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Can you write a T4 template to do it?
Or at least make it easier?
I dunno T4, what would that accomplish?
If it's really repetitive it can save a lot of typing.
oh. no, you have to be careful what you add
I have a bunch of messages stored as HTML that the user needs to update from time to time
each of those messages has a line of business and reason associated with them
I don't want to download the entire list of HTML chunks every single time you load the page, there should be an AJAX call on DropDownListChange events to get the relevant HTML
Makes sense.
@Jeremy welcome to consulting: where you get paid large amounts of money to deal with shitty code other consultants wrote
@Pheonixblade9 I'm just a developer... where I get paid a reasonable amount of money to deal with shitty code other developers wrote
yeah, that's a pretty simple requirement, right?
My bank just replaced all the ATMs
They're terrible
The messages are long and confusing, load times are even slower than before.
probably because the old ones were Windows XP
But hey we don't need deposit envelopes now.
You know... when the check reader is working.
I feel like I can see the bad code bleeding through.
my ATMs never needed envelopes
actually, you couldn't use them...
they automatically read the checks or cash
@Pheonixblade9 That's not consulting. Consulting is getting your company paid large amount of money where you deal with shitty shit while making a fraction of the large amount of money.
they did upgrade it recently so you can put cash and checks into the same slot at the same time, which is neat
@RyanTernier they pay me large amounts of money, too
@Pheonixblade9 For every $1 they pay you, they're making 2-3$ on that.
@RyanTernier I think that's called being an employee
I'm not a greek letter, you fool!
Clearly I need to switch banks
I give my ATM's empty envelopes and in return they let me take cash out. I win.
One time I messed up a deposit and forgot to press a zero. Sealed an empty one and made another deposit with the correction
Bank wasn't happy about that haha
I wondered how banks handle honest mistakes
Related to that functionality
@Jeremy slowly.
But at some point, someone sat down and did the math, and decided that the cost of doing the development and implementation of that feature was worth it. I wonder how they weighted those mistakes. I probably wonder this just because I'm usually somewhat bad at making these sorts of decisions.
@Jeremy How many people actually sit down and do the math before deciding to implement a feature?
@KendallFrey People, I hope! At least a back-of-the-envelope calculation!
I know "we" do!
meh, screw it
I'm writing an ASMX
Someone else feeels mah pain! MAH PAIN
@Pheonixblade9 @RyanTernier VB6 consulting next? ;)
I'm doing anti corruption training atm
@Jeremy if my boss told me I had a VB6 project next, my response would be "you know, my old boss told me he'd take me back whenever I wanted"
It's quite funny / racist. All the people in the video training that do the illegal bribery/corruption are all foreigners (speak with russian accents) hahah
that or "you know, there's some mighty large windows on the 20th floor where my office is... do you know the meaning of the word defenestration?"
@BradleyDotNET can you bind an IList to the ListView ?
I mean does ListViews DataContext accepts binding of a type IList<string>
Or ItemsSource. I always confuse these two if I don't look it up
@Mehrad Yep - ItemsSource just wants whatever you're giving it to implement IEnumerable, and anything implementing IList definitely implements IEnumerable.
@Jeremy Thanks. I misspelt the name and it just didn't work
1 hour later…
@Mehrad Jeremy has it right, you need to bind ItemsSource. Glad you are making progress!
2 hours later…
@BradleyDotNET thanks
3 hours later…
Morning all
What up?
working with a slow RDP server, so ya me
Lucky you!
hah! And you?
Working on an SPA for a customer
Oh cool. You do webdev?
Mostly web related yes
anyone here ever did a stress test on a code ?
using visual studio
@BenjaminDiele: i've done some desktop development earlier, but I like webdev a lot more.
@scheien Why? I've done loads of PHP webdev, and wanted to switch to desktop.
Mornin lads.
It's a bit meh. Mostly because I've always been forced into winforms, which sucks like hell
wpf/wp is quite different, and cool flow, but I like the "platform independence" of web dev.
@ton.yeung True that.
@scheien Well, I've only done WPF at the moment, so perhaps that's why I'm still so naive :D
i feel like in PHP room, no one's talking about visual studio here
WPF is much better than WinForms. It's actually quite sweet.
But the web will win, anyway. If you learn 1 thing, and not 2, go web.
I dislike the trend of putting everything in a website / webapp. Everything's just so much slower.
@CustomizedName Visual what?
Correct. It is slower. But the question is; does it matter?
@BenjaminDiele :|
@RoelvanUden It is quite annoying to wait for page loads every freaking time you ask for something a bit more complex. And yes, I know it's all about the implementation, but still
it leaves a bad taste
@BenjaminDiele Wait? Why would you need to wait?
I need to stress test a console app
@RoelvanUden Because the server's busy processing your request and you see the page loading for as long as your request's being processed?
visual studio 2012 ultimate and not 1 tool I could find
@ton.yeung Yeah I know. But I as a developer dislike using slow and innefficient (sp?) software
Perhaps I just give too much shits about all this.
@ton.yeung then how are you going to test third party api's ?
@BenjaminDiele SPAs are the key to solve this little annoyance. And as @ton.yeung mentions, users don't give a shit. But you want to reach users from Windows, Mac, Linux, WP, Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Tizen, WebOS, FireFox OS and others, so web is the way to go ;-)
@ton.yeung is it April fool ?
@CustomizedName Stress test a console app? What?
I am using aspose pdf, it's failing in workflow randomly for 2 instances
I created a console app
now I want to stress test it
so I can find out where its failing
or i can create 2 console apps and run side by side
@BenjaminDiele: The difference in most cases between desktop/web are negliable. As @ton.yeung pointed out users don't really care, and you would probably done the same calculation/algorithm on a desktop app as in a web app :)
@RoelvanUden Yeah I know using the web is the way to reach a large audience. But pff, I dislike the fact that all those "fancy SPA" suck so much memory and hog my browser. So that I have a beast of a computer, sucking at browsing or using an app
Which would be equally slow
or fast, strike the one that don't match
@scheien Well no, because you'd only wait for the database when using a desktop application, and a performant language (ergo: no php / javascript)
@BenjaminDiele I would only build a desktop app if I needed functionality from the desktop, e.g. performance or direct access to the file system.
@BenjaminDiele JS is plenty performant. o_o
@BenjaminDiele: Well, that really depends
and yes, choose the technique that best suit the needs/customer demands/specs.
web is not always the solution, but in many many cases, it will fit nicely
well, gtg guys. We'll rant later! :D
I actually used C# to build a local 'web service' and server to hook up a control panel with JS/HTML. Like Plex! :-D
and then you have the cases where you need your desktop app to communicate with a webservice. Then you are back to square one :) @BenjaminDiele
Can we add service references to rest api ?
No. But you can use Breeze.NET/Breeze.JS which is awesome.
let me check if i like it
I need to use it in my console app though
You should really learn to read.
@scheien Well yeah. I mean, eventually you need to go to the web for data. I get that. But that means that my browser is still response because all the caching and whatnot is in the desktop client itself.
I think it's best said that my main problem is just sloppy web apps. Slow, inefficient, and needlessly complex.
not my fault, i was looking here - breeze.net
Don't micro optimize before it's necessary.
I like responsive stuff too
and avoid sites that I feel are slow and greasy
The thing is, with the popularity of web apps, everybody and his cousing is writing one. And most of those people have no business writing code. It shows in the quality.
posted on February 17, 2015 by Scott Hanselman

One of the nice things about any modular system (like ASP.NET) is the ability to swap out the parts you don't like. As the authors of ChameleonForms state, HTML forms is a pain. It's repetitive, it's repetitive, and it's boring. While ASP.NET MVC's Form Helpers help a lot, they felt that helper methods like Html.EditorForModel didn't go far enough or give you enough flexibility. ChameleonForms

I mean shit, I need to use Sharepoint to see what issues there are. And that is slow and inefficient as hell :(
@ton.yeung I do Dynamics AX. That's like SAP :D
Hate the player, not the game
Good edit :D
yes agreed, perhaps it's just sample size. Same percentage of suckiness, just bigger absolute numbers.
How so?
I've yet to see a web application crash a client computer. That's.. ridiculous.
On the other hand, desktop applications do so... easily.
Yeah, but I've had plenty web apps crash my browser.
Browser != OS :-P
Yeah I know, but otherwise you're comparing apples to oranges. The web app can't acces your computer.
It just makes the browser a semi-OS.
^ So much that.
ChromeOS <3
Meh ChromeOS. Windows <3
(There,; I SAID IT)
I'm going to install ChromeOS on my MBP, just to make people cringe.
Anything is better than Mac :P
Q: How can I use rest sharp to call this method

Customized NameI have a rest api defined as FruitFactory.svc, <%@ ServiceHost Debug="true" Language="C#" Service="LocalFarm.WebServices.Internal.FruitFactory, LocalFarm.WebServices.Internal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=23j26b5f532c68dj" %> web config is, ...

Anyone could help me with above please ?
@CustomizedName As someone commented, add your service as a Service Reference
@Tommo1977 that didn't worked
actually you shouldn't need to, using the RestClient
it was throwing 400 and 401
using tmg in our environment, so fixing that will take ages
Then you can call something like
i update my question after he asked
               using (ServicesName.ServicesNameSoapClient oClient = new ServicesName.ServicesNameSoapClient("CmsContentServicesSoap12"))
                    oClient.YourMethods(); ...
@CustomizedName what's the reason for you using a WCF .svc?
and trying to expose it as a REST service?
Honestly, it's developed by someone else and they don't know either, why it's this way...
But my guess is, because these services are used by our iPad application they are rest and wcf
but i can be totally wrong
@Tommo1977 yes it does in the browser
not in visual studio
So the service is running
When you add Service Reference what message do you get
yes, i can consume it from another server for another application
but from there I am making a call by adding dll and then create a channel
You don't need to Add Service Reference if you're using a RestClient
Add Service Reference just generates a proxy class that helps you interact with an endpoint.
and only for WCF or SOAP services
@CustomizedName why do you need to consume this with a REST client?
@RoelvanUden: I totally agree!
Which http status code is the best match for failed authentications? Bad request?
401 Unauthorized is meant for non-authorized requests OR failed authentication
the body of the response can describe what/why.
Seems fair
Also contrary to the belief of microsoft, [Authorize] should return 403, not 401.
Forbidden would be if you are not authorized
you are authenticated, but not authorized to view the resource
Added a dll reference to visual studio 2012 - LocalFarm.WebServices.Internal

now when I add this,

using abc = LocalFarm.WebServices.Internal;

I get this error,

Error 1 The type or namespace name 'LocalFarm' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) D:\BackUp\CL\Program.cs 2 13 CL
@Sippy it's been interpreted as "your credentials don't authorize you to view this, so how about you provide some that do". However, that's stupid. They did just get it wrong, IMHO
They could mean the same, based on how you see it
Both indicate that you cannot view the resource anyway
To different ends.
401 means "I don't know who you are, fuck off." whereas 403 means "I know who you are, fuck off."
But 401 causes the browser to prompt for a login. On every single request. No no no no no. Wrong.
@TomW I decided to use a Windows service cos
My SQL is not strong
If it was important they wouldn't have a grad doing it :D
@Sippy Nicely put ;)
@Sippy how are you transforming the query result into xml?
Gonna try and use method based LINQ to do something akin to that
Gotta find a way to do it that doesn't look stooopid though
I don't think you're saving yourself any effort or trouble there tbh
Apparently saving the XML file out of SQL Server is a bit of an arduous task?
is a command prompt in T-SQL
It's an automated task though
So wat is powershell
I don't have time to learn a lot of stuff :P
Cos they want it done soon
Learning new technologies with a pressing deadline seems dumb.
Then again, if you always have pressing deadlines, make better estimates.
Get more time to learn.
@RoelvanUden I don't think most developers are able to decide upon that. A lot of companies say, "get it done by that date"
I get told what my estimates are, I don't make em :)
In a perfect world and whatnot
Well actually, developers get told: "We sold it to the client and he wants to use it by then. Make it work"
That is a bit typical for bad companies IMHO
How on earth is your manager/sales going to make a correct estimate?
They don't have the knowledge.
I couldn't have predicted this myself anyway
I knew nothing about parsing data in XML when they made the estimate*
Most companies don't really care about developers though. Developers are mostly seen as a cost-center, and slow workers in general.
That's why I don't want to work at most companies ;-)
Besides, serving XML from a SQL sproc is just... bad
@RoelvanUden How would you do it?
@RoelvanUden pah, the feature's there to be used
Meh.. it can work, sure. You can build and serve HTML from SQL too... :P
I'd pull the data to an application and make XML there. :)
hello guys, can someone tell me how can i rewrite this for target 4.0 framework?
public event EventHandler<Point> CellMouseClicked;

protected virtual void OnCellMouseClicked(Point cellCoord)
  var handler = CellMouseClicked;
  if (handler != null) handler(this, cellCoord);
But yeah, it should work.
I was planning on using EF to pull data down to a Windows service and build it using XDocument and XElement and shit
Cos my SQL is bad
They want it automated to run every day so
Service seemed like a good idea
too much stuff! Too many moving parts! Brittle, complicated, slow
I'm also not averse to doing it in SQL but I don't know what I'm doing in that world.
You got any tuts or resources for your idea Tom?
I linked to msdn yesterday didn't I?
I want to run two lines of code at same time
You can just serialize it if you pull in a POCO
should i use tasks new ?
Console.WriteLine won't ever run in parallel.
@TomW Okay.
You can't write in parallel to a stream so..
but I need to
Not possible
You can't. Deal with it.
please :-(
You can't change the way your computer works with a "please". That'd be nice.
design in blend is so smooth.
Hm. What happens with Stream.WriteAsync?
@Marek can i design it in blend and use it ?
@CustomizedName what
@TomW It writes and registers a callback with IO completion ports, which calls back and continues when done. You still can't write from 2 threads to the same stream (in parallel)
Yeah. That wouldn't make any sense. Truly parallel writes would be what, interleaving bytes? In random order?
@Marek Parallel tasks in c# for writing to console
No amount of pleasantry is gonna fix it xD
@TomW Exactly. :-)
I made it worked....
It's not parallel, but okay. Good for you.
NaNaNaaaa Naaa :P
^ Uhm... am I the only one annoyed that this guy has no clue whatsoever?
In MVC Application_Start(), am I able to get request.form post values
From what request? The app is starting; there is no request yet.
@RoelvanUden I just realised that after I typed it. What I want, is when the user first visits the Home page, I want to get some data from a database and cache it for subsequent requests
Does that look okay?
Whack the BCP shit in a scheduled task
Or would you still suggest using an application to do it Roel?
@Tommo1977 Scratch that. Just persist it in your home controller index action
@RoelvanUden How
@Sippy That'll work. Use it if that's what you prefer.
@Tommo1977 ?
I don't know what I prefer, just trying to get my head around the least shit way of doing it lol
You said 'persist it in your home controller index action'. But I need to be able to get this data from all other controllers
Put it into a static helper or something like that.
But note that a visitor doesnt have to hit home
So you might not prime the cache
I'd rather give them a user account to my database which has read-only access to the tables that need exporting xD
Then they can sort it out :P
can someone help me with my issue?
What issue?
how can i rewrite this for target 4.0 framework?
public event EventHandler<Point> CellMouseClicked;

protected virtual void OnCellMouseClicked(Point cellCoord)
var handler = CellMouseClicked;
if (handler != null) handler(this, cellCoord);
@scheien ?
@RoelvanUden Basically on aaa.com I have a form, that posts to root/home controller of bbb.com. On bbb.com this is a MVC application, and I want to get the form post hidden value from aaa.com. Once I get this value, I want to use it for all the other pages on the bbb.com whilst the user navigates around the site
What about using System.Web.Caching.Cache
@KraziiKiiD: Is it something about that code that don't work as expected?
is working on 4.5 but i want to rewrite it for 4.0
morning guys :D
@scheien because in 4.5 there's no such thing as:
public event EventHandler<Point> CellMouseClicked;
< >
but the event needs to be like a point type
Stackoverflow has been hacked
This site is currently in hack-only mode; we’ll return with full functionality soon.
@KraziiKiiD: Switch framework version on MSDN, then you'll get different examples.
@scheien ok i didn't know that, thanks
and i have another question
this one im stucked a bit
i want to move in a timer two ellipses
like this
@CustomizedName Wtf are you on about ...
firstly i wrote a method which "rotate" an ellipse around another ones by an angle
@scheien i want to create a method to redraw the ellipses in the timer
and the result to be like this image
@KraziiKiiD: What have you tried so far? That question is probably better suited as a full question on stackoverflow.
@scheien i tried like this
 private static Point RotatePoint(Point pointToRotate, Point centerPoint, double angle)
            double angleInRadians = angle * (Math.PI / 180);
            double cosResult = Math.Cos(angleInRadians);
            double sinResult = Math.Sin(angleInRadians);
            return new Point
                X = (int)(cosResult * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X) -
                    sinResult * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y) + centerPoint.X),

                Y = (int)(sinResult * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X) +
but i want to "rotate" them both in the same time like in the picture..
@KraziiKiiD Then don't rotate them around each other, rotate them around the middle
yes but i don't know how to rewrite the function
the upper one should increase the x and decrease y
while the other reverse
why would you have to rewrite the function?
and both stop at 90 digree
I think the really important question is, why aren't you getting WPF to do the rotation for you?

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