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@drch shouldn't i be able to setup a FTP server on IIS and access that from public ip too, given my HTTP port works
must i use port 21?
mhmmm. does ftp path have to be within IIS directory (inetpub)
everything is configurable
i think default is c:\inetpub\ftproot or something similar
right. seems i can't connect from external domain/public ip
every port has to be opened first in the manage.windowsazure.com
thats done
i'm thinking it authentication settings
very possible. also the local windows firewall on the server
yeah checked that
its been a very long time since i set up ftp in iis
anyone here use facetime?
@RyanTernier - I used it once on accident when I pressed the button with my cheek
@drch I see i can check a box to Enable Direct Server Return in manage.windowsazure when adding ftp port... is that something I want?
probably not for ftp
perhaps if you expect to be downloading a shitload from it
but not if its intended for uploading
PS, ftp is insecure since it sends the password in plaintext. make sure you setup secure ftp
Hi guys,

I have a very basic question.

I have a page say A.aspx , Inside A, I have a control say B.ascx , Inside B, I have a user control say C.ascx....
Now, the control B reads a session variable and passes that to control C.

What I need is : C has a few HTML input controls, when I try to handle events (WITHOUT ANY POSTBACK) from them , I will modify that session variable...

But the problem is none of the events fire from C.ascx ..

are you setting up ftp primarily for deploying a web app?
@drch yeah... so i can open site in VS on a remote machine
I have an object with 3 properties of LIst<STring>. I want to concat all of them into 1 variable, what's the best way to do that?
IEnumerable<String> theWorld = list1.Concat(list2).Concat(list3);
perfect. Next part :)
Person.Address.Home / Person.Address.Work / Person.Address.City etc.
Need to put all of those in 1 string (Need to add all data into 1 long string and then hash it)
make a new property that just returns that value
and person might have multiple addresses :( last implementation was 5 for loops. i'm hoping to do it a bit easier
@KendallFrey That's what i'm thinking
How about string.join
why not both?
So String.Join(", ", address.Select(a => a.String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", Home, work, City)));
Or something like that
Obviously that could/should be a property as Kendall noted
did I mention that all tehse classes are autogen? hahah <3 partial classes
3 hours later…
Moarning :O
Morning All!
Is there any tool to performance WPF
Visual studio has Visualizer, but i think it is not possible to work with animation
for some reason animation is not smooth
did some one work with this kind of staffs?
is your animation double buffered?
@SebastianL Yes,
Now I'm animating controls width property, and in animation process it is little bit stops 2-3 times for millisecond
Are you resizing a container (a window or anything else that has its own DX-device)?
@SebastianL Thanx
Can anyone answer this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/28541963/…
Morning all!
Anyone here used topcoder? Just read about it on HackerNews. Seems like a fun way to see your "score" or progress over time.
Deployment conflict resolution for one or more items failed. See the Output Window for details.
how can I view the way visual studio binds assembly
Guys am weak at probability so please help me..!
what is the chance of 3 to come if there are 5 numbers in an array and if we pick out a number from an array it will be 3
array(8,4,3,7,9) how could I solve this in c#
@BenjaminDiele: What is that?
@scheien From what I see, a sort of challenge-based website. topcoder.com/challenges/?pageIndex=1
any idea ?
Q: Failed to load receiver assembly - FileNotFoundException

Colin SteelStruggling with this, project builds and deploys when I don't have EventReceivers in my Features, and fails when I do. I'm not entirely sure which file the FileNotFoundException is referring to Error given in visual studio Error 1 Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': Faile...

I am stuck with this question for last 2 decades
But when I look closer to a challenge, it seems like they want some free labor: topcoder.com/challenge-details/30048977/?type=develop&lc=
How visual studio loads assembly
any tool I can use to debug ?
fusion assembly loader doesn't work
@BenjaminDiele: Free work!
@scheien Too bad people don't do that for me :(
Make a "contest"
You'll get several "answers" which you can pay one contributor, and use all of them
No, I'll just say that someone was selected and select no-one. More money for me!
Even better
Now you're talking like a real hustler
Excuse me, I like the name "MBA"
Anyone know of a way to send input to console emulators like Jnes, ZNES or VisualBoyAdvance? I've tried using InputSimulator, SendInput, SendMessage and PostMessage without any luck.
@P1raten Send/Post message work if you set the correct flags. I bet you didn't.
@RoelvanUden probably not.
@RoelvanUden can't find any documentation on the flags on msdn tho. :/
Probably just not looking at the right place.
If memory serves, you need the repeat count, and previous key state.
You can easily capture legit input and watch what they do.
Is this the correct way to use form authentication cookie
A program can't differentiate between keyboard events and postmessage.
                     HttpCookie authCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(user.Email, false);
                    FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
                    FormsAuthenticationTicket newTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(ticket.Version, ticket.Name, ticket.IssueDate, ticket.Expiration, ticket.IsPersistent, userData);
                    authCookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newTicket);
(Because it gets postmessage stuff from the OS)
(Or, unless there is a rootkit like GameGuard)
I'll have a look. thanks!
Then on my controllers I have
Can I also use
To check if the user is authenticated
Anyone ;)
Can someone please help me with a few questions I've got about my MVC 5 project, relating to form authentication, cookie storage etc
@P1raten: Have you tried using SendKeys?
Locate the process, and use sendkey
public void SendKey(string processName, string key)
Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
Process p = processes.FirstOrDefault();
if (p != null)
IntPtr h = p.MainWindowHandle;
It uses Windows.Forms, but does the trick
hi guys :)
static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr point);
how i pass sqlcommand as method parameter
static void A(int i,List<Byte> b, int tot, SqlCommand cmd)
NewCmd.Parameters.Add("@img" + (i + 1).ToString(), b.GetRange(i * tot, tot).ToArray());
Blizzards antihacktools didnt pick that one up (had it running for several hours)
@scheien Because Blizzard doesn't use rootkits; it can't detect it. SendInput uses PostMessage events to react on the user input. What they could theoretically do, is check if the game is the active window and if not discard the event. Usually, programs don't do this.
I picked the process, moved it up front, and sent some keys
He's talking about emulators, so the rootkit/detection stuff should not matter? or am I missing something?
Yeah, PostMessage will work on the background. I have no idea what he is doing, but I presume he's doing some stuff in the background. SendInput/Keys sends stuff to the active window so you can't use it on smth in the bg
Hi all
and hello @geek007 - I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish there
The muricans talk more than us.
They clearly do no work.
Perhaps they're just gobby?
Loving linq queries which pulls in 4-5 lists of entities, joining to find a subset
null coalesce is my favorite operator
In MVC how can I create a cookie on the client computer so that it is create on the users first call to the site, and then it is removed when the browser is closed
anyone know how to find out which room a specific user is in on SO ?
@Squiggle It's pretty good.
do you know their userId and name?
@Squiggle yes
@CustomizedName r u stalking
then... chat.stackoverflow.com/users/[userid]/[username]
@BenjaminDiele What ? am I stalking myself ?
is room quiet or am i banned ?
why not both?
For this code
           HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("CmsContent");
            myCookie.Name = "CmsContent";
            myCookie.HttpOnly = true;
            myCookie.Secure = true;

            myCookie.Value = EncDec.MakeString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cmsContent));
Once the Cookie has been written when will it be expired
@Tommassiov "removed when the browser is closed"? You have no control over this action
Basically I have these two methods
         public static void SetCmsContent(CmsContent cmsContent)
            HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("CmsContent");
            myCookie.Name = "CmsContent";
            myCookie.HttpOnly = true;
            myCookie.Secure = true;

            myCookie.Value = EncDec.MakeString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cmsContent));

        public static CmsContent GetCmsContent()
            HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("CmsContent");
Why would the GetCmsContent() cookie be null
What exception are you catching there? That might be your first clue..
@Squiggle I stepped through and this is giving me null
HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("CmsContent");
The reason I got a try catch is incase the browser history has been cleared and want to handle it
this guy keeps down voting me
Q: Convert.ToDateTime Works in console app but errors out in asp.net

Customized NameConvert.ToDateTime works in console app, string a = "18/02/2015"; DateTime aa = Convert.ToDateTime(a); Errors out in asp.net forms saying string is not righ format, DateTime aa = Convert.ToDateTime(myTextBox.Text); It used to work before, but since I got a newly installed server it started ...

whats wrong with this question
+2 and -3
@CustomizedName It's poor.
"string is not righ format" is not the exact message you receive, and you ignored my remark about searching. Downvotes are for questions that don't show research effort. As for your Google remark: you won't get answers if you search for the wrong question. The same console application won't work on your server either, it's because of the locale. See for example date format in asp.net versus in console application. — CodeCaster 1 hour ago
That exactly describes why it's poor.
still, why keep down voting all of my questions
that's what he does
Because they're poor.
You need to read the stack overflow rules and guidelines.
here we go again
thanks for down voting @Sippy, if that satisfies you
You get upset when people tell you that you're doing something wrong, instead of taking it on board and going away and learning how to do it right.
The question you asked has been answered a hundred times and would've been solved by 5 seconds of Googling.
nope, what goes around comes around, one day you will be crying over down votes
So I don't really care whether you cry over downvotes or not.
I think most people couldn't care less about votes on a site though ..
point is, you don't really need to down vote it...
but you did
so well done everyone for that
Yeah I do, it's bad quality.
Well votes are for the people who want to find content worth their time
That's the point of downvotes.
So downvoting is a perfectly good reaction to a bad question.
yeah yeah, here sitting all of the scientist and me some next illiterate
My first question was down-voted too. I learned.
Dunno why you're getting salty, it's a shit question.
It doesn't help making your point when you write incomprehensible english.
Are you gonna argue it's not a shit question?
Perhaps you should learn, too. Improve your questions.
I downvoted because this is your 250+th question and you still don't seem to have learned to search nor ask a proper question. Mention the exact error message and show what you have found when searching this site for that message. — CodeCaster 2 hours ago
two hundred and fifty.
better than three fiddy?
Nope, I am going to argu, there are thousands of shitty questions on SO, are you going to downvote them all ?

Nope you won't, because you don't need to
no one in the room said how can I improve it
all I got is a down vote
how ungrateful am I
@CustomizedName Yes.
That is how the voting system works.
@CustomizedName Yes, we should be downvoting all the shitty content
We don't really need to repeat what has already been said in the comments
Poor content gets pushed to the bottom of the pile where it belongs
Honestly, you should be grateful we still even respond. We're not getting anything out of it, other than perhaps the small hope you'll eventually learn and start to contribute which, in turn, might teach us something, too. It's a pretty poor return-rate from our time investments atm.
@BoltClock Agreed, shall we talk about parasitic capacitance instead?
@KendallFrey whatnow
@KendallFrey That sounds like a perfect topic for a programming chat room. Because if you were going to talk about programming...
In electrical circuits, parasitic capacitance, or stray capacitance is an unavoidable and usually unwanted capacitance that exists between the parts of an electronic component or circuit simply because of their proximity to each other. All actual circuit elements such as inductors, diodes, and transistors have internal capacitance, which can cause their behavior to depart from that of 'ideal' circuit elements. Additionally, there is always non-zero capacitance between any two conductors; this can be significant at higher frequencies with closely spaced conductors, such as wires or printed circuit...
low-level programming at its finest
Anyone know why HttpCookie myCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["CmsContent"]; would be null ?
I've basically got two static methods to read/write
        public static void SetCmsContent(CmsContent cmsContent)
            HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("CmsContent");
            myCookie.HttpOnly = true;
            myCookie.Secure = true;
            myCookie.Value = EncDec.MakeString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cmsContent));

        public static CmsContent GetCmsContent()
            HttpCookie myCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["CmsContent"];
I'm calling SetCmsContent(CmsContent cmsContent) in one controller, and in another controller I'm calling GetCmsContent()
maybe it's throwing an exception, and you would have no way of knowing, because there's no exception handling
@KendallFrey I stepped through the code and it was at this point HttpCookie myCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["CmsContent"] that it was null
ok, good
I don't know ASP.NET, so I don't know why it would be null
Am I right in thinking using HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie), the cookie should remain for the duration until the user closes the browser
other than if the cookie just doesn't exist
@Tommassiov I think so, but I can't say for sure
If I call SetCmsContent() and then GetCmsContent(), the cookie is there
So now that I have started my bachelors majoring in CS and Math. It is interesting to note we have started with learning C# using six WPF controls only for the semester.
Math seems more interesting than CS atm which is strange
math is fun
So the third year lecturer then invited me to sit in on the third year lecture. They were discussing wildcards, cons and other aspects of F#
Everything here is Microsoft-based
hah, that makes sense
I've never heard of CS teaching WPF before
BTW, learn what you can of F#
Well, we have to partner up with anyone of our choice from the Department of Fine Arts
functional languages are something every programmer should understand
According to the lecturer, garbage collection came about as a result of the usage of functional programming languages
That came about due to reference transparency
that could be
Which is a consequence of immutability
In Math, we are doing logic and today I was surprised that people do not see how Math applies to programming. I thought of propositions and case analysis in the same breath. I think tonight after my date, I will meditate on logic and what I know so far about programming
I should probably teach myself all this shit.
I have a degree but I have only half an idea of what he just said.
Is there anyone that ever has an idea what MoonOwlPrince is talking about? :-)
Great, so I don't have to feel stupid for that :D
@RoelvanUden Um, translation: Moon noticed that people don't see the relation between Math and Programming. After his date, he will daydream about logic, and his knowledge on programming.
Thanks, Captain.
How did you not understand that...?
I got that bit.
And I think Roel was being facetious
@Meraj99 I have a bit of a history with him; he was a regular a while ago, haven't seen him for a while though. He's more philosophy than actual programming. Most of his comments/questions were philosophical of nature, often being degenerative, hence my earlier comment.
Um, btw: Why can't I edit the details on my mp3? Well, technically, I downloaded it from somewhere, but I should still be able to edit it.
Oh, it was read-only x.x
I feel stupid.
good morning
oxygen morning
monring steev
@Steve 14:06
hello. i'm trying to raise a COM event via C# dll so other applications can listen to that event via an event interface i read this article on MSDN msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/dd8bf0x3(v=vs.90).aspx but this only creates an Interface now how can i raise events using that interface ?
That a hell of a sleep
8:08 here
DateTime.Now here
now listen here you butter biscuit
awesome answer bruh
lol teh anwser
At least it made me laugh
Woah MOP is back!
foreach (var question in Context.Questions)

var questions = Context.Questions;
foreach (var question in questions)
Is the first any less efficient than the second?
@Squiggle mop? the forgotten C# chat room meme?
@sippy model.Questions.AddRange(Context.Questions.Select(q => Mapper.Map<QuestionXS>(q)).ToList());
I tried something similar to that to begin with but it kept whining.
Let's try that one :D
yeah it probably would. Whatever approach you want is fine.
Putting it on 1 line sounds good to me.
> LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'EH.CSRP.TillSurvey.Export.XMLModels.QuestionXS Map[QuestionXS](System.Object)' method
eventually all code will be on one line and keyboard manufacturers will stop making return keys
I hope not.
What about forms, with no 'submit'. You would need a return then.
Well that was unexpected.
A guy I went to school with just walked in and sat down.
Apparently he works on the web team.
@Sippy haha, you never noticed him before?
He's never walked in before
Guess he's a home worker
or is he new
Nobody tells me nothin
gah i want to work on stuff, but it's all front end systems and i'm not familiar with our jacked up cms
must pair
@Meraj99 forms will be outdated as well
@KendallFrey Some people still use WinXP though. :P That thing is what, 12 years old? I think that's outdated >.>
if 12 years old is outdated, the fuck am I
What, the first computer is not yet outdated, you're saying?
the first computer is older than 12 years
windows xp was the first operating system ever
and its outdated
@Steve the Matrix runs on Windows XP
@Steve pls
@SippyCup pls
@KendallFrey pls
love pls
pls love
sudo love
man love
#what is love?
sudo apt-get install love
@SebastianL resolving 912 dependencies...
Failed to fetch http.//security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/what_is_love/love.deb [not found]
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
@Squiggle #baby don't hurt me
make love
nice timing
Haddaway <3
whiplash incoming
looking through some old test data, and find this email address: dildolover_88@<removed>.com
snapshot from production
@scheien I didn't know your mom had an email address
She doesn't
For HttpContext.Current, am I able to add a item/object so that all subsequent calls to my MVC controllers can read this value
Use Session if it is per user, and cache if it is data for all users.
Note: They can be reset by applicationpool recycle.
So anything in HttpContext.Current will be reset when the application pool is recycled
Basically the first time a visitor goes to my website, I want to save a cookie on their computer with a unqiue id. Then for all subsequent requests (because I know who they are), I can read the cookie
Your application will be reset when the application pool recycles yes.
@Tommassiov As long as it doesn't matter if people change it
Cookies will survive
I could use the same cookie name eg "MyCookie"
But, if they open a new tab within the same browser I want to have a different id
You might have to persist that from page to page

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