say for the sonic api?
@ton.yeung something about kestrel being linked against a crappy version of libuv. May or may not be able to repro
@CharlieBrown first I'm able to send a request with a REST client, and it's working i can get the json response that i want, using HttpClient, I can send the mp3 file AND the strings both in the same request
I can screenshot the Rest client response
@KendallFrey - Uh-oh! Guess what day it is?? Guess what day it is!
@Redaa should you be sending access_id as a param?
your not doing that
I'm sending it as a file, isn't it ?
@Redaa I posted on your SO question
Thanks guys. I understand now. Sorry about the delay in response, I dozed off for a little bit.
@TravisJ god, what a terrible question
@ton.yeung if you think containerisation is cool, have you seen unikernels?
The gist is basically that they're virtual machines, runnable in Xen, that strip down an entire 'machine' to a single process. There's no OS, just the application code. Scaling by spinning up more instances is common, but unikernels can do it synchronously
i.e. hand off a request to a new instance they've just created before it times out
and maintain performance
@TravisJ :D
@ton.yeung I can't see how those things are similar
@Pheonixblade9 - question is downright terrible, but the answers didn't get downvoted for simply being posted :)
@CharlieBrown you are right, but when i did that the api says that the file is missing,
@TravisJ yep, people hate me
@ton.yeung I speak from reading the FAQ, basically. I don't know much more than that
not everyone can be Servy
@Pheonixblade9 - Well I was actually hoping the recent discussions had persuaded people not to vote like that anymore
@TravisJ yeah, it is frustrating, but it's probably just because they didn't notice it
I doubt people like Servy will be willing to change
I have a racist joke, am i allowed to share?
@Redaa diff problem then
@Obvious depends. is it funny?
Ughhh. How come intellisense tells me obj.MyXMLElementProperty["SomeNode"] isn't null but the assignment is always null?
@CharlieBrown can you check my comment on StackOverflow please, thanks
@Redaa link it

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